diff options
authorXavier Clerc <>2010-01-28 15:43:03 +0000
committerXavier Clerc <>2010-01-28 15:43:03 +0000
commit45b70408a74289a102efc06d02da78362c705331 (patch)
parentb5fbdc43c2da5e7086def2d40c874fdc75014627 (diff)
Tests moved to 'lib-threads'
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 685 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/.cvsignore b/otherlibs/threads/Tests/.cvsignore
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--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/.cvsignore
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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-# #
-# Objective Caml #
-# #
-# Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt #
-# #
-# Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et #
-# en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed #
-# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with #
-# the special exception on linking described in file ../../../LICENSE.#
-# #
-# $Id$
-PROGS=test1.byt test2.byt test3.byt test4.byt test5.byt test6.byt \
- test7.byt test8.byt test9.byt testA.byt sieve.byt \
- testio.byt testsocket.byt testwait.byt testsignal.byt testsignal2.byt \
- testsieve.byt token1.byt token2.byt testfork.byt
-CAMLC=../../../boot/ocamlrun ../../../ocamlc -I .. -I ../../../stdlib -I ../../unix
-include ../../../config/Makefile
-all: $(PROGS)
- rm -f *.cm* *.byt
- $(CAMLC) -o sorts.byt -I ../../graph threads.cma graphics.cma $(LIBS) $(X11_LINK)
-.SUFFIXES: .ml .byt
- $(CAMLC) -custom -o $*.byt unix.cma threads.cma $*.ml $(LIBS)
-$(PROGS): ../threads.cma ../libvmthreads.a
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index 21ebb44a6a..0000000000
--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
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-let main () =
- let (rd, wr) = Unix.pipe() in
- Thread.create
- (fun () ->
- Thread.delay 3.0;
- prerr_endline "closing fd...";
- Unix.close rd)
- ();
- let buf = String.create 10 in
- prerr_endline "reading...";
- rd buf 0 10;
- prerr_endline "read returned"
-let _ = Unix.handle_unix_error main ()
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-open Printf
-open Thread
-let rec integers n ch =
- Event.sync (Event.send ch n);
- integers (n+1) ch
-let rec sieve n chin chout =
- let m = Event.sync (Event.receive chin)
- in if m mod n = 0
- then sieve n chin chout
- else Event.sync (Event.send chout m);
- sieve n chin chout
-let rec print_primes ch max =
- let n = Event.sync (Event.receive ch)
- in if n > max
- then ()
- else begin
- printf "%d\n" n; flush stdout;
- let ch_after_n = Event.new_channel ()
- in Thread.create (sieve n ch) ch_after_n;
- print_primes ch_after_n max
- end
-let go max =
- let ch = Event.new_channel ()
- in Thread.create (integers 2) ch;
- print_primes ch max;;
-let _ = go 1000
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-(* Classic producer-consumer *)
-type 'a prodcons =
- { buffer: 'a array;
- lock: Mutex.t;
- mutable readpos: int;
- mutable writepos: int;
- notempty: Condition.t;
- notfull: Condition.t }
-let create size init =
- { buffer = Array.create size init;
- lock = Mutex.create();
- readpos = 0;
- writepos = 0;
- notempty = Condition.create();
- notfull = Condition.create() }
-let put p data =
- Mutex.lock p.lock;
- while (p.writepos + 1) mod Array.length p.buffer = p.readpos do
- Condition.wait p.notfull p.lock
- done;
- p.buffer.(p.writepos) <- data;
- p.writepos <- (p.writepos + 1) mod Array.length p.buffer;
- Condition.signal p.notempty;
- Mutex.unlock p.lock
-let get p =
- Mutex.lock p.lock;
- while p.writepos = p.readpos do
- Condition.wait p.notempty p.lock
- done;
- let data = p.buffer.(p.readpos) in
- p.readpos <- (p.readpos + 1) mod Array.length p.buffer;
- Condition.signal p.notfull;
- Mutex.unlock p.lock;
- data
-(* Test *)
-let buff = create 20 0
-let rec produce n =
- print_int n; print_string "-->"; print_newline();
- put buff n;
- if n < 10000 then produce (n+1)
-let rec consume () =
- let n = get buff in
- print_string "-->"; print_int n; print_newline();
- if n < 10000 then consume ()
-let t1 = Thread.create produce 0
