diff options
2 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40e3e8e3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+type path = string
+type path_prefix = string
+type error_message = string
+let errorf fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun err -> Error err) fmt
+let encode_prefix str =
+ let buf = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
+ let push_char = function
+ | '%' -> Buffer.add_string buf "%#"
+ | '=' -> Buffer.add_string buf "%+"
+ | ':' -> Buffer.add_string buf "%."
+ | c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
+ in
+ String.iter push_char str;
+ Buffer.contents buf
+let decode_prefix str =
+ let buf = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i >= String.length str
+ then Ok (Buffer.contents buf)
+ else match str.[i] with
+ | ('=' | ':') as c ->
+ errorf "invalid character '%c' in key or value" c
+ | '%' ->
+ let push c = Buffer.add_char buf c; loop (i + 2) in
+ if i + 1 = String.length str then
+ errorf "invalid encoded string %S (trailing '%%')" str
+ else begin match str.[i + 1] with
+ | '#' -> push '%'
+ | '+' -> push '='
+ | '.' -> push ':'
+ | c -> errorf "invalid %%-escaped character '%c'" c
+ end
+ | c ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf c;
+ loop (i + 1)
+ in loop 0
+type pair = { target: path_prefix; source : path_prefix }
+let encode_pair { target; source } =
+ String.concat "=" [encode_prefix target; encode_prefix source]
+let decode_pair str =
+ match String.index str '=' with
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ errorf "invalid key/value pair %S, no '=' separator" str
+ | equal_pos ->
+ let encoded_target = String.sub str 0 equal_pos in
+ let encoded_source =
+ String.sub str (equal_pos + 1) (String.length str - equal_pos - 1) in
+ match decode_prefix encoded_target, decode_prefix encoded_source with
+ | Ok target, Ok source -> Ok { target; source }
+ | ((Error _ as err), _) | (_, (Error _ as err)) -> err
+type map = pair option list
+let encode_map map =
+ let encode_elem = function
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some pair -> encode_pair pair
+ in
+ encode_elem map
+ |> String.concat ":"
+let decode_map str =
+ let exception Shortcut of error_message in
+ let decode_or_empty = function
+ | "" -> None
+ | pair ->
+ begin match decode_pair pair with
+ | Ok str -> Some str
+ | Error err -> raise (Shortcut err)
+ end
+ in
+ let pairs = String.split_on_char ':' str in
+ match decode_or_empty pairs with
+ | exception (Shortcut err) -> Error err
+ | map -> Ok map
+let rewrite_opt prefix_map path =
+ let is_prefix = function
+ | None -> false
+ | Some { target = _; source } ->
+ String.length source <= String.length path
+ && String.equal source (String.sub path 0 (String.length source))
+ in
+ match
+ List.find is_prefix
+ (* read key/value pairs from right to left, as the spec demands *)
+ (List.rev prefix_map)
+ with
+ | exception Not_found -> None
+ | None -> None
+ | Some { source; target } ->
+ Some (target ^ (String.sub path (String.length source)
+ (String.length path - String.length source)))
+let rewrite prefix_map path =
+ match rewrite_opt prefix_map path with
+ | None -> path
+ | Some path -> path
diff --git a/utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli b/utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c21f4583d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+type path = string
+type path_prefix = string
+type error_message = string
+val encode_prefix : path_prefix -> string
+val decode_prefix : string -> (path_prefix, error_message) result
+type pair = { target: path_prefix; source : path_prefix }
+val encode_pair : pair -> string
+val decode_pair : string -> (pair, error_message) result
+type map = pair option list
+val encode_map : map -> string
+val decode_map : string -> (map, error_message) result
+val rewrite_opt : map -> path -> path option
+(** [rewrite_opt map path] tries to find a source in [map]
+ that is a prefix of the input [path]. If it succeeds,
+ it replaces this prefix with the corresponding target.
+ If it fails, it just returns [None]. *)
+val rewrite : map -> path -> path