path: root/ocamldoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc')
13 files changed, 219 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 0485663e50..1b11ba14fd 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ module Analyser =
let pos_start = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_start in
let type_parameters = tt_type_params in
let virt = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual in
- let cltype = tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type in
+ let cltype = Odoc_env.subst_class_type env tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type in
let (parameters, kind) = analyse_class_kind
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ module Analyser =
let new_env2 =
match new_module.m_type with
(* A VOIR : cela peut-il être Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on aurait pas la signature *)
- Some (Types.Tmty_signature s) ->
+ Types.Tmty_signature s ->
Odoc_env.add_signature new_env new_module.m_name
~rel: (Name.simple new_module.m_name) s
| _ ->
@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ module Analyser =
clt_name = complete_name ;
clt_info = com_opt ;
- clt_type = tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_type ;
+ clt_type = Odoc_env.subst_class_type env tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_type ;
clt_type_parameters = (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) type_params ;
clt_virtual = virt ;
clt_kind = kind ;
@@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ module Analyser =
let m_base =
m_name = complete_name ;
- m_type = Some tt_module_expr.Typedtree.mod_type ;
+ m_type = tt_module_expr.Typedtree.mod_type ;
m_info = comment_opt ;
m_is_interface = false ;
m_file = !file_name ;
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ module Analyser =
m_base with
- m_type = Some tt_modtype ;
+ m_type = tt_modtype ;
m_kind = Module_constraint (m_base2.m_kind,
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ module Analyser =
let m =
m_name = mod_name ;
- m_type = None ;
+ m_type = Types.Tmty_signature [] ;
m_info = info_opt ;
m_is_interface = false ;
m_file = !file_name ;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index d492af9854..0c43f9d21d 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -249,9 +249,6 @@ let subst_type env t =
(t, new_deja_vu)
let (res, _) = iter [] t in
-(** print_string "Odoc_env.subst_type fini";
- print_newline ();
let subst_module_type env t =
@@ -267,5 +264,20 @@ let subst_module_type env t =
iter t
+let subst_class_type env t =
+ let rec iter t =
+ match t with
+ Types.Tcty_constr (p,texp_list,ct) ->
+ let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
+ let new_texp_list = (subst_type env) texp_list in
+ let new_ct = iter ct in
+ Types.Tcty_constr (new_p, new_texp_list, new_ct)
+ | Types.Tcty_signature cs ->
+ (* on ne s'occupe pas des vals et methods *)
+ t
+ | Types.Tcty_fun (l, texp, ct) ->
+ let new_texp = subst_type env texp in
+ let new_ct = iter ct in
+ Types.Tcty_fun (l, new_texp, new_ct)
+ in
+ iter t
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_env.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_env.mli
index 99b292b572..698a3877a3 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_env.mli
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_env.mli
@@ -67,3 +67,9 @@ val subst_type : env -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
(** Replace the [Path.t] by a complete [Path.t] in a [Types.module_type].*)
val subst_module_type : env -> Types.module_type -> Types.module_type
+(** Replace the [Path.t] by a complete [Path.t] in a [Types.class_type].
+ Also empty the structures to get only [object end] when the type
+ is printed.
