path: root/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
3 files changed, 145 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
index e5ad82f575..f640d7fd57 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -275,6 +275,13 @@ READ_CMT= \
# Reading cmt files
$(call byte_and_opt,read_cmt,$(READ_CMT),)
+ if test -f read_cmt.opt; then \
+ cp read_cmt.opt "$(INSTALL_BINDIR)/ocamlcmt$(EXE)"; \
+ else \
+ cp read_cmt "$(INSTALL_BINDIR)/ocamlcmt$(EXE)"; \
+ fi
# The bytecode disassembler
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 53299f9867..0d975f4cf8 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@ let bind_cases l =
+let record_module_binding scope mb =
+ Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident
+ (mb.mb_name.loc,
+ mb.mb_name.txt,
+ Annot.Idef scope))
let rec iterator ~scope rebuild_env =
let super = Tast_mapper.default in
let class_expr sub node =
@@ -99,6 +105,9 @@ let rec iterator ~scope rebuild_env =
| Texp_function { cases = f; }
| Texp_try (_, f) ->
bind_cases f
+ | Texp_letmodule (_, modname, _, body ) ->
+ Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident
+ (modname.loc,modname.txt,Annot.Idef body.exp_loc))
| _ -> ()
Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_expr exp);
@@ -109,21 +118,28 @@ let rec iterator ~scope rebuild_env =
super.pat sub p
- let structure_item_rem sub s rem =
- begin match s with
- | {str_desc = Tstr_value (rec_flag, bindings); str_loc = loc} ->
- let open Location in
+ let structure_item_rem sub str rem =
+ let open Location in
+ let loc = str.str_loc in
+ begin match str.str_desc with
+ | Tstr_value (rec_flag, bindings) ->
let doit loc_start = bind_bindings {scope with loc_start} bindings in
begin match rec_flag, rem with
| Recursive, _ -> doit loc.loc_start
| Nonrecursive, [] -> doit loc.loc_end
| Nonrecursive, {str_loc = loc2} :: _ -> doit loc2.loc_start
+ | Tstr_module mb ->
+ record_module_binding
+ { scope with Location.loc_start = loc.loc_end } mb
+ | Tstr_recmodule mbs ->
+ List.iter (record_module_binding
+ { scope with Location.loc_start = loc.loc_start }) mbs
| _ ->
- Stypes.record_phrase s.str_loc;
- super.structure_item sub s
+ Stypes.record_phrase loc;
+ super.structure_item sub str
let structure_item sub s =
(* This will be used for Partial_structure_item.
@@ -153,19 +169,45 @@ let binary_part iter x =
| Partial_signature_item x -> app iter.signature_item x
| Partial_module_type x -> app iter.module_type x
-let gen_annot target_filename filename
- {Cmt_format.cmt_loadpath; cmt_annots; cmt_use_summaries; _} =
+(* Save cmt information as faked annotations, attached to
+ Location.none, on top of the .annot file. Only when -save-cmt-info is
+ provided to ocaml_cmt.
