path: root/stdlib/
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1 files changed, 189 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 7fb82dbe29..77b539161f 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ fun ign fmt -> match ign with
Param_format_EBB (Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, fmt))
| Ignored_scan_get_counter counter ->
Param_format_EBB (Scan_get_counter (counter, fmt))
+ | Ignored_scan_next_char ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Scan_next_char fmt)
@@ -568,6 +570,10 @@ let bprint_fmt buf fmt =
buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
buffer_add_char buf (char_of_counter counter);
fmtiter rest false;
+ | Scan_next_char rest ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_string_literal buf "0c"; fmtiter rest false;
| Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
let Param_format_EBB fmt' = param_format_of_ignored_format ign rest in
fmtiter fmt' true;
@@ -842,6 +848,7 @@ fun fmtty -> match fmtty with
| Scan_char_set (_, _, rest) -> String_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
| Scan_get_counter (_, rest) -> Int_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Scan_next_char rest -> Char_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
| Ignored_param (ign, rest) -> fmtty_of_ignored_format ign rest
| Formatting_lit (_, rest) -> fmtty_of_fmt rest
| Formatting_gen (fmting_gen, rest) ->
@@ -871,6 +878,7 @@ fun ign fmt -> match ign with
| Ignored_reader -> Ignored_reader_ty (fmtty_of_fmt fmt)
| Ignored_scan_char_set _ -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
| Ignored_scan_get_counter _ -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_scan_next_char -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
(* Add an Int_ty node if padding is taken as an extra argument (ex: "%*s"). *)
and fmtty_of_padding_fmtty : type x a b c d e f .
@@ -1067,7 +1075,7 @@ fun formatting_gen fmt0 fmtty0 -> match formatting_gen with
| Open_box (Format (fmt1, str)) ->
let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt2, fmtty2) = type_format_gen fmt1 fmtty0 in
let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt3, fmtty3) = type_format_gen fmt0 fmtty2 in
- Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt2, str)), fmt3), fmtty3)
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_box (Format (fmt2, str)), fmt3), fmtty3)
(* Type an Ignored_param node according to an fmtty. *)
and type_ignored_param : type p q x y z t u v a b c d e f .
@@ -1088,6 +1096,7 @@ fun ign fmt fmtty -> match ign with
| Ignored_bool as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
| Ignored_scan_char_set _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
| Ignored_scan_get_counter _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_scan_next_char as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
| Ignored_format_arg (pad_opt, sub_fmtty) ->
type_ignored_param_one (Ignored_format_arg (pad_opt, sub_fmtty)) fmt fmtty
| Ignored_format_subst (pad_opt, sub_fmtty) ->
@@ -1229,6 +1238,18 @@ let recast :
(* Add padding spaces arround a string. *)
let fix_padding padty width str =
let len = String.length str in
+ let width, padty =
+ abs width,
+ (* while literal padding widths are always non-negative,
+ dynamically-set widths (Arg_padding, eg. %*d) may be negative;
+ we interpret those as specifying a padding-to-the-left; this
+ means that '0' may get dropped even if it was explicitly set,
+ but:
+ - this is what the legacy implementation does, and
+ we preserve compatibility if possible
+ - we could only signal this issue by failing at runtime,
+ which is not very nice... *)
+ if width < 0 then Left else padty in
if width <= len then str else
let res = Bytes.make width (if padty = Zeros then '0' else ' ') in
begin match padty with
@@ -1247,22 +1268,25 @@ let fix_padding padty width str =
(* Add '0' padding to int, int32, nativeint or int64 string representation. *)
let fix_int_precision prec str =
+ let prec = abs prec in
let len = String.length str in
- if prec <= len then str else
+ match str.[0] with
+ | ('+' | '-' | ' ') as c when prec + 1 > len ->
+ let res = Bytes.make (prec + 1) '0' in
+ Bytes.set res 0 c;
+ String.blit str 1 res (prec - len + 2) (len - 1);
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+ | '0' when prec + 2 > len && len > 1 && (str.[1] = 'x' || str.[1] = 'X') ->
+ let res = Bytes.make (prec + 2) '0' in
+ Bytes.set res 1 str.[1];
+ String.blit str 2 res (prec - len + 4) (len - 2);
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+ | '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' when prec > len ->
let res = Bytes.make prec '0' in
- begin match str.[0] with
- | ('+' | '-' | ' ') as c ->
- Bytes.set res 0 c;
- String.blit str 1 res (prec - len + 1) (len - 1);
- | '0' when len > 1 && (str.[1] = 'x' || str.[1] = 'X') ->
- Bytes.set res 1 str.[1];
- String.blit str 2 res (prec - len + 2) (len - 2);
- | '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ->
- String.blit str 0 res (prec - len) len;
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end;
+ String.blit str 0 res (prec - len) len;
Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+ | _ ->
+ str
(* Escape a string according to the OCaml lexing convention. *)