+val subst_class_type : env -> Types.class_type -> Types.class_type
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 1acce3e3eb..e742219e04 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -494,14 +494,6 @@ class html =
".title4 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41CDFF }" ;
".title5 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41EDFF }" ;
".title6 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41FFFF }" ;
- ".title1 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFF44 }" ;
- ".title2 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFF66 }" ;
- ".title3 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFF99 }" ;
- ".title4 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFFCC }" ;
- ".title5 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFFFF }" ;
- ".title6 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #DDFF44 }" ;
"body { background-color : White }" ;
"tr { background-color : White }" ;
@@ -762,6 +754,15 @@ class html =
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "<br> " s in
"<code class=\"type\">"^(self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2)^"</code>"
+ (** Return html code to display a [Types.class_type].*)
+ method html_of_class_type_expr m_name t =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_class_type t))
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "<br> " s in
+ "<code class=\"type\">"^(self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2)^"</code>"
(** Return html code to display a [Types.type_expr list].*)
method html_of_type_expr_list m_name sep l =
print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list";
@@ -782,14 +783,14 @@ class html =
(** Generate a file containing the module type in the given file name. *)
method output_module_type in_title file mtyp =
let s = String.concat "\n"
- (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type mtyp))
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type ~complete: true mtyp))
self#output_code in_title file s
(** Generate a file containing the class type in the given file name. *)
method output_class_type in_title file ctyp =
let s = String.concat "\n"
- (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_class_type ctyp))
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_class_type ~complete: true ctyp))
self#output_code in_title file s
@@ -1107,117 +1108,49 @@ class html =
- (** Return html code for a [module_kind]. *)
- method html_of_module_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) k =
- match k with
- Module_alias m_alias ->
- (match m_alias.ma_module with
- None ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- m_alias.ma_name
- | Some (Mod m) ->
- let (html_file,_) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^m.m_name^"</a>"
- | Some (Modtype mt) ->
- let (html_file,_) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^mt.mt_name^"</a>"
- )
- | Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- (self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k1)^
- " ( "^(self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k2)^" ) "
- | Module_with (tk, code) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- (self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^
- (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false code)
- | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- "( "^(self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)^" : "^
- (self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^" )"
- | Module_struct _ ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false (Odoc_messages.struct_end^" "))
- | Module_functor (_, k) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false "functor ... ")^
- " -> "^(self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)
- (** Return html code for a [module_type_kind]. *)
- method html_of_module_type_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) tk =
- match tk with
- | Module_type_struct _ ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.sig_end)
- | Module_type_functor (params, k) ->
- let f p = "("^p.mp_name^" : "^(self#html_of_module_type "" p.mp_type)^") -> " in
- let s1 = String.concat "" ( f params) in
- let s2 = self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k in
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^s1^s2
- | Module_type_with (tk2, code) ->
- let s = self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk2 in
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- s^(self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false code)
- | Module_type_alias mt_alias ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- (match mt_alias.mta_module with
- None ->
- mt_alias.mta_name
- | Some mt ->
- let (html_file,_) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^mt.mt_name^"</a>"
- )
(** Return html code for a module. *)
method html_of_module ?(info=true) ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) m =
let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in
- let s1 =
