OCaml 4.03.0: ------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*") Language features: - PR#6374: allow "_ t" as a short-hand for "(_, _, ..) t" for n-ary type constructors (Alain Frisch) - allow field punning in object copying expressions: {< x; >} for {< x = x; >} (Jeremy Yallop) * Custom index operators: ( .() ), ( .[] ), ( .{} ) etc. (user 'Octachron') The syntax "foo.(bar) <- baz" now desugars into "( .()<- ) foo bar baz"; this should allow user to define their own notations by overriding. The bigarray notations ( .{} ), ( .{,} ) etc. are defined in the Bigarray module, which means that the foo.{bar,baz} syntactic sugar is only available when the Bigarray module is opened; this can break existing programs, which should be fixed by opening the Bigarray module. Compilers: - PR#6501: harden the native-code generator against certain uses of "%identity" (Xavier Leroy, report by Antoine Miné). - improve type-specialization of unapplied primitives (Frédéric Bour, review by Gabriel Scherer) Runtime system: - PR#6517: use ISO C99 types {,u}int{32,64}_t in preference to our homegrown types {,u}int{32,64}. (Xavier Leroy) Standard library: * PR#6494: Add equal function in modules Big_int, Bytes, Char, Digest, Int32, Int64, Nativeint, Num and String (Romain Calascibetta) - PR#6577: improve performance of %L, %l, %n, %S, %C format specifiers (Alain Frisch) - PR#6585: fix memory leak in win32unix/createprocess.c - expose Sys.{int_size,max_wosize} for improved js_of_ocaml portability (Hugo Heuzard) * Filename: Optional ?perms argument to open_temp_file (Daniel Bünzli, review by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix) Type system: * PR#6465: allow incremental weakening of module aliases (Jacques Garrigue). This is done by adding equations to submodules when expanding aliases. In theory this may be incompatible is some corner cases defining a module type through inference, but no breakage known on published code. - PR#6593: Functor application in tests/basic-modules fails after commit 15405 Bug fixes: - PR#6560: Wrong failure message for {Int32,Int64,NativeInt}.of_string (Maxime Dénès and Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6648: show_module should indicate its elision - PR#6650: Cty_constr not handled correctly by Subst - PR#6651: Failing component lookup OCaml 4.02.2: ------------- Toplevel and debugger: - PR#5958: generalized polymorphic #install_printer (Pierre Chambart and Grégoire Henry) OCamlbuild: - PR#6237: explicit "infer" tag to control or disable menhir --infer (Hugo Heuzard) - PR#6625: pass -linkpkg to files built with -output-obj. (Peter Zotov) - PR#6702: explicit "linkpkg" and "dontlink(foo)" flags (Peter Zotov, Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6712: Ignore common VCS directories (Peter Zotov) - PR#6720: pass -g to C compilers when tag 'debug' is set (Peter Zotov, Gabriel Scherer) Bug fixes: - PR#5836, PR#6684: printing lazy values in ocamldebug may segfault (Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6616: allow meaningful use of -use-runtime without -custom. (Peter Zotov) - PR#6628: Configure script rejects legitimate arguments (Michael Grünewald, Damien Doligez) - PR#6640: ocamlbuild: wrong "unused tag" warning on "precious" (report by user 'william') - PR#6669: fix 4.02 regression in toplevel printing of lazy values (Leo White, review by Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6680: Missing parentheses when printing polymorphic variant value in warning - PR#6690: Uncaught exception (Not_found) with (wrong) wildcard or unification type variable in place of a local abstract type - PR#6717: Pprintast does not print let-pattern attributes (Gabriel Scherer, report by Peter Zotov) - ocamlbuild on cygwin cannot find ocamlfind (user 'algoriddle') - allow android build with pthreads support (since SDK r10c) (Peter Zotov) OCaml 4.02.1: ------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*") Standard library: * Add optional argument ?limit to Arg.align. - PR#4099: Bug in Makefile.nt: won't stop on error (George Necula) - PR#6181: Improve MSVC build (Chen Gang) - PR#6207: Configure doesn't detect features correctly on Haiku (Jessica Hamilton) - PR#6466: Non-exhaustive matching warning message for open types is confusing (Peter Zotov) - PR#6529: fix quadratic-time algorithm in Consistbl.extract. (Xavier Leroy, Alain Frisch, relase-worthy report by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix) - PR#6530: Add stack overflow handling for native code (OpenBSD i386 and amd64) (Cristopher Zimmermann) - PR#6533: broken semantics of %(%) when substitued by a box (Benoît Vaugon, report by Boris Yakobowski) - PR#6534: legacy support for %.10s (Benoît Vaugon, Gabriel Scherer, report by Nick Chapman) - PR#6536: better documentation of flag # in format strings (Damien Doligez, report by Nick Chapman) - PR#6544: Bytes and CamlinternalFormat missing from threads stdlib.cma (Christopher Zimmermann) - PR#6546: -dsource omits parens for `List ((`String "A")::[]) in patterns (Gabriel Scherer, report by Peter Zotov) - PR#6547: __MODULE__ aborts the compiler if the module name cannot be inferred (Jacques Garrigue, report by Kaustuv Chaudhuri) - PR#6549: Debug section is sometimes not readable when using -pack (Hugo Heuzard, review by Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6553: Missing command line options for ocamldoc (Maxence Guesdon) - PR#6554: fix race condition when retrieving backtraces (Jérémie Dimino, Mark Shinwell). - PR#6557: String.sub throws Invalid_argument("Bytes.sub") (Damien Doligez, report by Oliver Bandel) - PR#6562: Fix ocamldebug module source lookup (Leo White) - PR#6563: Inclusion of packs failing to run module initializers (Jacques Garrigue, report by Mark Shinwell) - PR#6564: infinite loop in Mtype.remove_aliases (Jacques Garrigue, report by Mark Shinwell) - PR#6565: compilation fails with Env.Error(_) (Jacques Garrigue and Mark Shinwell) - PR#6566: -short-paths and signature inclusion errors (Jacques Garrigue, report by Mark Shinwell) - PR#6572: Fatal error with recursive modules (Jacques Garrigue, report by Quentin Stievenart) - PR#6578: Recursive module containing alias causes Segmentation fault (Jacques Garrigue) - PR#6581: Some bugs in generative functors (Jacques Garrigue, report by Mark Shinwell) - PR#6584: ocamldep support for "-open M" (Gabriel Scherer, review by Damien Doligez, report by Hezekiah M. Carty) - PR#6588: Code generation errors for ARM (Mark Shinwell, Xavier Leroy) - PR#6590: Improve Windows (MSVC and mingw) build (Chen Gang) - PR#6599: ocamlbuild: add -bin-annot when using -pack (Christopher Zimmermann) - PR#6602: Fatal error when tracing a function with abstract type (Jacques Garrigue, report by Hugo Herbelin) - ocamlbuild: add an -ocamlmklib option to change the ocamlmklib command (Jérôme Vouillon) Ocaml 4.02.0: ------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*") Language features: - Attributes and extension nodes (Alain Frisch) - Generative functors (PR#5905) (Jacques Garrigue) - Module aliases (Jacques Garrigue) * Alternative syntax for string literals {id|...|id} (can break comments) (Alain Frisch) - Separation between read-only strings (type string) and read-write byte sequences (type bytes). Activated by command-line option -safe-string. (Damien Doligez) - PR#6318: Exception cases in pattern matching (Jeremy Yallop, backend by Alain Frisch) - PR#5584: Extensible open datatypes (Leo White) Build system for the OCaml distribution: - Use -bin-annot when building. - Use GNU make instead of portable makefiles. - Updated build instructions for 32-bit Mac OS X on Intel hardware. Shedding weight: * Removed Camlp4 from the distribution, now available as third-party software. * Removed Labltk from the distribution, now available as a third-party library. Type system: * PR#6235: Keep typing of pattern cases independent in principal mode (i.e. information from previous cases is no longer used when typing patterns; cf. 'PR#6235' in testsuite/test/typing-warnings/records.ml) (Jacques Garrigue) - Allow opening a first-class module or applying a generative functor in the body of a generative functor. Allow it also in the body of an applicative functor if no types are created (Jacques Garrigue, suggestion by Leo White) * Module aliases are now typed in a specific way, which remembers their identity. In particular this changes the signature inferred by "module type of" (Jacques Garrigue, feedback from Leo White, Mark Shinwell and Nick Chapman) - PR#6331: Slight change in the criterion to distinguish private abbreviations and private row types: create a private abbreviation for closed objects and fixed polymorphic variants. (Jacques Garrigue) * PR#6333: Compare first class module types structurally rather than nominally. Value subtyping allows module subtyping as long as the internal representation is unchanged. (Jacques Garrigue) Compilers: - More aggressive constant propagation, including float and int32/int64/nativeint arithmetic. Constant propagation for floats can be turned off with option -no-float-const-prop, for codes that change FP rounding modes at run-time. (Xavier Leroy) - New back-end optimization pass: common subexpression elimination (CSE). (Reuses results of previous computations instead of recomputing them.) (Xavier Leroy) - New back-end optimization pass: dead code elimination. (Removes arithmetic and load instructions whose results are unused.) (Xavier Leroy) - PR#6269: Optimization of sequences of string patterns (Benoît Vaugon and Luc Maranget) - Experimental native code generator for AArch64 (ARM 64 bits) (Xavier Leroy) - PR#6042: Optimization of integer division and modulus