path: root/typing/
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Diffstat (limited to 'typing/')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 69ca127303..fe94d8fb98 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -189,6 +189,109 @@ let raw_type_expr ppf t =
let () = Btype.print_raw := raw_type_expr
+(* Normalize paths *)
+type param_subst = Id | Nth of int | Map of int list
+let compose l1 = function
+ | Id -> Map l1
+ | Map l2 -> Map ( (List.nth l1) l2)
+ | Nth n -> Nth (List.nth l1 n)
+let apply_subst s1 tyl =
+ match s1 with
+ Nth n1 -> [List.nth tyl n1]
+ | Map l1 -> (List.nth tyl) l1
+ | Id -> tyl
+let printing_env = ref Env.empty
+let printing_map = ref (Lazy.lazy_from_val Tbl.empty)
+let same_type t t' = repr t == repr t'
+let rec index l x =
+ match l with
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | a :: l -> if x == a then 0 else 1 + index l x
+let rec uniq = function
+ [] -> true
+ | a :: l -> not (List.memq a l) && uniq l
+let rec normalize_type_path ?(cache=false) env p =
+ try
+ let desc = Env.find_type p env in
+ if desc.type_private = Private || desc.type_newtype_level <> None then
+ (p, Id)
+ else match desc.type_manifest with
+ Some ty ->
+ let params = repr desc.type_params in
+ begin match repr ty with
+ {desc = Tconstr (p1, tyl, _)} ->
+ let tyl = repr tyl in
+ if List.length params = List.length tyl
+ && List.for_all2 (==) params tyl
+ then normalize_type_path ~cache env p1
+ else if cache || List.length params <= List.length tyl
+ || not (uniq tyl) then (p, Id)
+ else
+ let l1 = (index params) tyl in
+ let (p2, s2) = normalize_type_path ~cache env p1 in
+ (p2, compose l1 s2)
+ | ty ->
+ (p, Nth (index params ty))
+ end
+ | None -> (p, Id)
+ with
+ Not_found -> (p, Id)
+let rec path_size = function
+ Pident id ->
+ (let s = id in if s <> "" && s.[0] = '_' then 10 else 1),
+ -Ident.binding_time id
+ | Pdot (p, _, _) ->
+ let (l, b) = path_size p in (1+l, b)
+ | Papply (p1, p2) ->
+ let (l, b) = path_size p1 in
+ (l + fst (path_size p2), b)
+let set_printing_env env =
+ if not !Clflags.real_paths && env != !printing_env then begin
+ (* printf "Reset printing_map@."; *)
+ printing_env := env;
+ printing_map := lazy begin
+ (* printf "Recompute printing_map.@."; *)
+ let map = ref Tbl.empty in
+ Env.iter_types
+ (fun p (p', decl) ->
+ let (p1, s1) = normalize_type_path env p' ~cache:true in
+ if s1 = Id then
+ try
+ let p2 = Tbl.find p1 !map in
+ if path_size p < path_size p2 then raise Not_found
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* printf "%a --> %a@." path p1 path p; *)
+ map := Tbl.add p1 p !map)
+ env;
+ !map
+ end
+ end
+let wrap_printing_env env f =
+ if env == !printing_env then f () else
+ begin
+ set_printing_env env;
+ try_finally f (fun () -> set_printing_env Env.empty)
+ end
+let best_type_path p =
+ if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+ then (p, Id)
+ else
+ let (p', s) = normalize_type_path !printing_env p in
+ (try Tbl.find p' (Lazy.force !printing_map) with Not_found -> p'),
+ s
(* Print a type expression *)
let names = ref ([] : (type_expr * string) list)
@@ -269,7 +372,11 @@ let add_alias ty =
let aliasable ty =
- match ty.desc with Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tpoly _ -> false | _ -> true
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tpoly _ -> false
+ | Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+ (match best_type_path p with (_, Nth _) -> false | _ -> true)
+ | _ -> true
let namable_row row =
row.row_name <> None &&
@@ -291,7 +398,10 @@ let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty =
| Tarrow(_, ty1, ty2, _) ->
mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2