- "<pre>"^(self#keyword "module")^" "^
- (
- if with_link then
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple m.m_name)^"</a>"
- else
- Name.simple m.m_name
- )^
- (self#html_of_module_kind m.m_kind)^
- "</pre>"
- in
- let s2 =
- if info then
- (if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) m.m_info
- else
- ""
- in
- s1^s2
+ let father = Name.father m.m_name in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
+ let p = Printf.bprintf in
+ p buf "<pre>%s " (self#keyword "module");
+ (
+ if with_link then
+ p buf "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" html_file (Name.simple m.m_name)
+ else
+ p buf "%s" (Name.simple m.m_name)
+ );
+ p buf ": %s</pre>" (self#html_of_module_type father m.m_type);
+ if info then
+ p buf "%s" ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) m.m_info)
+ else
+ ();
+ Buffer.contents buf
(** Return html code for a module type. *)
method html_of_modtype ?(info=true) ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) mt =
let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
- "<pre>"^(self#keyword "module type")^" "^
+ let father = Name.father mt.mt_name in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
+ let p = Printf.bprintf in
+ p buf "<pre>%s " (self#keyword "module type");
if with_link then
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^"</a>"
+ p buf "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" html_file (Name.simple mt.mt_name)
- Name.simple mt.mt_name
- )^
- (match mt.mt_kind with
- | Some tk -> self#html_of_module_type_kind tk
- | None -> ""
- )^
- "</pre>"^
- (if info then
- (if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) mt.mt_info
+ p buf "%s" (Name.simple mt.mt_name)
+ );
+ (match mt.mt_type with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some mtyp -> p buf " = %s" (self#html_of_module_type father mtyp)
+ );
+ Buffer.add_string buf "</pre>";
+ if info then
+ p buf "%s" ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) mt.mt_info)
- ""
- )
+ ();
+ Buffer.contents buf
(** Return html code for an included module. *)
method html_of_included_module im =
@@ -1240,81 +1173,9 @@ class html =
- (** Return html code for the given [class_kind].*)
- method html_of_class_kind father ckind =
- print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class_kind";
- match ckind with
- Class_structure _ ->
- (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.object_end)
- | Class_apply capp ->
- (
- match capp.capp_class with
- None -> capp.capp_name
- | Some cl ->
- let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^cl.cl_name^"</a>"
- )^
- " "^
- (String.concat " "
- (
- (fun s -> self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false ("("^s^")"))
- capp.capp_params_code))
- | Class_constr cco ->
- (
- match cco.cco_type_parameters with
- [] -> ""
- | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)^"] "
- )^
- (
- match cco.cco_class with
- None -> cco.cco_name
- | Some (Cl cl) ->
- let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
- let rel = Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name in
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^rel^"</a> "
- | Some (Cltype (clt,_)) ->
- let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files clt.clt_name in
- let rel = Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name in
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^rel^"</a> "
- )
- | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
- "( "^(self#html_of_class_kind father ck)^
- " : "^
- (self#html_of_class_type_kind father ctk)^
- " )"
- (** Return html code for the given [class_type_kind].*)
- method html_of_class_type_kind father ctkind =
- match ctkind with
- Class_type cta ->
- (
- match cta.cta_type_parameters with
- [] -> ""
- | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)^"] "
- )^
- (
- match cta.cta_class with
- None ->
- if cta.cta_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then
- self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false cta.cta_name
- else
- cta.cta_name
- | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) ->
- let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files clt.clt_name in
- let rel = Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name in
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^rel^"</a>"
- | Some (Cl cl) ->
- let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
- let rel = Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name in
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^rel^"</a>"
- )
- | Class_signature _ ->
- self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.object_end
(** Return html code for a class. *)
method html_of_class ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) c =
+ let father = Name.father c.cl_name in
Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files c.cl_name in
@@ -1335,7 +1196,7 @@ class html =
[] -> ()
| l ->
p buf "[%s] "
- (self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father c.cl_name) ", " l)
