path: root/asmcomp
diff options
authoralainfrisch <>2016-12-21 16:23:27 +0100
committeralainfrisch <>2017-01-03 15:21:15 +0100
commit6ee0d0538b8981971ed04b1418f759aea3c99ffa (patch)
tree1e3a8f356ac7a9b06fbdd4c0b8060ccc499d953e /asmcomp
parent7f97cae1ae4f3baffc427f401a9a299a228a8439 (diff)
Exhaustive matching on primitives to define if they are 'pure'.
Diffstat (limited to 'asmcomp')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index c5285c634e..1458f8df32 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -201,17 +201,100 @@ let lambda_smaller lam threshold =
with Exit ->
+let is_pure_prim = function
+ (* Obvious side-effects *)
+ | Psetglobal _ | Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _ | Pduprecord _
+ | Poffsetref _ | Pbytessetu | Pbytessets
+ | Parraysetu _ | Parraysets _ | Pbigarrayset _
+ | Pccall _ | Praise _
+ | Prevapply
+ | Pdirapply
+ | Plazyforce
+ | Pstring_set_16 _
+ | Pstring_set_32 _
+ | Pstring_set_64 _
+ | Pbigstring_set_16 _
+ | Pbigstring_set_32 _
+ | Pbigstring_set_64 _
+ (* can raise Division by zero *)
+ | Pdivint _ | Pmodint _
+ | Pdivbint _
+ | Pmodbint _
+ (* can raise Out of bound *)
+ | Parrayrefs _
+ | Pstringrefs
+ | Pbytesrefs
+ | Pbigarrayref _
+ | Pstring_load_16 _
+ | Pstring_load_32 _
+ | Pstring_load_64 _
+ | Pbigstring_load_16 _
+ | Pbigstring_load_32 _
+ | Pbigstring_load_64 _
+ -> false
+ (* Pure primitives *)
+ | Pidentity
+ | Pbytes_to_string
+ | Pbytes_of_string
+ | Pignore
+ | Ploc _
+ | Pgetglobal _
+ | Pmakeblock _
+ | Pfield _
+ | Pfloatfield _
+ | Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
+ | Pnegint | Paddint | Psubint | Pmulint
+ | Pandint | Porint | Pxorint
+ | Plslint | Plsrint | Pasrint
+ | Pintcomp _
+ | Poffsetint _
+ | Pintoffloat | Pfloatofint
+ | Pnegfloat | Pabsfloat
+ | Paddfloat | Psubfloat | Pmulfloat | Pdivfloat
+ | Pfloatcomp _
+ | Pstringrefu
+ | Parrayrefu _
+ | Pstringlength
+ | Pbyteslength | Pbytesrefu
+ | Pmakearray _
+ | Pduparray _
+ | Parraylength _
+ | Pisint
+ | Pisout
+ | Pbittest
+ | Pbintofint _
+ | Pintofbint _
+ | Pcvtbint _
+ | Pnegbint _
+ | Paddbint _
+ | Psubbint _
+ | Pmulbint _
+ | Pandbint _
+ | Porbint _
+ | Pxorbint _
+ | Plslbint _
+ | Plsrbint _
+ | Pasrbint _
+ | Pbintcomp _
+ | Pbigarraydim _
+ | Pctconst _
+ | Pbswap16
+ | Pbbswap _
+ | Pint_as_pointer
+ | Popaque ->
+ true
(* Check if a clambda term is ``pure'',
that is without side-effects *and* not containing function definitions *)
let rec is_pure_clambda = function
Uvar _ -> true
| Uconst _ -> true
- | Uprim((Psetglobal _ | Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _ | Pduprecord _ |
- Pccall _ | Praise _ | Poffsetref _ | Pbytessetu | Pbytessets |
- Pdivint _ | (* can raise Division_by_zero *)
- Parraysetu _ | Parraysets _ | Pbigarrayset _), _, _) -> false
- | Uprim(_, args, _) -> List.for_all is_pure_clambda args
+ | Uprim(p, args, _) -> is_pure_prim p && List.for_all is_pure_clambda args
| _ -> false
(* Simplify primitive operations on known arguments *)
@@ -449,6 +532,7 @@ let simplif_prim_pure fpc p (args, approxs) dbg =
| Pfield n, [ Uprim(Pmakeblock _, ul, _) ], [approx]
when n < List.length ul ->
(List.nth ul n, field_approx n approx)
(* Strings *)
| (Pstringlength | Pbyteslength),
@@ -690,11 +774,8 @@ let bind_params loc fpc params args body =
let rec is_pure = function
Lvar _ -> true
| Lconst _ -> true
- | Lprim((Psetglobal _ | Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _ | Pduprecord _ |
- Pccall _ | Praise _ | Poffsetref _ | Pbytessetu | Pbytessets |
- Parraysetu _ | Parraysets _ | Pbigarrayset _), _,_) -> false
- | Lprim(_, args,_) -> List.for_all is_pure args
- | Levent(lam, _ev) -> is_pure lam
+ | Lprim(p, args,_) -> is_pure_prim p && List.for_all is_pure args
+ | Levent(lam, _ev) -> is_pure lam (* can this happen in native code? *)
| _ -> false
let warning_if_forced_inline ~loc ~attribute warning =