-let _ = consume ()
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-let yield = ref false
-let print_message c =
- for i = 1 to 10000 do
- print_char c; flush stdout;
- if !yield then Thread.yield()
- done
-let _ = yield := (Array.length Sys.argv > 1)
-let t1 = Thread.create print_message 'a'
-let t2 = Thread.create print_message 'b'
-let _ = Thread.join t1
-let _ = Thread.join t2
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-let print_message delay c =
- while true do
- print_char c; flush stdout; Thread.delay delay
- done
-let _ =
- Thread.create (print_message 0.6666666666) 'a';
- print_message 1.0 'b'
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-let rec fib n = if n <= 2 then 1 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
-let fibtask n =
- while true do
- print_int(fib n); print_newline()
- done
-let _ =
- Thread.create fibtask 28;
- while true do
- let l = read_line () in
- print_string ">> "; print_string l; print_newline()
- done
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index 3534d03b7b..0000000000
--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
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-open Event
-let ch = (new_channel() : string channel)
-let rec sender msg =
- sync (send ch msg);
- sender msg
-let rec receiver name =
- print_string (name ^ ": " ^ sync (receive ch) ^ "\n");
- flush stdout;
- receiver name
-let _ =
- Thread.create sender "hello";
- Thread.create sender "world";
- Thread.create receiver "A";
- receiver "B";
- exit 0
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index 9573a66108..0000000000
--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
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-open Event
-let ch = (new_channel() : string channel)
-let rec f tag msg =
- select [
- send ch msg;
- wrap (receive ch) (fun x -> print_string(tag ^ ": " ^ x); print_newline())
- ];
- f tag msg
-let _ =
- Thread.create (f "A") "hello";
- f "B" "world";
- exit 0
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index 0ac3474287..0000000000
--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
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-open Event
-let add_ch = new_channel()
-let sub_ch = new_channel()
-let read_ch = new_channel()
-let rec accu n =
- select [
- wrap (receive add_ch) (fun x -> accu (n+x));
- wrap (receive sub_ch) (fun x -> accu (n-x));
- wrap (send read_ch n) (fun () -> accu n)
- ]
-let rec sender chan value =
- sync(send chan value); sender chan value
-let read () =
- print_int(sync(receive read_ch)); print_newline()
-let main () =
- Thread.create accu 0;
- Thread.create (sender add_ch) 1;
- Thread.create (sender sub_ch) 1;
- while true do read() done
-let _ = Printexc.catch main ()
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index 897fd09eee..0000000000
--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
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-open Event
-type 'a buffer_channel = { input: 'a channel; output: 'a channel }
-let new_buffer_channel() =
- let ic = new_channel() in
- let oc = new_channel() in
- let buff = Queue.create() in
- let rec buffer_process front rear =
- match (front, rear) with
- ([], []) -> buffer_process [sync(receive ic)] []
- | (hd::tl, _) ->
- select [
- wrap (receive ic) (fun x -> buffer_process front (x::rear));
- wrap (send oc hd) (fun () -> buffer_process tl rear)
- ]
- | ([], _) -> buffer_process (List.rev rear) [] in
- Thread.create (buffer_process []) [];
- { input = ic; output = oc }
-let buffer_send bc data =
- sync(send bc.input data)
-let buffer_receive bc =
- receive bc.output
-(* Test *)
-let box = new_buffer_channel()
-let ch = new_channel()
-let f () =
- buffer_send box "un";
- buffer_send box "deux";
- sync (send ch 3)
-let g () =
- print_int (sync(receive ch)); print_newline();
- print_string (sync(buffer_receive box)); print_newline();
- print_string (sync(buffer_receive box)); print_newline()
-let _ =
- Thread.create f ();
- g()
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index 1f80beb8f8..0000000000
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-open Event