+ (self#html_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)
print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : with link or not" ;
@@ -1346,14 +1207,7 @@ class html =
Buffer.add_string buf " : " ;
- List.iter
- (fun param ->
- p buf "%s -> " (self#html_of_parameter (Name.father c.cl_name) param))
- c.cl_parameters;
- print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : class kind" ;
- Buffer.add_string buf (self#html_of_class_kind (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_kind);
+ Buffer.add_string buf (self#html_of_class_type_expr father c.cl_type);
Buffer.add_string buf "</pre>" ;
print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : info" ;
Buffer.add_string buf
@@ -1363,6 +1217,7 @@ class html =
(** Return html code for a class type. *)
method html_of_class_type ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) ct =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let father = Name.father ct.clt_name in
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let p = Printf.bprintf in
let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files ct.clt_name in
@@ -1379,7 +1234,7 @@ class html =
match ct.clt_type_parameters with
[] -> ()
- | l -> p buf "[%s] " (self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father ct.clt_name) ", " l)
+ | l -> p buf "[%s] " (self#html_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)
if with_link then
@@ -1388,7 +1243,7 @@ class html =
p buf "%s" (Name.simple ct.clt_name);
Buffer.add_string buf " = ";
- Buffer.add_string buf (self#html_of_class_type_kind (Name.father ct.clt_name) ct.clt_kind);
+ Buffer.add_string buf (self#html_of_class_type_expr father ct.clt_type);
Buffer.add_string buf "</pre>";
Buffer.add_string buf ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) ct.clt_info);
@@ -1419,15 +1274,6 @@ class html =
(** Return html code for a module comment.*)
method html_of_module_comment text =
"<br>\n"^(self#html_of_text text)^"<br><br>\n"
- (* Add some style if there is no style for the first part of the text. *)
- let text2 =
- match text with
- | (Odoc_info.Raw s) :: q -> (Odoc_info.Title (2, [Odoc_info.Raw s])) :: q
- | _ -> text
- in
- self#html_of_text text2
(** Return html code for a class comment.*)
method html_of_class_comment text =
@@ -1704,10 +1550,7 @@ class html =
(self#navbar pre_name post_name modu.m_name)^
"<center><h1>"^(if Module.module_is_functor modu then Odoc_messages.functo else Odoc_messages.modul)^
" "^
- (match modu.m_type with
- Some _ -> "<a href=\""^type_file^"\">"^modu.m_name^"</a>"
- | None-> modu.m_name
- )^
+ "<a href=\""^type_file^"\">"^modu.m_name^"</a>"^
(self#html_of_module ~with_link: false modu)
@@ -1755,14 +1598,10 @@ class html =
generate_elements self#generate_for_class_type (Module.module_class_types modu);
(* generate the file with the complete module type *)
- (
- match modu.m_type with
- None -> ()
- | Some mty -> self#output_module_type
- modu.m_name
- (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir type_file)
- mty
- )
+ self#output_module_type
+ modu.m_name
+ (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir type_file)
+ modu.m_type
Sys_error s ->
raise (Failure s)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 0248353459..3393b4bf5c 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ let string_of_type_expr t = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr t
with a given separator. *)
let string_of_type_list sep type_list = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list sep type_list
-let string_of_module_type t = Odoc_misc.string_of_module_type t
+let string_of_module_type = Odoc_misc.string_of_module_type
-let string_of_class_type t = Odoc_misc.string_of_class_type t
+let string_of_class_type = Odoc_misc.string_of_class_type
let string_of_text t = Odoc_misc.string_of_text t
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
index 63199498e7..1202660088 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
@@ -433,9 +433,7 @@ module Module :
and t_module = Odoc_module.t_module =
m_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the module. *)
- m_type : Types.module_type option ;
- (** The type of the module.
- It is [None] when we had only the .ml file and it is a top module. *)
+ m_type : Types.module_type ; (** The type of the module. *)
mutable m_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
m_is_interface : bool ; (** [true] for modules read from interface files *)
m_file : string ; (** The file the module is defined in. *)
@@ -602,11 +600,18 @@ val string_of_type_expr : Types.type_expr -> string
with a given separator. It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter].*)
val string_of_type_list : string -> Types.type_expr list -> string
-(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.module_type]. *)
-val string_of_module_type : Types.module_type -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.module_type].
+ @param complete indicates if we must print complete signatures
+ or just [sig end]. Default if [false].
