path: root/boot
diff options
authorGabriel Scherer <>2017-05-23 16:59:10 +0200
committerGabriel Scherer <>2018-09-01 23:17:03 +0200
commiteebbbf78104544236546be2a1d41ad9399654787 (patch)
tree90c9afece138138e9c0557a1844caa1686405738 /boot
parent4aa3b8c7882e906a0d3713321571dee22ab49eeb (diff)
import menhirLib in boot/
This was done by using Makefile.menhir as follows: touch .depend.menhir make -f Makefile.menhir import-menhirLib
Diffstat (limited to 'boot')
2 files changed, 5222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boot/menhir/ b/boot/menhir/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17cc0e3a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot/menhir/
@@ -0,0 +1,3517 @@
+module General = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Lists. *)
+let rec take n xs =
+ match n, xs with
+ | 0, _
+ | _, [] ->
+ []
+ | _, (x :: xs as input) ->
+ let xs' = take (n - 1) xs in
+ if xs == xs' then
+ input
+ else
+ x :: xs'
+let rec drop n xs =
+ match n, xs with
+ | 0, _ ->
+ xs
+ | _, [] ->
+ []
+ | _, _ :: xs ->
+ drop (n - 1) xs
+let rec uniq1 cmp x ys =
+ match ys with
+ | [] ->
+ []
+ | y :: ys ->
+ if cmp x y = 0 then
+ uniq1 compare x ys
+ else
+ y :: uniq1 cmp y ys
+let uniq cmp xs =
+ match xs with
+ | [] ->
+ []
+ | x :: xs ->
+ x :: uniq1 cmp x xs
+let weed cmp xs =
+ uniq cmp (List.sort cmp xs)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Streams. *)
+type 'a stream =
+ 'a head Lazy.t
+and 'a head =
+ | Nil
+ | Cons of 'a * 'a stream
+(* The length of a stream. *)
+let rec length xs =
+ match Lazy.force xs with
+ | Nil ->
+ 0
+ | Cons (_, xs) ->
+ 1 + length xs
+(* Folding over a stream. *)
+let rec foldr f xs accu =
+ match Lazy.force xs with
+ | Nil ->
+ accu
+ | Cons (x, xs) ->
+ f x (foldr f xs accu)
+module Convert = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* An ocamlyacc-style, or Menhir-style, parser requires access to
+ the lexer, which must be parameterized with a lexing buffer, and
+ to the lexing buffer itself, where it reads position information. *)
+(* This traditional API is convenient when used with ocamllex, but
+ inelegant when used with other lexer generators. *)
+type ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional =
+ (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'semantic_value
+(* This revised API is independent of any lexer generator. Here, the
+ parser only requires access to the lexer, and the lexer takes no
+ parameters. The tokens returned by the lexer may contain position
+ information. *)
+type ('token, 'semantic_value) revised =
+ (unit -> 'token) -> 'semantic_value
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Converting a traditional parser, produced by ocamlyacc or Menhir,
+ into a revised parser. *)
+(* A token of the revised lexer is essentially a triple of a token
+ of the traditional lexer (or raw token), a start position, and
+ and end position. The three [get] functions are accessors. *)
+(* We do not require the type ['token] to actually be a triple type.
+ This enables complex applications where it is a record type with
+ more than three fields. It also enables simple applications where
+ positions are of no interest, so ['token] is just ['raw_token]
+ and [get_startp] and [get_endp] return dummy positions. *)
+let traditional2revised
+ (get_raw_token : 'token -> 'raw_token)
+ (get_startp : 'token -> Lexing.position)
+ (get_endp : 'token -> Lexing.position)
+ (parser : ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional)
+: ('token, 'semantic_value) revised =
+ (* Accept a revised lexer. *)
+ fun (lexer : unit -> 'token) ->
+ (* Create a dummy lexing buffer. *)
+ let lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf =
+ Lexing.from_string ""
+ in
+ (* Wrap the revised lexer as a traditional lexer. A traditional
+ lexer returns a raw token and updates the fields of the lexing
+ buffer with new positions, which will be read by the parser. *)
+ let lexer (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf) : 'raw_token =
+ let token : 'token = lexer() in
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p <- get_startp token;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- get_endp token;
+ get_raw_token token
+ in
+ (* Invoke the traditional parser. *)
+ parser lexer lexbuf
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Converting a revised parser back to a traditional parser. *)
+let revised2traditional
+ (make_token : 'raw_token -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> 'token)
+ (parser : ('token, 'semantic_value) revised)
+: ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional =
+ (* Accept a traditional lexer and a lexing buffer. *)
+ fun (lexer : Lexing.lexbuf -> 'raw_token) (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf) ->
+ (* Wrap the traditional lexer as a revised lexer. *)
+ let lexer () : 'token =
+ let token : 'raw_token = lexer lexbuf in
+ make_token token lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p
+ in
+ (* Invoke the revised parser. *)
+ parser lexer
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplified versions of the above, where concrete triples are used. *)
+module Simplified = struct
+ let traditional2revised parser =
+ traditional2revised
+ (fun (token, _, _) -> token)
+ (fun (_, startp, _) -> startp)
+ (fun (_, _, endp) -> endp)
+ parser
+ let revised2traditional parser =
+ revised2traditional
+ (fun token startp endp -> (token, startp, endp))
+ parser
+module IncrementalEngine = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+type position = Lexing.position
+open General
+(* This signature describes the incremental LR engine. *)
+(* In this mode, the user controls the lexer, and the parser suspends
+ itself when it needs to read a new token. *)
+module type INCREMENTAL_ENGINE = sig
+ type token
+ (* A value of type [production] is (an index for) a production. The start
+ productions (which do not exist in an \mly file, but are constructed by
+ Menhir internally) are not part of this type. *)
+ type production
+ (* The type ['a checkpoint] represents an intermediate or final state of the
+ parser. An intermediate checkpoint is a suspension: it records the parser's
+ current state, and allows parsing to be resumed. The parameter ['a] is
+ the type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the
+ parser succeeds. *)
+ (* [Accepted] and [Rejected] are final checkpoints. [Accepted] carries a
+ semantic value. *)
+ (* [InputNeeded] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser wishes
+ to read one token before continuing. *)
+ (* [Shifting] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is taking
+ a shift transition. It exposes the state of the parser before and after
+ the transition. The Boolean parameter tells whether the parser intends to
+ request a new token after this transition. (It always does, except when
+ it is about to accept.) *)
+ (* [AboutToReduce] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is
+ about to perform a reduction step. It exposes the parser's current
+ state as well as the production that is about to be reduced. *)
+ (* [HandlingError] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser has
+ detected an error and is currently handling it, in several steps. *)
+ (* A value of type ['a env] represents a configuration of the automaton:
+ current state, stack, lookahead token, etc. The parameter ['a] is the
+ type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the parser
+ succeeds. *)
+ (* In normal operation, the parser works with checkpoints: see the functions
+ [offer] and [resume]. However, it is also possible to work directly with
+ environments (see the functions [pop], [force_reduction], and [feed]) and
+ to reconstruct a checkpoint out of an environment (see [input_needed]).
+ This is considered advanced functionality; its purpose is to allow error
+ recovery strategies to be programmed by the user. *)
+ type 'a env
+ type 'a checkpoint = private
+ | InputNeeded of 'a env
+ | Shifting of 'a env * 'a env * bool
+ | AboutToReduce of 'a env * production
+ | HandlingError of 'a env
+ | Accepted of 'a
+ | Rejected
+ (* [offer] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
+ itself with a checkpoint of the form [InputNeeded env]. [offer] expects the
+ old checkpoint as well as a new token and produces a new checkpoint. It does not
+ raise any exception. *)
+ val offer:
+ 'a checkpoint ->
+ token * position * position ->
+ 'a checkpoint
+ (* [resume] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
+ itself with a checkpoint of the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)] or
+ [HandlingError env]. [resume] expects the old checkpoint and produces a new
+ checkpoint. It does not raise any exception. *)
+ val resume:
+ 'a checkpoint ->
+ 'a checkpoint
+ (* A token supplier is a function of no arguments which delivers a new token
+ (together with its start and end positions) every time it is called. *)
+ type supplier =
+ unit -> token * position * position
+ (* A pair of a lexer and a lexing buffer can be easily turned into a supplier. *)
+ val lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier:
+ (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
+ Lexing.lexbuf ->
+ supplier
+ (* The functions [offer] and [resume] are sufficient to write a parser loop.
+ One can imagine many variations (which is why we expose these functions
+ in the first place!). Here, we expose a few variations of the main loop,
+ ready for use. *)
+ (* [loop supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from [checkpoint], reading
+ tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until it reaches a
+ checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [Rejected]. In the former case, it
+ returns [v]. In the latter case, it raises the exception [Error]. *)
+ val loop: supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a
+ (* [loop_handle succeed fail supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from
+ [checkpoint], reading tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until
+ it reaches a checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [HandlingError env]
+ (or [Rejected], but that should not happen, as [HandlingError _] will be
+ observed first). In the former case, it calls [succeed v]. In the latter
+ case, it calls [fail] with this checkpoint. It cannot raise [Error].
+ This means that Menhir's traditional error-handling procedure (which pops
+ the stack until a state that can act on the [error] token is found) does
+ not get a chance to run. Instead, the user can implement her own error
+ handling code, in the [fail] continuation. *)
+ val loop_handle:
+ ('a -> 'answer) ->
+ ('a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
+ supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
+ (* [loop_handle_undo] is analogous to [loop_handle], except it passes a pair
+ of checkpoints to the failure continuation.
+ The first (and oldest) checkpoint is the last [InputNeeded] checkpoint that
+ was encountered before the error was detected. The second (and newest)
+ checkpoint is where the error was detected, as in [loop_handle]. Going back
+ to the first checkpoint can be thought of as undoing any reductions that
+ were performed after seeing the problematic token. (These reductions must
+ be default reductions or spurious reductions.)
+ [loop_handle_undo] must initially be applied to an [InputNeeded] checkpoint.
+ The parser's initial checkpoints satisfy this constraint. *)
+ val loop_handle_undo:
+ ('a -> 'answer) ->
+ ('a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
+ supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
+ (* [shifts checkpoint] assumes that [checkpoint] has been obtained by
+ submitting a token to the parser. It runs the parser from [checkpoint],
+ through an arbitrary number of reductions, until the parser either
+ accepts this token (i.e., shifts) or rejects it (i.e., signals an error).
+ If the parser decides to shift, then [Some env] is returned, where [env]
+ is the parser's state just before shifting. Otherwise, [None] is
+ returned. *)
+ (* It is desirable that the semantic actions be side-effect free, or that
+ their side-effects be harmless (replayable). *)
+ val shifts: 'a checkpoint -> 'a env option
+ (* The function [acceptable] allows testing, after an error has been
+ detected, which tokens would have been accepted at this point. It is
+ implemented using [shifts]. Its argument should be an [InputNeeded]
+ checkpoint. *)
+ (* For completeness, one must undo any spurious reductions before carrying out
+ this test -- that is, one must apply [acceptable] to the FIRST checkpoint
+ that is passed by [loop_handle_undo] to its failure continuation. *)
+ (* This test causes some semantic actions to be run! The semantic actions
+ should be side-effect free, or their side-effects should be harmless. *)
+ (* The position [pos] is used as the start and end positions of the
+ hypothetical token, and may be picked up by the semantic actions. We
+ suggest using the position where the error was detected. *)
+ val acceptable: 'a checkpoint -> token -> position -> bool
+ (* The abstract type ['a lr1state] describes the non-initial states of the
+ LR(1) automaton. The index ['a] represents the type of the semantic value
+ associated with this state's incoming symbol. *)
+ type 'a lr1state
+ (* The states of the LR(1) automaton are numbered (from 0 and up). *)
+ val number: _ lr1state -> int
+ (* Productions are numbered. *)
+ (* [find_production i] requires the index [i] to be valid. Use with care. *)
+ val production_index: production -> int
+ val find_production: int -> production
+ (* An element is a pair of a non-initial state [s] and a semantic value [v]
+ associated with the incoming symbol of this state. The idea is, the value
+ [v] was pushed onto the stack just before the state [s] was entered. Thus,
+ for some type ['a], the state [s] has type ['a lr1state] and the value [v]
+ has type ['a]. In other words, the type [element] is an existential type. *)
+ type element =
+ | Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * position * position -> element
+ (* The parser's stack is (or, more precisely, can be viewed as) a stream of
+ elements. The type [stream] is defined by the module [General]. *)
+ (* As of 2017/03/31, the types [stream] and [stack] and the function [stack]
+ are DEPRECATED. They might be removed in the future. An alternative way
+ of inspecting the stack is via the functions [top] and [pop]. *)
+ type stack = (* DEPRECATED *)
+ element stream
+ (* This is the parser's stack, a stream of elements. This stream is empty if
+ the parser is in an initial state; otherwise, it is non-empty. The LR(1)
+ automaton's current state is the one found in the top element of the
+ stack. *)
+ val stack: 'a env -> stack (* DEPRECATED *)
+ (* [top env] returns the parser's top stack element. The state contained in
+ this stack element is the current state of the automaton. If the stack is
+ empty, [None] is returned. In that case, the current state of the
+ automaton must be an initial state. *)
+ val top: 'a env -> element option
+ (* [pop_many i env] pops [i] cells off the automaton's stack. This is done
+ via [i] successive invocations of [pop]. Thus, [pop_many 1] is [pop]. The
+ index [i] must be nonnegative. The time complexity is O(i). *)
+ val pop_many: int -> 'a env -> 'a env option
+ (* [get i env] returns the parser's [i]-th stack element. The index [i] is
+ 0-based: thus, [get 0] is [top]. If [i] is greater than or equal to the
+ number of elements in the stack, [None] is returned. The time complexity
+ is O(i). *)
+ val get: int -> 'a env -> element option
+ (* [current_state_number env] is (the integer number of) the automaton's
+ current state. This works even if the automaton's stack is empty, in
+ which case the current state is an initial state. This number can be
+ passed as an argument to a [message] function generated by [menhir
+ --compile-errors]. *)
+ val current_state_number: 'a env -> int
+ (* [equal env1 env2] tells whether the parser configurations [env1] and
+ [env2] are equal in the sense that the automaton's current state is the
+ same in [env1] and [env2] and the stack is *physically* the same in
+ [env1] and [env2]. If [equal env1 env2] is [true], then the sequence of
+ the stack elements, as observed via [pop] and [top], must be the same in
+ [env1] and [env2]. Also, if [equal env1 env2] holds, then the checkpoints
+ [input_needed env1] and [input_needed env2] must be equivalent. The
+ function [equal] has time complexity O(1). *)
+ val equal: 'a env -> 'a env -> bool
+ (* These are the start and end positions of the current lookahead token. If
+ invoked in an initial state, this function returns a pair of twice the
+ initial position. *)
+ val positions: 'a env -> position * position
+ (* When applied to an environment taken from a checkpoint of the form
+ [AboutToReduce (env, prod)], the function [env_has_default_reduction]
+ tells whether the reduction that is about to take place is a default
+ reduction. *)
+ val env_has_default_reduction: 'a env -> bool
+ (* [state_has_default_reduction s] tells whether the state [s] has a default
+ reduction. This includes the case where [s] is an accepting state. *)
+ val state_has_default_reduction: _ lr1state -> bool
+ (* [pop env] returns a new environment, where the parser's top stack cell
+ has been popped off. (If the stack is empty, [None] is returned.) This
+ amounts to pretending that the (terminal or nonterminal) symbol that
+ corresponds to this stack cell has not been read. *)
+ val pop: 'a env -> 'a env option
+ (* [force_reduction prod env] should be called only if in the state [env]
+ the parser is capable of reducing the production [prod]. If this
+ condition is satisfied, then this production is reduced, which means that
+ its semantic action is executed (this can have side effects!) and the
+ automaton makes a goto (nonterminal) transition. If this condition is not
+ satisfied, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
+ val force_reduction: production -> 'a env -> 'a env
+ (* [input_needed env] returns [InputNeeded env]. That is, out of an [env]
+ that might have been obtained via a series of calls to the functions
+ [pop], [force_reduction], [feed], etc., it produces a checkpoint, which
+ can be used to resume normal parsing, by supplying this checkpoint as an
+ argument to [offer]. *)
+ (* This function should be used with some care. It could "mess up the
+ lookahead" in the sense that it allows parsing to resume in an arbitrary
+ state [s] with an arbitrary lookahead symbol [t], even though Menhir's
+ reachability analysis (menhir --list-errors) might well think that it is
+ impossible to reach this particular configuration. If one is using
+ Menhir's new error reporting facility, this could cause the parser to
+ reach an error state for which no error message has been prepared. *)
+ val input_needed: 'a env -> 'a checkpoint
+(* This signature is a fragment of the inspection API that is made available
+ to the user when [--inspection] is used. This fragment contains type
+ definitions for symbols. *)
+module type SYMBOLS = sig
+ (* The type ['a terminal] represents a terminal symbol. The type ['a
+ nonterminal] represents a nonterminal symbol. In both cases, the index
+ ['a] represents the type of the semantic values associated with this
+ symbol. The concrete definitions of these types are generated. *)
+ type 'a terminal
+ type 'a nonterminal
+ (* The type ['a symbol] represents a terminal or nonterminal symbol. It is
+ the disjoint union of the types ['a terminal] and ['a nonterminal]. *)
+ type 'a symbol =
+ | T : 'a terminal -> 'a symbol
+ | N : 'a nonterminal -> 'a symbol
+ (* The type [xsymbol] is an existentially quantified version of the type
+ ['a symbol]. This type is useful in situations where the index ['a]
+ is not statically known. *)
+ type xsymbol =
+ | X : 'a symbol -> xsymbol
+(* This signature describes the inspection API that is made available to the
+ user when [--inspection] is used. *)
+module type INSPECTION = sig
+ (* The types of symbols are described above. *)
+ include SYMBOLS
+ (* The type ['a lr1state] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
+ type 'a lr1state
+ (* The type [production] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE].