let string_to_caml_string str =
@@ -1308,6 +1332,7 @@ let format_of_iconvn = function
(* Generate the format_float first argument form a float_conv. *)
let format_of_fconv fconv prec =
+ let prec = abs prec in
let symb = if fconv = Float_F then 'g' else char_of_fconv fconv in
let buf = buffer_create 16 in
buffer_add_char buf '%';
@@ -1326,6 +1351,7 @@ let convert_int64 iconv n = format_int64 (format_of_iconvL iconv) n
(* Convert a float to string. *)
(* Fix special case of "OCaml float format". *)
let convert_float fconv prec x =
+ let prec = abs prec in
let str = format_float (format_of_fconv fconv prec) x in
if fconv <> Float_F then str else
let len = String.length str in
@@ -1435,6 +1461,10 @@ fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
fun n ->
let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, format_int "%u" n) in
make_printf k o new_acc rest
+ | Scan_next_char rest ->
+ fun c ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_char (acc, c) in
+ make_printf k o new_acc rest
| Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
make_ignored_param k o acc ign rest
@@ -1474,6 +1504,7 @@ fun k o acc ign fmt -> match ign with
| Ignored_reader -> assert false
| Ignored_scan_char_set _ -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
| Ignored_scan_get_counter _ -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_scan_next_char -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
(* Special case of printf "%_(". *)
@@ -1810,26 +1841,39 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
(* Raise a Failure with a friendly error message. *)
+ let invalid_format_message str_ind msg =
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, %s"
+ str str_ind msg;
+ in
(* Used when the end of the format (or the current sub-format) was encoutered
unexpectedly. *)
let unexpected_end_of_format end_ind =
- failwith_message
- "invalid format %S: at character number %d, unexpected end of format"
- str end_ind;
+ invalid_format_message end_ind
+ "unexpected end of format"
+ in
+ (* Used for %0c: no other widths are implemented *)
+ let invalid_nonnull_char_width str_ind =
+ invalid_format_message str_ind
+ "non-zero widths are unsupported for %c conversions"
+ in
(* Raise Failure with a friendly error message about an option dependencie
problem. *)
- and invalid_format_without str_ind c s =
+ let invalid_format_without str_ind c s =
"invalid format %S: at character number %d, '%c' without %s"
str str_ind c s
+ in
(* Raise Failure with a friendly error message about an unexpected
character. *)
- and expected_character str_ind expected read =
+ let expected_character str_ind expected read =
"invalid format %S: at character number %d, %s expected, read %C"
- str str_ind expected read in
+ str str_ind expected read
+ in
(* Parse the string from beg_ind (included) to end_ind (excluded). *)
let rec parse : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
@@ -1904,52 +1948,56 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
match str.[str_ind] with
| '0' .. '9' ->
let new_ind, width = parse_positive str_ind end_ind 0 in
- parse_after_padding pct_ind new_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind new_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign
(Lit_padding (padty, width))
| '*' ->
- parse_after_padding pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign
- (Arg_padding padty)
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind minus plus sharp space
+ ign (Arg_padding padty)
| _ ->
- if legacy_behavior then
- parse_after_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign
- No_padding
- else begin match padty with
+ begin match padty with
| Left ->
- invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '-' "padding"
+ if not legacy_behavior then
+ invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '-' "padding";
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign
+ No_padding
| Zeros ->
- invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '0' "padding"
+ (* a '0' padding indication not followed by anything should
+ be interpreted as a Right padding of width 0. This is used
+ by scanning conversions %0s and %0c *)
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign
+ (Lit_padding (Right, 0))
| Right ->
- parse_after_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign
(* Is precision defined? *)
and parse_after_padding : type x e f .
- int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, _) padding ->
- (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
- fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad ->
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool ->
+ (x, _) padding -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign pad ->
if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
match str.[str_ind] with
| '.' ->
- parse_precision pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
+ parse_precision pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind minus plus sharp space ign
+ pad
| symb ->
parse_conversion pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
- No_precision symb
+ No_precision pad symb
(* Read the digital or '*' precision. *)
and parse_precision : type x e f .
