path: root/typing
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authorJérôme Vouillon <>1997-03-14 15:19:48 +0000
committerJérôme Vouillon <>1997-03-14 15:19:48 +0000
commit5cf4dd82e99d98e0d6718ba2136ad05d737beecb (patch)
tree417839283dadc5e3eabff6e25486e2e60a2b0aba /typing
parenta08f9b10f18f20d4a4a8f99935965318e5490cdb (diff)
Correction d'un bug pour expansion des types generiques.
correct_level renomme en correct_levels et modifie. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'typing')
2 files changed, 62 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index e3744a1a91..51c55a693c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ open Types
Type manipulation after type inference
- If one want to manipulate some types after type inference (for
+ If one wants to manipulate a type after type inference (for
instance, during code generation or in the debugger), one must
first make sure that the type levels are correct, using the
- function [correct_level]. Then, these types can be correctely
- manipulated with [substitute], [expand_abbrev] and [moregeneral].
+ function [correct_levels]. Then, this type can be correctely
+ manipulated by [substitute], [expand_abbrev] and [moregeneral].
@@ -285,6 +284,28 @@ and generalize_expans =
| Mcons(_, ty, rem) -> generalize ty; generalize_expans rem
| Mlink rem -> generalize_expans !rem
+ Lower in-place the level of a generic type. That way, [subst] can
+ do "unification" on generic types.
+let rec ungeneralize ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ if ty.level = generic_level then begin
+ ty.level <- !current_level;
+ begin match ty.desc with
+ Tconstr (_, _, abbrev) ->
+ ungeneralize_expans !abbrev
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ iter_type_expr ungeneralize ty
+ end
+and ungeneralize_expans =
+ function
+ Mnil -> ()
+ | Mcons(_, ty, rem) -> ungeneralize ty; ungeneralize_expans rem
+ | Mlink rem -> ungeneralize_expans !rem
let expand_abbrev' = (* Forward declaration *)
ref (fun env path args abbrev level -> raise Cannot_expand)
@@ -328,25 +349,9 @@ let rec update_level env level ty =
let make_nongen ty = update_level Env.empty !current_level ty
- Correct the levels of type [ty]. The level of non-variable nodes is
- set to [generic_level] (ensuring decreasing levels), and the level
- of non-generic variables is lowered so as to be inferior to the
- environnement level ([substitute] and [moregeneral] assume this).
-let correct_level env ty =
- let rec correct_rec ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- if ty.level >= lowest_level then begin
- if (ty.desc = Tvar) && (ty.level <> generic_level) then
- ty.level <- pivot_level - (min ty.level (Env.level env))
- else
- ty.level <- pivot_level - generic_level;
- iter_type_expr correct_rec ty
- end
- in
- correct_rec ty;
- unmark_type ty
+(* Correct the levels of type [ty]. *)
+let correct_levels env ty =
+ Subst.type_expr (Subst.limit_level (Env.level env) Subst.identity) ty
@@ -360,8 +365,6 @@ let correct_level env ty =
During instantiation, the description of a generic node is first
replaced by a link to a stub ([Tlink (newvar ())]). Once the copy
is made, it replaces the stub.
- If [pres_var] is true, generic variables are not copied. Instead,
- their level is lowered to [!current_level] (used by [substitute]).
After instantiation, the description of generic node, which was
stored in [saved_desc], must be put back, using [cleanup_types].
@@ -369,14 +372,11 @@ let correct_level env ty =
let abbreviations = ref (ref Mnil)
(* Abbreviation memorized. *)
-let rec copy pres_var ty =
+let rec copy ty =
let ty = repr ty in
if ty.level <> generic_level then
- else if pres_var && ty.desc = Tvar then begin
- ty.level <- !current_level;
- ty
- end else begin
+ else begin
let desc = ty.desc in
saved_desc := (ty, desc)::!saved_desc;
let t = newvar () in (* Stub *)
@@ -386,9 +386,9 @@ let rec copy pres_var ty =
Tvar ->
| Tarrow (t1, t2) ->
- Tarrow (copy pres_var t1, copy pres_var t2)
+ Tarrow (copy t1, copy t2)
| Ttuple tl ->
- Ttuple ( (copy pres_var) tl)
+ Ttuple ( copy tl)
| Tconstr (p, tl, _) ->
One must allocate a new reference, so that abbrevia-
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ let rec copy pres_var ty =
ation can be released by changing the content of just
one reference.