+ It represents a production of the grammar. A production can be examined
+ via the functions [lhs] and [rhs] below. *)
+ type production
+ (* An LR(0) item is a pair of a production [prod] and a valid index [i] into
+ this production. That is, if the length of [rhs prod] is [n], then [i] is
+ comprised between 0 and [n], inclusive. *)
+ type item =
+ production * int
+ (* Ordering functions. *)
+ val compare_terminals: _ terminal -> _ terminal -> int
+ val compare_nonterminals: _ nonterminal -> _ nonterminal -> int
+ val compare_symbols: xsymbol -> xsymbol -> int
+ val compare_productions: production -> production -> int
+ val compare_items: item -> item -> int
+ (* [incoming_symbol s] is the incoming symbol of the state [s], that is,
+ the symbol that the parser must recognize before (has recognized when)
+ it enters the state [s]. This function gives access to the semantic
+ value [v] stored in a stack element [Element (s, v, _, _)]. Indeed,
+ by case analysis on the symbol [incoming_symbol s], one discovers the
+ type ['a] of the value [v]. *)
+ val incoming_symbol: 'a lr1state -> 'a symbol
+ (* [items s] is the set of the LR(0) items in the LR(0) core of the LR(1)
+ state [s]. This set is not epsilon-closed. This set is presented as a
+ list, in an arbitrary order. *)
+ val items: _ lr1state -> item list
+ (* [lhs prod] is the left-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
+ always a non-terminal symbol. *)
+ val lhs: production -> xsymbol
+ (* [rhs prod] is the right-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
+ a (possibly empty) sequence of (terminal or nonterminal) symbols. *)
+ val rhs: production -> xsymbol list
+ (* [nullable nt] tells whether the non-terminal symbol [nt] is nullable.
+ That is, it is true if and only if this symbol produces the empty
+ word [epsilon]. *)
+ val nullable: _ nonterminal -> bool
+ (* [first nt t] tells whether the FIRST set of the nonterminal symbol [nt]
+ contains the terminal symbol [t]. That is, it is true if and only if
+ [nt] produces a word that begins with [t]. *)
+ val first: _ nonterminal -> _ terminal -> bool
+ (* [xfirst] is analogous to [first], but expects a first argument of type
+ [xsymbol] instead of [_ terminal]. *)
+ val xfirst: xsymbol -> _ terminal -> bool
+ (* [foreach_terminal] enumerates the terminal symbols, including [error].
+ [foreach_terminal_but_error] enumerates the terminal symbols, excluding
+ [error]. *)
+ val foreach_terminal: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ val foreach_terminal_but_error: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ (* The type [env] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
+ type 'a env
+ (* [feed symbol startp semv endp env] causes the parser to consume the
+ (terminal or nonterminal) symbol [symbol], accompanied with the semantic
+ value [semv] and with the start and end positions [startp] and [endp].
+ Thus, the automaton makes a transition, and reaches a new state. The
+ stack grows by one cell. This operation is permitted only if the current
+ state (as determined by [env]) has an outgoing transition labeled with
+ [symbol]. Otherwise, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
+ val feed: 'a symbol -> position -> 'a -> position -> 'b env -> 'b env
+(* This signature combines the incremental API and the inspection API. *)
+module type EVERYTHING = sig
+ include INSPECTION
+ with type 'a lr1state := 'a lr1state
+ with type production := production
+ with type 'a env := 'a env
+module EngineTypes = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This file defines several types and module types that are used in the
+ specification of module [Engine]. *)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* It would be nice if we could keep the structure of stacks and environments
+ hidden. However, stacks and environments must be accessible to semantic
+ actions, so the following data structure definitions must be public. *)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A stack is a linked list of cells. A sentinel cell -- which is its own
+ successor -- is used to mark the bottom of the stack. The sentinel cell
+ itself is not significant -- it contains dummy values. *)
+type ('state, 'semantic_value) stack = {
+ (* The state that we should go back to if we pop this stack cell. *)
+ (* This convention means that the state contained in the top stack cell is
+ not the current state [env.current]. It also means that the state found
+ within the sentinel is a dummy -- it is never consulted. This convention
+ is the same as that adopted by the code-based back-end. *)
+ state: 'state;
+ (* The semantic value associated with the chunk of input that this cell
+ represents. *)
+ semv: 'semantic_value;
+ (* The start and end positions of the chunk of input that this cell
+ represents. *)
+ startp: Lexing.position;
+ endp: Lexing.position;
+ (* The next cell down in the stack. If this is a self-pointer, then this
+ cell is the sentinel, and the stack is conceptually empty. *)
+ next: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A parsing environment contains all of the parser's state (except for the
+ current program point). *)
+type ('state, 'semantic_value, 'token) env = {
+ (* If this flag is true, then the first component of [env.triple] should
+ be ignored, as it has been logically overwritten with the [error]
+ pseudo-token. *)
+ error: bool;
+ (* The last token that was obtained from the lexer, together with its start
+ and end positions. Warning: before the first call to the lexer has taken
+ place, a dummy (and possibly invalid) token is stored here. *)
+ triple: 'token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position;
+ (* The stack. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its own,
+ whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
+ stack: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
+ (* The current state. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its
+ own, whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
+ current: 'state;
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This signature describes the parameters that must be supplied to the LR
+ engine. *)
+module type TABLE = sig
+ (* The type of automaton states. *)
+ type state
+ (* States are numbered. *)
+ val number: state -> int
+ (* The type of tokens. These can be thought of as real tokens, that is,
+ tokens returned by the lexer. They carry a semantic value. This type
+ does not include the [error] pseudo-token. *)
+ type token
+ (* The type of terminal symbols. These can be thought of as integer codes.
+ They do not carry a semantic value. This type does include the [error]
+ pseudo-token. *)
+ type terminal
+ (* The type of nonterminal symbols. *)
+ type nonterminal
+ (* The type of semantic values. *)
+ type semantic_value
+ (* A token is conceptually a pair of a (non-[error]) terminal symbol and
+ a semantic value. The following two functions are the pair projections. *)
+ val token2terminal: token -> terminal
+ val token2value: token -> semantic_value
+ (* Even though the [error] pseudo-token is not a real token, it is a
+ terminal symbol. Furthermore, for regularity, it must have a semantic
+ value. *)
+ val error_terminal: terminal
+ val error_value: semantic_value
+ (* [foreach_terminal] allows iterating over all terminal symbols. *)
+ val foreach_terminal: (terminal -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ (* The type of productions. *)
+ type production
+ val production_index: production -> int
+ val find_production: int -> production
+ (* If a state [s] has a default reduction on production [prod], then, upon
+ entering [s], the automaton should reduce [prod] without consulting the
+ lookahead token. The following function allows determining which states
+ have default reductions. *)
+ (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- either [DefRed prod], or
+ [NoDefRed] -- it accepts two continuations, and invokes just one of
+ them. This mechanism allows avoiding a memory allocation. *)
+ val default_reduction:
+ state ->
+ ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
+ ('env -> 'answer) ->
+ 'env -> 'answer
+ (* An LR automaton can normally take three kinds of actions: shift, reduce,
+ or fail. (Acceptance is a particular case of reduction: it consists in
+ reducing a start production.) *)
+ (* There are two variants of the shift action. [shift/discard s] instructs
+ the automaton to discard the current token, request a new one from the
+ lexer, and move to state [s]. [shift/nodiscard s] instructs it to move to
+ state [s] without requesting a new token. This instruction should be used
+ when [s] has a default reduction on [#]. See [CodeBackend.gettoken] for
+ details. *)
+ (* This is the automaton's action table. It maps a pair of a state and a
+ terminal symbol to an action. *)
+ (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- one of shift/discard,
+ shift/nodiscard, reduce, or fail -- this function accepts three
+ continuations, and invokes just one them. This mechanism allows avoiding
+ a memory allocation. *)
+ (* In summary, the parameters to [action] are as follows:
+ - the first two parameters, a state and a terminal symbol, are used to
+ look up the action table;
+ - the next parameter is the semantic value associated with the above
+ terminal symbol; it is not used, only passed along to the shift
+ continuation, as explained below;
+ - the shift continuation expects an environment; a flag that tells
+ whether to discard the current token; the terminal symbol that
+ is being shifted; its semantic value; and the target state of
+ the transition;
+ - the reduce continuation expects an environment and a production;
+ - the fail continuation expects an environment;
+ - the last parameter is the environment; it is not used, only passed
+ along to the selected continuation. *)
+ val action:
+ state ->
+ terminal ->
+ semantic_value ->
+ ('env -> bool -> terminal -> semantic_value -> state -> 'answer) ->
+ ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
+ ('env -> 'answer) ->
+ 'env -> 'answer
+ (* This is the automaton's goto table. This table maps a pair of a state
+ and a nonterminal symbol to a new state. By extension, it also maps a
+ pair of a state and a production to a new state. *)
+ (* The function [goto_nt] can be applied to [s] and [nt] ONLY if the state
+ [s] has an outgoing transition labeled [nt]. Otherwise, its result is
+ undefined. Similarly, the call [goto_prod prod s] is permitted ONLY if
+ the state [s] has an outgoing transition labeled with the nonterminal
+ symbol [lhs prod]. The function [maybe_goto_nt] involves an additional
+ dynamic check and CAN be called even if there is no outgoing transition. *)
+ val goto_nt : state -> nonterminal -> state
+ val goto_prod: state -> production -> state
+ val maybe_goto_nt: state -> nonterminal -> state option
+ (* [is_start prod] tells whether the production [prod] is a start production. *)
+ val is_start: production -> bool
+ (* By convention, a semantic action is responsible for:
+ 1. fetching whatever semantic values and positions it needs off the stack;
+ 2. popping an appropriate number of cells off the stack, as dictated
+ by the length of the right-hand side of the production;
+ 3. computing a new semantic value, as well as new start and end positions;
+ 4. pushing a new stack cell, which contains the three values
+ computed in step 3;
+ 5. returning the new stack computed in steps 2 and 4.
+ Point 1 is essentially forced upon us: if semantic values were fetched
+ off the stack by this interpreter, then the calling convention for
+ semantic actions would be variadic: not all semantic actions would have
+ the same number of arguments. The rest follows rather naturally. *)
+ (* Semantic actions are allowed to raise [Error]. *)
+ exception Error
+ type semantic_action =
+ (state, semantic_value, token) env -> (state, semantic_value) stack
+ val semantic_action: production -> semantic_action
+ (* [may_reduce state prod] tests whether the state [state] is capable of
+ reducing the production [prod]. This function is currently costly and
+ is not used by the core LR engine. It is used in the implementation
+ of certain functions, such as [force_reduction], which allow the engine
+ to be driven programmatically. *)
+ val may_reduce: state -> production -> bool
+ (* The LR engine requires a number of hooks, which are used for logging. *)
+ (* The comments below indicate the conventional messages that correspond
+ to these hooks in the code-based back-end; see [CodeBackend]. *)
+ (* If the flag [log] is false, then the logging functions are not called.
+ If it is [true], then they are called. *)
+ val log : bool
+ module Log : sig
+ (* State %d: *)
+ val state: state -> unit
+ (* Shifting (<terminal>) to state <state> *)
+ val shift: terminal -> state -> unit
+ (* Reducing a production should be logged either as a reduction
+ event (for regular productions) or as an acceptance event (for
+ start productions). *)
+ (* Reducing production <production> / Accepting *)
+ val reduce_or_accept: production -> unit
+ (* Lookahead token is now <terminal> (<pos>-<pos>) *)
+ val lookahead_token: terminal -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
+ (* Initiating error handling *)
+ val initiating_error_handling: unit -> unit
+ (* Resuming error handling *)
+ val resuming_error_handling: unit -> unit
+ (* Handling error in state <state> *)
+ val handling_error: state -> unit
+ end
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This signature describes the monolithic (traditional) LR engine. *)
+(* In this interface, the parser controls the lexer. *)
+module type MONOLITHIC_ENGINE = sig
+ type state
+ type token
+ type semantic_value
+ (* An entry point to the engine requires a start state, a lexer, and a lexing
+ buffer. It either succeeds and produces a semantic value, or fails and
+ raises [Error]. *)
+ exception Error
+ val entry:
+ state ->
+ (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
+ Lexing.lexbuf ->
+ semantic_value
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The following signatures describe the incremental LR engine. *)
+(* First, see [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE] in the file []. *)
+(* The [start] function is set apart because we do not wish to publish
+ it as part of the generated [parser.mli] file. Instead, the table
+ back-end will publish specialized versions of it, with a suitable
+ type cast. *)
+ (* [start] is an entry point. It requires a start state and a start position
+ and begins the parsing process. If the lexer is based on an OCaml lexing
+ buffer, the start position should be [lexbuf.lex_curr_p]. [start] produces
+ a checkpoint, which usually will be an [InputNeeded] checkpoint. (It could
+ be [Accepted] if this starting state accepts only the empty word. It could
+ be [Rejected] if this starting state accepts no word at all.) It does not
+ raise any exception. *)
+ (* [start s pos] should really produce a checkpoint of type ['a checkpoint],
+ for a fixed ['a] that depends on the state [s]. We cannot express this, so
+ we use [semantic_value checkpoint], which is safe. The table back-end uses
+ [Obj.magic] to produce safe specialized versions of [start]. *)
+ type state
+ type semantic_value
+ type 'a checkpoint
+ val start:
+ state ->
+ Lexing.position ->
+ semantic_value checkpoint
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This signature describes the LR engine, which combines the monolithic
+ and incremental interfaces. *)
+module type ENGINE = sig
+ include IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE
+ with type token := token
+ and type 'a lr1state = state (* useful for us; hidden from the end user *)
+ with type state := state
+ and type semantic_value := semantic_value
+ and type 'a checkpoint := 'a checkpoint
+module Engine = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+type position = Lexing.position
+open EngineTypes
+(* The LR parsing engine. *)
+(* This module is used:
+ - at compile time, if so requested by the user, via the --interpret options;
+ - at run time, in the table-based back-end. *)
+module Make (T : TABLE) = struct
+ (* This propagates type and exception definitions. The functions [number],
+ [production_index], [find_production], too, are defined by this [include]
+ declaration. *)
+ include T
+ type 'a env =
+ (state, semantic_value, token) EngineTypes.env
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The type [checkpoint] represents an intermediate or final result of the
+ parser. See [EngineTypes]. *)
+ (* The type [checkpoint] is presented to the user as a private type (see
+ [IncrementalEngine]). This prevents the user from manufacturing
+ checkpoints (i.e., continuations) that do not make sense. (Such
+ continuations could potentially violate the LR invariant and lead to
+ crashes.) *)
+ (* 2017/03/29 Although [checkpoint] is a private type, we now expose a
+ constructor function, [input_needed]. This function allows manufacturing
+ a checkpoint out of an environment. For this reason, the type [env] must
+ also be parameterized with ['a]. *)
+ type 'a checkpoint =
+ | InputNeeded of 'a env
+ | Shifting of 'a env * 'a env * bool
+ | AboutToReduce of 'a env * production
+ | HandlingError of 'a env
+ | Accepted of 'a
+ | Rejected
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* In the code-based back-end, the [run] function is sometimes responsible
+ for pushing a new cell on the stack. This is motivated by code sharing
+ concerns. In this interpreter, there is no such concern; [run]'s caller
+ is always responsible for updating the stack. *)
+ (* In the code-based back-end, there is a [run] function for each state
+ [s]. This function can behave in two slightly different ways, depending
+ on when it is invoked, or (equivalently) depending on [s].
+ If [run] is invoked after shifting a terminal symbol (or, equivalently,
+ if [s] has a terminal incoming symbol), then [run] discards a token,
+ unless [s] has a default reduction on [#]. (Indeed, in that case,
+ requesting the next token might drive the lexer off the end of the input
+ stream.)
+ If, on the other hand, [run] is invoked after performing a goto
+ transition, or invoked directly by an entry point, then there is nothing
+ to discard.
+ These two cases are reflected in [CodeBackend.gettoken].
+ Here, the code is structured in a slightly different way. It is up to the
+ caller of [run] to indicate whether to discard a token, via the parameter
+ [please_discard]. This flag is set when [s] is being entered by shifting
+ a terminal symbol and [s] does not have a default reduction on [#]. *)
+ (* The following recursive group of functions are tail recursive, produce a
+ checkpoint of type [semantic_value checkpoint], and cannot raise an
+ exception. A semantic action can raise [Error], but this exception is
+ immediately caught within [reduce]. *)
+ let rec run env please_discard : semantic_value checkpoint =
+ (* Log the fact that we just entered this state. *)
+ if log then
+ Log.state env.current;
+ (* If [please_discard] is set, we discard the current lookahead token and
+ fetch the next one. In order to request a token from the user, we
+ return an [InputNeeded] continuation, which, when invoked by the user,
+ will take us to [discard]. If [please_discard] is not set, we skip this
+ step and jump directly to [check_for_default_reduction]. *)
+ if please_discard then
+ InputNeeded env
+ else
+ check_for_default_reduction env
+ (* [discard env triple] stores [triple] into [env], overwriting the previous
+ token. It is invoked by [offer], which itself is invoked by the user in
+ response to an [InputNeeded] checkpoint. *)
+ and discard env triple =
+ if log then begin
+ let (token, startp, endp) = triple in
+ Log.lookahead_token (T.token2terminal token) startp endp
+ end;
+ let env = { env with error = false; triple } in
+ check_for_default_reduction env
+ and check_for_default_reduction env =
+ (* Examine what situation we are in. This case analysis is analogous to
+ that performed in [CodeBackend.gettoken], in the sub-case where we do
+ not have a terminal incoming symbol. *)
+ T.default_reduction
+ env.current
+ announce_reduce (* there is a default reduction; perform it *)
+ check_for_error_token (* there is none; continue below *)
+ env
+ and check_for_error_token env =
+ (* There is no default reduction. Consult the current lookahead token
+ so as to determine which action should be taken. *)
+ (* Peeking at the first input token, without taking it off the input
+ stream, is done by reading [env.triple]. We are careful to first
+ check [env.error]. *)
+ (* Note that, if [please_discard] was true, then we have just called
+ [discard], so the lookahead token cannot be [error]. *)
+ (* Returning [HandlingError env] is equivalent to calling [error env]
+ directly, except it allows the user to regain control. *)
+ if env.error then begin
+ if log then
+ Log.resuming_error_handling();
+ HandlingError env
+ end
+ else
+ let (token, _, _) = env.triple in
+ (* We consult the two-dimensional action table, indexed by the
+ current state and the current lookahead token, in order to
+ determine which action should be taken. *)
+ T.action
+ env.current (* determines a row *)
+ (T.token2terminal token) (* determines a column *)
+ (T.token2value token)
+ shift (* shift continuation *)
+ announce_reduce (* reduce continuation *)
+ initiate (* failure continuation *)
+ env
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* This function takes care of shift transitions along a terminal symbol.