- int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, _) padding ->
- (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
- fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad ->
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool ->
+ (x, _) padding -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign pad ->
if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
- let parse_literal str_ind =
+ let parse_literal minus str_ind =
let new_ind, prec = parse_positive str_ind end_ind 0 in
- if new_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
- parse_conversion pct_ind (new_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
- (Lit_precision prec) str.[new_ind] in
+ parse_after_precision pct_ind new_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign
+ pad (Lit_precision prec) in
match str.[str_ind] with
- | '0' .. '9' -> parse_literal str_ind
- | ('+' | '-') when legacy_behavior ->
+ | '0' .. '9' -> parse_literal minus str_ind
+ | ('+' | '-') as symb when legacy_behavior ->
(* Legacy mode would accept and ignore '+' or '-' before the
integer describing the desired precision; not that this
cannot happen for padding width, as '+' and '-' already have
@@ -1958,47 +2006,67 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
That said, the idea (supported by this tweak) that width and
precision literals are "integer literals" in the OCaml sense is
still blatantly wrong, as 123_456 or 0xFF are rejected. *)
- parse_literal (str_ind + 1)
+ parse_literal (minus || symb = '-') (str_ind + 1)
| '*' ->
- parse_after_precision pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign
- pad Arg_precision
+ parse_after_precision pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind minus plus sharp space
+ ign pad Arg_precision
| _ ->
if legacy_behavior then
(* note that legacy implementation did not ignore '.' without
a number (as it does for padding indications), but
interprets it as '.0' *)
- parse_after_precision pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad (Lit_precision 0) else
- invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '.' "precision"
+ parse_after_precision pct_ind str_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign
+ pad (Lit_precision 0)
+ else
+ invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '.' "precision"
(* Try to read the conversion. *)
- and parse_after_precision : type x z e f .
- int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, _) padding ->
- (z, _) precision -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
- fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad prec ->
+ and parse_after_precision : type x y z t e f .
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool ->
+ (x, y) padding -> (z, t) precision -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind minus plus sharp space ign pad prec ->
if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
- parse_conversion pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad prec
- str.[str_ind]
+ let parse_conv (type u) (type v) (padprec : (u, v) padding) =
+ parse_conversion pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
+ prec padprec str.[str_ind] in
+ (* in legacy mode, some formats (%s and %S) accept a weird mix of
+ padding and precision, which is merged as a single padding
+ information. For example, in %.10s the precision is implicitly
+ understood as padding %10s, but the left-padding component may
+ be specified either as a left padding or a negative precision:
+ %-.3s and %.-3s are equivalent to %-3s *)
+ match pad with
+ | No_padding -> (
+ match minus, prec with
+ | _, No_precision -> parse_conv No_padding
+ | false, Lit_precision n -> parse_conv (Lit_padding (Right, n))
+ | true, Lit_precision n -> parse_conv (Lit_padding (Left, n))
+ | false, Arg_precision -> parse_conv (Arg_padding Right)
+ | true, Arg_precision -> parse_conv (Arg_padding Left)
+ )
+ | pad -> parse_conv pad
(* Case analysis on conversion. *)
- and parse_conversion : type x y z t e f .
+ and parse_conversion : type x y z t u v e f .
int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, y) padding ->
- (z, t) precision -> char -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
- fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad prec symb ->
+ (z, t) precision -> (u, v) padding -> char -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad prec padprec symb ->
(* Flags used to check option usages/compatibilities. *)
let plus_used = ref false and sharp_used = ref false
and space_used = ref false and ign_used = ref false
and pad_used = ref false and prec_used = ref false in
(* Access to options, update flags. *)
- let get_plus () = plus_used := true; plus
- and get_sharp () = sharp_used := true; sharp
- and get_space () = space_used := true; space
- and get_ign () = ign_used := true; ign
- and get_pad () = pad_used := true; pad
- and get_prec () = prec_used := true; prec in
+ let get_plus () = plus_used := true; plus
+ and get_sharp () = sharp_used := true; sharp
+ and get_space () = space_used := true; space
+ and get_ign () = ign_used := true; ign
+ and get_pad () = pad_used := true; pad
+ and get_prec () = prec_used := true; prec
+ and get_padprec () = pad_used := true; padprec in
(* Check that padty <> Zeros. *)
- let check_no_0 symb (type a) (type b) (pad : (a,b) padding) =
+ let check_no_0 symb (type a) (type b) (pad : (a, b) padding) =
match pad with
| No_padding -> pad
| Lit_padding ((Left | Right), _) -> pad
@@ -2014,7 +2082,7 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
(* Get padding as a pad_option (see "%_", "%{", "%(" and "%[").
(no need for legacy mode tweaking, those were rejected by the
legacy parser as well) *)
- let get_pad_opt c = match get_pad () with
+ let opt_of_pad c (type a) (type b) (pad : (a, b) padding) = match pad with
| No_padding -> None
| Lit_padding (Right, width) -> Some width
| Lit_padding (Zeros, width) ->
@@ -2023,8 +2091,10 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
| Lit_padding (Left, width) ->
if legacy_behavior then Some width
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind c "'-'"
- | Arg_padding _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind c "'*'"
+ | Arg_padding _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind c "'*'"
+ let get_pad_opt c = opt_of_pad c (get_pad ()) in
+ let get_padprec_opt c = opt_of_pad c (get_padprec ()) in
(* Get precision as a prec_option (see "%_f").
