path: root/asmcomp/
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authorLuc Maranget <>2000-08-11 19:50:59 +0000
committerLuc Maranget <>2000-08-11 19:50:59 +0000
commitd043fecf185164dcb2114e3617345624caeb28c8 (patch)
tree6603bc4a816c58efa6b3b9d831a8e0e19190da3c /asmcomp/
parent3ad649f365636b4f39e26d96b23eb8ddfc4101d2 (diff)
new or-pat compilation + exhaustiveness used in compilation
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'asmcomp/')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 70795add17..5b8fc6a205 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ let occurs_var var u =
| Uswitch(arg, s) ->
occurs arg or occurs_array s.us_cases_consts
or occurs_array s.us_cases_blocks
- | Ustaticfail -> false
- | Ucatch(body, hdlr) -> occurs body or occurs hdlr
+ | Ustaticfail _ -> false
+ | Ucatch(_, body, hdlr) -> occurs body or occurs hdlr
| Utrywith(body, exn, hdlr) -> occurs body or occurs hdlr
| Uifthenelse(cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
occurs cond or occurs ifso or occurs ifnot
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ let lambda_smaller lam threshold =
lambda_size lam;
lambda_array_size cases.us_cases_consts;
lambda_array_size cases.us_cases_blocks
- | Ustaticfail -> ()
- | Ucatch(body, handler) ->
+ | Ustaticfail _ -> ()
+ | Ucatch(_, body, handler) ->
incr size; lambda_size body; lambda_size handler
| Utrywith(body, id, handler) ->
size := !size + 8; lambda_size body; lambda_size handler
@@ -260,13 +260,12 @@ let substitute sb ulam =
| Uswitch(arg, sw) ->
Uswitch(subst arg,
- { us_index_consts = sw.us_index_consts;
+ { sw with
us_cases_consts = subst sw.us_cases_consts;
- us_index_blocks = sw.us_index_blocks;
us_cases_blocks = subst sw.us_cases_blocks;
- us_checked = sw.us_checked })
- | Ustaticfail -> Ustaticfail
- | Ucatch(u1, u2) -> Ucatch(subst u1, subst u2)
+ })
+ | Ustaticfail _ as u -> u
+ | Ucatch(nfail, u1, u2) -> Ucatch(nfail, subst u1, subst u2)
| Utrywith(u1, id, u2) -> Utrywith(subst u1, id, subst u2)
| Uifthenelse(u1, u2, u3) ->
begin match subst u1 with
@@ -493,22 +492,28 @@ let rec close fenv cenv = function
| Lswitch(arg, sw) ->
let (uarg, _) = close fenv cenv arg in
let (const_index, const_cases) =
- close_switch fenv cenv sw.sw_numconsts sw.sw_consts in
+ close_switch fenv cenv sw.sw_nofail sw.sw_numconsts sw.sw_consts in
let (block_index, block_cases) =
- close_switch fenv cenv sw.sw_numblocks sw.sw_blocks in
+ close_switch fenv cenv sw.sw_nofail sw.sw_numblocks sw.sw_blocks in
{us_index_consts = const_index;
us_cases_consts = const_cases;
us_index_blocks = block_index;
us_cases_blocks = block_cases;
- us_checked = sw.sw_checked}),
+ us_checked = sw.sw_checked && not sw.sw_nofail}),
| Lstaticfail ->
- (Ustaticfail, Value_unknown)
+ (Ustaticfail 0, Value_unknown)
+ | Lstaticraise i ->
+ (Ustaticfail i, Value_unknown)
| Lcatch(body, handler) ->
let (ubody, _) = close fenv cenv body in
let (uhandler, _) = close fenv cenv handler in
- (Ucatch(ubody, uhandler), Value_unknown)
+ (Ucatch(0, ubody, uhandler), Value_unknown)
+ | Lstaticcatch(body, i, handler) ->
+ let (ubody, _) = close fenv cenv body in
+ let (uhandler, _) = close fenv cenv handler in
+ (Ucatch(i, ubody, uhandler), Value_unknown)
| Ltrywith(body, id, handler) ->
let (ubody, _) = close fenv cenv body in
let (uhandler, _) = close fenv cenv handler in
@@ -649,14 +654,19 @@ and close_one_function fenv cenv id funct =
(* Close a switch *)
-and close_switch fenv cenv num_keys cases =
+and close_switch fenv cenv nofail num_keys cases =
+ match cases, nofail with
+ | [], true ->
+ [| |], [| |] (* no need to switch here *)
+ | _,_ ->
let index = Array.create num_keys 0 in
let ucases = ref []
and num_cases = ref 0 in
- if List.length cases < num_keys then begin
+(* if nofail holds, then static fail is replaced by a random branch *)
+ if List.length cases < num_keys && not nofail then begin
num_cases := 1;
- ucases := [Ustaticfail]
- end;
+ ucases := [Ustaticfail 0]
+ end ;
(function (key, lam) ->
let (ulam, _) = close fenv cenv lam in