by constant divisors (Xavier Leroy and Phil Denys) - Add "-open" command line flag for opening a single module before typing (Leo White, Mark Shinwell and Nick Chapman) * "-o" now sets module name to the output file name up to the first "." (it also applies when "-o" is not given, i.e. the module name is then the input file name up to the first ".") (Leo White, Mark Shinwell and Nick Chapman) * PR#5779: better sharing of structured constants (Alain Frisch) - PR#5817: new flag to keep locations in cmi files (Alain Frisch) - PR#5854: issue warning 3 when referring to a value marked with the [@@ocaml.deprecated] attribute (Alain Frisch, suggestion by Pierre-Marie Pédrot) - PR#6017: a new format implementation based on GADTs (Benoît Vaugon and Gabriel Scherer) * PR#6203: Constant exception constructors no longer allocate (Alain Frisch) - PR#6260: avoid unnecessary boxing in let (Vladimir Brankov) - PR#6345: Better compilation of optional arguments with default values (Alain Frisch, review by Jacques Garrigue) - PR#6389: ocamlopt -opaque option for incremental native compilation (Pierre Chambart, Gabriel Scherer) Toplevel interactive system: - PR#5377: New "#show_*" directives (ygrek, Jacques Garrigue and Alain Frisch) Runtime system: - New configure option "-no-naked-pointers" to improve performance by avoiding page table tests during block darkening and the marking phase of the major GC. In this mode, all out-of-heap pointers must point at things that look like OCaml values: in particular they must have a valid header. The colour of said headers should be black. (Mark Shinwell, reviews by Damien Doligez and Xavier Leroy) - Fixed bug in native code version of [caml_raise_with_string] that could potentially lead to heap corruption. (Mark Shinwell) * Blocks initialized by [CAMLlocal*] and [caml_alloc] are now filled with [Val_unit] rather than zero. (Mark Shinwell) - Fixed a major performance problem on large heaps (~1GB) by making heap increments proportional to heap size by default (Damien Doligez) - PR#4765: Structural equality treats exception specifically (Alain Frisch) - PR#5009: efficient comparison/indexing of exceptions (Alain Frisch, request by Markus Mottl) - PR#6075: avoid using unsafe C library functions (strcpy, strcat, sprintf) (Xavier Leroy, reports from user 'jfc' and Anil Madhavapeddy) - An ISO C99-compliant C compiler and standard library is now assumed. (Plus special exceptions for MSVC.) In particular, emulation code for 64-bit integer arithmetic was removed, the C compiler must support a 64-bit integer type. (Xavier Leroy) Standard library: * Add new modules Bytes and BytesLabels for mutable byte sequences. (Damien Doligez) - PR#4986: add List.sort_uniq and Set.of_list (Alain Frisch) - PR#5935: a faster version of "raise" which does not maintain the backtrace (Alain Frisch) - PR#6146: support "Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill" under Windows (Romain Bardou and Alain Frisch) - PR#6148: speed improvement for Buffer (John Whitington) - PR#6180: efficient creation of uninitialized float arrays (Alain Frisch, request by Markus Mottl) - PR#6355: Improve documentation regarding finalisers and multithreading (Daniel Bünzli, Mark Shinwell) - Trigger warning 3 for all values marked as deprecated in the documentation. (Damien Doligez) OCamldoc: - PR#6257: handle full doc comments for variant constructors and record fields (Maxence Guesdon, request by ygrek) - PR#6274: allow doc comments on object types (Thomas Refis) - PR#6310: fix ocamldoc's subscript/superscript CSS font size (Anil Madhavapeddy) - PR#6425: fix generation of man pages (Maxence Guesdon, report by Anil Madhavapeddy) Bug fixes: - PR#2719: wrong scheduling of bound checks within a try...with Invalid_argument -> _ ... (Xavier Leroy) - PR#4719: Sys.executable_name wrong if executable name contains dots (Windows) (Alain Frisch, report by Bart Jacobs) - PR#5406 ocamlbuild: "tag 'package' does not expect a parameter" (Gabriel Scherer) - PR#5598, PR#6165: Alterations to handling of \013 in source files breaking other tools (David Allsopp and Damien Doligez) - PR#5820: Fix camlp4 lexer roll back problem (Hongbo Zhang) - PR#5946: CAMLprim taking (void) as argument (Benoît Vaugon) - PR#6038: on x86-32, enforce 16-byte stack alignment for compatibility with recent GCC and Clang. Win32/MSVC keeps 4-byte stack alignment. (Xavier Leroy) - PR#6062: Fix a 4.01 camlp4 DELETE_RULE regression caused by commit 13047 (Hongbo Zhang, report by Christophe Troestler) - PR#6173: Typing error message is worse than before (Jacques Garrigue and John Whitington) - PR#6174: OCaml compiler loops on an example using GADTs (-rectypes case) (Jacques Garrigue and Grégoire Henry, report by Chantal Keller) - PR#6175: open! was not suppored by camlp4 (Hongbo Zhang) - PR#6184: ocamlbuild: `ocamlfind ocamldep` does not support -predicate (Jacques-Pascal Deplaix) - PR#6194: Incorrect unused warning with first-class modules in patterns (Jacques Garrigue, report by Markus Mottl and Leo White) - PR#6211: in toplevel interactive use, bad interaction between uncaught exceptions and multiple bindings of the form "let x = a let y = b;;". (Xavier Leroy) - PR#6216: inlining of GADT matches generates invalid assembly (Xavier Leroy and Alain Frisch, report by Mark Shinwell) - PR#6232: Don't use [mktemp] on platforms where [mkstemp] is available (Stéphane Glondu, Mark Shinwell) - PR#6233: out-of-bounds exceptions lose their locations on ARM, PowerPC (Jacques-Henri Jourdan and Xavier Leroy, report and testing by Stéphane Glondu) - PR#6235: Issue with type information flowing through a variant pattern (Jacques Garrigue, report by Hongbo Zhang) - PR#6239: sometimes wrong stack alignment when raising exceptions in -g mode with backtraces active (Xavier Leroy, report by Yaron Minsky) - PR#6240: Fail to expand module type abbreviation during substyping (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo White) - PR#6241: Assumed inequality between paths involving functor arguments (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop) - PR#6243: Make "ocamlopt -g" more resistant to ill-formed locations (Xavier Leroy, report by Pierre-Marie Pédrot) - PR#6262: equality of first-class modules take module aliases into account (Alain Frisch and Leo White) - PR#6268: -DMODEL_$(MODEL) not passed when building asmrun/arm.p.o (Peter Michael Green) - PR#6273: fix Sys.file_exists on large files (Win32) (Christoph Bauer) - PR#6275: Soundness bug related to type constraints (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo White) - PR#6293: Assert_failure with invalid package type (Jacques Garrigue, report by Elnatan Reisner) - PR#6300: ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind conflicts with -ocamlc (Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6302: bytecode debug information re-read from filesystem every time (Jacques-Henri Jourdan) - PR#6307: Behavior of 'module type of' w.r.t. module aliases (Jacques Garrigue, report by Alain Frisch) - PR#6332: Unix.open_process fails to pass empty arguments under Windows (Damien Doligez, report Virgile Prevosto) - PR#6346: Build failure with latest version of xcode on OSX (Jérémie Dimino) - PR#6348: Unification failure for GADT when original definition is hidden (Leo White and Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop) - PR#6352: Automatic removal of optional arguments and sequencing (Jacques Garrigue and Alain Frisch) - PR#6361: Hashtbl.hash not terminating on some lazy values w/ recursive types (Xavier Leroy, report by Leo White) - PR#6383: Exception Not_found when using object type in absent module (Jacques Garrigue, report by Sébastien Briais) - PR#6384: Uncaught Not_found exception with a hidden .cmi file (Leo White) - PR#6385: wrong allocation of large closures by the bytecode interpreter (Xavier Leroy, report by Stephen Dolan) - PR#6394: Assertion failed in Typecore.expand_path (Alain Frisch and Jacques Garrigue) - PR#6405: unsound interaction of -rectypes and GADTs (Jacques Garrigue, report by Gabriel Scherer and Benoît Vaugon) - PR#6408: Optional arguments given as ~?arg instead of ?arg in message (Michael O'Connor) - PR#6411: missing libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll in mingw (add -static-libgcc) (Jun Furuse and Alain Frisch, Jonathan Protzenko and Adrien Nader) - PR#6436: Typos in @deprecated text in stdlib/arrayLabels.mli (John Whitington) - PR#6439: Don't use the deprecated [getpagesize] function (John Whitington, Mark Shinwell) - PR#6441: undetected tail-call in some mutually-recursive functions (many arguments, and mutual block mixes functions and non-functions) (Stefan Holdermans, review by Xavier Leroy) - PR#6443: ocaml segfault when List.fold_left is traced then executed (Jacques Garrigue, report by user 'Reventlov') - PR#6451: some bugs in untypeast.ml (Jun Furuse, review by Alain Frisch) - PR#6460: runtime assertion failure with large [| e1;...eN |] float array expressions (Leo White) - PR#6463: -dtypedtree fails on class fields (Leo White) - PR#6469: invalid -dsource printing of "external _pipe = ...", "Pervasives.