+ (Goto transitions are taken care of within [reduce] below.) The symbol
+ can be either an actual token or the [error] pseudo-token. *)
+ (* Here, the lookahead token CAN be [error]. *)
+ and shift env
+ (please_discard : bool)
+ (terminal : terminal)
+ (value : semantic_value)
+ (s' : state) =
+ (* Log the transition. *)
+ if log then
+ Log.shift terminal s';
+ (* Push a new cell onto the stack, containing the identity of the
+ state that we are leaving. *)
+ let (_, startp, endp) = env.triple in
+ let stack = {
+ state = env.current;
+ semv = value;
+ startp;
+ endp;
+ next = env.stack;
+ } in
+ (* Switch to state [s']. *)
+ let new_env = { env with stack; current = s' } in
+ (* Expose the transition to the user. (In principle, we have a choice
+ between exposing the transition before we take it, after we take
+ it, or at some point in between. This affects the number and type
+ of the parameters carried by [Shifting]. Here, we choose to expose
+ the transition after we take it; this allows [Shifting] to carry
+ only three parameters, whose meaning is simple.) *)
+ Shifting (env, new_env, please_discard)
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The function [announce_reduce] stops the parser and returns a checkpoint
+ which allows the parser to be resumed by calling [reduce]. *)
+ (* Only ordinary productions are exposed to the user. Start productions
+ are not exposed to the user. Reducing a start production simply leads
+ to the successful termination of the parser. *)
+ and announce_reduce env (prod : production) =
+ if T.is_start prod then
+ accept env prod
+ else
+ AboutToReduce (env, prod)
+ (* The function [reduce] takes care of reductions. It is invoked by
+ [resume] after an [AboutToReduce] event has been produced. *)
+ (* Here, the lookahead token CAN be [error]. *)
+ (* The production [prod] CANNOT be a start production. *)
+ and reduce env (prod : production) =
+ (* Log a reduction event. *)
+ if log then
+ Log.reduce_or_accept prod;
+ (* Invoke the semantic action. The semantic action is responsible for
+ truncating the stack and pushing a new cell onto the stack, which
+ contains a new semantic value. It can raise [Error]. *)
+ (* If the semantic action terminates normally, it returns a new stack,
+ which becomes the current stack. *)
+ (* If the semantic action raises [Error], we catch it and initiate error
+ handling. *)
+ (* This [match/with/exception] construct requires OCaml 4.02. *)
+ match T.semantic_action prod env with
+ | stack ->
+ (* By our convention, the semantic action has produced an updated
+ stack. The state now found in the top stack cell is the return
+ state. *)
+ (* Perform a goto transition. The target state is determined
+ by consulting the goto table at the return state and at
+ production [prod]. *)
+ let current = T.goto_prod stack.state prod in
+ let env = { env with stack; current } in
+ run env false
+ | exception Error ->
+ initiate env
+ and accept env prod =
+ (* Log an accept event. *)
+ if log then
+ Log.reduce_or_accept prod;
+ (* Extract the semantic value out of the stack. *)
+ let v = env.stack.semv in
+ (* Finish. *)
+ Accepted v
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The following functions deal with errors. *)
+ (* [initiate] initiates or resumes error handling. *)
+ (* Here, the lookahead token CAN be [error]. *)
+ and initiate env =
+ if log then
+ Log.initiating_error_handling();
+ let env = { env with error = true } in
+ HandlingError env
+ (* [error] handles errors. *)
+ and error env =
+ assert env.error;
+ (* Consult the column associated with the [error] pseudo-token in the
+ action table. *)
+ T.action
+ env.current (* determines a row *)
+ T.error_terminal (* determines a column *)
+ T.error_value
+ error_shift (* shift continuation *)
+ error_reduce (* reduce continuation *)
+ error_fail (* failure continuation *)
+ env
+ and error_shift env please_discard terminal value s' =
+ (* Here, [terminal] is [T.error_terminal],
+ and [value] is [T.error_value]. *)
+ assert (terminal = T.error_terminal && value = T.error_value);
+ (* This state is capable of shifting the [error] token. *)
+ if log then
+ Log.handling_error env.current;
+ shift env please_discard terminal value s'
+ and error_reduce env prod =
+ (* This state is capable of performing a reduction on [error]. *)
+ if log then
+ Log.handling_error env.current;
+ reduce env prod
+ (* Intentionally calling [reduce] instead of [announce_reduce].
+ It does not seem very useful, and it could be confusing, to
+ expose the reduction steps taken during error handling. *)
+ and error_fail env =
+ (* This state is unable to handle errors. Attempt to pop a stack
+ cell. *)
+ let cell = env.stack in
+ let next = in
+ if next == cell then
+ (* The stack is empty. Die. *)
+ Rejected
+ else begin
+ (* The stack is nonempty. Pop a cell, updating the current state
+ with that found in the popped cell, and try again. *)
+ let env = { env with
+ stack = next;
+ current = cell.state
+ } in
+ HandlingError env
+ end
+ (* End of the nest of tail recursive functions. *)
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The incremental interface. See [EngineTypes]. *)
+ (* [start s] begins the parsing process. *)
+ let start (s : state) (initial : position) : semantic_value checkpoint =
+ (* Build an empty stack. This is a dummy cell, which is its own successor.
+ Its [next] field WILL be accessed by [error_fail] if an error occurs and
+ is propagated all the way until the stack is empty. Its [endp] field WILL
+ be accessed (by a semantic action) if an epsilon production is reduced
+ when the stack is empty. *)
+ let rec empty = {
+ state = s; (* dummy *)
+ semv = T.error_value; (* dummy *)
+ startp = initial; (* dummy *)
+ endp = initial;
+ next = empty;
+ } in
+ (* Build an initial environment. *)
+ (* Unfortunately, there is no type-safe way of constructing a
+ dummy token. Tokens carry semantic values, which in general
+ we cannot manufacture. This instance of [Obj.magic] could
+ be avoided by adopting a different representation (e.g., no
+ [env.error] field, and an option in the first component of
+ [env.triple]), but I like this representation better. *)
+ let dummy_token = Obj.magic () in
+ let env = {
+ error = false;
+ triple = (dummy_token, initial, initial); (* dummy *)
+ stack = empty;
+ current = s;
+ } in
+ (* Begin parsing. *)
+ (* The parameter [please_discard] here is [true], which means we know
+ that we must read at least one token. This claim relies on the fact
+ that we have ruled out the two special cases where a start symbol
+ recognizes the empty language or the singleton language {epsilon}. *)
+ run env true
+ (* [offer checkpoint triple] is invoked by the user in response to a
+ checkpoint of the form [InputNeeded env]. It checks that [checkpoint] is
+ indeed of this form, and invokes [discard]. *)
+ (* [resume checkpoint] is invoked by the user in response to a checkpoint of
+ the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)] or [HandlingError env]. It checks
+ that [checkpoint] is indeed of this form, and invokes [reduce] or
+ [error], as appropriate. *)
+ (* In reality, [offer] and [resume] accept an argument of type
+ [semantic_value checkpoint] and produce a checkpoint of the same type.
+ The choice of [semantic_value] is forced by the fact that this is the
+ parameter of the checkpoint [Accepted]. *)
+ (* We change this as follows. *)
+ (* We change the argument and result type of [offer] and [resume] from
+ [semantic_value checkpoint] to ['a checkpoint]. This is safe, in this
+ case, because we give the user access to values of type [t checkpoint]
+ only if [t] is indeed the type of the eventual semantic value for this
+ run. (More precisely, by examining the signatures [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
+ and [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE_START], one finds that the user can build a value
+ of type ['a checkpoint] only if ['a] is [semantic_value]. The table
+ back-end goes further than this and produces versions of [start] composed
+ with a suitable cast, which give the user access to a value of type
+ [t checkpoint] where [t] is the type of the start symbol.) *)
+ let offer : 'a . 'a checkpoint ->
+ token * position * position ->
+ 'a checkpoint
+ = function
+ | InputNeeded env ->
+ Obj.magic discard env
+ | _ ->
+ invalid_arg "offer expects InputNeeded"
+ let resume : 'a . 'a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint = function
+ | HandlingError env ->
+ Obj.magic error env
+ | Shifting (_, env, please_discard) ->
+ Obj.magic run env please_discard
+ | AboutToReduce (env, prod) ->
+ Obj.magic reduce env prod
+ | _ ->
+ invalid_arg "resume expects HandlingError | Shifting | AboutToReduce"
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The traditional interface. See [EngineTypes]. *)
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* Wrapping a lexer and lexbuf as a token supplier. *)
+ type supplier =
+ unit -> token * position * position
+ let lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier
+ (lexer : Lexing.lexbuf -> token)
+ (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf)
+ : supplier =
+ fun () ->
+ let token = lexer lexbuf in
+ let startp = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p
+ and endp = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
+ token, startp, endp
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The main loop repeatedly handles intermediate checkpoints, until a final
+ checkpoint is obtained. This allows implementing the monolithic interface
+ ([entry]) in terms of the incremental interface ([start], [offer],
+ [handle], [reduce]). *)
+ (* By convention, acceptance is reported by returning a semantic value,
+ whereas rejection is reported by raising [Error]. *)
+ (* [loop] is polymorphic in ['a]. No cheating is involved in achieving this.
+ All of the cheating resides in the types assigned to [offer] and [handle]
+ above. *)
+ let rec loop : 'a . supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a =
+ fun read checkpoint ->
+ match checkpoint with
+ | InputNeeded _ ->
+ (* The parser needs a token. Request one from the lexer,
+ and offer it to the parser, which will produce a new
+ checkpoint. Then, repeat. *)
+ let triple = read() in
+ let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
+ loop read checkpoint
+ | Shifting _
+ | AboutToReduce _
+ | HandlingError _ ->
+ (* The parser has suspended itself, but does not need
+ new input. Just resume the parser. Then, repeat. *)
+ let checkpoint = resume checkpoint in
+ loop read checkpoint
+ | Accepted v ->
+ (* The parser has succeeded and produced a semantic value.
+ Return this semantic value to the user. *)
+ v
+ | Rejected ->
+ (* The parser rejects this input. Raise an exception. *)
+ raise Error
+ let entry (s : state) lexer lexbuf : semantic_value =
+ let initial = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
+ loop (lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier lexer lexbuf) (start s initial)
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* [loop_handle] stops if it encounters an error, and at this point, invokes
+ its failure continuation, without letting Menhir do its own traditional
+ error-handling (which involves popping the stack, etc.). *)
+ let rec loop_handle succeed fail read checkpoint =
+ match checkpoint with
+ | InputNeeded _ ->
+ let triple = read() in
+ let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
+ loop_handle succeed fail read checkpoint
+ | Shifting _
+ | AboutToReduce _ ->
+ let checkpoint = resume checkpoint in
+ loop_handle succeed fail read checkpoint
+ | HandlingError _
+ | Rejected ->
+ (* The parser has detected an error. Invoke the failure continuation. *)
+ fail checkpoint
+ | Accepted v ->
+ (* The parser has succeeded and produced a semantic value. Invoke the
+ success continuation. *)
+ succeed v
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* [loop_handle_undo] is analogous to [loop_handle], except it passes a pair
+ of checkpoints to the failure continuation.
+ The first (and oldest) checkpoint is the last [InputNeeded] checkpoint
+ that was encountered before the error was detected. The second (and
+ newest) checkpoint is where the error was detected, as in [loop_handle].
+ Going back to the first checkpoint can be thought of as undoing any
+ reductions that were performed after seeing the problematic token. (These
+ reductions must be default reductions or spurious reductions.) *)
+ let rec loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (inputneeded, checkpoint) =
+ match checkpoint with
+ | InputNeeded _ ->
+ (* Update the last recorded [InputNeeded] checkpoint. *)
+ let inputneeded = checkpoint in
+ let triple = read() in
+ let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
+ loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (inputneeded, checkpoint)
+ | Shifting _
+ | AboutToReduce _ ->
+ let checkpoint = resume checkpoint in
+ loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (inputneeded, checkpoint)
+ | HandlingError _
+ | Rejected ->
+ fail inputneeded checkpoint
+ | Accepted v ->
+ succeed v
+ (* For simplicity, we publish a version of [loop_handle_undo] that takes a
+ single checkpoint as an argument, instead of a pair of checkpoints. We
+ check that the argument is [InputNeeded _], and duplicate it. *)
+ (* The parser cannot accept or reject before it asks for the very first
+ character of input. (Indeed, we statically reject a symbol that
+ generates the empty language or the singleton language {epsilon}.)
+ So, the [start] checkpoint must match [InputNeeded _]. Hence, it is
+ permitted to call [loop_handle_undo] with a [start] checkpoint. *)
+ let loop_handle_undo succeed fail read checkpoint =
+ assert (match checkpoint with InputNeeded _ -> true | _ -> false);
+ loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (checkpoint, checkpoint)
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ let rec shifts checkpoint =
+ match checkpoint with
+ | Shifting (env, _, _) ->
+ (* The parser is about to shift, which means it is willing to
+ consume the terminal symbol that we have fed it. Return the
+ state just before this transition. *)
+ Some env
+ | AboutToReduce _ ->
+ (* The parser wishes to reduce. Just follow. *)
+ shifts (resume checkpoint)
+ | HandlingError _ ->
+ (* The parser fails, which means it rejects the terminal symbol
+ that we have fed it. *)
+ None
+ | InputNeeded _
+ | Accepted _
+ | Rejected ->
+ (* None of these cases can arise. Indeed, after a token is submitted
+ to it, the parser must shift, reduce, or signal an error, before
+ it can request another token or terminate. *)
+ assert false
+ let acceptable checkpoint token pos =
+ let triple = (token, pos, pos) in
+ let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
+ match shifts checkpoint with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some _env -> true
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The type ['a lr1state] describes the (non-initial) states of the LR(1)
+ automaton. The index ['a] represents the type of the semantic value
+ associated with the state's incoming symbol. *)
+ (* The type ['a lr1state] is defined as an alias for [state], which itself
+ is usually defined as [int] (see [TableInterpreter]). So, ['a lr1state]
+ is technically a phantom type, but should really be thought of as a GADT
+ whose data constructors happen to be represented as integers. It is
+ presented to the user as an abstract type (see [IncrementalEngine]). *)
+ type 'a lr1state =
+ state
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* Stack inspection. *)
+ (* We offer a read-only view of the parser's state as a stream of elements.
+ Each element contains a pair of a (non-initial) state and a semantic
+ value associated with (the incoming symbol of) this state. Note that the
+ type [element] is an existential type. *)
+ (* As of 2017/03/31, the type [stack] and the function [stack] are DEPRECATED.
+ If desired, they could now be implemented outside Menhir, by relying on
+ the functions [top] and [pop]. *)
+ type element =
+ | Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * position * position -> element
+ open General
+ type stack =
+ element stream
+ (* If [current] is the current state and [cell] is the top stack cell,
+ then [stack cell current] is a view of the parser's state as a stream
+ of elements. *)
+ let rec stack cell current : element stream =
+ lazy (
+ (* The stack is empty iff the top stack cell is its own successor. In
+ that case, the current state [current] should be an initial state
+ (which has no incoming symbol).
+ We do not allow the user to inspect this state. *)
+ let next = in
+ if next == cell then
+ Nil
+ else
+ (* Construct an element containing the current state [current] as well
+ as the semantic value contained in the top stack cell. This semantic
+ value is associated with the incoming symbol of this state, so it
+ makes sense to pair them together. The state has type ['a state] and
+ the semantic value has type ['a], for some type ['a]. Here, the OCaml
+ type-checker thinks ['a] is [semantic_value] and considers this code
+ well-typed. Outside, we will use magic to provide the user with a way
+ of inspecting states and recovering the value of ['a]. *)
+ let element = Element (
+ current,
+ cell.semv,
+ cell.startp,
+ cell.endp
+ ) in
+ Cons (element, stack next cell.state)
+ )
+ let stack env : element stream =
+ stack env.stack env.current
+ (* As explained above, the function [top] allows access to the top stack
+ element only if the stack is nonempty, i.e., only if the current state
+ is not an initial state. *)
+ let top env : element option =
+ let cell = env.stack in
+ let next = in
+ if next == cell then
+ None
+ else
+ Some (Element (env.current, cell.semv, cell.startp, cell.endp))
+ (* [equal] compares the stacks for physical equality, and compares the
+ current states via their numbers (this seems cleaner than using OCaml's
+ polymorphic equality). *)
+ (* The two fields that are not compared by [equal], namely [error] and
+ [triple], are overwritten by the function [discard], which handles
+ [InputNeeded] checkpoints. Thus, if [equal env1 env2] holds, then the
+ checkpoints [input_needed env1] and [input_needed env2] are
+ equivalent: they lead the parser to behave in the same way. *)
+ let equal env1 env2 =
+ env1.stack == env2.stack &&
+ number env1.current = number env2.current
+ let current_state_number env =
+ number env.current
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* Access to the position of the lookahead token. *)
+ let positions { triple = (_, startp, endp); _ } =
+ startp, endp
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* Access to information about default reductions. *)
+ (* This can be a function of states, or a function of environments.
+ We offer both. *)
+ (* Instead of a Boolean result, we could return a [production option].
+ However, we would have to explicitly test whether [prod] is a start
+ production, and in that case, return [None], I suppose. Indeed, we
+ have decided not to expose the start productions. *)
+ let state_has_default_reduction (state : _ lr1state) : bool =
+ T.default_reduction state
+ (fun _env _prod -> true)
+ (fun _env -> false)
+ ()
+ let env_has_default_reduction env =
+ state_has_default_reduction env.current
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The following functions work at the level of environments (as opposed to
+ checkpoints). The function [pop] causes the automaton to go back into the
+ past, pretending that the last input symbol has never been read. The
+ function [force_reduction] causes the automaton to re-interpret the past,
+ by recognizing the right-hand side of a production and reducing this
+ production. The function [feed] causes the automaton to progress into the
+ future by pretending that a (terminal or nonterminal) symbol has been
+ read. *)
+ (* The function [feed] would ideally be defined here. However, for this
+ function to be type-safe, the GADT ['a symbol] is needed. For this
+ reason, we move its definition to [InspectionTableInterpreter], where
+ the inspection API is available. *)
+ (* [pop] pops one stack cell. It cannot go wrong. *)
+ let pop (env : 'a env) : 'a env option =
+ let cell = env.stack in
+ let next = in
+ if next == cell then
+ (* The stack is empty. *)
+ None
+ else
+ (* The stack is nonempty. Pop off one cell. *)
+ Some { env with stack = next; current = cell.state }
+ (* [force_reduction] is analogous to [reduce], except that it does not
+ continue by calling [run env] or [initiate env]. Instead, it returns
+ [env] to the user. *)
+ (* [force_reduction] is dangerous insofar as it executes a semantic action.
