path: root/typing
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authorJérôme Vouillon <>1997-03-09 16:52:49 +0000
committerJérôme Vouillon <>1997-03-09 16:52:49 +0000
commit57ae4bb09b66931b485ec57e208110cf16dad8a4 (patch)
treef4b99c42c241e41cc820392f1b7694c24eb2d309 /typing
parent0e43b8c79f703cf452a0a29d589812a3d8a35b2b (diff)
Nettoyage de nondep_type.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'typing')
2 files changed, 191 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 75ea2c541f..45e6caaf89 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ let new_global_ty desc = { desc = desc; level = !global_level }
let newvar () = { desc = Tvar; level = !current_level }
let newgenvar () = newgenty Tvar
let new_global_var () = new_global_ty Tvar
+let newmarkedvar () = { desc = Tvar; level = pivot_level - generic_level }
let newobj fields = newty (Tobject (fields, ref None))
@@ -126,6 +127,28 @@ let rec repr =
| t -> t
+ (**********************************)
+ (* Utilities for type traversal *)
+ (**********************************)
+let saved_desc = ref []
+ (* Saved association of generic nodes with their description. *)
+(* Restored type descriptions *)
+let cleanup_types () =
+ List.iter (fun (ty, desc) -> ty.desc <- desc) !saved_desc;
+ saved_desc := []
+(* Remove marks from a type. *)
+let rec unmark_type ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ if ty.level < lowest_level then begin
+ ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level;
+ iter_type_expr unmark_type ty
+ end
(* Miscellaneous operations on object types *)
@@ -316,14 +339,6 @@ let rec update_level env level ty =
let make_nongen ty = update_level Env.empty !current_level ty
-(* Remove marks from a type. *)
-let rec unmark_type ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- if ty.level < lowest_level then begin
- ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level;
- iter_type_expr unmark_type ty
- end
(* Instantiation *)
@@ -340,8 +355,6 @@ let rec unmark_type ty =
stored in [saved_desc], must be put back, using [cleanup_types].
-let saved_desc = ref []
- (* Saved association of generic node with their description. *)
let abbreviations = ref (ref Mnil)
(* Abbreviation memorized. *)
@@ -395,10 +408,6 @@ let rec copy ty =
-let cleanup_types () =
- List.iter (fun (ty, desc) -> ty.desc <- desc) !saved_desc;
- saved_desc := []
(**** Variants of instantiations ****)
let instance sch =
@@ -970,7 +979,7 @@ let rec moregen env t1 t2 =
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1, abbrev1), Tconstr(p2, tl2, abbrev2))
when Path.same p1 p2 ->
begin try
- moregen_list env tl1 tl2;
+ moregen_list env tl1 tl2
with Unify _ ->
moregen env t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level)
@@ -1062,11 +1071,12 @@ let moregeneral env sch1 sch2 =
let equal env rename tyl1 tyl2 =
let subst = ref [] in
let type_pairs = ref [] in
let rec eqtype t1 t2 =
let t1 = repr t1 in
let t2 = repr t2 in
List.exists (function (t1', t2') -> t1 == t1' & t2 == t2') !type_pairs
- (* XXX May be slow... *)
+ (* XXX Possibly slow... *)
type_pairs := (t1, t2) :: !type_pairs;
@@ -1117,26 +1127,23 @@ let equal env rename tyl1 tyl2 =
| (_, _) ->
and eqtype_list tl1 tl2 =
- match (tl1, tl2) with
- ([], []) -> true
- | (t1::r1, t2::r2) -> eqtype t1 t2 && eqtype_list r1 r2
- | (_, _) -> false
+ List.length tl1 = List.length tl2
+ &&
+ List.for_all2 eqtype tl1 tl2
and eqtype_fields ty1 ty2 = (* Optimization *)
let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1
and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
- List.length fields1 = List.length fields2
- &&
eqtype rest1 rest2
- (miss1 = []) & (miss2 = [])
+ (miss1 = []) && (miss2 = [])
List.for_all (function (t1, t2) -> eqtype t1 t2) pairs
- List.length tyl1 = List.length tyl2
- &&
- List.for_all2 eqtype tyl1 tyl2
+ eqtype_list tyl1 tyl2
@@ -1228,6 +1235,7 @@ let rec subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 =
let t2 = repr t2 in
if t1 == t2 then [] else
if List.exists (fun (t1', t2') -> t1 == t1' & t2 == t2') !subtypes then
+ (* XXX Possibly slow *)
else begin
subtypes := (t1, t2) :: !subtypes;
@@ -1296,30 +1304,72 @@ let subtype env ty1 ty2 =
subtypes := []
+ (*******************)
+ (* Miscellaneous *)
+ (*******************)
+let unalias ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tvar ->
+ ty
+ | _ ->
+ {desc = ty.desc; level = ty.level}
+let unroll_abbrev id tl ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tvar ->
+ ty
+ | _ ->
+ let ty' = {desc = ty.desc; level = ty.level} in
+ ty.desc <- Tlink {desc = Tconstr (Path.Pident id, tl, ref Mnil);
+ level = ty.level};
+ ty'
+(* Return the arity (as for curried functions) of the given type. *)
+let rec arity ty =
+ match (repr ty).desc with
+ Tarrow(t1, t2) -> 1 + arity t2
+ | _ -> 0
(* Remove dependencies *)
-let inst_subst = ref ([] : (type_expr * type_expr) list)
-(* XXX A voir... *)
(* XXX Petit probleme... (deroulement) *)
(* module F(X : sig type t end) = struct type t = X.t end;; *)
(* module M = F(struct type t = <x : t> end);; *)
(* -> module M : sig type t = < x : < x : 'a > as 'a > end *)
+ Variables are left unchanged. Other type nodes are duplicated, with
+ levels set to generic level.