(!)" (Gabriel Scherer and Damien Doligez, user 'ngunn') - PR#6482: ocamlbuild fails when _tags file in unhygienic directory (Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6502: ocamlbuild spurious warning on "use_menhir" tag (Xavier Leroy) - PR#6505: Missed Type-error leads to a segfault upon record access (Jacques Garrigue, Jeremy Yallop, report by Christoph Höger) - PR#6507: crash on AArch64 resulting from incorrect setting of [caml_bottom_of_stack]. (Richard Jones, Mark Shinwell) - PR#6509: add -linkall flag to ocamlcommon.cma (Frédéric Bour) - PR#6513: Fatal error Ctype.Unify(_) in functor type - PR#6523: failure upon character bigarray access, and unnecessary change in comparison ordering (Jeremy Yallop, Mark Shinwell) - bound-checking bug in caml_string_{get,set}{16,32,64} (Pierre Chambart and Gabriel Scherer, report by Nicolas Trangez) - sometimes wrong stack alignment at out-of-bounds array access (Gabriel Scherer and Xavier Leroy, report by Pierre Chambart) Features wishes: - PR#4243: make the Makefiles parallelizable (Grégoire Henry and Damien Doligez) - PR#4323: have "of_string" in Num and Big_int work with binary and hex representations (Zoe Paraskevopoulou, review by Gabriel Scherer) - PR#4771: Clarify documentation of Dynlink.allow_only (Damien Doligez, report by David Allsopp) - PR#4855: 'camlp4 -I +dir' accepted, dir is relative to 'camlp4 -where' (Jun Furuse and Hongbo Zhang, report by Dmitry Grebeniuk) - PR#5201: ocamlbuild: add --norc to the bash invocation to help performances (user 'daweil') - PR#5650: Camlp4FoldGenerator doesn't handle well "abstract" types (Hongbo Zhang) - PR#5808: allow simple patterns, not just identifiers, in "let p : t = ..." (Alain Frisch) - PR#5851: warn when -r is disabled because no _tags file is present (Gabriel Scherer) - PR#5899: a programmer-friendly access to backtrace information (Jacques-Henri Jourdan and Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6000 comment 9644: add a warning for non-principal coercions to format (Jacques Garrigue, report by Damien Doligez) - PR#6054: add support for M.[ foo ], M.[| foo |] etc. (Kaustuv Chaudhuri) - PR#6064: GADT representation for Bigarray.kind + CAML_BA_CHAR runtime kind (Jeremy Yallop, review by Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6071: Add a -noinit option to the toplevel (David Sheets) - PR#6087: ocamlbuild, improve _tags parsing of escaped newlines (Gabriel Scherer, request by Daniel Bünzli) - PR#6109: Typos in ocamlbuild error messages (Gabriel Kerneis) - PR#6116: more efficient implementation of Digest.to_hex (ygrek) - PR#6142: add cmt file support to ocamlobjinfo (Anil Madhavapeddy) - PR#6166: document -ocamldoc option of ocamlbuild (Xavier Clerc) - PR#6182: better message for virtual objects and class types (Leo White, Stephen Dolan) - PR#6183: enhanced documentation for 'Unix.shutdown_connection' (Anil Madhavapeddy, report by Jun Furuse) - PR#6187: ocamlbuild: warn when using -plugin-tag(s) without myocamlbuild.ml (Jacques-Pascal Deplaix) - PR#6246: allow wildcard _ as for-loop index (Alain Frisch, request by ygrek) - PR#6267: more information printed by "bt" command of ocamldebug (Josh Watzman) - PR#6270: remove need for -I directives to ocamldebug in common case (Josh Watzman, review by Xavier Clerc and Alain Frisch) - PR#6311: Improve signature mismatch error messages (Alain Frisch, suggestion by Daniel Bünzli) - PR#6358: obey DESTDIR in install targets (Gabriel Scherer, request by François Berenger) - PR#6388, PR#6424: more parsetree correctness checks for -ppx users (Alain Frisch, request by Peter Zotov and Jun Furuse) - PR#6406: Expose OCaml version in C headers (Peter Zotov and Romain Calascibetta) - PR#6446: improve "unused declaration" warnings wrt. name shadowing (Alain Frisch) - PR#6495: ocamlbuild tags 'safe_string', 'unsafe_string' (Anil Madhavapeddy) - PR#6497: pass context information to -ppx preprocessors (Peter Zotov, Alain Frisch) - ocamllex: user-definable refill action (Frédéric Bour, review by Gabriel Scherer and Luc Maranget) - shorten syntax for functor signatures: "functor (M1:S1) (M2:S2) .. -> .." (Thomas Gazagnaire and Jeremy Yallop, review by Gabriel Scherer) - make ocamldebug -I auto-detection work with ocamlbuild (Josh Watzman) OCaml 4.01.0: ------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*") Other libraries: - Labltk: updated to Tcl/Tk 8.6. Type system: - PR#5759: use well-disciplined type information propagation to disambiguate label and constructor names (Jacques Garrigue, Alain Frisch and Leo P. White) * Propagate type information towards pattern-matching, even in the presence of polymorphic variants (discarding only information about possibly-present constructors). As a result, matching against absent constructors is no longer allowed for exact and fixed polymorphic variant types. (Jacques Garrigue) * PR#6035: Reject multiple declarations of the same method or instance variable in an object (Alain Frisch) Compilers: - PR#5861: raise an error when multiple private keywords are used in type declarations (Hongbo Zhang) - PR#5634: parsetree rewriter (-ppx flag) (Alain Frisch) - ocamldep now supports -absname (Alain Frisch) - PR#5768: On "unbound identifier" errors, use spell-checking to suggest names present in the environment (Gabriel Scherer) - ocamlc has a new option -dsource to visualize the parsetree (Alain Frisch, Hongbo Zhang) - tools/eqparsetree compares two parsetree ignoring location (Hongbo Zhang) - ocamlopt now uses clang as assembler on OS X if available, which enables CFI support for OS X. (Benedikt Meurer) - Added a new -short-paths option, which attempts to use the shortest representation for type constructors inside types, taking open modules into account. This can make types much more readable if your code uses lots of functors. (Jacques Garrigue) - PR#5986: added flag -compat-32 to ocamlc, ensuring that the generated bytecode executable can be loaded on 32-bit hosts. (Xavier Leroy) - PR#5980: warning on open statements which shadow an existing identifier (if it is actually used in the scope of the open); new open! syntax to silence it locally (Alain Frisch, thanks to a report of Daniel Bünzli) * warning 3 is extended to warn about other deprecated features: - ISO-latin1 characters in identifiers - uses of the (&) and (or) operators instead of (&&) and (||) (Damien Doligez) - Experimental OCAMLPARAM for ocamlc and ocamlopt (Fabrice Le Fessant) - PR#5571: incorrect ordinal number in error message (Alain Frisch, report by John Carr) - PR#6073: add signature to Tstr_include (patch by Leo P. White) Standard library: - PR#5899: expose a way to inspect the current call stack, Printexc.get_callstack (Gabriel Scherer, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Alain Frisch) - PR#5986: new flag Marshal.Compat_32 for the serialization functions (Marshal.to_*), forcing the output to be readable on 32-bit hosts. (Xavier Leroy) - infix application operators |> and @@ in Pervasives (Fabrice Le Fessant) - PR#6176: new Format.asprintf function with a %a formatter compatible with Format.fprintf (unlike Format.sprintf) (Pierre Weis) Other libraries: - PR#5568: add O_CLOEXEC flag to Unix.openfile, so that the returned file descriptor is created in close-on-exec mode (Xavier Leroy) Runtime system: * PR#6019: more efficient implementation of caml_modify() and caml_initialize(). The new implementations are less lenient than the old ones: now, the destination pointer of caml_modify() must point within the minor or major heaps, and the destination pointer of caml_initialize() must point within the major heap. (Xavier Leroy, from an experiment by Brian Nigito, with feedback from Yaron Minsky and Gerd Stolpmann) Internals: - Moved debugger/envaux.ml to typing/envaux.ml to publish env_of_only_summary as part of compilerlibs, to be used on bin-annot files. (Fabrice Le Fessant) - The test suite can now be run without installing OCaml first. (Damien Doligez) Bug fixes: - PR#3236: Document the fact that queues are not thread-safe (Damien Doligez) - PR#3468: (part 1) Sys_error documentation (Damien Doligez) - PR#3679: Warning display problems (Fabrice Le Fessant) - PR#3963: Graphics.wait_next_event in Win32 hangs if window closed (Damien Doligez) - PR#4079: Queue.copy is now tail-recursive (patch by Christophe Papazian) - PR#4138: Documentation for Unix.mkdir (Damien Doligez) - PR#4469: emacs mode: caml-set-compile-command is annoying with ocamlbuild (Daniel Bünzli) - PR#4485: Graphics: Keyboard events incorrectly delivered in native code (Damien Doligez, report by Sharvil Nanavati) - PR#4502: ocamlbuild now reliably excludes the build-dir from hygiene check (Gabriel Scherer, report by Romain Bardou) - PR#4762: ?? is not used at all, but registered as a lexer token (Alain Frisch) - PR#4788: wrong error message when executable file is not found for backtrace (Damien Doligez, report by Claudio Sacerdoti Coen) - PR#4812: otherlibs/unix: add extern int code_of_unix_error (value error); (Goswin von Berdelow) - PR#4887: input_char after close_in crashes ocaml (msvc runtime) (Alain Frisch and Christoph Bauer, report by ygrek) - PR#4994: ocaml-mode doesn't work with xemacs21 (Damien Doligez, report by Stéphane Glondu) - PR#5098: creating module values may lead to memory leaks (Alain Frisch, report by Milan Stanojević) - PR#5102: ocamlbuild fails when using an unbound variable in rule dependency (Xavier Clerc, report by Daniel Bünzli) * PR#5119: camlp4 now raises a specific exception when 'DELETE_RULE' fails, rather than raising 'Not_found' (ygrek) - PR#5121: %( %) in Format module seems to be broken (Pierre Weis, first patch by Valentin Gatien-Baron, report by Khoo Yit Phang) - PR#5178: document in INSTALL how to build a 32-bit version under Linux x86-64 (Benjamin Monate) - PR#5212: Improve ocamlbuild error messages of _tags parser (ygrek) - PR#5240: register exception printers for Unix.Unix_error and Dynlink.Error (Jérémie Dimino) - PR#5300: ocamlbuild: verbose parameter should implicitly set classic display (Xavier Clerc, report by Robert Jakob) - PR#5327: (Windows) Unix.select blocks if same socket listed in first and third arguments (David Allsopp, displaying impressive MSDN skills) - PR#5343: ocaml -rectypes