+val string_of_module_type : ?complete: bool -> Types.module_type -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.class_type].
+ @param complete indicates if we must print complete signatures
+ or just [object end]. Default if [false].
+val string_of_class_type : ?complete: bool -> Types.class_type -> string
-(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.class_type]. *)
-val string_of_class_type : Types.class_type -> string
(** Get a string from a text. *)
val string_of_text : text -> string
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 4144f50e51..fe3d0e396d 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -449,10 +449,16 @@ class latex =
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given module. *)
method latex_of_module ?(with_link=true) m =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
+ let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
+ let father = Name.father m.m_name in
let t =
- [Code "module "] @
- [Code (Name.simple m.m_name)] @
- (self#text_of_module_kind m.m_kind) @
+ Format.fprintf f "module %s" (Name.simple m.m_name);
+ Format.fprintf f " = %s"
+ (self#normal_module_type father m.m_type);
+ Format.pp_print_flush f ();
+ (CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref m.m_name)^"]")]
@@ -463,13 +469,21 @@ class latex =
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given module type. *)
method latex_of_module_type ?(with_link=true) mt =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
+ let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
+ let father = Name.father mt.mt_name in
let t =
- [Code "module type "] @
- [Code (Name.simple mt.mt_name)] @
- (match mt.mt_kind with
- None -> []
- | Some k -> self#text_of_module_type_kind k
- ) @
+ Format.fprintf f "module type %s" (Name.simple mt.mt_name);
+ (match mt.mt_type with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some mtyp ->
+ Format.fprintf f " = %s"
+ (self#normal_module_type father mtyp)
+ );
+ Format.pp_print_flush f ();
+ (CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref mt.mt_name)^"]")]
@@ -488,88 +502,6 @@ class latex =
| Some (Modtype mt) -> mt.mt_name)
] )
- (** Return a well-formatted code string for the given [class_kind].*)
- method pre_of_class_kind f father ckind =
- let p = Format.fprintf in
- match ckind with
- Class_structure _ ->
- p f "%s" Odoc_messages.object_end
- | Class_apply capp ->
- p f "%s"
- (match capp.capp_class with
- None -> capp.capp_name
- | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
- );
- List.iter
- (fun s -> p f " (%s)" s)
- capp.capp_params_code
- | Class_constr cco ->
- (match cco.cco_type_parameters with
- [] -> ()
- | l ->
- p f "[";
- let s = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
- p f "%s] " s
- );
- p f "%s"
- (match cco.cco_class with
- None -> cco.cco_name
- | Some (Cl cl) -> Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name
- | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) -> Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name
- )
- | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
- p f "(" ;
- self#pre_of_class_kind f father ck ;
- p f " : " ;
- self#pre_of_class_type_kind f father ctk ;
- p f ")"
- (** Return well-formatted string for the given [class_type_kind].*)
- method pre_of_class_type_kind f father ctkind =
- let p = Format.fprintf in
- match ctkind with
- Class_type cta ->
- (
- match cta.cta_type_parameters with
- [] -> ()
- | l ->
- p f "[" ;
- let s = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
- p f "%s] " s
- );
- p f "%s"
- (
- match cta.cta_class with
- None -> cta.cta_name
- | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) -> Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name
- | Some (Cl cl) -> Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name
- )
- | Class_signature _ ->
- p f "%s" Odoc_messages.object_end
- (** Return a string for the given parameter,
- and eventually its label. Note that we must remove
- the option constructor if we print an optional argument.*)
- method string_of_parameter m p =
- let (pi,label) = p in
- let (slabel, t) =
- let t = Parameter.typ p in
- match label with
- "" -> ("", t)
- | s ->
- if is_optional label then
- (s^":", Odoc_info.remove_option t)
- else
- (s^":", t)
- in
- slabel ^ (self#normal_type m t)
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given class. *)
method latex_of_class ?(with_link=true) c =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
@@ -588,14 +520,8 @@ class latex =
Format.fprintf f "%s] " s1
Format.fprintf f "%s : " (Name.simple c.cl_name);
- List.iter
- (fun param ->
- Format.fprintf f "%s -> "
- (self#string_of_parameter father param)
- )
- c.cl_parameters;
- self#pre_of_class_kind f father c.cl_kind ;
+ Format.fprintf f "%s" (self#normal_class_type father c.cl_type);
Format.pp_print_flush f ();
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
@@ -625,8 +551,8 @@ class latex =
Format.fprintf f "%s] " s1
Format.fprintf f "%s = " (Name.simple ct.clt_name);
- self#pre_of_class_type_kind f father ct.clt_kind ;