-type 'a swap_chan = ('a * 'a channel) channel
-let swap msg_out ch =
- guard (fun () ->
- let ic = new_channel() in
- choose [
- wrap (receive ch) (fun (msg_in, oc) -> sync (send oc msg_out); msg_in);
- wrap (send ch (msg_out, ic)) (fun () -> sync (receive ic))
- ])
-let ch = new_channel()
-let f () =
- let res = sync (swap "F" ch) in
- print_string "f "; print_string res; print_newline()
-let g () =
- let res = sync (swap "G" ch) in
- print_string "g "; print_string res; print_newline()
-let _ =
- let id = Thread.create f () in
- g ();
- Thread.join id
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index 26e73ebf71..0000000000
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-let private_data = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (Thread.t, string) Hashtbl.t)
-let private_data_lock = Mutex.create()
-let set_private_data data =
- Mutex.lock private_data_lock;
- Hashtbl.add private_data (Thread.self()) data;
- Mutex.unlock private_data_lock
-let get_private_data () =
- Hashtbl.find private_data (Thread.self())
-let process id data =
- set_private_data data;
- print_int id; print_string " --> "; print_string(get_private_data());
- print_newline()
-let _ =
- let t1 = Thread.create (process 1) "un" in
- let t2 = Thread.create (process 2) "deux" in
- let t3 = Thread.create (process 3) "trois" in
- let t4 = Thread.create (process 4) "quatre" in
- let t5 = Thread.create (process 5) "cinq" in
- List.iter Thread.join [t1;t2;t3;t4;t5]
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-(* Test Thread.exit *)
-let somethread (name, limit, last) =
- let counter = ref 0 in
- while true do
- incr counter;
- if !counter >= limit then begin
- print_string (name ^ " exiting\n");
- flush stdout;
- if last then exit 0 else Thread.exit()
- end;
- print_string (name ^ ": " ^ string_of_int !counter ^ "\n");
- flush stdout;
- Thread.delay 0.5
- done
-let _ =
- let _ = Thread.create somethread ("A", 5, false) in
- let _ = Thread.create somethread ("B", 8, false) in
- let _ = Thread.create somethread ("C", 11, true) in
- somethread ("Main", 3, false)
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--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
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-(* Test a file copy function *)
-let test msg producer consumer src dst =
- print_string msg; print_newline();
- let ic = open_in_bin src in
- let oc = open_out_bin dst in
- let (in_fd, out_fd) = Unix.pipe() in
- let ipipe = Unix.in_channel_of_descr in_fd in
- let opipe = Unix.out_channel_of_descr out_fd in
- let prod = Thread.create producer (ic, opipe) in
- let cons = Thread.create consumer (ipipe, oc) in
- Thread.join prod;
- Thread.join cons;
- if Unix.system ("cmp " ^ src ^ " " ^ dst) = Unix.WEXITED 0
- then print_string "passed"
- else print_string "FAILED";
- print_newline()
-(* File copy with constant-sized chunks *)
-let copy_file sz (ic, oc) =
- let buffer = String.create sz in
- let rec copy () =
- let n = input ic buffer 0 sz in
- if n = 0 then () else begin
- output oc buffer 0 n;
- copy ()
- end in
- copy();
- close_in ic;
- close_out oc
-(* File copy with random-sized chunks *)
-let copy_random sz (ic, oc) =
- let buffer = String.create sz in
- let rec copy () =
- let s = 1 + sz in
- let n = input ic buffer 0 s in
- if n = 0 then () else begin
- output oc buffer 0 n;
- copy ()
- end in
- copy();
- close_in ic;
- close_out oc
-(* File copy line per line *)
-let copy_line (ic, oc) =
- try
- while true do
- output_string oc (input_line ic); output_char oc '\n'
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- close_in ic;
- close_out oc
-(* Create long lines of text *)
-let make_lines ofile =
- let oc = open_out ofile in
- for i = 1 to 256 do
- output_string oc (String.make (i*16) '.'); output_char oc '\n'
- done;
- close_out oc
-(* Test input_line on truncated lines *)
-let test_trunc_line ofile =
- print_string "truncated line"; print_newline();
- let oc = open_out ofile in
- output_string oc "A line without newline!";
- close_out oc;
- try
- let ic = open_in ofile in
- let s = input_line ic in
- close_in ic;
- if s = "A line without newline!"