is unsound wrt module subtyping (was still unsound) (Jacques Garrigue) - PR#5350: missing return code checks in the runtime system (Xavier Leroy) - PR#5468: ocamlbuild should preserve order of parametric tags (Wojciech Meyer, report by Dario Texeira) - PR#5551: Avoid repeated lookups for missing cmi files (Alain Frisch) - PR#5552: unrecognized gcc option -no-cpp-precomp (Damien Doligez, report by Markus Mottl) * PR#5580: missed opportunities for constant propagation (Xavier Leroy and John Carr) - PR#5611: avoid clashes betwen .cmo files and output files during linking (Wojciech Meyer) - PR#5662: typo in md5.c (Olivier Andrieu) - PR#5673: type equality in a polymorphic field (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jean-Louis Giavitto) - PR#5674: Methods call are 2 times slower with 4.00 than with 3.12 (Jacques Garrigue, Gabriel Scherer, report by Jean-Louis Giavitto) - PR#5694: Exception raised by type checker (Jacques Garrigue, report by Markus Mottl) - PR#5695: remove warnings on sparc code emitter (Fabrice Le Fessant) - PR#5697: better location for warnings on statement expressions (Dan Bensen) - PR#5698: remove harcoded limit of 200000 labels in emitaux.ml (Fabrice Le Fessant, report by Marcin Sawicki) - PR#5702: bytecomp/bytelibrarian lib_sharedobjs was defined but never used (Hongbo Zhang, Fabrice Le Fessant) - PR#5708: catch Failure"int_of_string" in ocamldebug (Fabrice Le Fessant, report by user 'schommer') - PR#5712: (9) new option -bin-annot is not documented (Damien Doligez, report by Hendrik Tews) - PR#5731: instruction scheduling forgot to account for destroyed registers (Xavier Leroy, Benedikt Meurer, reported by Jeffrey Scofield) - PR#5734: improved Win32 implementation of Unix.gettimeofday (David Allsopp) - PR#5735: %apply and %revapply not first class citizens (Fabrice Le Fessant, reported by Jun Furuse) - PR#5738: first class module patterns not handled by ocamldep (Fabrice Le Fessant, Jacques Garrigue, reported by Hongbo Zhang) - PR#5739: Printf.printf "%F" (-.nan) returns -nan (Xavier Leroy, David Allsopp, reported by Samuel Mimram) - PR#5741: make pprintast.ml in compiler_libs (Alain Frisch, Hongbo Zhang) - PR#5747: 'unused open' warning not given when compiling with -annot (Alain Frisch, reported by Valentin Gatien-Baron) - PR#5752: missing dependencies at byte-code link with mlpack (Wojciech Meyer, Nicholas Lucaroni) - PR#5763: ocamlbuild does not give correct flags when running menhir (Gabriel Scherer, reported by Philippe Veber) - PR#5765: ocamllex doesn't preserve line directives (Damien Doligez, reported by Martin Jambon) - PR#5770: Syntax error messages involving unclosed parens are sometimes incorrect (Michel Mauny) - PR#5772: problem with marshaling of mutually-recursive functions (Jacques-Henri Jourdan, reported by Cédric Pasteur) - PR#5775: several bug fixes for tools/pprintast.ml (Hongbo Zhang) - PR#5784: -dclambda option is ignored (Pierre Chambart) - PR#5785: misbehaviour with abstracted structural type used as GADT index (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop) - PR#5787: Bad behavior of 'Unused ...' warnings in the toplevel (Alain Frisch) - PR#5793: integer marshalling is inconsistent between architectures (Xavier Clerc, report by Pierre-Marie Pédrot) - PR#5798: add ARM VFPv2 support for Raspbian (ocamlopt) (Jeffrey Scofield and Anil Madhavapeddy, patch review by Benedikt Meurer) - PR#5802: Avoiding "let" as a value name (Jacques Garrigue, report by Tiphaine Turpin) - PR#5805: Assert failure with warning 34 on pre-processed file (Alain Frisch, report by Tiphaine Turpin) - PR#5806: ensure that backtrace tests are always run (testsuite) (Xavier Clerc, report by user 'michi') - PR#5809: Generating .cmt files takes a long time, in case of type error (Alain Frisch) - PR#5810: error in switch printing when using -dclambda (Pierre Chambart) - PR#5811: Untypeast produces singleton tuples for constructor patterns with only one argument (Tiphaine Turpin) - PR#5813: GC not called when unmarshaling repeatedly in a tight loop (ocamlopt) (Xavier Leroy, report by David Waern) - PR#5814: read_cmt -annot does not report internal references (Alain Frisch) - PR#5815: Multiple exceptions in signatures gives an error (Leo P. White) - PR#5816: read_cmt -annot does not work for partial .cmt files (Alain Frisch) - PR#5819: segfault when using [with] on large recursive record (ocamlopt) (Xavier Leroy, Damien Doligez) - PR#5821: Wrong record field is reported as duplicate (Alain Frisch, report by Martin Jambon) - PR#5824: Generate more efficient code for immediate right shifts. (Pierre Chambart, review by Xavier Leroy) - PR#5825: Add a toplevel primitive to use source file wrapped with the coresponding module (Grégoire Henry, Wojciech Meyer, caml-list discussion) - PR#5833: README.win32 can leave the wrong flexlink in the path (Damien Doligez, report by William Smith) - PR#5835: nonoptional labeled arguments can be passed with '?' (Jacques Garrigue, report by Elnatan Reisner) - PR#5840: improved documentation for 'Unix.lseek' (Xavier Clerc, report by Matej Košík) - PR#5848: Assertion failure in type checker (Jacques Garrigue, Alain Frisch, report by David Waern) - PR#5858: Assert failure during typing of class (Jacques Garrigue, report by Julien Signoles) - PR#5865: assert failure when reporting undefined field label (Jacques Garrigue, report by Anil Madhavapeddy) - PR#5872: Performance: Buffer.add_char is not inlined (Gerd Stolpmann, Damien Doligez) - PR#5876: Uncaught exception with a typing error (Alain Frisch, Gabriel Scherer, report by Julien Moutinho) - PR#5877: multiple "open" can become expensive in memory (Fabrice Le Fessant and Alain Frisch) - PR#5880: 'Genlex.make_lexer' documention mentions the wrong exception (Xavier Clerc, report by Virgile Prevosto) - PR#5885: Incorrect rule for compiling C stubs when shared libraries are not supported. (Jérôme Vouillon) - PR#5891: ocamlbuild: support rectypes tag for mlpack (Khoo Yit Phang) - PR#5892: GADT exhaustiveness check is broken (Jacques Garrigue and Leo P. White) - PR#5906: GADT exhaustiveness check is still broken (Jacques Garrigue, report by Sébastien Briais) - PR#5907: Undetected cycle during typecheck causes exceptions (Jacques Garrigue, report by Pascal Zimmer) - PR#5910: Fix code generation bug for "mod 1" on ARM. (Benedikt Meurer, report by user 'jteg68') - PR#5911: Signature substitutions fail in submodules (Jacques Garrigue, report by Markus Mottl) - PR#5912: add configure option -no-cfi (for OSX 10.6.x with XCode 4.0.2) (Damien Doligez against XCode versions, report by Thomas Gazagnaire) - PR#5914: Functor breaks with an equivalent argument signature (Jacques Garrigue, report by Markus Mottl and Grégoire Henry) - PR#5920, PR#5957: linking failure for big bytecodes on 32bit architectures (Benoît Vaugon and Chet Murthy, report by Jun Furuse and Sebastien Mondet) - PR#5928: Missing space between words in manual page for ocamlmktop (Damien Doligez, report by Matej Košík) - PR#5930: ocamldep leaks temporary preprocessing files (Gabriel Scherer, report by Valentin Gatien-Baron) - PR#5933: Linking is slow when there are functions with large arities (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Gabriel Scherer) - PR#5934: integer shift by negative amount (in otherlibs/num) (Xavier Leroy, report by John Regehr) - PR#5944: Bad typing performances of big variant type declaration (Benoît Vaugon) - PR#5945: Mix-up of Minor_heap_min and Minor_heap_max units (Benoît Vaugon) - PR#5948: GADT with polymorphic variants bug (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo P. White) - PR#5953: Unix.system does not handle EINTR (Jérémie Dimino) - PR#5965: disallow auto-reference to a recursive module in its definition (Alain Frisch, report by Arthur Windler via Gabriel Scherer) - PR#5973: Format module incorrectly parses format string (Pierre Weis, report by Frédéric Bour) - PR#5974: better documentation for Str.regexp (Damien Doligez, report by william) - PR#5976: crash after recovering from two stack overflows (ocamlopt on MacOS X) (Xavier Leroy, report by Pierre Boutillier) - PR#5977: Build failure on raspberry pi: "input_value: integer too large" (Alain Frisch, report by Sylvain Le Gall) - PR#5981: Incompatibility check assumes abstracted types are injective (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop) - PR#5982: caml_leave_blocking section and errno corruption (Jérémie Dimino) - PR#5985: Unexpected interaction between variance and GADTs (Jacques Garrigue, Jeremy Yallop and Leo P. White and Gabriel Scherer) - PR#5988: missing from the documentation: -impl is a valid flag for ocamlopt (Damien Doligez, report by Vincent Bernardoff) - PR#5989: Assumed inequalities involving private rows (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop) - PR#5992: Crash when pattern-matching lazy values modifies the scrutinee (Luc Maranget, Leo P. White) - PR#5993: Variance of private type abbreviations not checked for modules (Jacques Garrigue) - PR#5997: Non-compatibility assumed for concrete types with same constructor (Jacques Garrigue, report by Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6004: Type information does not flow to "inherit" parameters (Jacques Garrigue, report by Alain Frisch) - PR#6005: Type unsoundness with recursive modules (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jérémie Dimino and Josh Berdine) - PR#6010: Big_int.extract_big_int gives wrong results on negative arguments (Xavier Leroy, report by Drake Wilson via Stéphane Glondu) - PR#6024: Format syntax for printing @ is incompatible with 3.12.1 (Damien Doligez, report by Boris Yakobowski) - PR#6001: Reduce the memory used