+ Format.fprintf f "%s" (self#normal_class_type father ct.clt_type);
Format.pp_print_flush f ();
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index d74272e526..ae965673a1 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -240,6 +240,14 @@ class man =
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
"\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
+ (** Groff string to display a [Types.class_type].*)
+ method man_of_class_type_expr m_name t =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_misc.string_of_class_type t))
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
+ "\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
(** Groff string to display a [Types.type_expr list].*)
method man_of_type_expr_list m_name sep l =
let s = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list sep l in
@@ -382,23 +390,6 @@ class man =
- (** Groff for the given parameter,
- and eventually its label. Note that we must remove
- the option constructor if we print an optional argument.*)
- method man_of_parameter m p =
- let (pi,label) = p in
- let (slabel, t) =
- let t = Parameter.typ p in
- match label with
- "" -> ("", t)
- | s ->
- if is_optional label then
- (s^":", Odoc_info.remove_option t)
- else
- (s^":", t)
- in
- slabel ^ (self#man_of_type_expr m t)
(** Groff for the description of a function parameter. *)
method man_of_parameter_description p =
match Parameter.names p with
@@ -445,118 +436,6 @@ class man =
- (** Groff string for a [class_kind]. *)
- method man_of_class_kind ckind =
- match ckind with
- Class_structure _ ->
- self#man_of_code Odoc_messages.object_end
- | Class_apply capp ->
- (
- match capp.capp_class with
- None -> capp.capp_name
- | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
- )^
- " "^
- (String.concat " "
- (
- (fun s -> self#man_of_code ("("^s^")"))
- capp.capp_params_code))
- | Class_constr cco ->
- (
- match cco.cco_type_parameters with
- [] -> ""
- | l -> "["^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)^"] "
- )^
- (
- match cco.cco_class with
- None -> cco.cco_name
- | Some (Cl cl) -> "\n.B "^cl.cl_name^"\n"
- | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) -> "\n.B "^clt.clt_name^"\n"
- )
- | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
- "( "^(self#man_of_class_kind ck)^
- " : "^
- (self#man_of_class_type_kind ctk)^
- " )"
- (** Groff string for the given [class_type_kind].*)
- method man_of_class_type_kind ctkind =
- match ctkind with
- Class_type cta ->
- (
- match cta.cta_class with
- None -> cta.cta_name
- | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) -> "\n.B "^clt.clt_name^"\n"
- | Some (Cl cl) -> "\n.B "^cl.cl_name^"\n"
- )
- | Class_signature _ ->
- self#man_of_code Odoc_messages.object_end
- (** Groff string for a [module_kind]. *)
- method man_of_module_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) k =
- match k with
- Module_alias m_alias ->
- (match m_alias.ma_module with
- None ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- m_alias.ma_name
- | Some (Mod m) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m.m_name
- | Some (Modtype mt) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^mt.mt_name
- )
- | Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- (self#man_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k1)^
- " ( "^(self#man_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k2)^" ) "
- | Module_with (tk, code) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- (self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^
- (self#man_of_code code)
- | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- "( "^(self#man_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)^" : "^
- (self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^" )"
- | Module_struct _ ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- (self#man_of_code (Odoc_messages.struct_end^" "))
- | Module_functor _ ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- (self#man_of_code "functor ... ")
- (** Groff string for a [module_type_kind]. *)
- method man_of_module_type_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) tk =
- match tk with
- | Module_type_struct _ ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- (self#man_of_code Odoc_messages.sig_end)
- | Module_type_functor (params, k) ->
- let f p = "("^p.mp_name^" : "^(self#man_of_module_type "" p.mp_type)^") -> " in
- let s1 = String.concat "" ( f params) in
- let s2 = self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k in
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^s1^s2
- | Module_type_with (tk2, code) -> (* we don't want to print nested with's *)
- let s = self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk2 in
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- s^(self#man_of_code code)
- | Module_type_alias mt_alias ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- (match mt_alias.mta_module with
- None ->
- mt_alias.mta_name
- | Some mt ->
- mt.mt_name
- )
(** Groff string for a class. *)
method man_of_class c =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