+ This semantic action could have side effects: nontermination, state,
+ exceptions, input/output, etc. *)
+ let force_reduction prod (env : 'a env) : 'a env =
+ (* Check if this reduction is permitted. This check is REALLY important.
+ The stack must have the correct shape: that is, it must be sufficiently
+ high, and must contain semantic values of appropriate types, otherwise
+ the semantic action will crash and burn. *)
+ (* We currently check whether the current state is WILLING to reduce this
+ production (i.e., there is a reduction action in the action table row
+ associated with this state), whereas it would be more liberal to check
+ whether this state is CAPABLE of reducing this production (i.e., the
+ stack has an appropriate shape). We currently have no means of
+ performing such a check. *)
+ if not (T.may_reduce env.current prod) then
+ invalid_arg "force_reduction: this reduction is not permitted in this state"
+ else begin
+ (* We do not expose the start productions to the user, so this cannot be
+ a start production. Hence, it has a semantic action. *)
+ assert (not (T.is_start prod));
+ (* Invoke the semantic action. *)
+ let stack = T.semantic_action prod env in
+ (* Perform a goto transition. *)
+ let current = T.goto_prod stack.state prod in
+ { env with stack; current }
+ end
+ (* The environment manipulation functions -- [pop] and [force_reduction]
+ above, plus [feed] -- manipulate the automaton's stack and current state,
+ but do not affect the automaton's lookahead symbol. When the function
+ [input_needed] is used to go back from an environment to a checkpoint
+ (and therefore, resume normal parsing), the lookahead symbol is clobbered
+ anyway, since the only action that the user can take is to call [offer].
+ So far, so good. One problem, though, is that this call to [offer] may
+ well place the automaton in a configuration of a state [s] and a
+ lookahead symbol [t] that is normally unreachable. Also, perhaps the
+ state [s] is a state where an input symbol normally is never demanded, so
+ this [InputNeeded] checkpoint is fishy. There does not seem to be a deep
+ problem here, but, when programming an error recovery strategy, one
+ should pay some attention to this issue. Ideally, perhaps, one should use
+ [input_needed] only in a state [s] where an input symbol is normally
+ demanded, that is, a state [s] whose incoming symbol is a terminal symbol
+ and which does not have a default reduction on [#]. *)
+ let input_needed (env : 'a env) : 'a checkpoint =
+ InputNeeded env
+ (* The following functions are compositions of [top] and [pop]. *)
+ let rec pop_many i env =
+ if i = 0 then
+ Some env
+ else match pop env with
+ | None ->
+ None
+ | Some env ->
+ pop_many (i - 1) env
+ let get i env =
+ match pop_many i env with
+ | None ->
+ None
+ | Some env ->
+ top env
+module ErrorReports = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A two-place buffer stores zero, one, or two elements. *)
+type 'a content =
+| Zero
+| One of 'a
+| Two of 'a * (* most recent: *) 'a
+type 'a buffer =
+ 'a content ref
+(* [update buffer x] pushes [x] into [buffer], causing the buffer to slide. *)
+let update buffer x =
+ buffer :=
+ match !buffer, x with
+ | Zero, _ ->
+ One x
+ | One x1, x2
+ | Two (_, x1), x2 ->
+ Two (x1, x2)
+(* [show f buffer] prints the contents of the buffer. The function [f] is
+ used to print an element. *)
+let show f buffer : string =
+ match !buffer with
+ | Zero ->
+ (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens,
+ we cannot have detected a syntax error. *)
+ assert false
+ | One invalid ->
+ (* It is unlikely, but possible, that we have read just one token. *)
+ Printf.sprintf "before '%s'" (f invalid)
+ | Two (valid, invalid) ->
+ (* In the most likely case, we have read two tokens. *)
+ Printf.sprintf "after '%s' and before '%s'" (f valid) (f invalid)
+(* [last buffer] returns the last element of the buffer (that is, the invalid
+ token). *)
+let last buffer =
+ match !buffer with
+ | Zero ->
+ (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens,
+ we cannot have detected a syntax error. *)
+ assert false
+ | One invalid
+ | Two (_, invalid) ->
+ invalid
+(* [wrap buffer lexer] *)
+open Lexing
+let wrap lexer =
+ let buffer = ref Zero in
+ buffer,
+ fun lexbuf ->
+ let token = lexer lexbuf in
+ update buffer (lexbuf.lex_start_p, lexbuf.lex_curr_p);
+ token
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+module Printers = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+module Make
+ (I : IncrementalEngine.EVERYTHING)
+ (User : sig
+ val print: string -> unit
+ val print_symbol: I.xsymbol -> unit
+ val print_element: (I.element -> unit) option
+ end)
+= struct
+ let arrow = " -> "
+ let dot = "."
+ let space = " "
+ let newline = "\n"
+ open User
+ open I
+ (* Printing a list of symbols. An optional dot is printed at offset
+ [i] into the list [symbols], if this offset lies between [0] and
+ the length of the list (included). *)
+ let rec print_symbols i symbols =
+ if i = 0 then begin
+ print dot;
+ print space;
+ print_symbols (-1) symbols
+ end
+ else begin
+ match symbols with
+ | [] ->
+ ()
+ | symbol :: symbols ->
+ print_symbol symbol;
+ print space;
+ print_symbols (i - 1) symbols
+ end
+ (* Printing an element as a symbol. *)
+ let print_element_as_symbol element =
+ match element with
+ | Element (s, _, _, _) ->
+ print_symbol (X (incoming_symbol s))
+ (* Some of the functions that follow need an element printer. They use
+ [print_element] if provided by the user; otherwise they use
+ [print_element_as_symbol]. *)
+ let print_element =
+ match print_element with
+ | Some print_element ->
+ print_element
+ | None ->
+ print_element_as_symbol
+ (* Printing a stack as a list of symbols. Stack bottom on the left,
+ stack top on the right. *)
+ let rec print_stack env =
+ match top env, pop env with
+ | Some element, Some env ->
+ print_stack env;
+ print space;
+ print_element element
+ | _, _ ->
+ ()
+ let print_stack env =
+ print_stack env;
+ print newline
+ (* Printing an item. *)
+ let print_item (prod, i) =
+ print_symbol (lhs prod);
+ print arrow;
+ print_symbols i (rhs prod);
+ print newline
+ (* Printing a list of symbols (public version). *)
+ let print_symbols symbols =
+ print_symbols (-1) symbols
+ (* Printing a production (without a dot). *)
+ let print_production prod =
+ print_item (prod, -1)
+ (* Printing the current LR(1) state. *)
+ let print_current_state env =
+ print "Current LR(1) state: ";
+ match top env with
+ | None ->
+ print "<some initial state>"; (* TEMPORARY unsatisfactory *)
+ print newline
+ | Some (Element (current, _, _, _)) ->
+ print (string_of_int (number current));
+ print newline;
+ List.iter print_item (items current)
+ let print_env env =
+ print_stack env;
+ print_current_state env;
+ print newline
+module InfiniteArray = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(** This module implements infinite arrays, that is, arrays that grow
+ transparently upon demand. *)
+type 'a t = {
+ default: 'a;
+ mutable table: 'a array;
+ mutable extent: int; (* the index of the greatest [set] ever, plus one *)
+ }
+let default_size =
+ 16384 (* must be non-zero *)
+let make x = {
+ default = x;
+ table = Array.make default_size x;
+ extent = 0;
+let rec new_length length i =
+ if i < length then
+ length
+ else
+ new_length (2 * length) i
+let ensure a i =
+ assert (0 <= i);
+ let table = a.table in
+ let length = Array.length table in
+ if i >= length then begin
+ let table' = Array.make (new_length (2 * length) i) a.default in
+ Array.blit table 0 table' 0 length;
+ a.table <- table'
+ end
+let get a i =
+ ensure a i;
+ Array.unsafe_get a.table (i)
+let set a i x =
+ ensure a i;
+ Array.unsafe_set a.table (i) x;
+ if a.extent <= i then
+ a.extent <- i + 1
+let extent a =
+ a.extent
+let domain a =
+ Array.sub a.table 0 a.extent
+module PackedIntArray = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* A packed integer array is represented as a pair of an integer [k] and
+ a string [s]. The integer [k] is the number of bits per integer that we
+ use. The string [s] is just an array of bits, which is read in 8-bit
+ chunks. *)
+(* The ocaml programming language treats string literals and array literals
+ in slightly different ways: the former are statically allocated, while
+ the latter are dynamically allocated. (This is rather arbitrary.) In the
+ context of Menhir's table-based back-end, where compact, immutable
+ integer arrays are needed, ocaml strings are preferable to ocaml arrays. *)
+type t =
+ int * string
+(* The magnitude [k] of an integer [v] is the number of bits required
+ to represent [v]. It is rounded up to the nearest power of two, so
+ that [k] divides [Sys.word_size]. *)
+let magnitude (v : int) =
+ if v < 0 then
+ Sys.word_size
+ else
+ let rec check k max = (* [max] equals [2^k] *)
+ if (max <= 0) || (v < max) then
+ k
+ (* if [max] just overflew, then [v] requires a full ocaml
+ integer, and [k] is the number of bits in an ocaml integer
+ plus one, that is, [Sys.word_size]. *)
+ else
+ check (2 * k) (max * max)
+ in
+ check 1 2
+(* [pack a] turns an array of integers into a packed integer array. *)
+(* Because the sign bit is the most significant bit, the magnitude of
+ any negative number is the word size. In other words, [pack] does
+ not achieve any space savings as soon as [a] contains any negative
+ numbers, even if they are ``small''. *)
+let pack (a : int array) : t =
+ let m = Array.length a in
+ (* Compute the maximum magnitude of the array elements. This tells
+ us how many bits per element we are going to use. *)
+ let k =
+ Array.fold_left (fun k v ->
+ max k (magnitude v)
+ ) 1 a
+ in
+ (* Because access to ocaml strings is performed on an 8-bit basis,
+ two cases arise. If [k] is less than 8, then we can pack multiple
+ array entries into a single character. If [k] is greater than 8,
+ then we must use multiple characters to represent a single array
+ entry. *)
+ if k <= 8 then begin
+ (* [w] is the number of array entries that we pack in a character. *)
+ assert (8 mod k = 0);
+ let w = 8 / k in
+ (* [n] is the length of the string that we allocate. *)
+ let n =
+ if m mod w = 0 then
+ m / w
+ else
+ m / w + 1
+ in
+ let s =
+ Bytes.create n
+ in
+ (* Define a reader for the source array. The reader might run off
+ the end if [w] does not divide [m]. *)
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ let next () =
+ let ii = !i in
+ if ii = m then
+ 0 (* ran off the end, pad with zeroes *)
+ else
+ let v = a.(ii) in
+ i := ii + 1;
+ v
+ in
+ (* Fill up the string. *)
+ for j = 0 to n - 1 do
+ let c = ref 0 in
+ for _x = 1 to w do
+ c := (!c lsl k) lor next()
+ done;
+ Bytes.set s j (Char.chr !c)
+ done;
+ (* Done. *)
+ k, Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
+ end
+ else begin (* k > 8 *)
+ (* [w] is the number of characters that we use to encode an array entry. *)
+ assert (k mod 8 = 0);
+ let w = k / 8 in
+ (* [n] is the length of the string that we allocate. *)
+ let n =
+ m * w
+ in
+ let s =
+ Bytes.create n
+ in
+ (* Fill up the string. *)
+ for i = 0 to m - 1 do
+ let v = ref a.(i) in
+ for x = 1 to w do
+ Bytes.set s ((i + 1) * w - x) (Char.chr (!v land 255));
+ v := !v lsr 8
+ done
+ done;
+ (* Done. *)
+ k, Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
+ end
+(* Access to a string. *)
+let read (s : string) (i : int) : int =
+ Char.code (String.unsafe_get s i)
+(* [get1 t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i].
+ It assumes (and does not check) that the array's bit width is [1]. The
+ parameter [t] is just a string. *)
+let get1 (s : string) (i : int) : int =
+ let c = read s (i lsr 3) in
+ let c = c lsr ((lnot i) land 0b111) in
+ let c = c land 0b1 in
+ c
+(* [get t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i]. *)
+(* Together, [pack] and [get] satisfy the following property: if the index [i]
+ is within bounds, then [get (pack a) i] equals [a.(i)]. *)
+let get ((k, s) : t) (i : int) : int =
+ match k with
+ | 1 ->
+ get1 s i
+ | 2 ->
+ let c = read s (i lsr 2) in
+ let c = c lsr (2 * ((lnot i) land 0b11)) in
+ let c = c land 0b11 in
+ c
+ | 4 ->
+ let c = read s (i lsr 1) in
+ let c = c lsr (4 * ((lnot i) land 0b1)) in
+ let c = c land 0b1111 in
+ c
+ | 8 ->
+ read s i
+ | 16 ->
+ let j = 2 * i in
+ (read s j) lsl 8 + read s (j + 1)
+ | _ ->
+ assert (k = 32); (* 64 bits unlikely, not supported *)
+ let j = 4 * i in
+ (((read s j lsl 8) + read s (j + 1)) lsl 8 + read s (j + 2)) lsl 8 + read s (j + 3)
+(* [unflatten1 (n, data) i j] accesses the two-dimensional bitmap
+ represented by [(n, data)] at indices [i] and [j]. The integer
+ [n] is the width of the bitmap; the string [data] is the second
+ component of the packed array obtained by encoding the table as
+ a one-dimensional array. *)
+let unflatten1 (n, data) i j =
+ get1 data (n * i + j)
+module RowDisplacement = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This module compresses a two-dimensional table, where some values
+ are considered insignificant, via row displacement. *)
+(* This idea reportedly appears in Aho and Ullman's ``Principles
+ of Compiler Design'' (1977). It is evaluated in Tarjan and Yao's
+ ``Storing a Sparse Table'' (1979) and in Dencker, Dürre, and Heuft's
+ ``Optimization of Parser Tables for Portable Compilers'' (1984). *)
+(* A compressed table is represented as a pair of arrays. The
+ displacement array is an array of offsets into the data array. *)
+type 'a table =
+ int array * (* displacement *)
+ 'a array (* data *)
+(* In a natural version of this algorithm, displacements would be greater
+ than (or equal to) [-n]. However, in the particular setting of Menhir,
+ both arrays are intended to be compressed with [PackedIntArray], which
+ does not efficiently support negative numbers. For this reason, we are
+ careful not to produce negative displacements. *)
+(* In order to avoid producing negative displacements, we simply use the
+ least significant bit as the sign bit. This is implemented by [encode]
+ and [decode] below. *)
+(* One could also think, say, of adding [n] to every displacement, so as
+ to ensure that all displacements are nonnegative. This would work, but
+ would require [n] to be published, for use by the decoder. *)
+let encode (displacement : int) : int =
+ if displacement >= 0 then
+ displacement lsl 1
+ else
+ (-displacement) lsl 1 + 1
+let decode (displacement : int) : int =
+ if displacement land 1 = 0 then
+ displacement lsr 1
+ else
+ -(displacement lsr 1)
+(* It is reasonable to assume that, as matrices grow large, their
+ density becomes low, i.e., they have many insignificant entries.