+let record_cmt_info cmt =
+ let location_none = {
+ Location.none with Location.loc_ghost = false }
+ in
+ let location_file file = {
+ Location.none with
+ Location.loc_start = {
+ Location.none.Location.loc_start with
+ Lexing.pos_fname = file }}
+ in
+ let record_info name value =
+ let ident = Printf.sprintf ".%s" name in
+ Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (location_none, ident,
+ Annot.Idef (location_file value)))
+ in
+ let open Cmt_format in
+ (* record in reverse order to get them in correct order... *)
+ List.iter (fun dir -> record_info "include" dir) (List.rev cmt.cmt_loadpath);
+ record_info "chdir" cmt.cmt_builddir;
+ (match cmt.cmt_sourcefile with
+ None -> () | Some file -> record_info "source" file)
+let gen_annot ?(save_cmt_info=false) target_filename filename cmt =
let open Cmt_format in
Envaux.reset_cache ();
- Config.load_path := cmt_loadpath;
+ Config.load_path := cmt.cmt_loadpath @ !Config.load_path;
let target_filename =
match target_filename with
| None -> Some (filename ^ ".annot")
| Some "-" -> None
| Some _ -> target_filename
- let iterator = iterator ~scope:Location.none cmt_use_summaries in
- match cmt_annots with
+ if save_cmt_info then record_cmt_info cmt;
+ let iterator = iterator ~scope:Location.none cmt.cmt_use_summaries in
+ match cmt.cmt_annots with
| Implementation typedtree ->
ignore (iterator.structure iterator typedtree);
Stypes.dump target_filename
@@ -175,26 +217,27 @@ let gen_annot target_filename filename
| Partial_implementation parts ->
Array.iter (binary_part iterator) parts;
Stypes.dump target_filename
- | _ ->
+ | Packed _ ->
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Packed files not yet supported\n%!";
+ Stypes.dump target_filename
+ | Partial_interface _ ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "File was generated with an error\n%!";
exit 2
let gen_ml target_filename filename cmt =
let (printer, ext) =
match cmt.Cmt_format.cmt_annots with
| Cmt_format.Implementation typedtree ->
- (fun ppf -> Pprintast.structure ppf
+ (fun ppf -> Pprintast.structure ppf
(Untypeast.untype_structure typedtree)),
- ".ml"
+ ".ml"
| Cmt_format.Interface typedtree ->
- (fun ppf -> Pprintast.signature ppf
+ (fun ppf -> Pprintast.signature ppf
(Untypeast.untype_signature typedtree)),
- ".mli"
+ ".mli"
| _ ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "File was generated with an error\n%!";
- exit 2
+ exit 2
let target_filename = match target_filename with
None -> Some (filename ^ ext)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index ea8e3c05a4..1e221339f1 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -17,20 +17,27 @@ let gen_annot = ref false
let gen_ml = ref false
let print_info_arg = ref false
let target_filename = ref None
+let save_cmt_info = ref false
-let arg_list = [
+let arg_list = Arg.align [
"-o", Arg.String (fun s -> target_filename := Some s),
- " FILE (or -) : dump to file FILE (or stdout)";
- "-annot", Arg.Set gen_annot, " : generate the corresponding .annot file";
+ "<file> Dump to file <file> (or stdout if -)";
+ "-annot", Arg.Set gen_annot,
+ " Generate the corresponding .annot file";
+ "-save-cmt-info", Arg.Set save_cmt_info,
+ " Encapsulate additional cmt information in annotations";
"-src", Arg.Set gen_ml,
- " : convert .cmt or .cmti back to source code (without comments)";
+ " Convert .cmt or .cmti back to source code (without comments)";
"-info", Arg.Set print_info_arg, " : print information on the file";
"-args", Arg.Expand Arg.read_arg,
- " <file> Read additional newline separated command line arguments \n\
+ "<file> Read additional newline separated command line arguments \n\
\ from <file>";
"-args0", Arg.Expand Arg.read_arg0,
"<file> Read additional NUL separated command line arguments from \n\
\ <file>";
+ "-I", Arg.String (fun s ->
+ Clflags.include_dirs := s :: !Clflags.include_dirs),
+ "<dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories";
let arg_usage =
@@ -39,50 +46,58 @@ let arg_usage =
let dummy_crc = String.make 32 '-'
let print_info cmt =