@@ -570,12 +449,9 @@ class man =
[] -> ()
| l -> p buf "[%s.I] " (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)
- p buf "%s : " (Name.simple c.cl_name);
- List.iter
- (fun param -> p buf "%s-> " (self#man_of_parameter father param))
- c.cl_parameters;
- p buf "%s" (self#man_of_class_kind c.cl_kind);
+ p buf "%s : %s"
+ (Name.simple c.cl_name)
+ (self#man_of_class_type_expr (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_type);
p buf "\n.sp\n%s\n.sp\n" (self#man_of_info c.cl_info);
Buffer.contents buf
@@ -591,21 +467,26 @@ class man =
[] -> ()
| l -> p buf "[%s.I ] " (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)
- p buf "%s = " (Name.simple ct.clt_name);
- p buf "%s" (self#man_of_class_type_kind ct.clt_kind);
+ p buf "%s = %s"
+ (Name.simple ct.clt_name)
+ (self#man_of_class_type_expr (Name.father ct.clt_name) ct.clt_type);
p buf "\n.sp\n%s\n.sp\n" (self#man_of_info ct.clt_info);
Buffer.contents buf
(** Groff string for a module. *)
method man_of_module m =
".I module "^(Name.simple m.m_name)^
- (self#man_of_module_kind m.m_kind)^
+ " : "^(self#man_of_module_type (Name.father m.m_name) m.m_type)^
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info m.m_info)^"\n.sp\n"
(** Groff string for a module type. *)
method man_of_modtype mt =
".I module type "^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^
- (match mt.mt_kind with None -> "" | Some k -> self#man_of_module_type_kind k)^
+ " = "^
+ (match mt.mt_type with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> self#man_of_module_type (Name.father mt.mt_name) t
+ )^
"\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info mt.mt_info)^"\n.sp\n"
(** Groff string for a module comment.*)
@@ -758,7 +639,11 @@ class man =
".BI \""^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^"\"\n"^
- (match mt.mt_kind with None -> "" | Some k -> self#man_of_module_type_kind k)^
+ " = "^
+ (match mt.mt_type with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> self#man_of_module_type (Name.father mt.mt_name) t
+ )^
(self#man_of_info mt.mt_info)^"\n"^
@@ -824,7 +709,7 @@ class man =
".BI \""^(Name.simple m.m_name)^"\"\n"^
- (self#man_of_module_kind m.m_kind)^
+ " : "^(self#man_of_module_type (Name.father m.m_name) m.m_type)^
(self#man_of_info m.m_info)^"\n"^
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 485c626607..4eaf0cabe2 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -70,15 +70,51 @@ let string_of_type_list sep type_list =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@]"
-let string_of_module_type t =
- Printtyp.modtype Format.str_formatter t;
+(** Return the given module type where methods and vals have been removed
+ from the signatures. Used when we don't want to print a too long module type.*)
+let simpl_module_type t =
+ let rec iter t =
+ match t with
+ Types.Tmty_ident p -> t
+ | Types.Tmty_signature _ -> Types.Tmty_signature []
+ | Types.Tmty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) ->
+ Types.Tmty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2)
+ in
+ iter t
+let string_of_module_type ?(complete=false) t =
+ let t2 = if complete then t else simpl_module_type t in
+ Printtyp.modtype Format.str_formatter t2;
let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
-let string_of_class_type t =
+(** Return the given class type where methods and vals have been removed
+ from the signatures. Used when we don't want to print a too long class type.*)
+let simpl_class_type t =
+ let rec iter t =
+ match t with
+ Types.Tcty_constr (p,texp_list,ct) -> t
+ | Types.Tcty_signature cs ->
+ (* on vire les vals et methods pour ne pas qu'elles soient imprimées
+ quand on affichera le type *)
+ let tnil = { Types.desc = Types.Tnil ; Types.level = 0; = 0 } in
+ Types.Tcty_signature { Types.cty_self = { cs.Types.cty_self with
+ Types.desc = Types.Tobject (tnil, ref None) };
+ Types.cty_vars = Types.Vars.empty ;
+ Types.cty_concr = Types.Concr.empty ;
+ }
+ | Types.Tcty_fun (l, texp, ct) ->
+ let new_ct = iter ct in
+ Types.Tcty_fun (l, texp, new_ct)
+ in
+ iter t
+let string_of_class_type ?(complete=false) t =
+ let t2 = if complete then t else simpl_class_type t in
(* A VOIR : ma propre version de Printtyp.class_type pour ne pas faire reset_names *)
- Printtyp.class_type Format.str_formatter t;
+ Printtyp.class_type Format.str_formatter t2;
let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
index 9f9de92ba3..25c4389662 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
@@ -26,11 +26,17 @@ val string_of_type_expr : Types.type_expr -> string
with a given separator. It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter].*)
val string_of_type_list : string -> Types.type_expr list -> string
-(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.module_type]. *)
-val string_of_module_type : Types.module_type -> string
-(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.class_type]. *)
-val string_of_class_type : Types.class_type -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.module_type].