+ During copying, the description of a (non-variable) node is first
+ replaced by a link to a marked stub ([Tlink (newmarkedvar
+ ())]). The mark allows to differentiate the original type from the
+ copy. Once the copy is made, it replaces the stub.
+ After copying, the description of node, which was stored in
+ [saved_desc], must be put back, using [cleanup_types], and the
+ marks on the copy must be removed.
let rec nondep_type_rec env id ty =
let ty = repr ty in
- if ty.desc = Tvar then ty else
- try newgenty (Tlink (List.assq ty !inst_subst)) with Not_found ->
- (* Tlink important permet de ne pas modifier la variable *)
- (* XXX (???) *)
- let ty' = newgenvar () in
- inst_subst := (ty, ty') :: !inst_subst;
+ if (ty.desc = Tvar) || (ty.level < lowest_level) then
+ ty
+ else begin
+ let desc = ty.desc in
+ saved_desc := (ty, desc)::!saved_desc;
+ let ty' = newmarkedvar () in (* Stub *)
+ ty.desc <- Tlink ty';
ty'.desc <-
- begin match ty.desc with
+ begin match desc with
Tvar ->
- Tvar
+ fatal_error "Ctype.nondep_type_rec"
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
Tarrow(nondep_type_rec env id t1, nondep_type_rec env id t2)
| Ttuple tl ->
@@ -1327,8 +1377,14 @@ let rec nondep_type_rec env id ty =
| Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) ->
if Path.isfree id p then
begin try
- (nondep_type_rec env id
- (expand_abbrev env p tl abbrev ty.level)).desc
+ Tlink (nondep_type_rec env id
+ (expand_abbrev env p tl abbrev ty.level))
+ (*
+ The [Tlink] is important. The expanded type may be a
+ variable, or may not be completely copied yet
+ (recursive type), so one cannot just take its
+ description.
+ *)
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Not_found
@@ -1341,40 +1397,105 @@ let rec nondep_type_rec env id ty =
| Some (p, tl) ->
if Path.isfree id p then None
else Some (p, (nondep_type_rec env id) tl)))
- | Tfield(label, t1, t2) ->
- Tfield(label, nondep_type_rec env id t1, nondep_type_rec env id t2)
- | Tnil ->
- Tnil
- | Tlink ty -> (* Actually unused *)
- Tlink(nondep_type_rec env id ty)
- end;
- ty'
+ | Tfield(label, t1, t2) ->
+ Tfield(label, nondep_type_rec env id t1, nondep_type_rec env id t2)
+ | Tnil ->
+ Tnil
+ | Tlink ty -> (* Actually unused *)
+ Tlink(nondep_type_rec env id ty)
+ end;
+ ty'
+ end
let nondep_type env id ty =
- inst_subst := [];
- let ty' = nondep_type_rec env id ty in
- inst_subst := [];
- ty'
+ try
+ let ty' = nondep_type_rec env id ty in
+ cleanup_types ();
+ unmark_type ty';
+ ty'
+ with Not_found ->
+ cleanup_types ();
+ raise Not_found
+let nondep_type_decl env mid id is_covariant decl =
+ try
+ let params = (nondep_type_rec env mid) decl.type_params in
+ let decl =
+ { type_params = params;
+ type_arity = decl.type_arity;
+ type_kind =
+ begin try
+ match decl.type_kind with
+ Type_abstract ->
+ Type_abstract
+ | Type_variant cstrs ->
+ Type_variant(
+ (fun (c, tl) -> (c, (nondep_type_rec env mid) tl))
+ cstrs)
+ | Type_record lbls ->
+ Type_record(
+ (fun (c, mut, t) -> (c, mut, nondep_type_rec env mid t))
+ lbls)
+ with Not_found when is_covariant ->
+ Type_abstract
+ end;
+ type_manifest =
+ begin try
+ match decl.type_manifest with
+ None -> None
+ | Some ty ->
+ Some (unroll_abbrev id params (nondep_type_rec env mid ty))
+ with Not_found when is_covariant ->
+ None
+ end }
+ in
+ cleanup_types ();
+ List.iter unmark_type params;
+ begin match decl.type_kind with
+ Type_abstract -> ()
+ | Type_variant cstrs ->
+ List.iter (fun (c, tl) -> List.iter unmark_type tl) cstrs
+ | Type_record lbls ->
+ List.iter (fun (c, mut, t) -> unmark_type t) lbls
+ end;
+ begin match decl.type_manifest with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some ty -> unmark_type ty