- Tconstr (p, (copy pres_var) tl,
+ Tconstr (p, copy tl,
ref (match ! !abbreviations with
Mcons _ -> Mlink !abbreviations
| abbrev -> abbrev))
@@ -409,15 +409,15 @@ let rec copy pres_var ty =
None ->
| Some (p, tl) ->
- Some (p, (copy pres_var)tl)
+ Some (p, copy tl)
- Tobject (copy pres_var t1, ref name')
+ Tobject (copy t1, ref name')
| Tfield (label, t1, t2) ->
- Tfield (label, copy pres_var t1, copy pres_var t2)
+ Tfield (label, copy t1, copy t2)
| Tnil ->
| Tlink t -> (* Actually unused *)
- Tlink (copy pres_var t)
+ Tlink (copy t)
@@ -425,58 +425,53 @@ let rec copy pres_var ty =
(**** Variants of instantiations ****)
let instance sch =
- let ty = copy false sch in
+ let ty = copy sch in
cleanup_types ();
let instance_list schl =
- let tyl = (copy false) schl in
+ let tyl = copy schl in
cleanup_types ();
let instance_constructor cstr =
- let ty_res = copy false cstr.cstr_res in
- let ty_args = (copy false) cstr.cstr_args in
+ let ty_res = copy cstr.cstr_res in
+ let ty_args = copy cstr.cstr_args in
cleanup_types ();
(ty_args, ty_res)
let instance_label lbl =
- let ty_res = copy false lbl.lbl_res in
- let ty_arg = copy false lbl.lbl_arg in
+ let ty_res = copy lbl.lbl_res in
+ let ty_arg = copy lbl.lbl_arg in
cleanup_types ();
(ty_arg, ty_res)
let instance_parameterized_type sch_args sch =
- let ty_args = (copy false) sch_args in
- let ty = copy false sch in
+ let ty_args = copy sch_args in
+ let ty = copy sch in
cleanup_types ();
(ty_args, ty)
let instance_parameterized_type_2 sch_args sch_lst sch =
- let ty_args = (copy false) sch_args in
- let ty_lst = (copy false) sch_lst in
- let ty = copy false sch in
+ let ty_args = copy sch_args in
+ let ty_lst = copy sch_lst in
+ let ty = copy sch in
cleanup_types ();
(ty_args, ty_lst, ty)
let instance_class cl =
- let params = (copy false) cl.cty_params in
- let args = (copy false) cl.cty_args in
+ let params = copy cl.cty_params in
+ let args = copy cl.cty_args in
let vars =
(fun lab (mut, ty) ->
- Vars.add lab (mut, copy false ty))
+ Vars.add lab (mut, copy ty))
Vars.empty in
- let self = copy false cl.cty_self in
+ let self = copy cl.cty_self in
cleanup_types ();
(params, args, vars, self)
-let instance_gen_list schl =
- let tyl = (copy true) schl in
- cleanup_types ();
- tyl
(**** Instantiation with parameter substitution ****)
let unify' = (* Forward declaration *)
@@ -499,24 +494,19 @@ let rec subst env level abbrev path params args body =
current_level := old_level;
end else begin
- (*
- Generic types need to be "unified" to the parameters. For that,
- one must make the levels non-generic. Moreover, these types
- should stay unchanged (no abbreviation propagated). So, one
- take an instance of these types, preserving generic variables
- but making them temporarily non-generic. After the unification
- is done, the variable are made generic again. They aren't be
- instantiated in the process, as [params] is an instance of
- [args].
- *)
+ (* One cannot expand directly to a generic type. *)
+ begin_def ();
(* Make sure [!current_level] is high enough. *)
current_level := max !current_level (Env.level env);
- begin_def ();
- let args' = instance_gen_list args in
- let ty = subst env !current_level abbrev path params args' body in
+ (*
+ Arguments cannot be generic either, as they are unified to the
+ parameters.
+ *)
+ List.iter ungeneralize args;
+ let ty = subst env !current_level abbrev path params args body in
end_def ();
generalize ty;
- List.iter generalize args';
+ List.iter generalize args;
diff --git a/typing/ctype.mli b/typing/ctype.mli
index 02b10374d1..e2b240c77b 100644
--- a/typing/ctype.mli
+++ b/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ val generalize: type_expr -> unit
(* Generalize in-place the given type *)
val make_nongen: type_expr -> unit
(* Make non-generalizable the given type *)
-val correct_level: Env.t -> type_expr -> unit
+val correct_levels: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
val instance: type_expr -> type_expr
(* Take an instance of a type scheme *)