| Ttuple tyl -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
- | Tconstr(_, tyl, _) | Tpackage (_, _, tyl) ->
+ | Tconstr(p, tyl, _) ->
+ let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+ List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) (apply_subst s tyl)
+ | Tpackage (_, _, tyl) ->
List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
| Tvariant row ->
if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else
@@ -384,7 +494,12 @@ let rec tree_of_typexp sch ty =
| Ttuple tyl ->
Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
| Tconstr(p, tyl, abbrev) ->
- Otyp_constr (tree_of_path p, tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
+ begin match best_type_path p with
+ (_, Nth n) -> tree_of_typexp sch (List.nth tyl n)
+ | (p', s) ->
+ let tyl' = apply_subst s tyl in
+ Otyp_constr (tree_of_path p', tree_of_typlist sch tyl')
+ end
| Tvariant row ->
let row = row_repr row in
let fields =
@@ -402,7 +517,9 @@ let rec tree_of_typexp sch ty =
let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in
begin match row.row_name with
| Some(p, tyl) when namable_row row ->
- let id = tree_of_path p in
+ let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+ assert (s = Id);
+ let id = tree_of_path p' in
let args = tree_of_typlist sch tyl in
if row.row_closed && all_present then
Otyp_constr (id, args)
@@ -410,7 +527,7 @@ let rec tree_of_typexp sch ty =
let non_gen = is_non_gen sch px in
let tags =
if all_present then None else Some ( fst present) in
- Otyp_variant (non_gen, Ovar_name(tree_of_path p, args),
+ Otyp_variant (non_gen, Ovar_name(id, args),
row.row_closed, tags)
| _ ->
let non_gen =
@@ -492,7 +609,9 @@ and tree_of_typobject sch fi nm =
| Some (p, ty :: tyl) ->
let non_gen = is_non_gen sch (repr ty) in
let args = tree_of_typlist sch tyl in
- Otyp_class (non_gen, tree_of_path p, args)
+ let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+ assert (s = Id);
+ Otyp_class (non_gen, tree_of_path p', args)
| _ ->
fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typobject"
@@ -868,6 +987,22 @@ let cltype_declaration id ppf cl =
(* Print a module type *)
+let wrap_env fenv ftree arg =
+ let env = !printing_env in
+ set_printing_env (fenv env);
+ let tree = ftree arg in
+ set_printing_env env;
+ tree
+let filter_rem_sig item rem =
+ match item, rem with
+ | Sig_class _, ctydecl :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
+ ([ctydecl; tydecl1; tydecl2], rem)
+ | Sig_class_type _, tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
+ ([tydecl1; tydecl2], rem)
+ | _ ->
+ ([], rem)
let rec tree_of_modtype = function
| Mty_ident p ->
Omty_ident (tree_of_path p)
@@ -875,30 +1010,37 @@ let rec tree_of_modtype = function
Omty_signature (tree_of_signature sg)
| Mty_functor(param, ty_arg, ty_res) ->
- ( param, tree_of_modtype ty_arg, tree_of_modtype ty_res)
-and tree_of_signature = function
- | [] -> []
- | Sig_value(id, decl) :: rem ->
- tree_of_value_description id decl :: tree_of_signature rem
- | Sig_type(id, _, _) :: rem when is_row_name ( id) ->
- tree_of_signature rem
- | Sig_type(id, decl, rs) :: rem ->
- Osig_type(tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs) ::
- tree_of_signature rem
- | Sig_exception(id, decl) :: rem ->
- tree_of_exception_declaration id decl :: tree_of_signature rem
- | Sig_module(id, mty, rs) :: rem ->
- Osig_module ( id, tree_of_modtype mty, tree_of_rec rs) ::
- tree_of_signature rem
- | Sig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
- tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl :: tree_of_signature rem
- | Sig_class(id, decl, rs) :: ctydecl :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
- tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem
- | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs) :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
- tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem
- | _ ->
- assert false
+ ( param, tree_of_modtype ty_arg,
+ wrap_env (Env.add_module param ty_arg) tree_of_modtype ty_res)
+and tree_of_signature sg =
+ wrap_env (fun env -> env) tree_of_signature_rec sg
+and tree_of_signature_rec = function
+ [] -> []
+ | item :: rem ->
+ let (sg, rem) = filter_rem_sig item rem in
+ let trees =
+ match item with
+ | Sig_value(id, decl) ->
+ [tree_of_value_description id decl]
+ | Sig_type(id, _, _) when is_row_name ( id) ->
+ []
+ | Sig_type(id, decl, rs) ->
+ [Osig_type(tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)]
+ | Sig_exception(id, decl) ->
+ [tree_of_exception_declaration id decl]
+ | Sig_module(id, mty, rs) ->
+ [Osig_module ( id, tree_of_modtype mty, tree_of_rec rs)]
+ | Sig_modtype(id, decl) ->
+ [tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl]
+ | Sig_class(id, decl, rs) ->
+ [tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs]
+ | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs) ->
+ [tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs]
+ in
+ set_printing_env (Env.add_signature (item :: sg) !printing_env);
+ trees @ tree_of_signature_rec rem
and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
let mty =
@@ -925,8 +1067,25 @@ let signature ppf sg =
(* Print an unification error *)
+let same_path t t' =
+ let t = repr t and t' = repr t' in
+ t == t' ||
+ match t.desc, t'.desc with
+ Tconstr(p,tl,_), Tconstr(p',tl',_) ->
+ let (p1, s1) = best_type_path p and (p2, s2) = best_type_path p' in
+ begin match s1, s2 with
+ Nth n1, Nth n2 when n1 = n2 -> true
+ | (Id | Map _), (Id | Map _) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+ let tl = apply_subst s1 tl and tl' = apply_subst s2 tl' in
+ List.length tl = List.length tl' &&
+ List.for_all2 same_type tl tl'
+ | _ -> false
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ false
let type_expansion t ppf t' =
- if t == t' then type_expr ppf t else
+ if same_path t t' then type_expr ppf t else
let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]" type_expr t type_expr t'
@@ -942,12 +1101,13 @@ let rec trace fst txt ppf = function
(trace false txt) rem
| _ -> ()
-let rec filter_trace = function
+let rec filter_trace keep_last = function
| (_, t1') :: (_, t2') :: [] when is_Tvar t1' || is_Tvar t2' ->
| (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem ->
- let rem' = filter_trace rem in
- if t1 == t1' && t2 == t2'
+ let rem' = filter_trace keep_last rem in
+ if is_constr_row t1' || is_constr_row t2'
+ || same_path t1 t1' && same_path t2 t2' && not (keep_last && rem' = [])
then rem'
else (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem'
| _ -> []
@@ -971,7 +1131,8 @@ let hide_variant_name t =
let prepare_expansion (t, t') =
let t' = hide_variant_name t' in
- mark_loops t; if t != t' then mark_loops t';
+ mark_loops t;
+ if not (same_path t t') then mark_loops t';
(t, t')
let may_prepare_expansion compact (t, t') =
@@ -989,6 +1150,7 @@ let print_tags ppf fields =
let has_explanation unif t3 t4 =
match t3.desc, t4.desc with
Tfield _, (Tnil|Tconstr _) | (Tnil|Tconstr _), Tfield _
+ | Tnil, Tconstr _ | Tconstr _, Tnil
| _, Tvar _ | Tvar _, _
| Tvariant _, Tvariant _ -> true
| Tfield (l,_,_,{desc=Tnil}), Tfield (l',_,_,{desc=Tnil}) -> l = l'
@@ -1042,6 +1204,10 @@ let explanation unif t3 t4 ppf =
| Tfield (l, _, _, _), (Tnil|Tconstr _) ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The second object type has no method %s@]" l
+ | Tnil, Tconstr _ | Tconstr _, Tnil ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@,@[The %s object type has an abstract row, it cannot be closed@]"