+ As a result, it is important to work with a sparse data structure
+ for rows. We internally represent a row as a list of its
+ significant entries, where each entry is a pair of a [j] index and
+ an element. *)
+type 'a row =
+ (int * 'a) list
+(* [compress equal insignificant dummy m n t] turns the two-dimensional table
+ [t] into a compressed table. The parameter [equal] is equality of data
+ values. The parameter [wildcard] tells which data values are insignificant,
+ and can thus be overwritten with other values. The parameter [dummy] is
+ used to fill holes in the data array. [m] and [n] are the integer
+ dimensions of the table [t]. *)
+let compress
+ (equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool)
+ (insignificant : 'a -> bool)
+ (dummy : 'a)
+ (m : int) (n : int)
+ (t : 'a array array)
+ : 'a table =
+ (* Be defensive. *)
+ assert (Array.length t = m);
+ assert begin
+ for i = 0 to m - 1 do
+ assert (Array.length t.(i) = n)
+ done;
+ true
+ end;
+ (* This turns a row-as-array into a row-as-sparse-list. The row is
+ accompanied by its index [i] and by its rank (the number of its
+ significant entries, that is, the length of the row-as-a-list. *)
+ let sparse (i : int) (line : 'a array) : int * int * 'a row (* index, rank, row *) =
+ let rec loop (j : int) (rank : int) (row : 'a row) =
+ if j < 0 then
+ i, rank, row
+ else
+ let x = line.(j) in
+ if insignificant x then
+ loop (j - 1) rank row
+ else
+ loop (j - 1) (1 + rank) ((j, x) :: row)
+ in
+ loop (n - 1) 0 []
+ in
+ (* Construct an array of all rows, together with their index and rank. *)
+ let rows : (int * int * 'a row) array = (* index, rank, row *)
+ Array.mapi sparse t
+ in
+ (* Sort this array by decreasing rank. This does not have any impact
+ on correctness, but reportedly improves compression. The
+ intuitive idea is that rows with few significant elements are
+ easy to fit, so they should be inserted last, after the problem
+ has become quite constrained by fitting the heavier rows. This
+ heuristic is attributed to Ziegler. *)
+ Array.fast_sort (fun (_, rank1, _) (_, rank2, _) ->
+ compare rank2 rank1
+ ) rows;
+ (* Allocate a one-dimensional array of displacements. *)
+ let displacement : int array =
+ Array.make m 0
+ in
+ (* Allocate a one-dimensional, infinite array of values. Indices
+ into this array are written [k]. *)
+ let data : 'a InfiniteArray.t =
+ InfiniteArray.make dummy
+ in
+ (* Determine whether [row] fits at offset [k] within the current [data]
+ array, up to extension of this array. *)
+ (* Note that this check always succeeds when [k] equals the length of
+ the [data] array. Indeed, the loop is then skipped. This property
+ guarantees the termination of the recursive function [fit] below. *)
+ let fits k (row : 'a row) : bool =
+ let d = InfiniteArray.extent data in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] ->
+ true
+ | (j, x) :: row ->
+ (* [x] is a significant element. *)
+ (* By hypothesis, [k + j] is nonnegative. If it is greater than or
+ equal to the current length of the data array, stop -- the row
+ fits. *)
+ assert (k + j >= 0);
+ if k + j >= d then
+ true
+ (* We now know that [k + j] is within bounds of the data
+ array. Check whether it is compatible with the element [y] found
+ there. If it is, continue. If it isn't, stop -- the row does not
+ fit. *)
+ else
+ let y = InfiniteArray.get data (k + j) in
+ if insignificant y || equal x y then
+ loop row
+ else
+ false
+ in
+ loop row
+ in
+ (* Find the leftmost position where a row fits. *)
+ (* If the leftmost significant element in this row is at offset [j],
+ then we can hope to fit as far left as [-j] -- so this element
+ lands at offset [0] in the data array. *)
+ (* Note that displacements may be negative. This means that, for
+ insignificant elements, accesses to the data array could fail: they could
+ be out of bounds, either towards the left or towards the right. This is
+ not a problem, as long as [get] is invoked only at significant
+ elements. *)
+ let rec fit k row : int =
+ if fits k row then
+ k
+ else
+ fit (k + 1) row
+ in
+ let fit row =
+ match row with
+ | [] ->
+ 0 (* irrelevant *)
+ | (j, _) :: _ ->
+ fit (-j) row
+ in
+ (* Write [row] at (compatible) offset [k]. *)
+ let rec write k = function
+ | [] ->
+ ()
+ | (j, x) :: row ->
+ InfiniteArray.set data (k + j) x;
+ write k row
+ in
+ (* Iterate over the sorted array of rows. Fit and write each row at
+ the leftmost compatible offset. Update the displacement table. *)
+ Array.iter (fun (i, _, row) ->
+ let k = fit row in (* if [row] has leading insignificant elements, then [k] can be negative *)
+ write k row;
+ displacement.(i) <- encode k
+ ) rows;
+ (* Return the compressed tables. *)
+ displacement, InfiniteArray.domain data
+(* [get ct i j] returns the value found at indices [i] and [j] in the
+ compressed table [ct]. This function call is permitted only if the
+ value found at indices [i] and [j] in the original table is
+ significant -- otherwise, it could fail abruptly. *)
+(* Together, [compress] and [get] have the property that, if the value
+ found at indices [i] and [j] in an uncompressed table [t] is
+ significant, then [get (compress t) i j] is equal to that value. *)
+let get (displacement, data) i j =
+ assert (0 <= i && i < Array.length displacement);
+ let k = decode displacement.(i) in
+ assert (0 <= k + j && k + j < Array.length data);
+ (* failure of this assertion indicates an attempt to access an
+ insignificant element that happens to be mapped out of the bounds
+ of the [data] array. *)
+ data.(k + j)
+(* [getget] is a variant of [get] which only requires read access,
+ via accessors, to the two components of the table. *)
+let getget get_displacement get_data (displacement, data) i j =
+ let k = decode (get_displacement displacement i) in
+ get_data data (k + j)
+module LinearizedArray = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* The [entry] array contains offsets into the [data] array. It has [n+1]
+ elements if the original (unencoded) array has [n] elements. The value
+ of [entry.(n)] is the length of the [data] array. This convention is
+ natural and allows avoiding a special case. *)
+type 'a t =
+ (* data: *) 'a array *
+ (* entry: *) int array
+let make (a : 'a array array) : 'a t =
+ let n = Array.length a in
+ (* Build the entry array. *)
+ let size = ref 0 in
+ let entry = Array.init (n + 1) (fun i ->
+ let s = !size in
+ if i < n then
+ size := s + Array.length a.(i);
+ s
+ ) in
+ assert (entry.(n) = !size);
+ (* Build the data array. *)
+ let i = ref 0
+ and j = ref 0 in
+ let data = Array.init !size (fun _ ->
+ while !j = Array.length a.(!i) do
+ i := !i + 1;
+ j := 0;
+ done;
+ let x = a.(!i).(!j) in
+ j := !j + 1;
+ x
+ ) in
+ data, entry
+let length ((_, entry) : 'a t) : int =
+ Array.length entry
+let row_length ((_, entry) : 'a t) i : int =
+ entry.(i + 1) - entry.(i)
+let row_length_via get_entry i =
+ get_entry (i + 1) - get_entry i
+let read ((data, entry) as la : 'a t) i j : 'a =
+ assert (0 <= j && j < row_length la i);
+ data.(entry.(i) + j)
+let read_via get_data get_entry i j =
+ assert (0 <= j && j < row_length_via get_entry i);
+ get_data (get_entry i + j)
+let write ((data, entry) as la : 'a t) i j (v : 'a) : unit =
+ assert (0 <= j && j < row_length la i);
+ data.(entry.(i) + j) <- v
+let rec read_interval_via get_data i j =
+ if i = j then
+ []
+ else
+ get_data i :: read_interval_via get_data (i + 1) j
+let read_row_via get_data get_entry i =
+ read_interval_via get_data (get_entry i) (get_entry (i + 1))
+let read_row ((data, entry) : 'a t) i : 'a list =
+ read_row_via (Array.get data) (Array.get entry) i
+module TableFormat = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This signature defines the format of the parse tables. It is used as
+ an argument to [TableInterpreter.Make]. *)
+module type TABLES = sig
+ (* This is the parser's type of tokens. *)
+ type token
+ (* This maps a token to its internal (generation-time) integer code. *)
+ val token2terminal: token -> int
+ (* This is the integer code for the error pseudo-token. *)
+ val error_terminal: int
+ (* This maps a token to its semantic value. *)
+ val token2value: token -> Obj.t
+ (* Traditionally, an LR automaton is described by two tables, namely, an
+ action table and a goto table. See, for instance, the Dragon book.
+ The action table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
+ lookahead token to an action. An action is one of: shift to a certain
+ state, reduce a certain production, accept, or fail.
+ The goto table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
+ non-terminal symbol to either a state or undefined. By construction, this
+ table is sparse: its undefined entries are never looked up. A compression
+ technique is free to overlap them with other entries.
+ In Menhir, things are slightly different. If a state has a default
+ reduction on token [#], then that reduction must be performed without
+ consulting the lookahead token. As a result, we must first determine
+ whether that is the case, before we can obtain a lookahead token and use it
+ as an index in the action table.
+ Thus, Menhir's tables are as follows.
+ A one-dimensional default reduction table maps a state to either ``no
+ default reduction'' (encoded as: 0) or ``by default, reduce prod''
+ (encoded as: 1 + prod). The action table is looked up only when there
+ is no default reduction. *)
+ val default_reduction: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* Menhir follows Dencker, Dürre and Heuft, who point out that, although the
+ action table is not sparse by nature (i.e., the error entries are
+ significant), it can be made sparse by first factoring out a binary error
+ matrix, then replacing the error entries in the action table with undefined
+ entries. Thus:
+ A two-dimensional error bitmap maps a state and a terminal to either
+ ``fail'' (encoded as: 0) or ``do not fail'' (encoded as: 1). The action
+ table, which is now sparse, is looked up only in the latter case. *)
+ (* The error bitmap is flattened into a one-dimensional table; its width is
+ recorded so as to allow indexing. The table is then compressed via
+ [PackedIntArray]. The bit width of the resulting packed array must be
+ [1], so it is not explicitly recorded. *)
+ (* The error bitmap does not contain a column for the [#] pseudo-terminal.
+ Thus, its width is [Terminal.n - 1]. We exploit the fact that the integer
+ code assigned to [#] is greatest: the fact that the right-most column
+ in the bitmap is missing does not affect the code for accessing it. *)
+ val error: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
+ (* A two-dimensional action table maps a state and a terminal to one of
+ ``shift to state s and discard the current token'' (encoded as: s | 10),
+ ``shift to state s without discarding the current token'' (encoded as: s |
+ 11), or ``reduce prod'' (encoded as: prod | 01). *)
+ (* The action table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
+ via [PackedIntArray]. *)
+ (* Like the error bitmap, the action table does not contain a column for the
+ [#] pseudo-terminal. *)
+ val action: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A one-dimensional lhs table maps a production to its left-hand side (a
+ non-terminal symbol). *)
+ val lhs: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A two-dimensional goto table maps a state and a non-terminal symbol to
+ either undefined (encoded as: 0) or a new state s (encoded as: 1 + s). *)
+ (* The goto table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
+ via [PackedIntArray]. *)
+ val goto: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* The number of start productions. A production [prod] is a start
+ production if and only if [prod < start] holds. This is also the
+ number of start symbols. A nonterminal symbol [nt] is a start
+ symbol if and only if [nt < start] holds. *)
+ val start: int
+ (* A one-dimensional semantic action table maps productions to semantic
+ actions. The calling convention for semantic actions is described in
+ [EngineTypes]. This table contains ONLY NON-START PRODUCTIONS, so the
+ indexing is off by [start]. Be careful. *)
+ val semantic_action: ((int, Obj.t, token) EngineTypes.env ->
+ (int, Obj.t) EngineTypes.stack) array
+ (* The parser defines its own [Error] exception. This exception can be
+ raised by semantic actions and caught by the engine, and raised by the
+ engine towards the final user. *)
+ exception Error
+ (* The parser indicates whether to generate a trace. Generating a
+ trace requires two extra tables, which respectively map a
+ terminal symbol and a production to a string. *)
+ val trace: (string array * string array) option
+module InspectionTableFormat = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This signature defines the format of the tables that are produced (in
+ addition to the tables described in [TableFormat]) when the command line
+ switch [--inspection] is enabled. It is used as an argument to
+ [InspectionTableInterpreter.Make]. *)
+module type TABLES = sig
+ (* The types of symbols. *)
+ include IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS
+ (* The type ['a lr1state] describes an LR(1) state. The generated parser defines
+ it internally as [int]. *)
+ type 'a lr1state
+ (* Some of the tables that follow use encodings of (terminal and
+ nonterminal) symbols as integers. So, we need functions that
+ map the integer encoding of a symbol to its algebraic encoding. *)
+ val terminal: int -> xsymbol
+ val nonterminal: int -> xsymbol
+ (* The left-hand side of every production already appears in the
+ signature [TableFormat.TABLES], so we need not repeat it here. *)
+ (* The right-hand side of every production. This a linearized array
+ of arrays of integers, whose [data] and [entry] components have
+ been packed. The encoding of symbols as integers in described in
+ [TableBackend]. *)
+ val rhs: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A mapping of every (non-initial) state to its LR(0) core. *)
+ val lr0_core: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its set of LR(0) items. Each item is
+ represented in its packed form (see [Item]) as an integer. Thus the
+ mapping is an array of arrays of integers, which is linearized and
+ packed, like [rhs]. *)
+ val lr0_items: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its incoming symbol, if it has one. *)
+ val lr0_incoming: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A table that tells which non-terminal symbols are nullable. *)
+ val nullable: string
+ (* This is a packed int array of bit width 1. It can be read
+ using [PackedIntArray.get1]. *)
+ (* A two-table dimensional table, indexed by a nonterminal symbol and
+ by a terminal symbol (other than [#]), encodes the FIRST sets. *)
+ val first: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
+module InspectionTableInterpreter = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The type functor. *)
+module Symbols (T : sig
+ type 'a terminal
+ type 'a nonterminal
+end) = struct
+ open T
+ (* This should be the only place in the whole library (and generator!)
+ where these types are defined. *)
+ type 'a symbol =
+ | T : 'a terminal -> 'a symbol
+ | N : 'a nonterminal -> 'a symbol
+ type xsymbol =
+ | X : 'a symbol -> xsymbol
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The code functor. *)
+module Make
+ (TT : TableFormat.TABLES)
+ (IT : InspectionTableFormat.TABLES
+ with type 'a lr1state = int)
+ (ET : EngineTypes.TABLE
+ with type terminal = int
+ and type nonterminal = int
+ and type semantic_value = Obj.t)
+ (E : sig
+ type 'a env = (ET.state, ET.semantic_value, ET.token) EngineTypes.env
+ end)
+= struct
+ (* Including [IT] is an easy way of inheriting the definitions of the types
+ [symbol] and [xsymbol]. *)
+ include IT
+ (* This auxiliary function decodes a packed linearized array, as created by
+ [TableBackend.linearize_and_marshal1]. Here, we read a row all at once. *)
+ let read_packed_linearized
+ (data, entry : PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t) (i : int) : int list
+ =
+ LinearizedArray.read_row_via
+ (PackedIntArray.get data)
+ (PackedIntArray.get entry)
+ i
+ (* This auxiliary function decodes a symbol. The encoding was done by
+ [encode_symbol] or [encode_symbol_option] in the table back-end. *)
+ let decode_symbol (symbol : int) : IT.xsymbol =
+ (* If [symbol] is 0, then we have no symbol. This could mean e.g.
+ that the function [incoming_symbol] has been applied to an
+ initial state. In principle, this cannot happen. *)
+ assert (symbol > 0);
+ (* The low-order bit distinguishes terminal and nonterminal symbols. *)
+ let kind = symbol land 1 in
+ let symbol = symbol lsr 1 in
+ if kind = 0 then
+ IT.terminal (symbol - 1)
+ else
+ IT.nonterminal symbol
+ (* These auxiliary functions convert a symbol to its integer code. For speed
+ and for convenience, we use an unsafe type cast. This relies on the fact
+ that the data constructors of the [terminal] and [nonterminal] GADTs are
+ declared in an order that reflects their internal code. In the case of
+ nonterminal symbols, we add [start] to account for the presence of the
+ start symbols. *)
+ let n2i (nt : 'a IT.nonterminal) : int =
+ let answer = TT.start + Obj.magic nt in
+ (* For safety, check that the above cast produced a correct result. *)
+ assert (IT.nonterminal answer = X (N nt));
+ answer
+ let t2i (t : 'a IT.terminal) : int =
+ let answer = Obj.magic t in
+ (* For safety, check that the above cast produced a correct result. *)
+ assert (IT.terminal answer = X (T t));
+ answer
+ (* Ordering functions. *)
+ let compare_terminals t1 t2 =
+ (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
+ t2i t1 - t2i t2
+ let compare_nonterminals nt1 nt2 =
+ (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
+ n2i nt1 - n2i nt2
+ let compare_symbols symbol1 symbol2 =
+ match symbol1, symbol2 with
+ | X (T _), X (N _) ->
+ -1
+ | X (N _), X (T _) ->
+ 1
+ | X (T t1), X (T t2) ->
+ compare_terminals t1 t2
+ | X (N nt1), X (N nt2) ->
+ compare_nonterminals nt1 nt2
+ let compare_productions prod1 prod2 =
+ (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
+ prod1 - prod2
+ let compare_items (prod1, index1) (prod2, index2) =
+ let c = compare_productions prod1 prod2 in
+ (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
+ if c <> 0 then c else index1 - index2
+ (* The function [incoming_symbol] goes through the tables [IT.lr0_core] and
+ [IT.lr0_incoming]. This yields a representation of type [xsymbol], out of
+ which we strip the [X] quantifier, so as to get a naked symbol. This last
+ step is ill-typed and potentially dangerous. It is safe only because this
+ function is used at type ['a lr1state -> 'a symbol], which forces an
+ appropriate choice of ['a]. *)
+ let incoming_symbol (s : 'a IT.lr1state) : 'a IT.symbol =
+ let core = PackedIntArray.get IT.lr0_core s in
+ let symbol = decode_symbol (PackedIntArray.get IT.lr0_incoming core) in
+ match symbol with
+ | IT.X symbol ->
+ Obj.magic symbol
+ (* The function [lhs] reads the table [TT.lhs] and uses [IT.nonterminal]
+ to decode the symbol. *)
+ let lhs prod =
+ IT.nonterminal (PackedIntArray.get TT.lhs prod)
+ (* The function [rhs] reads the table [IT.rhs] and uses [decode_symbol]
+ to decode the symbol. *)
+ let rhs prod =
+ decode_symbol (read_packed_linearized IT.rhs prod)
+ (* The function [items] maps the LR(1) state [s] to its LR(0) core,
+ then uses [core] as an index into the table [IT.lr0_items]. The
+ items are then decoded by the function [export] below, which is
+ essentially a copy of [Item.export]. *)
+ type item =
+ int * int
+ let export t : item =
+ (t lsr 7, t mod 128)
+ let items s =
+ (* Map [s] to its LR(0) core. *)
+ let core = PackedIntArray.get IT.lr0_core s in
+ (* Now use [core] to look up the table [IT.lr0_items]. *)
+ export (read_packed_linearized IT.lr0_items core)
+ (* The function [nullable] maps the nonterminal symbol [nt] to its
+ integer code, which it uses to look up the array [IT.nullable].
+ This yields 0 or 1, which we map back to a Boolean result. *)
+ let decode_bool i =
+ assert (i = 0 || i = 1);
+ i = 1
+ let nullable nt =
+ decode_bool (PackedIntArray.get1 IT.nullable (n2i nt))
+ (* The function [first] maps the symbols [nt] and [t] to their integer
+ codes, which it uses to look up the matrix [IT.first]. *)
+ let first nt t =
+ decode_bool (PackedIntArray.unflatten1 IT.first (n2i nt) (t2i t))
+ let xfirst symbol t =
+ match symbol with
+ | X (T t') ->
+ compare_terminals t t' = 0
+ | X (N nt) ->
+ first nt t
+ (* The function [foreach_terminal] exploits the fact that the
+ first component of [TT.error] is [Terminal.n - 1], i.e., the
+ number of terminal symbols, including [error] but not [#]. *)
+ let rec foldij i j f accu =
+ if i = j then
+ accu
+ else
+ foldij (i + 1) j f (f i accu)
+ let foreach_terminal f accu =
+ let n, _ = TT.error in
+ foldij 0 n (fun i accu ->
+ f (IT.terminal i) accu
+ ) accu
+ let foreach_terminal_but_error f accu =
+ let n, _ = TT.error in
+ foldij 0 n (fun i accu ->
+ if i = TT.error_terminal then
+ accu
+ else
+ f (IT.terminal i) accu
+ ) accu
+ (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+ (* The following is the implementation of the function [feed]. This function
+ is logically part of the LR engine, so it would be nice if it were placed
+ in the module [Engine], but it must be placed here because, to ensure
+ type safety, its arguments must be a symbol of type ['a symbol] and a
+ semantic value of type ['a]. The type ['a symbol] is not available in
+ [Engine]. It is available here. *)
+ open EngineTypes
+ open ET
+ open E
+ (* [feed] fails if the current state does not have an outgoing transition
+ labeled with the desired symbol. This check is carried out at runtime. *)
+ let feed_failure () =
+ invalid_arg "feed: outgoing transition does not exist"
+ (* Feeding a nonterminal symbol [nt]. Here, [nt] has type [nonterminal],
+ which is a synonym for [int], and [semv] has type [semantic_value],
+ which is a synonym for [Obj.t]. This type is unsafe, because pushing
+ a semantic value of arbitrary type into the stack can later cause a
+ semantic action to crash and burn. The function [feed] is given a safe
+ type below. *)
+ let feed_nonterminal
+ (nt : nonterminal) startp (semv : semantic_value) endp (env : 'b env)
+ : 'b env
+ =
+ (* Check if the source state has an outgoing transition labeled [nt].