by compiling Camlp4 (Hongbo Zhang and Gabriel Scherer, report by Henri Gouraud) - PR#6031: Camomile problem with -with-frame-pointers (Fabrice Le Fessant, report by Anil Madhavapeddy) - PR#6032: better Random.self_init under Windows (Alain Frisch, Xavier Leroy) - PR#6033: Matching.inline_lazy_force needs eta-expansion (command-line flags) (Pierre Chambart, Xavier Leroy and Luc Maranget, regression report by Gabriel Scherer) - PR#6046: testsuite picks up the wrong ocamlrun dlls (Anil Madhavapeddy) - PR#6056: Using 'match' prevents generalization of values (Jacques Garrigue, report by Elnatan Reisner) - PR#6058: 'ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -tag thread -package threads t.cma' fails (Gabriel Scherer, report by Hezekiah M. Carty) - PR#6069: ocamldoc: lexing: empty token (Maxence Guesdon, Grégoire Henry, report by ygrek) - PR#6072: configure does not handle FreeBSD current (i.e. 10) correctly (Damien Doligez, report by Prashanth Mundkur) - PR#6074: Wrong error message for failing Condition.broadcast (Markus Mottl) - PR#6084: Define caml_modify and caml_initialize as weak symbols to help with Netmulticore (Xavier Leroy, Gerd Stolpmann) - PR#6090: Module constraint + private type seems broken in ocaml 4.01.0 (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix) - PR#6109: Typos in ocamlbuild error messages (Gabriel Kerneis) - PR#6123: Assert failure when self escapes its class (Jacques Garrigue, report by whitequark) - PR#6158: Fatal error using GADTs (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop) - PR#6163: Assert_failure using polymorphic variants in GADTs (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo P. White) - PR#6164: segmentation fault on Num.power_num of 0/1 (Fabrice Le Fessant, report by Johannes Kanig) - PR#6210: Camlp4 location error (Hongbo Zhang, report by Jun Furuse) Feature wishes: - PR#5181: Merge common floating point constants in ocamlopt (Benedikt Meurer) - PR#5243: improve the ocamlbuild API documentation in signatures.mli (Christophe Troestler) - PR#5546: moving a function into an internal module slows down its use (Alain Frisch, report by Fabrice Le Fessant) - PR#5597: add instruction trace option 't' to OCAMLRUNPARAM (Anil Madhavapeddy, Wojciech Meyer) - PR#5676: IPv6 support under Windows (Jérôme Vouillon, review by Jonathan Protzenko) - PR#5721: configure -with-frame-pointers for Linux perf profiling (Fabrice Le Fessant, test by Jérémie Dimino) - PR#5722: toplevel: print full module path only for first record field (Jacques Garrigue, report by ygrek) - PR#5762: Add primitives for fast access to bigarray dimensions (Pierre Chambart) - PR#5769: Allow propagation of Sys.big_endian in native code (Pierre Chambart, stealth commit by Fabrice Le Fessant) - PR#5771: Add primitives for reading 2, 4, 8 bytes in strings and bigarrays (Pierre Chambart) - PR#5774: Add bswap primitives for amd64 and arm (Pierre Chambart, test by Alain Frisch) - PR#5795: Generate sqrtsd opcode instead of external call to sqrt on amd64 (Pierre Chambart) - PR#5827: provide a dynamic command line parsing mechanism (Hongbo Zhang) - PR#5832: patch to improve "wrong file naming" error messages (William Smith) - PR#5864: Add a find operation to Set (François Berenger) - PR#5886: Small changes to compile for Android (Jérôme Vouillon, review by Benedikt Meurer) - PR#5902: -ppx based pre-processor executables accept arguments (Alain Frisch, report by Wojciech Meyer) - PR#5986: Protect against marshaling 64-bit integers in bytecode (Xavier Leroy, report by Alain Frisch) - PR#6049: support for OpenBSD/macppc platform (Anil Madhavapeddy, review by Benedikt Meurer) - PR#6059: add -output-obj rules for ocamlbuild (Anil Madhavapeddy) - PR#6060: ocamlbuild tags 'principal', 'strict_sequence' and 'short_paths' (Anil Madhavapeddy) - ocamlbuild tag 'no_alias_deps' (Daniel Bünzli) Tools: - OCamlbuild now features a bin_annot tag to generate .cmt files. (Jonathan Protzenko) - OCamlbuild now features a strict_sequence tag to trigger the strict-sequence option. (Jonathan Protzenko) - OCamlbuild now picks the non-core tools like ocamlfind and menhir from PATH (Wojciech Meyer) - PR#5884: Misc minor fixes and cleanup for emacs mode (Stefan Monnier) - PR#6030: Improve performance of -annot (Guillaume Melquiond, Alain Frisch) OCaml 4.00.1: ------------- Bug fixes: - PR#4019: better documentation of Str.matched_string - PR#5111: ocamldoc, heading tags inside spans tags is illegal in html - PR#5278: better error message when typing "make" - PR#5468: ocamlbuild should preserve order of parametric tags - PR#5563: harden Unix.select against file descriptors above FD_SETSIZE - PR#5690: "ocamldoc ... -text README" raises exception - PR#5700: crash with native-code stack backtraces under MacOS 10.8 x86-64 - PR#5707: AMD64 code generator: do not use r10 and r11 for parameter passing, as these registers can be destroyed by the dynamic loader - PR#5712: some documentation problems - PR#5715: configuring with -no-shared-libs breaks under cygwin - PR#5718: false positive on 'unused constructor' warning - PR#5719: ocamlyacc generates code that is not warning 33-compliant - PR#5725: ocamldoc output of preformatted code - PR#5727: emacs caml-mode indents shebang line in toplevel scripts - PR#5729: tools/untypeast.ml creates unary Pexp_tuple - PR#5731: instruction scheduling forgot to account for destroyed registers - PR#5735: %apply and %revapply not first class citizens - PR#5738: first class module patterns not handled by ocamldep - PR#5742: missing bound checks in Array.sub - PR#5744: ocamldoc error on "val virtual" - PR#5757: GC compaction bug (crash) - PR#5758: Compiler bug when matching on floats - PR#5761: Incorrect bigarray custom block size OCaml 4.00.0: ------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*") - The official name of the language is now OCaml. Language features: - Added Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs) to the language. See chapter "Language extensions" of the reference manual for documentation. - It is now possible to omit type annotations when packing and unpacking first-class modules. The type-checker attempts to infer it from the context. Using the -principal option guarantees forward compatibility. - New (module M) and (module M : S) syntax in patterns, for immediate unpacking of a first-class module. Compilers: - Revised simplification of let-alias (PR#5205, PR#5288) - Better reporting of compiler version mismatch in .cmi files * Warning 28 is now enabled by default. - New option -absname to use absolute paths in error messages - Optimize away compile-time beta-redexes, e.g. (fun x y -> e) a b. - Added option -bin-annot to dump the AST with type annotations. - Added lots of new warnings about unused variables, opens, fields, constructors, etc. * New meaning for warning 7: it is now triggered when a method is overridden with the "method" keyword. Use "method!" to avoid the warning. Native-code compiler: - Optimized handling of partially-applied functions (PR#5287) - Small improvements in code generated for array bounds checks (PR#5345, PR#5360). * New ARM backend (PR#5433): . Supports both Linux/EABI (armel) and Linux/EABI+VFPv3 (armhf). . Added support for the Thumb-2 instruction set with average code size savings of 28%. . Added support for position-independent code, natdynlink, profiling and exception backtraces. - Generation of CFI information, and filename/line number debugging (with -g) annotations, enabling in particular precise stack backtraces with the gdb debugger. Currently supported for x86 32-bits and 64-bits only. (PR#5487) - New tool: ocamloptp, the equivalent of ocamlcp for the native-code compiler. OCamldoc: - PR#5645: ocamldoc doesn't handle module/type substitution in signatures - PR#5544: improve HTML output (less formatting in html code) - PR#5522: allow refering to record fields and variant constructors - fix PR#5419 (error message in french) - fix PR#5535 (no cross ref to class after dump+load) * Use first class modules for custom generators, to be able to load various plugins incrementally adding features to the current generator * PR#5507: Use Location.t structures for locations. - fix: do not keep code when not told to keep code. Standard library: - Added float functions "hypot" and "copysign" (PR#3806, PR#4752, PR#5246) * Arg: options with empty doc strings are no longer included in the usage string (PR#5437) - Array: faster implementations of "blit", "copy", "sub", "append" and "concat" (PR#2395, PR#2787, PR#4591) * Hashtbl: . Statistically-better generic hash function based on Murmur 3 (PR#5225) . Fixed behavior of generic hash function w.r.t. -0.0 and NaN (PR#5222) . Added optional "random" parameter to Hashtbl.create to randomize collision patterns and improve security (PR#5572, CVE-2012-0839) . Added "randomize" function and "R" parameter to OCAMLRUNPARAM to turn randomization on by default (PR#5572, CVE-2012-0839) . Added new functorial interface "MakeSeeded" to support randomization with user-provided seeded hash functions. . Install new header for C code. - Filename: on-demand (lazy) initialization of the PRNG used by "temp_file". - Marshal: marshalling of function values (flag Marshal.Closures) now also works for functions that come from dynamically-loaded modules (PR#5215) - Random: . More random initialization (Random.self_init()), using /dev/urandom when available (e.g. Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, Solaris) * Faster implementation of Random.float (changes the generated sequences) - Format strings for formatted input/output revised to correct PR#5380 . Consistently treat %@ as a plain @ character . Consistently treat %% as a plain % character - Scanf: width and precision for floating point numbers are now handled - Scanf: new function "unescaped" (PR#3888) - Set and Map: more efficient implementation of "filter" and "partition" - String: new function "map" (PR#3888) Installation procedure: - Compiler internals are now installed in `ocamlc -where`/compiler-libs. The files available there include the .cmi interfaces for all compiler modules, plus the following libraries: ocamlcommon.cma/.cmxa modules common to ocamlc, ocamlopt, ocaml ocamlbytecomp.cma/.cmxa modules for ocamlc and ocaml ocamloptcomp.cma/.cmxa modules specific to ocamlopt ocamltoplevel.cma modules specific to ocaml (PR#1804, PR#4653, frequently-asked feature). * Some .cmi for toplevel internals that used to be installed in `ocamlc -where` are now to be found in `ocamlc -where`/compiler-libs. Add "-I +compiler-libs" where needed. * toplevellib.cma is no longer installed because subsumed by ocamlcommon.cma ocamlbytecomp.cma ocamltoplevel.cma - Added a configuration option (-with-debug-runtime) to compile and install a debug version of the runtime system, and a compiler option (-runtime-variant) to select the debug runtime. Bug Fixes: - PR#1643: functions of the Lazy module whose named started with 'lazy_' have been deprecated, and new ones without the prefix added - PR#3571: in Bigarrays, call msync() before unmapping to commit changes - PR#4292: various documentation problems - PR#4511, PR#4838: local modules remove polymorphism * PR#4549: Filename.dirname is not handling multiple / on Unix - PR#4688: (Windows) special floating-point values aren't converted to strings correctly - PR#4697: Unix.putenv leaks memory on failure - PR#4705: camlp4 does not allow to define types with `True or `False - PR#4746: wrong detection of stack overflows in native code under Linux - PR#4869: rare collisions between assembly labels for code and data - PR#4880: "assert" constructs now show up in the exception stack backtrace - PR#4892: Array.set could raise "out of bounds" before evaluating 3rd arg - PR#4937: camlp4 incorrectly handles optional arguments if 'option' is redefined - PR#5024: camlp4r now handles underscores in irrefutable pattern matching of records - PR#5064, PR#5485: try to ensure that 4K words of stack are available before calling into C functions, raising a Stack_overflow exception otherwise. This reduces (but does not eliminate) the risk of segmentation faults due to stack overflow in C code - PR#5073: wrong location for 'Unbound record field label' error - PR#5084: sub-sub-module building fails for native code compilation - PR#5120: fix the output function of Camlp4.Debug.formatter - PR#5131: compilation of custom runtime with g++ generates lots of warnings - PR#5137: caml-types-explore does not work - PR#5159: better documentation of type Lexing.position - PR#5171: Map.join does more comparisons than needed - PR#5176: emacs mode: stack overflow in regexp matcher - PR#5179: port OCaml to mingw-w64 - PR#5211: updated Genlex documentation to state that camlp4 is mandatory for 'parser' keyword and associated notation - PR#5214: ocamlfind plugin invokes 'cut' utility - PR#5218: use $(MAKE) instead of "make" in Makefiles - PR#5224: confusing error message in non-regular type definition - PR#5231: camlp4: fix parsing of <:str_item< type t = $x$ >> - PR#5233: finaliser on weak array gives dangling pointers (crash) - PR#5238, PR#5277: Sys_error when getting error location - PR#5261, PR#5497: Ocaml source-code examples are not "copy-paste-able" * PR#5279: executable name is not initialized properly in caml_startup_code - PR#5290: added hash functions for channels, nats, mutexes, conditions - PR#5291: undetected loop in class initialization - PR#5295: OS threads: problem with caml_c_thread_unregister() - PR#5301: camlp4r and exception equal to another one with parameters - PR#5305: prevent ocamlbuild from complaining about links to _build/ - PR#5306: comparing to Thread.self() raises exception at runtime - PR#5309: Queue.add is not thread/signal safe - PR#5310: Ratio.create_ratio/create_normalized_ratio have misleading names - PR#5311: better message for warning 23 * PR#5312: command-line arguments @reponsefile auto-expansion feature removed from the Windows OCaml runtime, to avoid conflicts with "-w @..." - PR#5313: ocamlopt -g misses optimizations - PR#5214: ocamlfind plugin invokes 'cut' utility - PR#5316: objinfo now shows ccopts/ccobjs/force_link when applicable - PR#5318: segfault on stack overflow when reading marshaled data - PR#5319: %r11 clobbered by Lswitch in Windows AMD64 native-code compilation - PR#5322: type abbreviations expanding to a universal type variable - PR#5328: under Windows, Unix.select leaves sockets in non-blocking mode - PR#5330: thread tag with '.top' and '.inferred.mli' targets - PR#5331: ocamlmktop is not always a shell script - PR#5335: Unix.environment segfaults after a call to clearenv - PR#5338: sanitize.sh has windows style end-of-lines (mingw) - PR#5344: some predefined exceptions need special printing - PR#5349: Hashtbl.replace uses new key instead of reusing old key - PR#5356: ocamlbuild handling of 'predicates' for ocamlfind - PR#5364: wrong compilation of "((val m : SIG1) : SIG2)" - PR#5370: ocamldep omits filename in syntax error message - PR#5374: camlp4 creates wrong location for type definitions - PR#5380: strange sscanf input segfault - PR#5382: EOPNOTSUPP and ENOTSUPP different on exotic platforms - PR#5383: build failure in Win32/MSVC - PR#5387: camlp4: str_item and other syntactic elements with Nils are not very usable - PR#5389: compaction sometimes leaves a very large heap - PR#5393: fails to build from source on GNU/kFreeBSD because of -R link option - PR#5394: documentation for -dtypes is missing in manpage - PR#5397: Filename.temp_dir_name should be mutable - PR#5410: fix printing of class application with Camlp4 - PR#5416: (Windows) Unix.(set|clear)_close_on_exec now preserves blocking mode - PR#5435: ocamlbuild does not find .opt executables on Windows - PR#5436: update object ids on unmarshaling - PR#5442: camlp4: quotation issue with strings - PR#5453: configure doesn't find X11 under Ubuntu/MultiarchSpec - PR#5461: Double linking of bytecode modules - PR#5463: Bigarray.*.map_file fail if empty array is requested - PR#5465: increase stack size of ocamlopt.opt for windows - PR#5469: private record type generated by functor loses abbreviation - PR#5475: Wrapper script for interpreted LablTk wrongly handles command line parameters - PR#5476: bug in native code compilation of let rec on float arrays - PR#5477: use pkg-config to configure graphics on linux - PR#5481: update camlp4 magic numbers - PR#5482: remove bashism in test suite scripts - PR#5495: camlp4o dies on infix definition (or) - PR#5498: Unification with an empty object only checks the absence of the first method - PR#5503: error when ocamlbuild is passed an absolute path as build directory - PR#5509: misclassification of statically-allocated empty array that falls exactly at beginning of an otherwise unused data page. - PR#5510: ocamldep has duplicate -ml{,i}-synonym options - PR#5511: in Bigarray.reshape, unwarranted limitation on new array dimensions. - PR#5513: Int64.div causes floating point exception (ocamlopt, x86) - PR#5516: in Bigarray C stubs, use C99 flexible array types if possible - PR#5518: segfault with lazy empty array - PR#5531: Allow ocamlbuild to add ocamldoc flags through -docflag and -docflags switches - PR#5538: combining -i and -annot in ocamlc - PR#5543: in Bigarray.map_file, try to avoid using lseek() when growing file - PR#5648: (probably fixed) test failures in tests/lib-threads - PR#5551: repeated calls to find_in_path degrade performance - PR#5552: Mac OS X: unrecognized gcc option "-no-cpp-precomp" - PR#5555: add Hashtbl.reset to resize the bucket table to its initial size - PR#5560: incompatible type for tuple pattern with -principal - PR#5575: Random states are not marshallable across architectures - PR#5579: camlp4: when a plugin is loaded in the toplevel, Token.Filter.define_filter has no effect before the first syntax error - PR#5585: typo: "explicitely" - PR#5587: documentation: "allows to" is not correct English - PR#5593: remove C file when -output-obj fails - PR#5597: register names for instrtrace primitives in embedded bytecode - PR#5598: add backslash-space support in strings in ocamllex - PR#5603: wrong .file debug info generated by ocamlopt -g - PR#5604: fix permissions of files created by ocamlbuild itself - PR#5610: new unmarshaler (from PR#5318) fails to freshen object identifiers - PR#5614: add missing -linkall flag when compiling ocamldoc.opt - PR#5616: move ocamlbuild documentation to the reference manual - PR#5619: Uncaught CType.Unify exception in the compiler - PR#5620: invalid printing of type manifest (camlp4 revised syntax) - PR#5637: invalid printing of anonymous type parameters (camlp4 revised syntax) - PR#5643: issues with .cfi and .loc directives generated by ocamlopt -g - PR#5644: Stream.count broken when used with Sapp or Slazy nodes - PR#5647: Cannot use install_printer in debugger - PR#5651: printer for abstract data type (camlp4 revised syntax) - PR#5654: self pattern variable location tweak - PR#5655: ocamlbuild doesn't pass cflags when building C stubs - PR#5657: wrong error location for abbreviated record fields - PR#5659: ocamlmklib -L option breaks with MSVC - PR#5661: fixes for the test suite - PR#5668: Camlp4 produces invalid syntax for "let _ = ..." - PR#5671: initialization of compare_ext field in caml_final_custom_operations() - PR#5677: do not use "value" as identifier (genprintval.ml) - PR#5687: dynlink broken when used from "output-obj" main program (bytecode) - problem with printing of string literals in camlp4 (reported on caml-list) - emacs mode: colorization of comments and strings now works correctly - problem with forall and method (reported on caml-list on 2011-07-26) - crash when using OCAMLRUNPARAM=a=X with invalid X (reported in private) Feature wishes: - PR#352: new option "-stdin" to make ocaml read stdin as a script - PR#1164: better error message when mixing -a and .cmxa - PR#1284: documentation: remove restriction on mixed streams - PR#1496: allow configuring LIBDIR, BINDIR, and MANDIR relative to $(PREFIX) - PR#1835: add Digest.from_hex - PR#1898: toplevel: add option to suppress continuation prompts - PR#4278: configure: option to disable "graph" library - PR#4444: new String.trim function, removing leading and trailing whistespace - PR#4549: make Filename.dirname/basename POSIX compliant - PR#4830: add option -v to expunge.ml - PR#4898: new Sys.big_endian boolean for machine endianness - PR#4963, PR#5467: no extern "C" into ocaml C-stub headers - PR#5199: tests are run only for bytecode if either native support is missing, or a non-empty value is set to "BYTECODE_ONLY" Makefile variable - PR#5215: marshalling of dynlinked closure - PR#5236: new '%revapply' primitive with the semantics 'revapply x f = f x', and '%apply' with semantics 'apply f x = f x'. - PR#5255: natdynlink detection on powerpc, hurd, sparc - PR#5295: OS threads: problem with caml_c_thread_unregister() - PR#5297: compiler now checks existence of builtin primitives - PR#5329: (Windows) more efficient Unix.select if all fd's are sockets - PR#5357: warning for useless open statements - PR#5358: first class modules don't allow "with type" declarations for types in sub-modules - PR#5385: configure: emit a warning when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set - PR#5396: ocamldep: add options -sort, -all, and -one-line - PR#5397: Filename.temp_dir_name should be mutable - PR#5403: give better error message when emacs is not found in PATH - PR#5411: new directive for the toplevel: #load_rec - PR#5420: Unix.openfile share mode (Windows) - PR#5421: Unix: do not leak fds in various open_proc* functions - PR#5434: implement Unix.times in win32unix (partially) - PR#5438: new warnings for unused declarations - PR#5439: upgrade config.guess and config.sub - PR#5445 and others: better printing of types with user-provided names - PR#5454: Digest.compare is missing and md5 doc update - PR#5455: .emacs instructions, add lines to recognize ocaml scripts - PR#5456: pa_macro: replace __LOCATION__ after macro expansion; add LOCATION_OF - PR#5461: bytecode: emit warning when linking two modules with the same name - PR#5478: ocamlopt assumes ar command exists - PR#5479: Num.num_of_string may raise an exception, not reflected in the documentation. - PR#5501: increase IO_BUFFER_SIZE to 64KiB - PR#5532: improve error message when bytecode file is wrong - PR#5555: add function Hashtbl.reset to resize the bucket table to its initial size. - PR#5586: increase UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE to 64KiB - PR#5597: register names for instrtrace primitives in embedded bytecode - PR#5599: Add warn() tag in ocamlbuild to control -w compiler switch - PR#5628: add #remove_directory and Topdirs.remove_directory to remove a directory from the load path - PR#5636: in system threads library, issue with linking of pthread_atfork - PR#5666: C includes don't provide a revision number - ocamldebug: ability to inspect values that contain code pointers - ocamldebug: new 'environment' directive to set environment variables for debuggee - configure: add -no-camlp4 option Shedding weight: * Removed the obsolete native-code generators for Alpha, HPPA, IA64 and MIPS. * The "DBM" library (interface with Unix DBM key-value stores) is no longer part of this distribution. It now lives its own life at https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/camldbm/ * The "OCamlWin" toplevel user interface for MS Windows is no longer part of this distribution. It now lives its own life at https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocamltopwin/ Other changes: - Copy VERSION file to library directory when installing. OCaml 3.12.1: ------------- Bug fixes: - PR#4345, PR#4767: problems with camlp4 printing of float values - PR#4380: ocamlbuild should not use tput on windows - PR#4487, PR#5164: multiple 'module type of' are incompatible - PR#4552: ocamlbuild does not create symlinks when using '.itarget' file - PR#4673, PR#5144: camlp4 fails on object copy syntax - PR#4702: system threads: cleanup tick thread at exit - PR#4732: camlp4 rejects polymorphic variants using keywords from macros - PR#4778: Win32/MSVC port: rare syntax error in generated MASM assembly file - PR#4794, PR#4959: call annotations not generated by ocamlopt - PR#4820: revised syntax pretty printer crashes with 'Stack_overflow' - PR#4928: wrong printing of classes and class types by camlp4 - PR#4939: camlp4 rejects patterns of the '?x:_' form - PR#4967: ocamlbuild passes wrong switches to ocamldep through menhir - PR#4972: mkcamlp4 does not include 'dynlink.cma' - PR#5039: ocamlbuild should use '-linkpkg' only when linking programs - PR#5066: ocamldoc: add -charset option used in html generator - PR#5069: fcntl() in caml_sys_open may block, do it within blocking section - PR#5071, PR#5129, PR#5134: inconsistencies between camlp4 and camlp4* binaries - PR#5080, PR#5104: regression in type constructor handling by camlp4 - PR#5090: bad interaction between toplevel and camlp4 - PR#5095: ocamlbuild ignores some tags when building bytecode objects - PR#5100: ocamlbuild always rebuilds a 'cmxs' file - PR#5103: build and install objinfo when building with ocamlbuild - PR#5109: crash when a parser calls a lexer that calls another parser - PR#5110: invalid module name when using optional argument - PR#5115: bytecode executables produced by msvc64 port crash on 32-bit versions - PR#5117: bigarray: wrong function name without HAS_MMAP; missing include - PR#5118: Camlp4o and integer literals - PR#5122: camlp4 rejects lowercase identifiers for module types - PR#5123: shift_right_big_int returns a wrong zero - PR#5124: substitution inside a signature leads to odd printing - PR#5128: typo in 'Camlp4ListComprehension' syntax extension - PR#5136: obsolete function used in emacs mode - PR#5145: ocamldoc: missing html escapes - PR#5146: problem with spaces in multi-line string constants - PR#5149: (partial) various documentation problems - PR#5156: rare compiler crash with objects - PR#5165: ocamlbuild does not pass '-thread' option to ocamlfind - PR#5167: camlp4r loops when printing package type - PR#5172: camlp4 support for 'module type of' construct - PR#5175: in bigarray accesses, make sure bigarray expr is evaluated only once - PR#5177: Gc.compact implies Gc.full_major - PR#5182: use bytecode version of ocamldoc to generate man pages - PR#5184: under Windows, alignment issue with bigarrays mapped from files - PR#5188: double-free corruption in bytecode system threads - PR#5192: mismatch between words and bytes in interpreting max_young_wosize - PR#5202: error in documentation of atan2 - PR#5209: natdynlink incorrectly detected on BSD systems - PR#5213: ocamlbuild should pass '-rectypes' to ocamldoc when needed - PR#5217: ocamlfind plugin should add '-linkpkg' for toplevel - PR#5228: document the exceptions raised by functions in 'Filename' - PR#5229: typo in build script ('TAG_LINE' vs 'TAGLINE') - PR#5230: error in documentation of Scanf.Scanning.open_in - PR#5234: option -shared reverses order of -cclib options - PR#5237: incorrect .size directives generated for x86-32 and x86-64 - PR#5244: String.compare uses polymorphic compare_val (regression of PR#4194) - PR#5248: regression introduced while fixing PR#5118 - PR#5252: typo in docs - PR#5258: win32unix: unix fd leak under windows - PR#5269: (tentative fix) Wrong ext_ref entries in .annot files - PR#5272: caml.el doesn't recognize downto as a keyword - PR#5276: issue with ocamlc -pack and recursively-packed modules - PR#5280: alignment constraints incorrectly autodetected on MIPS 32 - PR#5281: typo in error message - PR#5308: unused variables not detected in "include (struct .. end)" - camlp4 revised syntax printing bug in the toplevel (reported on caml-list) - configure: do not define _WIN32 under cygwin - Hardened generic comparison in the case where two custom blocks are compared and have different sets of custom operations. - Hardened comparison between bigarrays in the case where the two bigarrays have different kinds. - Fixed wrong autodetection of expm1() and log1p(). - don't add .exe suffix when installing the ocamlmktop shell script - ocamldoc: minor fixes related to the display of ocamldoc options - fixed bug with huge values in OCAMLRUNPARAM - mismatch between declaration and definition of caml_major_collection_slice Feature wishes: - PR#4992: added '-ml-synonym' and '-mli-synonym' options to ocamldep - PR#5065: added '-ocamldoc' option to ocamlbuild - PR#5139: added possibility to add options to ocamlbuild - PR#5158: added access to current camlp4 parsers and printers - PR#5180: improved instruction selection for float operations on amd64 - stdlib: added a 'usage_string' function to Arg - allow with constraints to add a type equation to a datatype definition - ocamldoc: allow to merge '@before' tags like other ones - ocamlbuild: allow dependency on file "_oasis" Other changes: - Changed default minor heap size from 32k to 256k words. - Added new operation 'compare_ext' to custom blocks, called when comparing a custom block value with an unboxed integer. Objective Caml 3.12.0: ---------------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*" ) Language features: - Shorthand notation for records: in expressions and patterns, { lbl } stands for { lbl = lbl } and { M.lbl } for { M.lbl = lbl } - Record patterns of the form { lbl = pat; _ } to mark that not all labels are listed, purposefully. (See new warning below.) - Explicit naming of a generic type; in an expression "fun ... (type t) ... -> e", the type t is considered abstract in its scope (the arguments that follow it and the body of the function), and then replaced by a fresh type variable. In particular, the type t can be used in contexts where a type variable is not allowed (e.g. for defining an exception in a local module). - Explicit polymorphic types and polymorphic recursion. In let definitions, one can write an explicit polymorphic type just immediately the function name; the polymorphism will be enforced, and recursive calls may use the polymorphism. The syntax is the same as for polymorphic methods: "let [rec] : 'a1 ... 