+ end;
+ decl
+ with Not_found ->
+ cleanup_types ();
+ raise Not_found
let nondep_class_type env id decl =
- inst_subst := [];
- let decl =
- { cty_params = (nondep_type_rec env id) decl.cty_params;
- cty_args = (nondep_type_rec env id) decl.cty_args;
- cty_vars =
- Vars.fold (fun l (m, t) -> Vars.add l (m, nondep_type_rec env id t))
- decl.cty_vars Vars.empty;
- cty_self = nondep_type_rec env id decl.cty_self;
- cty_concr = decl.cty_concr;
- cty_new =
- begin match decl.cty_new with
- None -> None
- | Some ty -> Some (nondep_type_rec env id ty)
- end }
- in
- inst_subst := [];
- decl
+ try
+ let decl =
+ { cty_params = (nondep_type_rec env id) decl.cty_params;
+ cty_args = (nondep_type_rec env id) decl.cty_args;
+ cty_vars =
+ Vars.fold (fun l (m, t) -> Vars.add l (m, nondep_type_rec env id t))
+ decl.cty_vars Vars.empty;
+ cty_self = nondep_type_rec env id decl.cty_self;
+ cty_concr = decl.cty_concr;
+ cty_new =
+ begin match decl.cty_new with
+ None -> None
+ | Some ty -> Some (nondep_type_rec env id ty)
+ end }
+ in
+ cleanup_types ();
+ List.iter unmark_type decl.cty_params;
+ List.iter unmark_type decl.cty_args;
+ Vars.iter (fun l (m, t) -> unmark_type t) decl.cty_vars;
+ unmark_type decl.cty_self;
+ begin match decl.cty_new with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some ty -> unmark_type ty
+ end;
+ decl
+ with Not_found ->
+ cleanup_types ();
+ raise Not_found
(* Abbreviation correctness *)
@@ -1474,34 +1595,3 @@ let closed_schema_verbose ty =
with Failed status ->
unmark_type ty;
Some status
- (*******************)
- (* Miscellaneous *)
- (*******************)
-let unalias ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- match ty.desc with
- Tvar ->
- ty
- | _ ->
- {desc = ty.desc; level = ty.level}
-let unroll_abbrev id tl ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- match ty.desc with
- Tvar ->
- ty
- | _ ->
- let ty' = {desc = ty.desc; level = ty.level} in
- ty.desc <- Tlink {desc = Tconstr (Path.Pident id, tl, ref Mnil);
- level = ty.level};
- ty'
-(* Return the arity (as for curried functions) of the given type. *)
-let rec arity ty =
- match (repr ty).desc with
- Tarrow(t1, t2) -> 1 + arity t2
- | _ -> 0
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index ba0e119ffd..352293fe80 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
Tsig_value(id, {val_type = Ctype.nondep_type env mid d.val_type;
val_kind = d.val_kind}) :: rem'
| Tsig_type(id, d) ->
- Tsig_type(id, nondep_type_decl va d) :: rem'
+ Tsig_type(id, Ctype.nondep_type_decl env mid id (va = Co) d) :: rem'
| Tsig_exception(id, d) ->
Tsig_exception(id, (Ctype.nondep_type env mid) d) :: rem'
| Tsig_module(id, mty) ->
@@ -123,34 +123,6 @@ let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
| Tsig_class(id, d) ->
Tsig_class(id, Ctype.nondep_class_type env mid d) :: rem'
- and nondep_type_decl va d =
- {type_params = d.type_params;
- type_arity = d.type_arity;
- type_kind =
- begin try
- match d.type_kind with
- Type_abstract ->
- Type_abstract
- | Type_variant cstrs ->
- Type_variant(
- (fun (c, tl) -> (c, (Ctype.nondep_type env mid) tl))
- cstrs)
- | Type_record lbls ->
- Type_record(
- (fun (c, mut, t) -> (c, mut, Ctype.nondep_type env mid t))
- lbls)
- with Not_found ->
- match va with Co -> Type_abstract | _ -> raise Not_found
- end;
- type_manifest =
- begin try
- match d.type_manifest with
- None -> None
- | Some ty -> Some(Ctype.nondep_type env mid ty)
- with Not_found ->
- match va with Co -> None | _ -> raise Not_found
- end}
and nondep_modtype_decl = function
Tmodtype_abstract -> Tmodtype_abstract
| Tmodtype_manifest mty -> Tmodtype_manifest(nondep_mty Strict mty)