- then print_string "passed"
- else print_string "FAILED";
- print_newline()
- with End_of_file ->
- print_string "FAILED"; print_newline()
-(* The test *)
-let main() =
- let ifile = Sys.argv.(1) in
- let ofile = Filename.temp_file "testio" "" in
- test "256-byte chunks, 256-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 256) (copy_file 256) ifile ofile;
- test "4096-byte chunks, 4096-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 4096) (copy_file 4096) ifile ofile;
- test "65536-byte chunks, 65536-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 65536) (copy_file 65536) ifile ofile;
- test "256-byte chunks, 4096-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 256) (copy_file 4096) ifile ofile;
- test "4096-byte chunks, 256-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 4096) (copy_file 256) ifile ofile;
- test "4096-byte chunks, 65536-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 4096) (copy_file 65536) ifile ofile;
- test "263-byte chunks, 4011-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 263) (copy_file 4011) ifile ofile;
- test "613-byte chunks, 1027-byte chunks"
- (copy_file 613) (copy_file 1027) ifile ofile;
- test "0...8192 byte chunks"
- (copy_random 8192) (copy_random 8192) ifile ofile;
- test "line per line, short lines"
- copy_line copy_line "/etc/hosts" ofile;
- let linesfile = Filename.temp_file "lines" "" in
- make_lines linesfile;
- test "line per line, short and long lines"
- copy_line copy_line linesfile ofile;
- test_trunc_line ofile;
- Sys.remove linesfile;
- Sys.remove ofile;
- exit 0
-let _ = Unix.handle_unix_error main (); exit 0
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-let sieve primes=
- Event.sync (Event.send primes 0);
- Event.sync (Event.send primes 1);
- Event.sync (Event.send primes 2);
- let integers = Event.new_channel () in
- let rec enumerate n=
- Event.sync (Event.send integers n);
- enumerate (n + 2)
- and filter inpout =
- let n = Event.sync (Event.receive inpout)
- (* On prepare le terrain pour l'appel recursif *)
- and output = Event.new_channel () in
- (* Celui qui etait en tete du crible est premier *)
- Event.sync (Event.send primes n);
- Thread.create filter output;
- (* On elimine de la sortie ceux qui sont des multiples de n *)
- while true do
- let m = Event.sync (Event.receive inpout) in
- (* print_int n; print_string ": "; print_int m; print_newline(); *)
- if (m mod n) = 0
- then ()
- else ((Event.sync (Event.send output m));())
- done in
- Thread.create filter integers;
- Thread.create enumerate 3
-let premiers = Event.new_channel ()
-let main _ =
- Thread.create sieve premiers;
- while true do
- for i = 1 to 100 do
- let n = Event.sync (Event.receive premiers) in
- print_int n; print_newline()
- done;
- exit 0
- done
-let _ =
- try main ()
- with _ -> exit 0;;
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-let sighandler _ =
- print_string "Got ctrl-C, exiting..."; print_newline();
- exit 0
-let print_message delay c =
- while true do
- print_char c; flush stdout; Thread.delay delay
- done
-let _ =
- Sys.signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle sighandler);
- Thread.create (print_message 0.6666666666) 'a';
- print_message 1.0 'b'
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-let print_message delay c =
- while true do
- print_char c; flush stdout; Thread.delay delay
- done
-let _ =
- Thread.sigmask Unix.SIG_BLOCK [Sys.sigint; Sys.sigterm];
- let th1 = Thread.create (print_message 0.6666666666) 'a' in
- let th2 = Thread.create (print_message 1.0) 'b' in
- let s = Thread.wait_signal [Sys.sigint; Sys.sigterm] in
- Printf.printf "Got signal %d, exiting...\n" s
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-open Unix
-let engine number address =
- print_int number; print_string "> connecting"; print_newline();
- let (ic, oc) = open_connection (ADDR_INET(address, 80)) in
- print_int number; print_string "> connected"; print_newline();
- output_string oc "GET / HTTP1.0\r\n\r\n"; flush oc;
- try
- while true do
- let s = input_line ic in
