path: root/bytecomp
diff options
authorPierre Chambart <>2018-01-19 17:25:06 +0100
committerPierre Chambart <>2019-02-11 17:16:44 +0100
commitf8058ac367a44bbb275e02ce4374d68ceac420f8 (patch)
treeee3c04a00897022b9ece6fd0f4a08f23920358d2 /bytecomp
parent38433518767009c576dd8a2f40f2e2d4692c5b6e (diff)
Remove lambda version of Semantics_of_primitives
Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 91a9dcf093..95084ea218 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -19,146 +19,6 @@
type effects = No_effects | Only_generative_effects | Arbitrary_effects
type coeffects = No_coeffects | Has_coeffects
-let for_primitive (prim : Lambda.primitive) =
- match prim with
- | Pignore | Pidentity ->
- No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pbytes_to_string | Pbytes_of_string ->
- No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pmakeblock _
- | Pmakearray (_, Mutable) -> Only_generative_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pmakearray (_, Immutable) -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pduparray (_, Immutable) ->
- No_effects, No_coeffects (* Pduparray (_, Immutable) is allowed only on
- immutable arrays. *)
- | Pduparray (_, Mutable) | Pduprecord _ ->
- Only_generative_effects, Has_coeffects
- | Pccall { prim_name =
- ( "caml_format_float" | "caml_format_int" | "caml_int32_format"
- | "caml_nativeint_format" | "caml_int64_format" ) } ->
- No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pccall _ -> Arbitrary_effects, Has_coeffects
- | Praise _ -> Arbitrary_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pnot
- | Pnegint
- | Paddint
- | Psubint
- | Pmulint
- | Pandint
- | Porint
- | Pxorint
- | Plslint
- | Plsrint
- | Pasrint
- | Pintcomp _ -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pdivbint { is_safe = Unsafe }
- | Pmodbint { is_safe = Unsafe }
- | Pdivint Unsafe
- | Pmodint Unsafe ->
- No_effects, No_coeffects (* Will not raise [Division_by_zero]. *)
- | Pdivbint { is_safe = Safe }
- | Pmodbint { is_safe = Safe }
- | Pdivint Safe
- | Pmodint Safe ->
- Arbitrary_effects, No_coeffects
- | Poffsetint _ -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Poffsetref _ -> Arbitrary_effects, Has_coeffects
- | Pintoffloat
- | Pfloatofint
- | Pnegfloat
- | Pabsfloat
- | Paddfloat
- | Psubfloat
- | Pmulfloat
- | Pdivfloat
- | Pfloatcomp _ -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pstringlength | Pbyteslength
- | Parraylength _ ->
- No_effects, Has_coeffects (* That old chestnut: [Obj.truncate]. *)
- | Pisint
- | Pisout
- | Pbintofint _
- | Pintofbint _
- | Pcvtbint _
- | Pnegbint _
- | Paddbint _
- | Psubbint _
- | Pmulbint _
- | Pandbint _
- | Porbint _
- | Pxorbint _
- | Plslbint _
- | Plsrbint _
- | Pasrbint _
- | Pbintcomp _ -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pbigarraydim _ ->
- No_effects, Has_coeffects (* Some people resize bigarrays in place. *)
- | Pfield _
- | Pfield_computed
- | Pfloatfield _
- | Pgetglobal _
- | Parrayrefu _
- | Pstringrefu
- | Pbytesrefu
- | Pstring_load_16 true
- | Pstring_load_32 true
- | Pstring_load_64 true
- | Pbytes_load_16 true
- | Pbytes_load_32 true
- | Pbytes_load_64 true
- | Pbigarrayref (true, _, _, _)
- | Pbigstring_load_16 true
- | Pbigstring_load_32 true
- | Pbigstring_load_64 true ->
- No_effects, Has_coeffects
- | Parrayrefs _
- | Pstringrefs
- | Pbytesrefs
- | Pstring_load_16 false
- | Pstring_load_32 false
- | Pstring_load_64 false
- | Pbytes_load_16 false
- | Pbytes_load_32 false
- | Pbytes_load_64 false
- | Pbigarrayref (false, _, _, _)
- | Pbigstring_load_16 false
- | Pbigstring_load_32 false
- | Pbigstring_load_64 false ->
- (* May trigger a bounds check exception. *)
- Arbitrary_effects, Has_coeffects
- | Psetfield _
- | Psetfield_computed _
- | Psetfloatfield _
- | Psetglobal _
- | Parraysetu _
- | Parraysets _
- | Pbytessetu
- | Pbytessets
- | Pbytes_set_16 _
- | Pbytes_set_32 _
- | Pbytes_set_64 _
- | Pbigarrayset _
- | Pbigstring_set_16 _
- | Pbigstring_set_32 _
- | Pbigstring_set_64 _ ->
- (* Whether or not some of these are "unsafe" is irrelevant; they always
- have an effect. *)
- Arbitrary_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pctconst _ -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pbswap16
- | Pbbswap _ -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Pint_as_pointer -> No_effects, No_coeffects
- | Popaque -> Arbitrary_effects, Has_coeffects
- | Prevapply
- | Pdirapply ->
- (* Removed by [Simplif], but there is no reason to prevent using
- the current analysis function before/during Simplif. *)
- Arbitrary_effects, Has_coeffects
- | Psequand
- | Psequor ->
- (* Removed by [Closure_conversion] in the flambda pipeline. *)
- No_effects, No_coeffects
let for_clambda_primitive (prim : Clambda_primitives.primitive) =
match prim with
| Pmakeblock _
diff --git a/bytecomp/semantics_of_primitives.mli b/bytecomp/semantics_of_primitives.mli
index 91ee805579..e9bb236130 100644
--- a/bytecomp/semantics_of_primitives.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/semantics_of_primitives.mli
@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ type coeffects = No_coeffects | Has_coeffects
the (non-)(co)effectfulness of the arguments in a primitive application.
To determine whether such an application is (co)effectful, the arguments
must also be analysed. *)
-val for_primitive: Lambda.primitive -> effects * coeffects
val for_clambda_primitive: Clambda_primitives.primitive -> effects * coeffects
type return_type =