+ This is done by consulting the [goto] table. *)
+ let source = env.current in
+ match ET.maybe_goto_nt source nt with
+ | None ->
+ feed_failure()
+ | Some target ->
+ (* Push a new cell onto the stack, containing the identity of the state
+ that we are leaving. The semantic value [semv] and positions [startp]
+ and [endp] contained in the new cell are provided by the caller. *)
+ let stack = { state = source; semv; startp; endp; next = env.stack } in
+ (* Move to the target state. *)
+ { env with stack; current = target }
+ let reduce _env _prod = feed_failure()
+ let initiate _env = feed_failure()
+ let feed_terminal
+ (terminal : terminal) startp (semv : semantic_value) endp (env : 'b env)
+ : 'b env
+ =
+ (* Check if the source state has an outgoing transition labeled [terminal].
+ This is done by consulting the [action] table. *)
+ let source = env.current in
+ ET.action source terminal semv
+ (fun env _please_discard _terminal semv target ->
+ (* There is indeed a transition toward the state [target].
+ Push a new cell onto the stack and move to the target state. *)
+ let stack = { state = source; semv; startp; endp; next = env.stack } in
+ { env with stack; current = target }
+ ) reduce initiate env
+ (* The type assigned to [feed] ensures that the type of the semantic value
+ [semv] is appropriate: it must be the semantic-value type of the symbol
+ [symbol]. *)
+ let feed (symbol : 'a symbol) startp (semv : 'a) endp env =
+ let semv : semantic_value = Obj.repr semv in
+ match symbol with
+ | N nt ->
+ feed_nonterminal (n2i nt) startp semv endp env
+ | T terminal ->
+ feed_terminal (t2i terminal) startp semv endp env
+module TableInterpreter = struct
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+module MakeEngineTable (T : TableFormat.TABLES) = struct
+ type state =
+ int
+ let number s = s
+ type token =
+ T.token
+ type terminal =
+ int
+ type nonterminal =
+ int
+ type semantic_value =
+ Obj.t
+ let token2terminal =
+ T.token2terminal
+ let token2value =
+ T.token2value
+ let error_terminal =
+ T.error_terminal
+ let error_value =
+ Obj.repr ()
+ (* The function [foreach_terminal] exploits the fact that the
+ first component of [T.error] is [Terminal.n - 1], i.e., the
+ number of terminal symbols, including [error] but not [#]. *)
+ (* There is similar code in [InspectionTableInterpreter]. The
+ code there contains an additional conversion of the type
+ [terminal] to the type [xsymbol]. *)
+ let rec foldij i j f accu =
+ if i = j then
+ accu
+ else
+ foldij (i + 1) j f (f i accu)
+ let foreach_terminal f accu =
+ let n, _ = T.error in
+ foldij 0 n (fun i accu ->
+ f i accu
+ ) accu
+ type production =
+ int
+ (* In principle, only non-start productions are exposed to the user,
+ at type [production] or at type [int]. This is checked dynamically. *)
+ let non_start_production i =
+ assert (T.start <= i && i - T.start < Array.length T.semantic_action)
+ let production_index i =
+ non_start_production i;
+ i
+ let find_production i =
+ non_start_production i;
+ i
+ let default_reduction state defred nodefred env =
+ let code = PackedIntArray.get T.default_reduction state in
+ if code = 0 then
+ nodefred env
+ else
+ defred env (code - 1)
+ let is_start prod =
+ prod < T.start
+ (* This auxiliary function helps access a compressed, two-dimensional
+ matrix, like the action and goto tables. *)
+ let unmarshal2 table i j =
+ RowDisplacement.getget
+ PackedIntArray.get
+ PackedIntArray.get
+ table
+ i j
+ let action state terminal value shift reduce fail env =
+ match PackedIntArray.unflatten1 T.error state terminal with
+ | 1 ->
+ let action = unmarshal2 T.action state terminal in
+ let opcode = action land 0b11
+ and param = action lsr 2 in
+ if opcode >= 0b10 then
+ (* 0b10 : shift/discard *)
+ (* 0b11 : shift/nodiscard *)
+ let please_discard = (opcode = 0b10) in
+ shift env please_discard terminal value param
+ else
+ (* 0b01 : reduce *)
+ (* 0b00 : cannot happen *)
+ reduce env param
+ | c ->
+ assert (c = 0);
+ fail env
+ let goto_nt state nt =
+ let code = unmarshal2 T.goto state nt in
+ (* code = 1 + state *)
+ code - 1
+ let goto_prod state prod =
+ goto_nt state (PackedIntArray.get T.lhs prod)
+ let maybe_goto_nt state nt =
+ let code = unmarshal2 T.goto state nt in
+ (* If [code] is 0, there is no outgoing transition.
+ If [code] is [1 + state], there is a transition towards [state]. *)
+ assert (0 <= code);
+ if code = 0 then None else Some (code - 1)
+ exception Error =
+ T.Error
+ type semantic_action =
+ (state, semantic_value, token) EngineTypes.env ->
+ (state, semantic_value) EngineTypes.stack
+ let semantic_action prod =
+ (* Indexing into the array [T.semantic_action] is off by [T.start],
+ because the start productions do not have entries in this array. *)
+ T.semantic_action.(prod - T.start)
+ (* [may_reduce state prod] tests whether the state [state] is capable of
+ reducing the production [prod]. This information could be determined
+ in constant time if we were willing to create a bitmap for it, but
+ that would take up a lot of space. Instead, we obtain this information
+ by iterating over a line in the action table. This is costly, but this
+ function is not normally used by the LR engine anyway; it is supposed
+ to be used only by programmers who wish to develop error recovery
+ strategies. *)
+ (* In the future, if desired, we could memoize this function, so as
+ to pay the cost in (memory) space only if and where this function
+ is actually used. We could also replace [foreach_terminal] with a
+ function [exists_terminal] which stops as soon as the accumulator
+ is [true]. *)
+ let may_reduce state prod =
+ (* Test if there is a default reduction of [prod]. *)
+ default_reduction state
+ (fun () prod' -> prod = prod')
+ (fun () ->
+ (* If not, then for each terminal [t], ... *)
+ foreach_terminal (fun t accu ->
+ accu ||
+ (* ... test if there is a reduction of [prod] on [t]. *)
+ action state t ()
+ (* shift: *) (fun () _ _ () _ -> false)
+ (* reduce: *) (fun () prod' -> prod = prod')
+ (* fail: *) (fun () -> false)
+ ()
+ ) false
+ )
+ ()
+ (* If [T.trace] is [None], then the logging functions do nothing. *)
+ let log =
+ match T.trace with Some _ -> true | None -> false
+ module Log = struct
+ open Printf
+ let state state =
+ match T.trace with
+ | Some _ ->
+ fprintf stderr "State %d:\n%!" state
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ let shift terminal state =
+ match T.trace with
+ | Some (terminals, _) ->
+ fprintf stderr "Shifting (%s) to state %d\n%!" terminals.(terminal) state
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ let reduce_or_accept prod =
+ match T.trace with
+ | Some (_, productions) ->
+ fprintf stderr "%s\n%!" productions.(prod)
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ let lookahead_token token startp endp =
+ match T.trace with
+ | Some (terminals, _) ->
+ fprintf stderr "Lookahead token is now %s (%d-%d)\n%!"
+ terminals.(token)
+ startp.Lexing.pos_cnum
+ endp.Lexing.pos_cnum
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ let initiating_error_handling () =
+ match T.trace with
+ | Some _ ->
+ fprintf stderr "Initiating error handling\n%!"
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ let resuming_error_handling () =
+ match T.trace with
+ | Some _ ->
+ fprintf stderr "Resuming error handling\n%!"
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ let handling_error state =
+ match T.trace with
+ | Some _ ->
+ fprintf stderr "Handling error in state %d\n%!" state
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ end
+module StaticVersion = struct
+let require_20180703 = ()
diff --git a/boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli b/boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e65c9cf41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,1705 @@
+module General : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This module offers general-purpose functions on lists and streams. *)
+(* As of 2017/03/31, this module is DEPRECATED. It might be removed in
+ the future. *)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Lists. *)
+(* [take n xs] returns the [n] first elements of the list [xs]. It is
+ acceptable for the list [xs] to have length less than [n], in
+ which case [xs] itself is returned. *)
+val take: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* [drop n xs] returns the list [xs], deprived of its [n] first elements.
+ It is acceptable for the list [xs] to have length less than [n], in
+ which case an empty list is returned. *)
+val drop: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* [uniq cmp xs] assumes that the list [xs] is sorted according to the
+ ordering [cmp] and returns the list [xs] deprived of any duplicate
+ elements. *)
+val uniq: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* [weed cmp xs] returns the list [xs] deprived of any duplicate elements. *)
+val weed: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A stream is a list whose elements are produced on demand. *)
+type 'a stream =
+ 'a head Lazy.t
+and 'a head =
+ | Nil
+ | Cons of 'a * 'a stream
+(* The length of a stream. *)
+val length: 'a stream -> int
+(* Folding over a stream. *)
+val foldr: ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a stream -> 'b -> 'b
+module Convert : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* An ocamlyacc-style, or Menhir-style, parser requires access to
+ the lexer, which must be parameterized with a lexing buffer, and
+ to the lexing buffer itself, where it reads position information. *)
+(* This traditional API is convenient when used with ocamllex, but
+ inelegant when used with other lexer generators. *)
+type ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional =
+ (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'semantic_value
+(* This revised API is independent of any lexer generator. Here, the
+ parser only requires access to the lexer, and the lexer takes no
+ parameters. The tokens returned by the lexer may contain position
+ information. *)
+type ('token, 'semantic_value) revised =
+ (unit -> 'token) -> 'semantic_value
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Converting a traditional parser, produced by ocamlyacc or Menhir,
+ into a revised parser. *)
+(* A token of the revised lexer is essentially a triple of a token
+ of the traditional lexer (or raw token), a start position, and
+ and end position. The three [get] functions are accessors. *)
+(* We do not require the type ['token] to actually be a triple type.
+ This enables complex applications where it is a record type with
+ more than three fields. It also enables simple applications where
+ positions are of no interest, so ['token] is just ['raw_token]
+ and [get_startp] and [get_endp] return dummy positions. *)
+val traditional2revised:
+ ('token -> 'raw_token) ->
+ ('token -> Lexing.position) ->
+ ('token -> Lexing.position) ->
+ ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional ->
+ ('token, 'semantic_value) revised
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Converting a revised parser back to a traditional parser. *)
+val revised2traditional:
+ ('raw_token -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> 'token) ->
+ ('token, 'semantic_value) revised ->
+ ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplified versions of the above, where concrete triples are used. *)
+module Simplified : sig
+ val traditional2revised:
+ ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional ->
+ ('token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position, 'semantic_value) revised
+ val revised2traditional:
+ ('token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position, 'semantic_value) revised ->
+ ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional
+module IncrementalEngine : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+type position = Lexing.position
+open General
+(* This signature describes the incremental LR engine. *)
+(* In this mode, the user controls the lexer, and the parser suspends
+ itself when it needs to read a new token. *)
+module type INCREMENTAL_ENGINE = sig
+ type token
+ (* A value of type [production] is (an index for) a production. The start
+ productions (which do not exist in an \mly file, but are constructed by
+ Menhir internally) are not part of this type. *)
+ type production
+ (* The type ['a checkpoint] represents an intermediate or final state of the
+ parser. An intermediate checkpoint is a suspension: it records the parser's
+ current state, and allows parsing to be resumed. The parameter ['a] is
+ the type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the
+ parser succeeds. *)
+ (* [Accepted] and [Rejected] are final checkpoints. [Accepted] carries a
+ semantic value. *)
+ (* [InputNeeded] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser wishes
+ to read one token before continuing. *)
+ (* [Shifting] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is taking
+ a shift transition. It exposes the state of the parser before and after
+ the transition. The Boolean parameter tells whether the parser intends to
+ request a new token after this transition. (It always does, except when
+ it is about to accept.) *)
+ (* [AboutToReduce] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is
+ about to perform a reduction step. It exposes the parser's current
+ state as well as the production that is about to be reduced. *)
+ (* [HandlingError] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser has
+ detected an error and is currently handling it, in several steps. *)
+ (* A value of type ['a env] represents a configuration of the automaton:
+ current state, stack, lookahead token, etc. The parameter ['a] is the
+ type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the parser
+ succeeds. *)
+ (* In normal operation, the parser works with checkpoints: see the functions
+ [offer] and [resume]. However, it is also possible to work directly with
+ environments (see the functions [pop], [force_reduction], and [feed]) and
+ to reconstruct a checkpoint out of an environment (see [input_needed]).
+ This is considered advanced functionality; its purpose is to allow error
+ recovery strategies to be programmed by the user. *)
+ type 'a env
+ type 'a checkpoint = private
+ | InputNeeded of 'a env
+ | Shifting of 'a env * 'a env * bool
+ | AboutToReduce of 'a env * production
+ | HandlingError of 'a env
+ | Accepted of 'a
+ | Rejected
+ (* [offer] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
+ itself with a checkpoint of the form [InputNeeded env]. [offer] expects the
+ old checkpoint as well as a new token and produces a new checkpoint. It does not
+ raise any exception. *)
+ val offer:
+ 'a checkpoint ->
+ token * position * position ->
+ 'a checkpoint
+ (* [resume] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
+ itself with a checkpoint of the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)] or
+ [HandlingError env]. [resume] expects the old checkpoint and produces a new
+ checkpoint. It does not raise any exception. *)
+ val resume:
+ 'a checkpoint ->
+ 'a checkpoint
+ (* A token supplier is a function of no arguments which delivers a new token
+ (together with its start and end positions) every time it is called. *)
+ type supplier =
+ unit -> token * position * position
+ (* A pair of a lexer and a lexing buffer can be easily turned into a supplier. *)
+ val lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier:
+ (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
+ Lexing.lexbuf ->
+ supplier
+ (* The functions [offer] and [resume] are sufficient to write a parser loop.
+ One can imagine many variations (which is why we expose these functions
+ in the first place!). Here, we expose a few variations of the main loop,
+ ready for use. *)
+ (* [loop supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from [checkpoint], reading
+ tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until it reaches a
+ checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [Rejected]. In the former case, it
+ returns [v]. In the latter case, it raises the exception [Error]. *)
+ val loop: supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a
+ (* [loop_handle succeed fail supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from
+ [checkpoint], reading tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until
+ it reaches a checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [HandlingError env]
+ (or [Rejected], but that should not happen, as [HandlingError _] will be
+ observed first). In the former case, it calls [succeed v]. In the latter
+ case, it calls [fail] with this checkpoint. It cannot raise [Error].
+ This means that Menhir's traditional error-handling procedure (which pops
+ the stack until a state that can act on the [error] token is found) does
+ not get a chance to run. Instead, the user can implement her own error
+ handling code, in the [fail] continuation. *)
+ val loop_handle:
+ ('a -> 'answer) ->
+ ('a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
+ supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
+ (* [loop_handle_undo] is analogous to [loop_handle], except it passes a pair
+ of checkpoints to the failure continuation.
+ The first (and oldest) checkpoint is the last [InputNeeded] checkpoint that
+ was encountered before the error was detected. The second (and newest)
+ checkpoint is where the error was detected, as in [loop_handle]. Going back
+ to the first checkpoint can be thought of as undoing any reductions that
+ were performed after seeing the problematic token. (These reductions must
+ be default reductions or spurious reductions.)
+ [loop_handle_undo] must initially be applied to an [InputNeeded] checkpoint.
+ The parser's initial checkpoints satisfy this constraint. *)
+ val loop_handle_undo:
+ ('a -> 'answer) ->
+ ('a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
+ supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
+ (* [shifts checkpoint] assumes that [checkpoint] has been obtained by
+ submitting a token to the parser. It runs the parser from [checkpoint],
+ through an arbitrary number of reductions, until the parser either
+ accepts this token (i.e., shifts) or rejects it (i.e., signals an error).