(no need for legacy mode tweaking, those were rejected by the
@@ -2039,28 +2109,44 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
| ',' ->
parse str_ind end_ind
| 'c' ->
+ let char_format fmt_rest = (* %c *)
+ if get_ign ()
+ then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_char, fmt_rest))
+ else Fmt_EBB (Char fmt_rest)
+ in
+ let scan_format fmt_rest = (* %0c *)
+ if get_ign ()
+ then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_scan_next_char, fmt_rest))
+ else Fmt_EBB (Scan_next_char fmt_rest)
+ in
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
- if get_ign () then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_char, fmt_rest))
- else Fmt_EBB (Char fmt_rest)
+ begin match get_pad_opt 'c' with
+ | None -> char_format fmt_rest
+ | Some 0 -> scan_format fmt_rest
+ | Some _n ->
+ if not legacy_behavior
+ then invalid_nonnull_char_width str_ind
+ else (* legacy ignores %c widths *) char_format fmt_rest
+ end
| 'C' ->
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
if get_ign () then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_caml_char,fmt_rest))
else Fmt_EBB (Caml_char fmt_rest)
| 's' ->
- let pad = check_no_0 symb (get_pad ()) in
+ let pad = check_no_0 symb (get_padprec ()) in
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
if get_ign () then
- let ignored = Ignored_string (get_pad_opt '_') in
+ let ignored = Ignored_string (get_padprec_opt '_') in
Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
let Padding_fmt_EBB (pad', fmt_rest') =
make_padding_fmt_ebb pad fmt_rest in
Fmt_EBB (String (pad', fmt_rest'))
| 'S' ->
- let pad = check_no_0 symb (get_pad ()) in
+ let pad = check_no_0 symb (get_padprec ()) in
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
if get_ign () then
- let ignored = Ignored_caml_string (get_pad_opt '_') in
+ let ignored = Ignored_caml_string (get_padprec_opt '_') in
Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
let Padding_fmt_EBB (pad', fmt_rest') =
@@ -2074,8 +2160,31 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
let ignored = Ignored_int (iconv, get_pad_opt '_') in
Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ (* %5.3d is accepted and meaningful: pad to length 5 with
+ spaces, but first pad with zeros upto length 3 (0-padding
+ is the interpretation of "precision" for integer formats).
+ %05.3d is redundant: pad to length 5 *with zeros*, but
+ first pad with zeros... To add insult to the injury, the
+ legacy implementation ignores the 0-padding indication and
+ does the 5 padding with spaces instead. We reuse this
+ interpretation for compatiblity, but statically reject this
+ format when the legacy mode is disabled, to protect strict
+ users from this corner case.
+ *)
+ let pad = match get_pad (), get_prec () with
+ | pad, No_precision -> pad
+ | No_padding, _ -> No_padding
+ | Lit_padding (Zeros, n), _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then Lit_padding (Right, n)
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind '0' "precision"
+ | Arg_padding Zeros, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then Arg_padding Right
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind '0' "precision"
+ | Lit_padding _ as pad, _ -> pad
+ | Arg_padding _ as pad, _ -> pad in
let Padprec_fmt_EBB (pad', prec', fmt_rest') =
- make_padprec_fmt_ebb (get_pad ()) (get_prec ()) fmt_rest in
+ make_padprec_fmt_ebb pad (get_prec ()) fmt_rest in
Fmt_EBB (Int (iconv, pad', prec', fmt_rest'))
| 'N' ->
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
@@ -2315,7 +2424,7 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
fun str_ind end_ind ->
let next_ind, formatting_lit =
- if str_ind = end_ind || str.[str_ind] <> '<' then raise Not_found;
+ if str_ind = end_ind || str.[str_ind] <> '<' then raise Not_found;
let str_ind_1 = parse_spaces (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
match str.[str_ind_1] with
| '0' .. '9' | '-' -> (
@@ -2563,24 +2672,24 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
| _, true, _, 'x' when legacy_behavior -> Int_Cx
| _, true, _, 'X' when legacy_behavior -> Int_CX
| _, true, _, 'o' when legacy_behavior -> Int_Co
- | _, true, _, _ ->
+ | _, true, _, ('d' | 'i' | 'u') ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus false space symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'#'"
- | true, false, true, _ ->
+ | true, _, true, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then
(* plus and space: legacy implementation prefers plus *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp false symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind ' ' "'+'"
- | false, false, true, _ ->
+ | false, _, true, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp false symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '"
- | true, false, false, _ ->
+ | true, _, false, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind false sharp space symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'"
- | false, false, false, _ -> assert false
+ | false, _, false, _ -> assert false
(* Convert (plus, symb) to its associated float_conv. *)
and compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind plus space symb =