+ let oc = match !target_filename with
+ | None -> stdout
+ | Some filename -> open_out filename
+ in
let open Cmt_format in
- Printf.printf "module name: %s\n" cmt.cmt_modname;
- begin match cmt.cmt_annots with
- Packed (_, list) ->
- Printf.printf "pack: %s\n" (String.concat " " list)
- | Implementation _ -> Printf.printf "kind: implementation\n"
- | Interface _ -> Printf.printf "kind: interface\n"
- | Partial_implementation _ ->
- Printf.printf "kind: implementation with errors\n"
- | Partial_interface _ -> Printf.printf "kind: interface with errors\n"
- end;
- Printf.printf "command: %s\n"
- (String.concat " " (Array.to_list cmt.cmt_args));
- begin match cmt.cmt_sourcefile with
- None -> ()
- | Some name ->
- Printf.printf "sourcefile: %s\n" name;
- end;
- Printf.printf "build directory: %s\n" cmt.cmt_builddir;
- List.iter (Printf.printf "load path: %s\n%!") cmt.cmt_loadpath;
- begin
- match cmt.cmt_source_digest with
- None -> ()
- | Some digest ->
- Printf.printf "source digest: %s\n" (Digest.to_hex digest);
- end;
- begin
- match cmt.cmt_interface_digest with
- None -> ()
- | Some digest ->
- Printf.printf "interface digest: %s\n" (Digest.to_hex digest);
- end;
- List.iter (fun (name, crco) ->
- let crc =
- match crco with
- None -> dummy_crc
- | Some crc -> Digest.to_hex crc
- in
- Printf.printf "import: %s %s\n" name crc;
- ) (List.sort compare cmt.cmt_imports);
- Printf.printf "%!";
- ()
+ Printf.fprintf oc "module name: %s\n" cmt.cmt_modname;
+ begin match cmt.cmt_annots with
+ Packed (_, list) ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "pack: %s\n" (String.concat " " list)
+ | Implementation _ -> Printf.fprintf oc "kind: implementation\n"
+ | Interface _ -> Printf.fprintf oc "kind: interface\n"
+ | Partial_implementation _ ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "kind: implementation with errors\n"
+ | Partial_interface _ -> Printf.fprintf oc "kind: interface with errors\n"
+ end;
+ Printf.fprintf oc "command: %s\n"
+ (String.concat " " (Array.to_list cmt.cmt_args));
+ begin match cmt.cmt_sourcefile with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some name ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "sourcefile: %s\n" name;
+ end;
+ Printf.fprintf oc "build directory: %s\n" cmt.cmt_builddir;
+ List.iter (Printf.fprintf oc "load path: %s\n%!") cmt.cmt_loadpath;
+ begin
+ match cmt.cmt_source_digest with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some digest ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "source digest: %s\n" (Digest.to_hex digest);
+ end;
+ begin
+ match cmt.cmt_interface_digest with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some digest ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "interface digest: %s\n" (Digest.to_hex digest);
+ end;
+ List.iter (fun (name, crco) ->
+ let crc =
+ match crco with
+ None -> dummy_crc
+ | Some crc -> Digest.to_hex crc
+ in
+ Printf.fprintf oc "import: %s %s\n" name crc;
+ ) (List.sort compare cmt.cmt_imports);
+ Printf.fprintf oc "%!";
+ begin match !target_filename with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> close_out oc
+ end;
+ ()
-let _ =
+let main () =
Clflags.annotations := true;
Arg.parse_expand arg_list (fun filename ->
@@ -90,9 +105,11 @@ let _ =
Filename.check_suffix filename ".cmt" ||
Filename.check_suffix filename ".cmti"
then begin
- (* init_path(); *)
+ Compmisc.init_path false;
let cmt = Cmt_format.read_cmt filename in
- if !gen_annot then Cmt2annot.gen_annot !target_filename filename cmt;
+ if !gen_annot then
+ Cmt2annot.gen_annot ~save_cmt_info: !save_cmt_info
+ !target_filename filename cmt;
if !gen_ml then Cmt2annot.gen_ml !target_filename filename cmt;
if !print_info_arg || not (!gen_ml || !gen_annot) then print_info cmt;
end else begin
@@ -101,3 +118,13 @@ let _ =
Arg.usage arg_list arg_usage
) arg_usage
+let () =
+ try
+ main ()
+ with x ->
+ Printf.eprintf "Exception in main ()\n%!";
+ Location.report_exception Format.err_formatter x;
+ Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@.";
+ exit 2