+ If the parser decides to shift, then [Some env] is returned, where [env]
+ is the parser's state just before shifting. Otherwise, [None] is
+ returned. *)
+ (* It is desirable that the semantic actions be side-effect free, or that
+ their side-effects be harmless (replayable). *)
+ val shifts: 'a checkpoint -> 'a env option
+ (* The function [acceptable] allows testing, after an error has been
+ detected, which tokens would have been accepted at this point. It is
+ implemented using [shifts]. Its argument should be an [InputNeeded]
+ checkpoint. *)
+ (* For completeness, one must undo any spurious reductions before carrying out
+ this test -- that is, one must apply [acceptable] to the FIRST checkpoint
+ that is passed by [loop_handle_undo] to its failure continuation. *)
+ (* This test causes some semantic actions to be run! The semantic actions
+ should be side-effect free, or their side-effects should be harmless. *)
+ (* The position [pos] is used as the start and end positions of the
+ hypothetical token, and may be picked up by the semantic actions. We
+ suggest using the position where the error was detected. *)
+ val acceptable: 'a checkpoint -> token -> position -> bool
+ (* The abstract type ['a lr1state] describes the non-initial states of the
+ LR(1) automaton. The index ['a] represents the type of the semantic value
+ associated with this state's incoming symbol. *)
+ type 'a lr1state
+ (* The states of the LR(1) automaton are numbered (from 0 and up). *)
+ val number: _ lr1state -> int
+ (* Productions are numbered. *)
+ (* [find_production i] requires the index [i] to be valid. Use with care. *)
+ val production_index: production -> int
+ val find_production: int -> production
+ (* An element is a pair of a non-initial state [s] and a semantic value [v]
+ associated with the incoming symbol of this state. The idea is, the value
+ [v] was pushed onto the stack just before the state [s] was entered. Thus,
+ for some type ['a], the state [s] has type ['a lr1state] and the value [v]
+ has type ['a]. In other words, the type [element] is an existential type. *)
+ type element =
+ | Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * position * position -> element
+ (* The parser's stack is (or, more precisely, can be viewed as) a stream of
+ elements. The type [stream] is defined by the module [General]. *)
+ (* As of 2017/03/31, the types [stream] and [stack] and the function [stack]
+ are DEPRECATED. They might be removed in the future. An alternative way
+ of inspecting the stack is via the functions [top] and [pop]. *)
+ type stack = (* DEPRECATED *)
+ element stream
+ (* This is the parser's stack, a stream of elements. This stream is empty if
+ the parser is in an initial state; otherwise, it is non-empty. The LR(1)
+ automaton's current state is the one found in the top element of the
+ stack. *)
+ val stack: 'a env -> stack (* DEPRECATED *)
+ (* [top env] returns the parser's top stack element. The state contained in
+ this stack element is the current state of the automaton. If the stack is
+ empty, [None] is returned. In that case, the current state of the
+ automaton must be an initial state. *)
+ val top: 'a env -> element option
+ (* [pop_many i env] pops [i] cells off the automaton's stack. This is done
+ via [i] successive invocations of [pop]. Thus, [pop_many 1] is [pop]. The
+ index [i] must be nonnegative. The time complexity is O(i). *)
+ val pop_many: int -> 'a env -> 'a env option
+ (* [get i env] returns the parser's [i]-th stack element. The index [i] is
+ 0-based: thus, [get 0] is [top]. If [i] is greater than or equal to the
+ number of elements in the stack, [None] is returned. The time complexity
+ is O(i). *)
+ val get: int -> 'a env -> element option
+ (* [current_state_number env] is (the integer number of) the automaton's
+ current state. This works even if the automaton's stack is empty, in
+ which case the current state is an initial state. This number can be
+ passed as an argument to a [message] function generated by [menhir
+ --compile-errors]. *)
+ val current_state_number: 'a env -> int
+ (* [equal env1 env2] tells whether the parser configurations [env1] and
+ [env2] are equal in the sense that the automaton's current state is the
+ same in [env1] and [env2] and the stack is *physically* the same in
+ [env1] and [env2]. If [equal env1 env2] is [true], then the sequence of
+ the stack elements, as observed via [pop] and [top], must be the same in
+ [env1] and [env2]. Also, if [equal env1 env2] holds, then the checkpoints
+ [input_needed env1] and [input_needed env2] must be equivalent. The
+ function [equal] has time complexity O(1). *)
+ val equal: 'a env -> 'a env -> bool
+ (* These are the start and end positions of the current lookahead token. If
+ invoked in an initial state, this function returns a pair of twice the
+ initial position. *)
+ val positions: 'a env -> position * position
+ (* When applied to an environment taken from a checkpoint of the form
+ [AboutToReduce (env, prod)], the function [env_has_default_reduction]
+ tells whether the reduction that is about to take place is a default
+ reduction. *)
+ val env_has_default_reduction: 'a env -> bool
+ (* [state_has_default_reduction s] tells whether the state [s] has a default
+ reduction. This includes the case where [s] is an accepting state. *)
+ val state_has_default_reduction: _ lr1state -> bool
+ (* [pop env] returns a new environment, where the parser's top stack cell
+ has been popped off. (If the stack is empty, [None] is returned.) This
+ amounts to pretending that the (terminal or nonterminal) symbol that
+ corresponds to this stack cell has not been read. *)
+ val pop: 'a env -> 'a env option
+ (* [force_reduction prod env] should be called only if in the state [env]
+ the parser is capable of reducing the production [prod]. If this
+ condition is satisfied, then this production is reduced, which means that
+ its semantic action is executed (this can have side effects!) and the
+ automaton makes a goto (nonterminal) transition. If this condition is not
+ satisfied, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
+ val force_reduction: production -> 'a env -> 'a env
+ (* [input_needed env] returns [InputNeeded env]. That is, out of an [env]
+ that might have been obtained via a series of calls to the functions
+ [pop], [force_reduction], [feed], etc., it produces a checkpoint, which
+ can be used to resume normal parsing, by supplying this checkpoint as an
+ argument to [offer]. *)
+ (* This function should be used with some care. It could "mess up the
+ lookahead" in the sense that it allows parsing to resume in an arbitrary
+ state [s] with an arbitrary lookahead symbol [t], even though Menhir's
+ reachability analysis (menhir --list-errors) might well think that it is
+ impossible to reach this particular configuration. If one is using
+ Menhir's new error reporting facility, this could cause the parser to
+ reach an error state for which no error message has been prepared. *)
+ val input_needed: 'a env -> 'a checkpoint
+(* This signature is a fragment of the inspection API that is made available
+ to the user when [--inspection] is used. This fragment contains type
+ definitions for symbols. *)
+module type SYMBOLS = sig
+ (* The type ['a terminal] represents a terminal symbol. The type ['a
+ nonterminal] represents a nonterminal symbol. In both cases, the index
+ ['a] represents the type of the semantic values associated with this
+ symbol. The concrete definitions of these types are generated. *)
+ type 'a terminal
+ type 'a nonterminal
+ (* The type ['a symbol] represents a terminal or nonterminal symbol. It is
+ the disjoint union of the types ['a terminal] and ['a nonterminal]. *)
+ type 'a symbol =
+ | T : 'a terminal -> 'a symbol
+ | N : 'a nonterminal -> 'a symbol
+ (* The type [xsymbol] is an existentially quantified version of the type
+ ['a symbol]. This type is useful in situations where the index ['a]
+ is not statically known. *)
+ type xsymbol =
+ | X : 'a symbol -> xsymbol
+(* This signature describes the inspection API that is made available to the
+ user when [--inspection] is used. *)
+module type INSPECTION = sig
+ (* The types of symbols are described above. *)
+ include SYMBOLS
+ (* The type ['a lr1state] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
+ type 'a lr1state
+ (* The type [production] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE].
+ It represents a production of the grammar. A production can be examined
+ via the functions [lhs] and [rhs] below. *)
+ type production
+ (* An LR(0) item is a pair of a production [prod] and a valid index [i] into
+ this production. That is, if the length of [rhs prod] is [n], then [i] is
+ comprised between 0 and [n], inclusive. *)
+ type item =
+ production * int
+ (* Ordering functions. *)
+ val compare_terminals: _ terminal -> _ terminal -> int
+ val compare_nonterminals: _ nonterminal -> _ nonterminal -> int
+ val compare_symbols: xsymbol -> xsymbol -> int
+ val compare_productions: production -> production -> int
+ val compare_items: item -> item -> int
+ (* [incoming_symbol s] is the incoming symbol of the state [s], that is,
+ the symbol that the parser must recognize before (has recognized when)
+ it enters the state [s]. This function gives access to the semantic
+ value [v] stored in a stack element [Element (s, v, _, _)]. Indeed,
+ by case analysis on the symbol [incoming_symbol s], one discovers the
+ type ['a] of the value [v]. *)
+ val incoming_symbol: 'a lr1state -> 'a symbol
+ (* [items s] is the set of the LR(0) items in the LR(0) core of the LR(1)
+ state [s]. This set is not epsilon-closed. This set is presented as a
+ list, in an arbitrary order. *)
+ val items: _ lr1state -> item list
+ (* [lhs prod] is the left-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
+ always a non-terminal symbol. *)
+ val lhs: production -> xsymbol
+ (* [rhs prod] is the right-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
+ a (possibly empty) sequence of (terminal or nonterminal) symbols. *)
+ val rhs: production -> xsymbol list
+ (* [nullable nt] tells whether the non-terminal symbol [nt] is nullable.
+ That is, it is true if and only if this symbol produces the empty
+ word [epsilon]. *)
+ val nullable: _ nonterminal -> bool
+ (* [first nt t] tells whether the FIRST set of the nonterminal symbol [nt]
+ contains the terminal symbol [t]. That is, it is true if and only if
+ [nt] produces a word that begins with [t]. *)
+ val first: _ nonterminal -> _ terminal -> bool
+ (* [xfirst] is analogous to [first], but expects a first argument of type
+ [xsymbol] instead of [_ terminal]. *)
+ val xfirst: xsymbol -> _ terminal -> bool
+ (* [foreach_terminal] enumerates the terminal symbols, including [error].
+ [foreach_terminal_but_error] enumerates the terminal symbols, excluding
+ [error]. *)
+ val foreach_terminal: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ val foreach_terminal_but_error: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ (* The type [env] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
+ type 'a env
+ (* [feed symbol startp semv endp env] causes the parser to consume the
+ (terminal or nonterminal) symbol [symbol], accompanied with the semantic
+ value [semv] and with the start and end positions [startp] and [endp].
+ Thus, the automaton makes a transition, and reaches a new state. The
+ stack grows by one cell. This operation is permitted only if the current
+ state (as determined by [env]) has an outgoing transition labeled with
+ [symbol]. Otherwise, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
+ val feed: 'a symbol -> position -> 'a -> position -> 'b env -> 'b env
+(* This signature combines the incremental API and the inspection API. *)
+module type EVERYTHING = sig
+ include INSPECTION
+ with type 'a lr1state := 'a lr1state
+ with type production := production
+ with type 'a env := 'a env
+module EngineTypes : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This file defines several types and module types that are used in the
+ specification of module [Engine]. *)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* It would be nice if we could keep the structure of stacks and environments
+ hidden. However, stacks and environments must be accessible to semantic
+ actions, so the following data structure definitions must be public. *)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A stack is a linked list of cells. A sentinel cell -- which is its own
+ successor -- is used to mark the bottom of the stack. The sentinel cell
+ itself is not significant -- it contains dummy values. *)
+type ('state, 'semantic_value) stack = {
+ (* The state that we should go back to if we pop this stack cell. *)
+ (* This convention means that the state contained in the top stack cell is
+ not the current state [env.current]. It also means that the state found
+ within the sentinel is a dummy -- it is never consulted. This convention
+ is the same as that adopted by the code-based back-end. *)
+ state: 'state;
+ (* The semantic value associated with the chunk of input that this cell
+ represents. *)
+ semv: 'semantic_value;
+ (* The start and end positions of the chunk of input that this cell
+ represents. *)
+ startp: Lexing.position;
+ endp: Lexing.position;
+ (* The next cell down in the stack. If this is a self-pointer, then this
+ cell is the sentinel, and the stack is conceptually empty. *)
+ next: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A parsing environment contains all of the parser's state (except for the
+ current program point). *)
+type ('state, 'semantic_value, 'token) env = {
+ (* If this flag is true, then the first component of [env.triple] should
+ be ignored, as it has been logically overwritten with the [error]
+ pseudo-token. *)
+ error: bool;
+ (* The last token that was obtained from the lexer, together with its start
+ and end positions. Warning: before the first call to the lexer has taken
+ place, a dummy (and possibly invalid) token is stored here. *)
+ triple: 'token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position;
+ (* The stack. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its own,
+ whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
+ stack: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
+ (* The current state. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its
+ own, whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
+ current: 'state;
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This signature describes the parameters that must be supplied to the LR
+ engine. *)
+module type TABLE = sig
+ (* The type of automaton states. *)
+ type state
+ (* States are numbered. *)
+ val number: state -> int
+ (* The type of tokens. These can be thought of as real tokens, that is,
+ tokens returned by the lexer. They carry a semantic value. This type
+ does not include the [error] pseudo-token. *)
+ type token
+ (* The type of terminal symbols. These can be thought of as integer codes.
+ They do not carry a semantic value. This type does include the [error]
+ pseudo-token. *)
+ type terminal
+ (* The type of nonterminal symbols. *)
+ type nonterminal
+ (* The type of semantic values. *)
+ type semantic_value
+ (* A token is conceptually a pair of a (non-[error]) terminal symbol and
+ a semantic value. The following two functions are the pair projections. *)
+ val token2terminal: token -> terminal
+ val token2value: token -> semantic_value
+ (* Even though the [error] pseudo-token is not a real token, it is a
+ terminal symbol. Furthermore, for regularity, it must have a semantic
+ value. *)
+ val error_terminal: terminal
+ val error_value: semantic_value
+ (* [foreach_terminal] allows iterating over all terminal symbols. *)
+ val foreach_terminal: (terminal -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ (* The type of productions. *)
+ type production
+ val production_index: production -> int
+ val find_production: int -> production
+ (* If a state [s] has a default reduction on production [prod], then, upon
+ entering [s], the automaton should reduce [prod] without consulting the
+ lookahead token. The following function allows determining which states
+ have default reductions. *)
+ (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- either [DefRed prod], or
+ [NoDefRed] -- it accepts two continuations, and invokes just one of
+ them. This mechanism allows avoiding a memory allocation. *)
+ val default_reduction:
+ state ->
+ ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
+ ('env -> 'answer) ->
+ 'env -> 'answer
+ (* An LR automaton can normally take three kinds of actions: shift, reduce,
+ or fail. (Acceptance is a particular case of reduction: it consists in
+ reducing a start production.) *)
+ (* There are two variants of the shift action. [shift/discard s] instructs
+ the automaton to discard the current token, request a new one from the
+ lexer, and move to state [s]. [shift/nodiscard s] instructs it to move to
+ state [s] without requesting a new token. This instruction should be used
+ when [s] has a default reduction on [#]. See [CodeBackend.gettoken] for
+ details. *)
+ (* This is the automaton's action table. It maps a pair of a state and a
+ terminal symbol to an action. *)
+ (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- one of shift/discard,
+ shift/nodiscard, reduce, or fail -- this function accepts three
+ continuations, and invokes just one them. This mechanism allows avoiding
+ a memory allocation. *)
+ (* In summary, the parameters to [action] are as follows:
+ - the first two parameters, a state and a terminal symbol, are used to
+ look up the action table;
+ - the next parameter is the semantic value associated with the above
+ terminal symbol; it is not used, only passed along to the shift
+ continuation, as explained below;
+ - the shift continuation expects an environment; a flag that tells
+ whether to discard the current token; the terminal symbol that
+ is being shifted; its semantic value; and the target state of
+ the transition;
+ - the reduce continuation expects an environment and a production;
+ - the fail continuation expects an environment;
+ - the last parameter is the environment; it is not used, only passed
+ along to the selected continuation. *)
+ val action:
+ state ->
+ terminal ->
+ semantic_value ->
+ ('env -> bool -> terminal -> semantic_value -> state -> 'answer) ->
+ ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
+ ('env -> 'answer) ->
+ 'env -> 'answer
+ (* This is the automaton's goto table. This table maps a pair of a state
+ and a nonterminal symbol to a new state. By extension, it also maps a
+ pair of a state and a production to a new state. *)
+ (* The function [goto_nt] can be applied to [s] and [nt] ONLY if the state
+ [s] has an outgoing transition labeled [nt]. Otherwise, its result is
+ undefined. Similarly, the call [goto_prod prod s] is permitted ONLY if
+ the state [s] has an outgoing transition labeled with the nonterminal
+ symbol [lhs prod]. The function [maybe_goto_nt] involves an additional
+ dynamic check and CAN be called even if there is no outgoing transition. *)
+ val goto_nt : state -> nonterminal -> state
+ val goto_prod: state -> production -> state
+ val maybe_goto_nt: state -> nonterminal -> state option
+ (* [is_start prod] tells whether the production [prod] is a start production. *)
+ val is_start: production -> bool
+ (* By convention, a semantic action is responsible for:
+ 1. fetching whatever semantic values and positions it needs off the stack;
+ 2. popping an appropriate number of cells off the stack, as dictated
+ by the length of the right-hand side of the production;
+ 3. computing a new semantic value, as well as new start and end positions;
+ 4. pushing a new stack cell, which contains the three values
+ computed in step 3;
+ 5. returning the new stack computed in steps 2 and 4.
+ Point 1 is essentially forced upon us: if semantic values were fetched
+ off the stack by this interpreter, then the calling convention for
+ semantic actions would be variadic: not all semantic actions would have
+ the same number of arguments. The rest follows rather naturally. *)
+ (* Semantic actions are allowed to raise [Error]. *)
+ exception Error
+ type semantic_action =
+ (state, semantic_value, token) env -> (state, semantic_value) stack
+ val semantic_action: production -> semantic_action
+ (* [may_reduce state prod] tests whether the state [state] is capable of
+ reducing the production [prod]. This function is currently costly and
+ is not used by the core LR engine. It is used in the implementation
+ of certain functions, such as [force_reduction], which allow the engine
+ to be driven programmatically. *)
+ val may_reduce: state -> production -> bool
+ (* The LR engine requires a number of hooks, which are used for logging. *)
+ (* The comments below indicate the conventional messages that correspond
+ to these hooks in the code-based back-end; see [CodeBackend]. *)
+ (* If the flag [log] is false, then the logging functions are not called.
