diff options
authorDamien Doligez <>2004-01-16 15:24:03 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2004-01-16 15:24:03 +0000
commit776a8d59b77947bddc5203ad323697e26725f264 (patch)
parent111747916aa51bcc4fe14dec1730bf17ac4933e2 (diff)
suppression support MacOS9
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
15 files changed, 39 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 831ddeec61..aa8e4e759c 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -264,11 +264,6 @@ let make_absolute file =
(* Create a bytecode executable file *)
let link_bytecode tolink exec_name standalone =
- if Sys.os_type = "MacOS" then begin
- (* Create it as a text file for bytecode scripts *)
- let c = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat] 0o777 exec_name in
- close_out c
- end;
let outchan = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_trunc; Open_creat; Open_binary]
0o777 exec_name in
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index eea7cc01f4..aa79a173b0 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ let ld_library_path_contents () =
match Sys.os_type with
| "Unix" | "Cygwin" -> ':'
| "Win32" -> ';'
- | "MacOS" -> ','
| _ -> assert false in
split (Sys.getenv "CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH") path_separator
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 7bbbf05666..eb84cddbb6 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -40,11 +40,8 @@ let process_file ppf name =
dllibs := name :: !dllibs
else if Filename.check_suffix name ".c" then begin
Compile.c_file name;
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "MacOS" -> ccobjs := (name ^ ".o") :: (name ^ ".x") :: !ccobjs
- | _ ->
- ccobjs := (Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename name) ".c" ^ ext_obj)
- :: !ccobjs
+ ccobjs := (Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename name) ".c" ^ ext_obj)
+ :: !ccobjs
raise(Arg.Bad("don't know what to do with " ^ name))
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll b/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
index ba4c0c8f31..337c1a325b 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
@@ -205,25 +205,12 @@ let get_stored_string () =
(** To translate escape sequences *)
-let char_for_backslash =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" | "Win32" | "Cygwin" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\010'
- | 'r' -> '\013'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | "MacOS" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\013'
- | 'r' -> '\010'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | x -> fatal_error "Lexer: unknown system type"
+let char_for_backslash = function
+ | 'n' -> '\010'
+ | 'r' -> '\013'
+ | 'b' -> '\008'
+ | 't' -> '\009'
+ | c -> c
let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
let c = 100 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) - 48) +
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.mll b/parsing/lexer.mll
index 080def85f0..809a37e7b8 100644
--- a/parsing/lexer.mll
+++ b/parsing/lexer.mll
@@ -125,25 +125,12 @@ let in_comment () = !comment_start_loc <> [];;
(* To translate escape sequences *)
-let char_for_backslash =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" | "Win32" | "Cygwin" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\010'
- | 'r' -> '\013'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | "MacOS" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\013'
- | 'r' -> '\010'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | x -> fatal_error "Lexer: unknown system type"
+let char_for_backslash = function
+ | 'n' -> '\010'
+ | 'r' -> '\013'
+ | 'b' -> '\008'
+ | 't' -> '\009'
+ | c -> c
let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
let c = 100 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) - 48) +
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 806754d779..acbc7b5ff9 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -189,9 +189,7 @@ let reset () =
num_loc_lines := 0
let (msg_file, msg_line, msg_chars, msg_to, msg_colon, msg_head) =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "MacOS" -> ("File \"", "\"; line ", "; characters ", " to ", "", "### ")
- | _ -> ("File \"", "\", line ", ", characters ", "-", ":", "")
+ ("File \"", "\", line ", ", characters ", "-", ":", "")
(* return file, line, char from the given position *)
let get_pos_info pos =
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 15f65e0ddb..82dce717bd 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -151,35 +151,6 @@ module Cygwin = struct
let quote = Unix.quote
-module MacOS = struct
- let current_dir_name = "."
- let parent_dir_name = ".."
- let concat dirname filename =
- let l = String.length dirname in
- if l = 0 || dirname.[l-1] = ':'
- then dirname ^ filename
- else dirname ^ ":" ^ filename
- let contains_colon n = String.contains n ':'
- let is_relative n =
- (String.length n >= 1 && n.[0] = ':')
- || not (contains_colon n)
- let is_implicit n = not (contains_colon n)
- let check_suffix = Unix.check_suffix
- let basename name =
- try
- let p = String.rindex name ':' + 1 in
- String.sub name p (String.length name - p)
- with Not_found -> name
- let dirname name =
- try match String.rindex name ':' with
- | 0 -> ":"
- | n -> String.sub name 0 n
- with Not_found -> ":"
- let temporary_directory =
- try Sys.getenv "TempFolder" with Not_found -> ":"
- let quote = generic_quote "'\182''"
let (current_dir_name, parent_dir_name, concat, is_relative, is_implicit,
check_suffix, basename, dirname, temporary_directory, quote) =
match Sys.os_type with
@@ -196,10 +167,6 @@ let (current_dir_name, parent_dir_name, concat, is_relative, is_implicit,
Cygwin.is_relative, Cygwin.is_implicit, Cygwin.check_suffix,
Cygwin.basename, Cygwin.dirname,
Cygwin.temporary_directory, Cygwin.quote)
- | "MacOS" ->
- (MacOS.current_dir_name, MacOS.parent_dir_name, MacOS.concat,
- MacOS.is_relative, MacOS.is_implicit, MacOS.check_suffix,
- MacOS.basename, MacOS.dirname, MacOS.temporary_directory, MacOS.quote)
| _ -> assert false
let chop_suffix name suff =
diff --git a/stdlib/filename.mli b/stdlib/filename.mli
index e3b2b7c7f8..2d0d34396d 100644
--- a/stdlib/filename.mli
+++ b/stdlib/filename.mli
@@ -76,10 +76,7 @@ val temp_file : string -> string -> string
Under Unix, the temporary directory is [/tmp] by default; if set,
the value of the environment variable [TMPDIR] is used instead.
