path: root/ocamldoc/
diff options
authorMaxence Guesdon <>2002-11-07 08:36:00 +0000
committerMaxence Guesdon <>2002-11-07 08:36:00 +0000
commit69df3caab58a9d3febf1f946e5808e9f31de016b (patch)
treec2fd92cb33f56fdbbf53bcf09632391fde099a0c /ocamldoc/
parentac7aab43c796e55d4f9876475143be94d6fb61ab (diff)
generation interface des foncteurs, pas de generation des index vides; par Olivier Andrieu
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 41fa54c5f4..8bcaf356bd 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ type subparts = [
| `Module_type of Odoc_info.Module.t_module_type
| `Class of Odoc_info.Class.t_class
| `Class_type of Odoc_info.Class.t_class_type
+ ]
+type menu_data = [
+ | subparts
| `Blank
| `Comment of string
| `Texi of string
@@ -379,6 +383,8 @@ class texi =
val minus = Verbatim " @minus{} "
val linebreak = Verbatim "@*\n"
+ val mutable indices_to_build = [ `Module ]
method node depth name =
if depth <= maxdepth
then Verbatim ("@node " ^ (Texi.fix_nodename name) ^ ",\n")
@@ -386,10 +392,11 @@ class texi =
method index (ind : indices) ent =
- (if !with_index
- then (String.concat ""
- [ "@" ; indices ind ; "index " ;
- Texi.escape (Name.simple ent) ; "\n" ])
+ (if !with_index
+ then (assert(List.mem ind indices_to_build) ;
+ String.concat ""
+ [ "@" ; indices ind ; "index " ;
+ Texi.escape (Name.simple ent) ; "\n" ])
else "")
@@ -912,14 +919,14 @@ class texi =
puts chanout (self#texi_of_info mt.mt_info)
end ;
- let mt_ele = Module.module_type_elements ~trans:false mt in
+ let mt_ele = Module.module_type_elements ~trans:true mt in
let subparts = module_subparts mt_ele in
if depth < maxdepth && subparts <> []
then begin
let menu = Texi.ifinfo
( self#heading (succ depth) [ Raw "Subparts" ]) in
puts chanout menu ;
- Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> subparts)
+ Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> menu_data)
end ;
let intf = [ Title (succ depth, None,
@@ -943,6 +950,7 @@ class texi =
(** Generate the Texinfo code for the given module,
in the given out channel. *)
method generate_for_module chanout m =
+ Odoc_info.verbose ("Generate for module " ^ m.m_name) ;
let depth = Name.depth m.m_name in
let title = [
self#node depth m.m_name ;
@@ -959,14 +967,14 @@ class texi =
puts chanout (self#texi_of_info m.m_info)
end ;
- let m_ele = Module.module_elements ~trans:false m in
+ let m_ele = Module.module_elements ~trans:true m in
let subparts = module_subparts m_ele in
if depth < maxdepth && subparts <> []
then begin
let menu = Texi.ifinfo
( self#heading (succ depth) [ Raw "Subparts" ]) in
puts chanout menu ;
- Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> subparts)
+ Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> menu_data)
end ;
let intf = [ Title (succ depth, None,
@@ -1036,9 +1044,15 @@ class texi =
Texi.generate_menu chan
(( (fun m -> `Module m) m_list) @
(if !with_index then
- [ `Blank ; `Comment "Indices :" ] @
- (
- (fun (longname, _) -> `Index (longname ^ " index"))
+ let indices_names_to_build = indices indices_to_build in
+ List.rev
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun acc ->
+ function (longname, shortname)
+ when List.mem shortname indices_names_to_build ->
+ (`Index (longname ^ " index")) :: acc
+ | _ -> acc)
+ [ `Comment "Indices :" ; `Blank ]
indices_names )
else [] ))
@@ -1048,32 +1062,81 @@ class texi =
nl chan ;
if !with_index
+ let indices_names_to_build = indices indices_to_build in
List.iter (puts_nl chan)
(fun (longname, shortname) ->
- [ "@node " ^ longname ^ " index," ;
- "@unnumbered " ^ longname ^ " index" ;
- "@printindex " ^ shortname ; ])
+ if List.mem shortname indices_names_to_build
+ then [ "@node " ^ longname ^ " index," ;
+ "@unnumbered " ^ longname ^ " index" ;
+ "@printindex " ^ shortname ; ]
+ else [])
indices_names )) ;
if !Args.with_toc
then puts_nl chan "@contents" ;
puts_nl chan "@bye"
+ method do_index it =
+ if not (List.mem it indices_to_build)
+ then indices_to_build <- it :: indices_to_build
+ (** Scan the whole module information to know which indices need to be build *)
+ method scan_for_index : subparts -> unit = function
+ | `Module m ->
+ let m_ele = Module.module_elements ~trans:true m in
+ List.iter self#scan_for_index_in_mod m_ele
+ | `Module_type mt ->
+ let m_ele = Module.module_type_elements ~trans:true mt in
+ List.iter self#scan_for_index_in_mod m_ele
+ | `Class c ->
+ let c_ele = Class.class_elements ~trans:true c in
+ List.iter self#scan_for_index_in_class c_ele
+ | `Class_type ct ->
+ let c_ele = Class.class_type_elements ~trans:true ct in
+ List.iter self#scan_for_index_in_class c_ele
+ method scan_for_index_in_mod = function
+ (* no recusrion *)
+ | Element_value _ -> self#do_index `Value
+ | Element_exception _ -> self#do_index `Exception
+ | Element_type _ -> self#do_index `Type
+ | Element_included_module _
+ | Element_module_comment _ -> ()
+ (* recursion *)
+ | Element_module m -> self#do_index `Module ;
+ self#scan_for_index (`Module m)
+ | Element_module_type mt -> self#do_index `Module_type ;
+ self#scan_for_index (`Module_type mt)
+ | Element_class c -> self#do_index `Class ;
+ self#scan_for_index (`Class c)
+ | Element_class_type ct -> self#do_index `Class_type ;
+ self#scan_for_index (`Class_type ct)
+ method scan_for_index_in_class = function
+ | Class_attribute _ -> self#do_index `Class_att
+ | Class_method _ -> self#do_index `Method
+ | Class_comment _ -> ()
(** Generate the Texinfo file from a module list,
in the {!Odoc_info.Args.out_file} file. *)
method generate module_list =
+ let filename =
+ if !Args.out_file = Odoc_messages.default_out_file
+ then "ocamldoc.texi"
+ else !Args.out_file in
+ if !with_index
+ then List.iter self#scan_for_index
+ ( (fun m -> `Module m) module_list) ;
let chanout = open_out
- (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir !Args.out_file) in
+ (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir filename) in
if !Args.with_header
then self#generate_texi_header chanout module_list ;
- (fun modu ->
- Odoc_info.verbose ("Generate for module " ^ modu.m_name) ;
- self#generate_for_module chanout modu)
+ (self#generate_for_module chanout)
module_list ;
if !Args.with_trailer
then self#generate_texi_trailer chanout ;
@@ -1084,4 +1147,3 @@ class texi =
prerr_endline s ;
incr Odoc_info.errors