+ If it is [true], then they are called. *)
+ val log : bool
+ module Log : sig
+ (* State %d: *)
+ val state: state -> unit
+ (* Shifting (<terminal>) to state <state> *)
+ val shift: terminal -> state -> unit
+ (* Reducing a production should be logged either as a reduction
+ event (for regular productions) or as an acceptance event (for
+ start productions). *)
+ (* Reducing production <production> / Accepting *)
+ val reduce_or_accept: production -> unit
+ (* Lookahead token is now <terminal> (<pos>-<pos>) *)
+ val lookahead_token: terminal -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
+ (* Initiating error handling *)
+ val initiating_error_handling: unit -> unit
+ (* Resuming error handling *)
+ val resuming_error_handling: unit -> unit
+ (* Handling error in state <state> *)
+ val handling_error: state -> unit
+ end
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This signature describes the monolithic (traditional) LR engine. *)
+(* In this interface, the parser controls the lexer. *)
+module type MONOLITHIC_ENGINE = sig
+ type state
+ type token
+ type semantic_value
+ (* An entry point to the engine requires a start state, a lexer, and a lexing
+ buffer. It either succeeds and produces a semantic value, or fails and
+ raises [Error]. *)
+ exception Error
+ val entry:
+ state ->
+ (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
+ Lexing.lexbuf ->
+ semantic_value
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The following signatures describe the incremental LR engine. *)
+(* First, see [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE] in the file []. *)
+(* The [start] function is set apart because we do not wish to publish
+ it as part of the generated [parser.mli] file. Instead, the table
+ back-end will publish specialized versions of it, with a suitable
+ type cast. *)
+ (* [start] is an entry point. It requires a start state and a start position
+ and begins the parsing process. If the lexer is based on an OCaml lexing
+ buffer, the start position should be [lexbuf.lex_curr_p]. [start] produces
+ a checkpoint, which usually will be an [InputNeeded] checkpoint. (It could
+ be [Accepted] if this starting state accepts only the empty word. It could
+ be [Rejected] if this starting state accepts no word at all.) It does not
+ raise any exception. *)
+ (* [start s pos] should really produce a checkpoint of type ['a checkpoint],
+ for a fixed ['a] that depends on the state [s]. We cannot express this, so
+ we use [semantic_value checkpoint], which is safe. The table back-end uses
+ [Obj.magic] to produce safe specialized versions of [start]. *)
+ type state
+ type semantic_value
+ type 'a checkpoint
+ val start:
+ state ->
+ Lexing.position ->
+ semantic_value checkpoint
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This signature describes the LR engine, which combines the monolithic
+ and incremental interfaces. *)
+module type ENGINE = sig
+ include IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE
+ with type token := token
+ and type 'a lr1state = state (* useful for us; hidden from the end user *)
+ with type state := state
+ and type semantic_value := semantic_value
+ and type 'a checkpoint := 'a checkpoint
+module Engine : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+open EngineTypes
+(* The LR parsing engine. *)
+module Make (T : TABLE)
+ with type state = T.state
+ and type token = T.token
+ and type semantic_value = T.semantic_value
+ and type production = T.production
+ and type 'a env = (T.state, T.semantic_value, T.token) EngineTypes.env
+(* We would prefer not to expose the definition of the type [env].
+ However, it must be exposed because some of the code in the
+ inspection API needs access to the engine's internals; see
+ [InspectionTableInterpreter]. Everything would be simpler if
+ --inspection was always ON, but that would lead to bigger parse
+ tables for everybody. *)
+module ErrorReports : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The following functions help keep track of the start and end positions of
+ the last two tokens in a two-place buffer. This is used to nicely display
+ where a syntax error took place. *)
+type 'a buffer
+(* [wrap lexer] returns a pair of a new (initially empty) buffer and a lexer
+ which internally relies on [lexer] and updates [buffer] on the fly whenever
+ a token is demanded. *)
+open Lexing
+val wrap:
+ (lexbuf -> 'token) ->
+ (position * position) buffer * (lexbuf -> 'token)
+(* [show f buffer] prints the contents of the buffer, producing a string that
+ is typically of the form "after '%s' and before '%s'". The function [f] is
+ used to print an element. The buffer MUST be nonempty. *)
+val show: ('a -> string) -> 'a buffer -> string
+(* [last buffer] returns the last element of the buffer. The buffer MUST be
+ nonempty. *)
+val last: 'a buffer -> 'a
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+module Printers : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This module is part of MenhirLib. *)
+module Make
+ (I : IncrementalEngine.EVERYTHING)
+ (User : sig
+ (* [print s] is supposed to send the string [s] to some output channel. *)
+ val print: string -> unit
+ (* [print_symbol s] is supposed to print a representation of the symbol [s]. *)
+ val print_symbol: I.xsymbol -> unit
+ (* [print_element e] is supposed to print a representation of the element [e].
+ This function is optional; if it is not provided, [print_element_as_symbol]
+ (defined below) is used instead. *)
+ val print_element: (I.element -> unit) option
+ end)
+: sig
+ open I
+ (* Printing a list of symbols. *)
+ val print_symbols: xsymbol list -> unit
+ (* Printing an element as a symbol. This prints just the symbol
+ that this element represents; nothing more. *)
+ val print_element_as_symbol: element -> unit
+ (* Printing a stack as a list of elements. This function needs an element
+ printer. It uses [print_element] if provided by the user; otherwise
+ it uses [print_element_as_symbol]. (Ending with a newline.) *)
+ val print_stack: 'a env -> unit
+ (* Printing an item. (Ending with a newline.) *)
+ val print_item: item -> unit
+ (* Printing a production. (Ending with a newline.) *)
+ val print_production: production -> unit
+ (* Printing the current LR(1) state. The current state is first displayed
+ as a number; then the list of its LR(0) items is printed. (Ending with
+ a newline.) *)
+ val print_current_state: 'a env -> unit
+ (* Printing a summary of the stack and current state. This function just
+ calls [print_stack] and [print_current_state] in succession. *)
+ val print_env: 'a env -> unit
+module InfiniteArray : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(** This module implements infinite arrays. **)
+type 'a t
+(** [make x] creates an infinite array, where every slot contains [x]. **)
+val make: 'a -> 'a t
+(** [get a i] returns the element contained at offset [i] in the array [a].
+ Slots are numbered 0 and up. **)
+val get: 'a t -> int -> 'a
+(** [set a i x] sets the element contained at offset [i] in the array
+ [a] to [x]. Slots are numbered 0 and up. **)
+val set: 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit
+(** [extent a] is the length of an initial segment of the array [a]
+ that is sufficiently large to contain all [set] operations ever
+ performed. In other words, all elements beyond that segment have
+ the default value. *)
+val extent: 'a t -> int
+(** [domain a] is a fresh copy of an initial segment of the array [a]
+ whose length is [extent a]. *)
+val domain: 'a t -> 'a array
+module PackedIntArray : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* A packed integer array is represented as a pair of an integer [k] and
+ a string [s]. The integer [k] is the number of bits per integer that we
+ use. The string [s] is just an array of bits, which is read in 8-bit
+ chunks. *)
+(* The ocaml programming language treats string literals and array literals
+ in slightly different ways: the former are statically allocated, while
+ the latter are dynamically allocated. (This is rather arbitrary.) In the
+ context of Menhir's table-based back-end, where compact, immutable
+ integer arrays are needed, ocaml strings are preferable to ocaml arrays. *)
+type t =
+ int * string
+(* [pack a] turns an array of integers into a packed integer array. *)
+(* Because the sign bit is the most significant bit, the magnitude of
+ any negative number is the word size. In other words, [pack] does
+ not achieve any space savings as soon as [a] contains any negative
+ numbers, even if they are ``small''. *)
+val pack: int array -> t
+(* [get t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i]. *)
+(* Together, [pack] and [get] satisfy the following property: if the index [i]
+ is within bounds, then [get (pack a) i] equals [a.(i)]. *)
+val get: t -> int -> int
+(* [get1 t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i].
+ It assumes (and does not check) that the array's bit width is [1]. The
+ parameter [t] is just a string. *)
+val get1: string -> int -> int
+(* [unflatten1 (n, data) i j] accesses the two-dimensional bitmap
+ represented by [(n, data)] at indices [i] and [j]. The integer
+ [n] is the width of the bitmap; the string [data] is the second
+ component of the packed array obtained by encoding the table as
+ a one-dimensional array. *)
+val unflatten1: int * string -> int -> int -> int
+module RowDisplacement : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This module compresses a two-dimensional table, where some values
+ are considered insignificant, via row displacement. *)
+(* A compressed table is represented as a pair of arrays. The
+ displacement array is an array of offsets into the data array. *)
+type 'a table =
+ int array * (* displacement *)
+ 'a array (* data *)
+(* [compress equal insignificant dummy m n t] turns the two-dimensional table
+ [t] into a compressed table. The parameter [equal] is equality of data
+ values. The parameter [wildcard] tells which data values are insignificant,
+ and can thus be overwritten with other values. The parameter [dummy] is
+ used to fill holes in the data array. [m] and [n] are the integer
+ dimensions of the table [t]. *)
+val compress:
+ ('a -> 'a -> bool) ->
+ ('a -> bool) ->
+ 'a ->
+ int -> int ->
+ 'a array array ->
+ 'a table
+(* [get ct i j] returns the value found at indices [i] and [j] in the
+ compressed table [ct]. This function call is permitted only if the
+ value found at indices [i] and [j] in the original table is
+ significant -- otherwise, it could fail abruptly. *)
+(* Together, [compress] and [get] have the property that, if the value
+ found at indices [i] and [j] in an uncompressed table [t] is
+ significant, then [get (compress t) i j] is equal to that value. *)
+val get:
+ 'a table ->
+ int -> int ->
+ 'a
+(* [getget] is a variant of [get] which only requires read access,
+ via accessors, to the two components of the table. *)
+val getget:
+ ('displacement -> int -> int) ->
+ ('data -> int -> 'a) ->
+ 'displacement * 'data ->
+ int -> int ->
+ 'a
+module LinearizedArray : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* An array of arrays (of possibly different lengths!) can be ``linearized'',
+ i.e., encoded as a data array (by concatenating all of the little arrays)
+ and an entry array (which contains offsets into the data array). *)
+type 'a t =
+ (* data: *) 'a array *
+ (* entry: *) int array
+(* [make a] turns the array of arrays [a] into a linearized array. *)
+val make: 'a array array -> 'a t
+(* [read la i j] reads the linearized array [la] at indices [i] and [j].
+ Thus, [read (make a) i j] is equivalent to [a.(i).(j)]. *)
+val read: 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a
+(* [write la i j v] writes the value [v] into the linearized array [la]
+ at indices [i] and [j]. *)
+val write: 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a -> unit
+(* [length la] is the number of rows of the array [la]. Thus, [length (make
+ a)] is equivalent to [Array.length a]. *)
+val length: 'a t -> int
+(* [row_length la i] is the length of the row at index [i] in the linearized
+ array [la]. Thus, [row_length (make a) i] is equivalent to [Array.length
+ a.(i)]. *)
+val row_length: 'a t -> int -> int
+(* [read_row la i] reads the row at index [i], producing a list. Thus,
+ [read_row (make a) i] is equivalent to [Array.to_list a.(i)]. *)
+val read_row: 'a t -> int -> 'a list
+(* The following variants read the linearized array via accessors
+ [get_data : int -> 'a] and [get_entry : int -> int]. *)
+val row_length_via:
+ (* get_entry: *) (int -> int) ->
+ (* i: *) int ->
+ int
+val read_via:
+ (* get_data: *) (int -> 'a) ->
+ (* get_entry: *) (int -> int) ->
+ (* i: *) int ->
+ (* j: *) int ->
+ 'a
+val read_row_via:
+ (* get_data: *) (int -> 'a) ->
+ (* get_entry: *) (int -> int) ->
+ (* i: *) int ->
+ 'a list
+module TableFormat : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This signature defines the format of the parse tables. It is used as
+ an argument to [TableInterpreter.Make]. *)
+module type TABLES = sig
+ (* This is the parser's type of tokens. *)
+ type token
+ (* This maps a token to its internal (generation-time) integer code. *)
+ val token2terminal: token -> int
+ (* This is the integer code for the error pseudo-token. *)
+ val error_terminal: int
+ (* This maps a token to its semantic value. *)
+ val token2value: token -> Obj.t
+ (* Traditionally, an LR automaton is described by two tables, namely, an
+ action table and a goto table. See, for instance, the Dragon book.
+ The action table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
+ lookahead token to an action. An action is one of: shift to a certain
+ state, reduce a certain production, accept, or fail.
+ The goto table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
+ non-terminal symbol to either a state or undefined. By construction, this
+ table is sparse: its undefined entries are never looked up. A compression
+ technique is free to overlap them with other entries.
+ In Menhir, things are slightly different. If a state has a default
+ reduction on token [#], then that reduction must be performed without
+ consulting the lookahead token. As a result, we must first determine
+ whether that is the case, before we can obtain a lookahead token and use it
+ as an index in the action table.
+ Thus, Menhir's tables are as follows.
+ A one-dimensional default reduction table maps a state to either ``no
+ default reduction'' (encoded as: 0) or ``by default, reduce prod''
+ (encoded as: 1 + prod). The action table is looked up only when there
+ is no default reduction. *)
+ val default_reduction: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* Menhir follows Dencker, Dürre and Heuft, who point out that, although the
+ action table is not sparse by nature (i.e., the error entries are
+ significant), it can be made sparse by first factoring out a binary error
+ matrix, then replacing the error entries in the action table with undefined
+ entries. Thus:
+ A two-dimensional error bitmap maps a state and a terminal to either
+ ``fail'' (encoded as: 0) or ``do not fail'' (encoded as: 1). The action
+ table, which is now sparse, is looked up only in the latter case. *)
+ (* The error bitmap is flattened into a one-dimensional table; its width is
+ recorded so as to allow indexing. The table is then compressed via
+ [PackedIntArray]. The bit width of the resulting packed array must be
+ [1], so it is not explicitly recorded. *)
+ (* The error bitmap does not contain a column for the [#] pseudo-terminal.
+ Thus, its width is [Terminal.n - 1]. We exploit the fact that the integer
+ code assigned to [#] is greatest: the fact that the right-most column
+ in the bitmap is missing does not affect the code for accessing it. *)
+ val error: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
+ (* A two-dimensional action table maps a state and a terminal to one of
+ ``shift to state s and discard the current token'' (encoded as: s | 10),
+ ``shift to state s without discarding the current token'' (encoded as: s |
+ 11), or ``reduce prod'' (encoded as: prod | 01). *)
+ (* The action table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
+ via [PackedIntArray]. *)
+ (* Like the error bitmap, the action table does not contain a column for the
+ [#] pseudo-terminal. *)
+ val action: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A one-dimensional lhs table maps a production to its left-hand side (a
+ non-terminal symbol). *)
+ val lhs: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A two-dimensional goto table maps a state and a non-terminal symbol to
+ either undefined (encoded as: 0) or a new state s (encoded as: 1 + s). *)
+ (* The goto table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
+ via [PackedIntArray]. *)
+ val goto: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* The number of start productions. A production [prod] is a start
+ production if and only if [prod < start] holds. This is also the
+ number of start symbols. A nonterminal symbol [nt] is a start
+ symbol if and only if [nt < start] holds. *)
+ val start: int
+ (* A one-dimensional semantic action table maps productions to semantic
+ actions. The calling convention for semantic actions is described in
+ [EngineTypes]. This table contains ONLY NON-START PRODUCTIONS, so the
+ indexing is off by [start]. Be careful. *)
+ val semantic_action: ((int, Obj.t, token) EngineTypes.env ->
+ (int, Obj.t) EngineTypes.stack) array
+ (* The parser defines its own [Error] exception. This exception can be
+ raised by semantic actions and caught by the engine, and raised by the
+ engine towards the final user. *)
+ exception Error
+ (* The parser indicates whether to generate a trace. Generating a
+ trace requires two extra tables, which respectively map a
+ terminal symbol and a production to a string. *)
+ val trace: (string array * string array) option
+module InspectionTableFormat : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This signature defines the format of the tables that are produced (in
+ addition to the tables described in [TableFormat]) when the command line
+ switch [--inspection] is enabled. It is used as an argument to
+ [InspectionTableInterpreter.Make]. *)
+module type TABLES = sig
+ (* The types of symbols. *)
+ include IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS
+ (* The type ['a lr1state] describes an LR(1) state. The generated parser defines
+ it internally as [int]. *)
+ type 'a lr1state
+ (* Some of the tables that follow use encodings of (terminal and
+ nonterminal) symbols as integers. So, we need functions that
+ map the integer encoding of a symbol to its algebraic encoding. *)
+ val terminal: int -> xsymbol
+ val nonterminal: int -> xsymbol
+ (* The left-hand side of every production already appears in the
+ signature [TableFormat.TABLES], so we need not repeat it here. *)
+ (* The right-hand side of every production. This a linearized array
+ of arrays of integers, whose [data] and [entry] components have
+ been packed. The encoding of symbols as integers in described in
+ [TableBackend]. *)
+ val rhs: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A mapping of every (non-initial) state to its LR(0) core. *)
+ val lr0_core: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its set of LR(0) items. Each item is
+ represented in its packed form (see [Item]) as an integer. Thus the
+ mapping is an array of arrays of integers, which is linearized and
+ packed, like [rhs]. *)
+ val lr0_items: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its incoming symbol, if it has one. *)
+ val lr0_incoming: PackedIntArray.t
+ (* A table that tells which non-terminal symbols are nullable. *)
+ val nullable: string
+ (* This is a packed int array of bit width 1. It can be read
+ using [PackedIntArray.get1]. *)
+ (* A two-table dimensional table, indexed by a nonterminal symbol and
+ by a terminal symbol (other than [#]), encodes the FIRST sets. *)
+ val first: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
+module InspectionTableInterpreter : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This functor is invoked inside the generated parser, in [--table] mode. It
+ produces no code! It simply constructs the types [symbol] and [xsymbol] on
+ top of the generated types [terminal] and [nonterminal]. *)
+module Symbols (T : sig
+ type 'a terminal
+ type 'a nonterminal
+: IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS
+ with type 'a terminal := 'a T.terminal
+ and type 'a nonterminal := 'a T.nonterminal
+(* This functor is invoked inside the generated parser, in [--table] mode. It
+ constructs the inspection API on top of the inspection tables described in
+ [InspectionTableFormat]. *)
+module Make
+ (TT : TableFormat.TABLES)
+ (IT : InspectionTableFormat.TABLES
+ with type 'a lr1state = int)
+ (ET : EngineTypes.TABLE
+ with type terminal = int
+ and type nonterminal = int
+ and type semantic_value = Obj.t)
+ (E : sig
+ type 'a env = (ET.state, ET.semantic_value, ET.token) EngineTypes.env
+ end)
+: IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION
+ with type 'a terminal := 'a IT.terminal
+ and type 'a nonterminal := 'a IT.nonterminal
+ and type 'a lr1state := 'a IT.lr1state
+ and type production := int
+ and type 'a env := 'a E.env
+module TableInterpreter : sig
+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
+(* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
+(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
+(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+(* This module provides a thin decoding layer for the generated tables, thus
+ providing an API that is suitable for use by [Engine.Make]. It is part of
+ [MenhirLib]. *)
+(* The exception [Error] is declared within the generated parser. This is
+ preferable to pre-declaring it here, as it ensures that each parser gets
+ its own, distinct [Error] exception. This is consistent with the code-based
+ back-end. *)
+(* This functor is invoked by the generated parser. *)
+module MakeEngineTable
+ (T : TableFormat.TABLES)
+: EngineTypes.TABLE
+ with type state = int
+ and type token = T.token
+ and type semantic_value = Obj.t
+ and type production = int
+ and type terminal = int
+ and type nonterminal = int
+module StaticVersion : sig
+val require_20180703 : unit