Under Windows, the name of the temporary directory is the
- value of the environment variable [TEMP], or [C:\temp] by default.
- Under MacOS 9, the name of the temporary directory is given
- by the environment variable [TempFolder]; if not set,
- temporary files are created in the current directory. *)
+ value of the environment variable [TEMP], or [C:\temp] by default. *)
val open_temp_file :
?mode: open_flag list -> string -> string -> string * out_channel
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index a724069225..cbc9d3a685 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -15,13 +15,7 @@
open Printf;;
-let locfmt =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "MacOS" ->
- format_of_string "File \"%s\"; line %d; characters %d to %d ### %s"
- | _ ->
- format_of_string "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d: %s"
+let locfmt = format_of_string "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d: %s";;
let field x i =
let f = Obj.field x i in
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 5a49783570..2c8a2ac1cb 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -471,27 +471,14 @@ let scan_string stp max ib =
let scan_char max ib =
Scanning.store_char ib (Scanning.checked_peek_char ib) max;;
-let char_for_backslash =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" | "Win32" | "Cygwin" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\010'
- | 'r' -> '\013'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | "MacOS" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\013'
- | 'r' -> '\010'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | x -> assert false;;
-(* The integervalue correspondingt to the facial value of a valid
+let char_for_backslash = function
+ | 'n' -> '\010'
+ | 'r' -> '\013'
+ | 'b' -> '\008'
+ | 't' -> '\009'
+ | c -> c
+(* The integer value corresponding to the facial value of a valid
decimal digit character. *)
let int_value_of_char c = int_of_char c - 48;;
diff --git a/stdlib/sys.mli b/stdlib/sys.mli
index 1dd4fc038c..28cb6de0e3 100644
--- a/stdlib/sys.mli
+++ b/stdlib/sys.mli
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ val os_type : string
(** Operating system currently executing the Caml program. One of
- ["Unix"] (for all Unix versions, including Linux and Mac OS X),
- ["Win32"] (for MS-Windows, OCaml compiled with MSVC++ or Mingw),
-- ["Cygwin"] (for MS-Windows, OCaml compiled with Cygwin),
-- ["MacOS"] (for MacOS 9). *)
+- ["Cygwin"] (for MS-Windows, OCaml compiled with Cygwin). *)
val word_size : int
(** Size of one word on the machine currently executing the Caml
diff --git a/tools/lexer299.mll b/tools/lexer299.mll
index afdabbd6aa..5b611427ae 100644
--- a/tools/lexer299.mll
+++ b/tools/lexer299.mll
@@ -219,25 +219,12 @@ let get_stored_string () =
(* To translate escape sequences *)
-let char_for_backslash =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" | "Win32" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\010'
- | 'r' -> '\013'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | "MacOS" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\013'
- | 'r' -> '\010'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | x -> fatal_error "Lexer: unknown system type"
+let char_for_backslash = function
+ | 'n' -> '\010'
+ | 'r' -> '\013'
+ | 'b' -> '\008'
+ | 't' -> '\009'
+ | c -> c
let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
let c = 100 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) - 48) +
diff --git a/tools/lexer301.mll b/tools/lexer301.mll
index 33beb041fa..38de299de0 100644
--- a/tools/lexer301.mll
+++ b/tools/lexer301.mll
@@ -223,25 +223,12 @@ let get_stored_string () =
(* To translate escape sequences *)
-let char_for_backslash =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" | "Win32" | "Cygwin" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\010'
- | 'r' -> '\013'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | "MacOS" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\013'
- | 'r' -> '\010'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | x -> fatal_error "Lexer: unknown system type"
+let char_for_backslash = function
+ | 'n' -> '\010'
+ | 'r' -> '\013'
+ | 'b' -> '\008'
+ | 't' -> '\009'
+ | c -> c
let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
let c = 100 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) - 48) +
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index c791923302..f0084732dd 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -73,11 +73,7 @@ let find_dependency modname (byt_deps, opt_deps) =
with Not_found ->
(byt_deps, opt_deps)
-let (depends_on, escaped_eol) =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" | "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> (": ", "\\\n ")
- | "MacOS" -> ("\196 ", "\182\n ")
- | _ -> assert false
+let (depends_on, escaped_eol) = (": ", "\\\n ")
let print_dependencies target_file deps =
match deps with
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 1b52d1bc64..5debb41243 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -47,11 +47,6 @@ let main () =
Bytesections.read_toc ic;
let toc = Bytesections.toc() in
let pos_first_section = Bytesections.pos_first_section ic in
- if Sys.os_type = "MacOS" then begin
- (* Create output as a text file for bytecode scripts *)
- let c = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat] 0o777 output_name in
- close_out c
- end;
let oc =
open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_binary] 0o777
output_name in