+ @param complete indicates if we must print complete signatures
+ or just [sig end]. Default if [false].
+val string_of_module_type : ?complete: bool -> Types.module_type -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.class_type].
+ @param complete indicates if we must print complete signatures
+ or just [object end]. Default if [false].
+val string_of_class_type : ?complete: bool -> Types.class_type -> string
(** This function returns the list of (label, type_expr) describing
the methods of a type_expr in a Tobject.*)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 45c5fd222b..1a18cc7db3 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ and module_kind =
(** Representation of a module. *)
and t_module = {
m_name : Name.t ;
- m_type : Types.module_type option ;
- (** It is [None] when we had only the .ml file and it is a top module. *)
+ m_type : Types.module_type ;
mutable m_info : option ;
m_is_interface : bool ; (** true for modules read from interface files *)
m_file : string ; (** the file the module is defined in. *)
@@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ let rec module_elements ?(trans=true) m =
| Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
(* A VOIR : utiliser k ou tk ? *)
module_elements ~trans: trans
- { m_name = "" ; m_info = None ; m_type = None ;
+ { m_name = "" ; m_info = None ; m_type = Types.Tmty_signature [] ;
m_is_interface = false ; m_file = "" ; m_kind = k ;
m_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc ;
m_top_deps = [] ;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 67e624ffc0..1627703e1c 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ module Analyser =
let new_module =
m_name = complete_name ;
- m_type = Some sig_module_type;
+ m_type = sig_module_type;
m_info = comment_opt ;
m_is_interface = true ;
m_file = !file_name ;
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ module Analyser =
let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module env new_module.m_name in
let new_env2 =
match new_module.m_type with (* A VOIR : cela peut-il être Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on aurait pas la signature *)
- Some (Types.Tmty_signature s) -> Odoc_env.add_signature new_env new_module.m_name ~rel: (Name.simple new_module.m_name) s
+ Types.Tmty_signature s -> Odoc_env.add_signature new_env new_module.m_name ~rel: (Name.simple new_module.m_name) s
| _ -> new_env
(maybe_more, new_env2, [ Element_module new_module ])
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ module Analyser =
cl_name = complete_name ;
cl_info = assoc_com ;
- cl_type = sig_class_type ;
+ cl_type = Odoc_env.subst_class_type env sig_class_type ;
cl_type_parameters = sig_class_decl.Types.cty_params;
cl_virtual = class_desc.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual ;
cl_kind = class_kind ;
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ module Analyser =
clt_name = complete_name ;
clt_info = assoc_com ;
- clt_type = sig_class_type ;
+ clt_type = Odoc_env.subst_class_type env sig_class_type ;
clt_type_parameters = sig_cltype_decl.clty_params ;
clt_virtual = ct_decl.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual ;
clt_kind = kind ;
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ module Analyser =
let m =
m_name = mod_name ;
- m_type = Some (Types.Tmty_signature signat) ;
+ m_type = Types.Tmty_signature signat ;
m_info = info_opt ;
m_is_interface = true ;
m_file = !file_name ;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 358cb67bd2..f043bacf2d 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -187,6 +187,14 @@ class virtual to_text =
+ (** Get a string for a [Types.class_type] where all idents are relative. *)
+ method normal_class_type m_name t =
+ (self#relative_idents m_name (Odoc_info.string_of_class_type t))
+ (** Get a string for a [Types.module_type] where all idents are relative. *)
+ method normal_module_type m_name t =
+ (self#relative_idents m_name (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type t))
(** Get a string for a type where all idents are relative. *)
method normal_type m_name t =
(self#relative_idents m_name (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr t))
@@ -381,6 +389,8 @@ class virtual to_text =
(** Return [text] value for the given [class_kind].*)
method text_of_class_kind father ckind =
match ckind with