+ (if t4.desc = Tnil then "first" else "second")
| Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 ->
let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in
begin match
@@ -1082,7 +1248,8 @@ let rec path_same_name p1 p2 =
let type_same_name t1 t2 =
match (repr t1).desc, (repr t2).desc with
- Tconstr (p1, _, _), Tconstr (p2, _, _) -> path_same_name p1 p2
+ Tconstr (p1, _, _), Tconstr (p2, _, _) ->
+ path_same_name (fst (best_type_path p1)) (fst (best_type_path p2))
| _ -> ()
let rec trace_same_names = function
@@ -1099,7 +1266,7 @@ let unification_error unif tr txt1 ppf txt2 =
| [] | _ :: [] -> assert false
| t1 :: t2 :: tr ->
- let tr = filter_trace tr in
+ let tr = filter_trace (mis = None) tr in
let t1, t1' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t1
and t2, t2' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t2 in
print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
@@ -1119,50 +1286,55 @@ let unification_error unif tr txt1 ppf txt2 =
print_labels := true;
raise exn
-let report_unification_error ppf tr txt1 txt2 =
- unification_error true tr txt1 ppf txt2;;
+let report_unification_error ppf env ?(unif=true)
+ tr txt1 txt2 =
+ wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> unification_error unif tr txt1 ppf txt2)
-let trace fst txt ppf tr =
+let trace fst keep_last txt ppf tr =
print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
trace_same_names tr;
try match tr with
t1 :: t2 :: tr' ->
- if fst then trace fst txt ppf (t1 :: t2 :: filter_trace tr')
- else trace fst txt ppf (filter_trace tr);
+ if fst then trace fst txt ppf (t1 :: t2 :: filter_trace keep_last tr')
+ else trace fst txt ppf (filter_trace keep_last tr);
print_labels := true
| _ -> ()
with exn ->
print_labels := true;
raise exn
-let report_subtyping_error ppf tr1 txt1 tr2 =
- reset ();
- let tr1 = prepare_expansion tr1
- and tr2 = prepare_expansion tr2 in
- trace true txt1 ppf tr1;
- if tr2 = [] then () else
- let mis = mismatch true tr2 in
- trace false "is not compatible with type" ppf tr2;
- explanation true mis ppf
-let report_ambiguous_type_error ppf (tp0, tp0') tpl txt1 txt2 txt3 =
- reset ();
- List.iter
- (fun (tp, tp') -> path_same_name tp0 tp; path_same_name tp0' tp')
- tpl;
- match tpl with
- [] -> assert false
- | [tp, tp'] ->
- fprintf ppf
- "@[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \
- %t@;<1 2>%a\
- @]"
- txt1 (type_path_expansion tp) tp'
- txt3 (type_path_expansion tp0) tp0'
- | _ ->
- fprintf ppf
- "@[%t@;<1 2>@[<hv>%a@]\
- @ %t@;<1 2>%a\
- @]"
- txt2 type_path_list tpl
- txt3 (type_path_expansion tp0) tp0'
+let report_subtyping_error ppf env tr1 txt1 tr2 =
+ wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
+ reset ();
+ let tr1 = prepare_expansion tr1
+ and tr2 = prepare_expansion tr2 in
+ fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a" (trace true (tr2 = []) txt1) tr1;
+ if tr2 = [] then fprintf ppf "@]" else
+ let mis = mismatch true tr2 in
+ fprintf ppf "%a%t@]"
+ (trace false (mis = None) "is not compatible with type") tr2
+ (explanation true mis))
+let report_ambiguous_type_error ppf env (tp0, tp0') tpl txt1 txt2 txt3 =
+ wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
+ reset ();
+ List.iter
+ (fun (tp, tp') -> path_same_name tp0 tp; path_same_name tp0' tp')
+ tpl;
+ match tpl with
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [tp, tp'] ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \
+ %t@;<1 2>%a\
+ @]"
+ txt1 (type_path_expansion tp) tp'
+ txt3 (type_path_expansion tp0) tp0'
+ | _ ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[%t@;<1 2>@[<hv>%a@]\
+ @ %t@;<1 2>%a\
+ @]"
+ txt2 type_path_list tpl
+ txt3 (type_path_expansion tp0) tp0')