path: root/camlp4/lib/token.mli
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/lib/token.mli b/camlp4/lib/token.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index fbd1aefd30..0000000000
--- a/camlp4/lib/token.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-(* camlp4r *)
-(* *)
-(* Camlp4 *)
-(* *)
-(* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
-(* *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-(** Lexers for Camlp4 grammars.
- This module defines the Camlp4 lexer type to be used in extensible
- grammars (see module [Grammar]). It also provides some useful functions
- to create lexers (this module should be renamed [Glexer] one day). *)
-type pattern = (string * string);
- (** Token patterns come from the EXTEND statement.
-- The first string is the constructor name (must start with
- an uppercase character). When it is empty, the second string
- is supposed to be a keyword.
-- The second string is the constructor parameter. Empty if it
- has no parameter.
-- The way tokens patterns are interpreted to parse tokens is
- done by the lexer, function [tok_match] below. *)
-exception Error of string;
- (** An lexing error exception to be used by lexers. *)
-(** {6 Lexer type} *)
-type location = (int * int);
-type location_function = int -> location;
- (** The type for a function associating a number of a token in a stream
- (starting from 0) to its source location. *)
-type lexer_func 'te = Stream.t char -> (Stream.t 'te * location_function);
- (** The type for a lexer function. The character stream is the input
- stream to be lexed. The result is a pair of a token stream and
- a location function for this tokens stream. *)
-type glexer 'te =
- { tok_func : lexer_func 'te;
- tok_using : pattern -> unit;
- tok_removing : pattern -> unit;
- tok_match : pattern -> 'te -> string;
- tok_text : pattern -> string;
- tok_comm : mutable option (list location) }
- (** The type for a lexer used by Camlp4 grammars.
-- The field [tok_func] is the main lexer function. See [lexer_func]
- type above. This function may be created from a [char stream parser]
- or for an [ocamllex] function using the functions below.
-- The field [tok_using] is a function telling the lexer that the grammar
- uses this token (pattern). The lexer can check that its constructor
- is correct, and interpret some kind of tokens as keywords (to record
- them in its tables). Called by [EXTEND] statements.
-- The field [tok_removing] is a function telling the lexer that the
- grammar does not uses the given token (pattern) any more. If the
- lexer has a notion of "keywords", it can release it from its tables.
- Called by [DELETE_RULE] statements.
-- The field [tok_match] is a function taking a pattern and returning
- a function matching a token against the pattern. Warning: for
- efficency, write it as a function returning functions according
- to the values of the pattern, not a function with two parameters.
-- The field [tok_text] returns the name of some token pattern,
- used in error messages.
-- The field [tok_comm] if not None asks the lexer to record the
- locations of the comments. *)
-value lexer_text : pattern -> string;
- (** A simple [tok_text] function for lexers *)
-value default_match : pattern -> (string * string) -> string;
- (** A simple [tok_match] function for lexers, appling to token type
- [(string * string)] *)
-(** {6 Lexers from char stream parsers or ocamllex function}
- The functions below create lexer functions either from a [char stream]
- parser or for an [ocamllex] function. With the returned function [f],
- the simplest [Token.lexer] can be written:
- {[
- { Token.tok_func = f;
- Token.tok_using = (fun _ -> ());
- Token.tok_removing = (fun _ -> ());
- Token.tok_match = Token.default_match;
- Token.tok_text = Token.lexer_text }
- ]}
- Note that a better [tok_using] function should check the used tokens
- and raise [Token.Error] for incorrect ones. The other functions
- [tok_removing], [tok_match] and [tok_text] may have other implementations
- as well. *)
-value lexer_func_of_parser :
- (Stream.t char -> ('te * location)) -> lexer_func 'te;
- (** A lexer function from a lexer written as a char stream parser
- returning the next token and its location. *)
-value lexer_func_of_ocamllex : (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'te) -> lexer_func 'te;
- (** A lexer function from a lexer created by [ocamllex] *)
-value make_stream_and_location :
- (unit -> ('te * location)) -> (Stream.t 'te * location_function);
- (** General function *)
-(** {6 Useful functions} *)
-value eval_char : string -> char;
- (** Convert a char token, where the escape sequences (backslashes)
- remain to be interpreted; raise [Failure] if an
- incorrect backslash sequence is found; [Token.eval_char (Char.escaped c)]
- returns [c] *)
-value eval_string : location -> string -> string;
- (** Convert a string token, where the escape sequences (backslashes)
- remain to be interpreted; issue a warning if an incorrect
- backslash sequence is found;
- [Token.eval_string loc (String.escaped s)] returns [s] *)
-(* deprecated since version 3.05; use rather type glexer *)
-type t = (string * string);
-type lexer =
- { func : lexer_func t;
- using : pattern -> unit;
- removing : pattern -> unit;
- tparse : pattern -> option (Stream.t t -> string);
- text : pattern -> string }