- print_int number; print_string ">"; print_string s; print_newline()
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- close_out oc
-let main() =
- let addresses = Array.create (Array.length Sys.argv - 1) inet_addr_any in
- for i = 1 to Array.length Sys.argv - 1 do
- addresses.(i - 1) <- (gethostbyname Sys.argv.(i)).h_addr_list.(0)
- done;
- let processes = Array.create (Array.length addresses) (Thread.self()) in
- for i = 0 to Array.length addresses - 1 do
- processes.(i) <- Thread.create (engine i) addresses.(i)
- done;
- for i = 0 to Array.length processes - 1 do
- Thread.join processes.(i)
- done
-let _ = Printexc.catch main (); exit 0
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-(* Performance test for mutexes and conditions *)
-let mut = Mutex.create()
-let niter = ref 0
-let token = ref 0
-let process (n, conds, nprocs) =
- while true do
- Mutex.lock mut;
- while !token <> n do
- (* Printf.printf "Thread %d waiting (token = %d)\n" n !token; *)
- Condition.wait conds.(n) mut
- done;
- (* Printf.printf "Thread %d got token %d\n" n !token; *)
- incr token;
- if !token >= nprocs then token := 0;
- if n = 0 then begin
- decr niter;
- if !niter <= 0 then exit 0
- end;
- Condition.signal conds.(!token);
- Mutex.unlock mut
- done
-let main() =
- let nprocs = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
- let iter = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in
- let conds = Array.create nprocs (Condition.create()) in
- for i = 1 to nprocs - 1 do conds.(i) <- Condition.create() done;
- niter := iter;
- for i = 0 to nprocs - 1 do Thread.create process (i, conds, nprocs) done;
- Thread.delay 3600.
-let _ = main()
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-(* Performance test for I/O scheduling *)
-let mut = Mutex.create()
-let niter = ref 0
-let token = ref 0
-let process (n, ins, outs, nprocs) =
- let buf = String.create 1 in
- while true do
- ins.(n) buf 0 1;
- (* Printf.printf "Thread %d got the token\n" n; *)
- if n = 0 then begin
- decr niter;
- if !niter <= 0 then exit 0
- end;
- let next = if n + 1 >= nprocs then 0 else n + 1 in
- (* Printf.printf "Thread %d sending token to thread %d\n" n next; *)
- Unix.write outs.(next) buf 0 1
- done
-let main() =
- let nprocs = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
- let iter = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in
- let ins = Array.create nprocs Unix.stdin in
- let outs = Array.create nprocs Unix.stdout in
- for n = 0 to nprocs - 1 do
- let (i, o) = Unix.pipe() in ins.(n) <- i; outs.(n) <- o
- done;
- niter := iter;
- for i = 0 to nprocs - 1 do Thread.create process (i, ins, outs, nprocs) done;
- Unix.write outs.(0) "X" 0 1;
- Thread.delay 3600.
-let _ = main()
diff --git a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/ b/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc5783334..0000000000
--- a/otherlibs/threads/Tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-(* Torture test - lots of GC *)
-let gc_thread () =
- while true do
-(* print_string "gc"; print_newline(); *)
- Gc.minor();
- Thread.yield()
- done
-let stdin_thread () =
- while true do
- print_string "> "; flush stdout;
- let s = read_line() in
- print_string ">>> "; print_string s; print_newline()
- done
-let writer_thread (oc, size) =
- while true do
-(* print_string "writer "; print_int size; print_newline(); *)
- let buff = String.make size 'a' in
- Unix.write oc buff 0 size
- done
-let reader_thread (ic, size) =
- while true do
-(* print_string "reader "; print_int size; print_newline(); *)
- let buff = String.create size in
- let n = ic buff 0 size in
-(* print_string "reader "; print_int n; print_newline(); *)
- for i = 0 to n-1 do
- if buff.[i] <> 'a' then prerr_endline "error in reader_thread"
- done
- done
-let main() =
- Thread.create gc_thread ();
- let (out1, in1) = Unix.pipe() in
- Thread.create writer_thread (in1, 4096);
- Thread.create reader_thread (out1, 4096);
- let (out2, in2) = Unix.pipe() in
- Thread.create writer_thread (in2, 16);
- Thread.create reader_thread (out2, 16);
- stdin_thread()
-let _ = main()