'an. = ..." - First-class packages modules. New kind of type expression, for packaged modules: (module PT). New kind of expression, to pack a module as a first-class value: (module MODEXPR : PT). New kind of module expression, to unpack a first-class value as a module: (val EXPR : PT). PT is a package type of the form "S" or "S with type t1 = ... and ... and type tn = ..." (S refers to a module type). - Local opening of modules in a subexpression. Syntax: "let open M in e", or "M.(e)" - In class definitions, method and instance variable override can now be made explicit, by writing "method!", "val!" or "inherit!" in place of "method", "val" and "inherit". It is an error to override an undefined member (or to use overriding inheritance when nothing get overridden). Additionally, these constructs disactivate respectively warnings 7 (method override, code 'M') and 13 (instance variable override, code 'V'). Note that, by default, warning 7 is inactive and warning 13 is active. - "Destructive" substitution in signatures. By writing " with type t := " and " with module M := " one replaces "t" and "M" inside the signature, removing their respective fields. Among other uses, this allows to merge two signatures containing identically named fields. * While fixing PR#4824, also corrected a gaping hole in the type checker, which allowed instantiating separately object parameters and instance variables in an interface. This hole was here since the beginning of ocaml, and as a result many programs using object inheritance in a non trivial way will need to be corrected. You can look at lablgtk2 for an example. Compilers and toplevel: - Warnings are now numbered and can be switched on and off individually. The old system with letters referring to sets of warnings is still supported. - New warnings: + 9 (code 'R') to signal record patterns without "; _" where some labels of the record type are not listed in the pattern. + 28 when giving a wildcard argument to a constant constructor in a pattern-matching. + 29 when an end-of-line appears unescaped in a string constant. + 30 when the same constructor or record field is defined twice in mutually-recursive type definitions. * The semantics of warning 7 (code 'M', method override) have changed (it now detects all overrides, not just repeated definitions inside the same class body), and it is now inactive by default. - Better error report in case of unbound qualified identifier: if the module is unbound this error is reported in the first place. - Added option '-strict-sequence' to force left hand part of sequence to have type unit. - Added option '-no-app-funct' to turn applicative functors off. This option can help working around mysterious type incompatibilities caused by the incomplete comparison of applicative paths F(X).t. Native-code compiler: - AMD64: shorter and slightly more efficient code generated for float comparisons. Standard library: - Format: new function ikfprintf analoguous to ifprintf with a continuation argument. * PR#4210, #4245: stricter range checking in string->integer conversion functions (int_of_string, Int32.of_string, Int64.of_string, Nativeint.of_string). The decimal string corresponding to max_int + 1 is no longer accepted. - Scanf: to prevent confusion when mixing Scanf scanning functions and direct low level input, value Scanf.stdin has been added. * Random: changed the algorithm to produce better randomness. Now passes the DieHard tests. - Map: implement functions from Set that make sense for Map. Other libraries: * Str: letters that constitute a word now include digits 0-9 and underscore _. This changes the interpretation of '\b' (word boundary) in regexps, but is more consistent with other regexp libraries. (PR#4874). Ocamlbuild: - Add support for native dynlink. New tool: - ocamlobjinfo: displays various information, esp. dependencies, for compiled OCaml files (.cmi, .cmo, .cma, .cmx, .cmxa, .cmxs, and bytecode executables). Extends and makes more official the old objinfo tool that was installed by some OCaml packages. All tools: - PR#4857: add a -vnum option to display the version number and nothing else Bug Fixes: - PR#4012: Map.map and Map.mapi do not conform to specification - PR#4478: better error messages for type definition mismatches - PR#4683: labltk script uses fixed path on windows - PR#4742: finalisation function raising an exception blocks other finalisations - PR#4775: compiler crash on crazy types (temporary fix) - PR#4824: narrowing the type of class parameters with a module specification - PR#4862: relaxed value restriction and records - PR#4884: optional arguments do not work when Some is redefined - PR#4964: parenthesized names for infix functions in annot files - PR#4970: better error message for instance variables - PR#4975: spelling mistakes - PR#4988: contravariance lost with ocamlc -i - PR#5004: problem in Buffer.add_channel with very large lengths. - PR#5008: on AMD64/MSVC port, rare float corruption during GC. - PR#5018: wrong exception raised by Dynlink.loadfile. - PR#5057: fatal typing error with local module + functor + polymorphic variant - Wrong type for Obj.add_offset. - Small problem with representation of Int32, Int64, and Nativeint constants. - Use RTLD_LOCAL for native dynlink in private mode. Objective Caml 3.11.2: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - PR#4151: better documentation for min and max w.r.t. NaN - PR#4421: ocamlbuild uses wrong compiler for C files - PR#4710, PR#4720: ocamlbuild does not use properly configuration information - PR#4750: under some Windows installations, high start-up times for Unix lib - PR#4777: problem with scanf and CRLF - PR#4783: ocamlmklib problem under Windows - PR#4810: BSD problem with socket addresses, e.g. in Unix.getnameinfo - PR#4813: issue with parsing of float literals by the GNU assembler - PR#4816: problem with modules and private types - PR#4818: missed opportunity for type-based optimization of bigarray accesses - PR#4821: check for duplicate method names in classes - PR#4823: build problem on Mac OS X - PR#4836: spurious errors raised by Unix.single_write under Windows - PR#4841, PR#4860, PR#4930: problem with ocamlopt -output-obj under Mac OS X - PR#4847: C compiler error with ocamlc -output-obj under Win64 - PR#4856: ocamlbuild uses ocamlrun to execute a native plugin - PR#4867, PR#4760: ocamlopt -shared fails on Mac OS X 64bit - PR#4873: ocamlbuild ignores "thread" tag when building a custom toplevel - PR#4890: ocamlbuild tries to use native plugin on bytecode-only arch - PR#4896: ocamlbuild should always pass -I to tools for external libraries - PR#4900: small bug triggering automatic compaction even if max_overhead = 1M - PR#4902: bug in %.0F printf format - PR#4910: problem with format concatenation - PR#4922: ocamlbuild recompiles too many files - PR#4923: missing \xff for scanf %S - PR#4933: functors not handling private types correctly - PR#4940: problem with end-of-line in DOS text mode, tentative fix - PR#4953: problem compiling bytecode interpreter on ARM in Thumb mode. - PR#4955: compiler crash when typing recursive type expression with constraint - Module Printf: the simple conversion %F (without width indication) was not treated properly. - Makefile: problem with cygwin, flexdll, and symbolic links - Various build problems with ocamlbuild under Windows with msvc Feature wishes: - PR#9: (tentative implementation) make ocamldebug use #linenum annotations - PR#123, PR#4477: custom exception printers - PR#3456: Obj.double_field and Obj.set_double_field functions - PR#4003: destination directory can be given to Filename.[open_]temp_file - PR#4647: Buffer.blit function - PR#4685: access to Filename.dir_sep - PR#4703: support for debugging embedded applications - PR#4723: "clear_rules" function to empty the set of ocamlbuild rules - PR#4921: configure option to help cross-compilers Objective Caml 3.11.1: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - PR#4095: ocamldebug: strange behaviour of control-C - PR#4403: ocamldebug: improved handling of packed modules - PR#4650: Str.regexp_case_fold mis-handling complemented character sets [^a] - PR#4660: Scanf.format_from_string: handling of double quote - PR#4666: Unix.exec* failure in multithread programs under MacOS X and FreeBSD - PR#4667: debugger out of sync with dynlink changes - PR#4678: random "out of memory" error with systhreads - PR#4690: issue with dynamic loading under MacOS 10.5 - PR#4692: wrong error message with options -i and -pack passed to ocamlc - PR#4699: in otherlibs/dbm, fixed construction of dlldbm.so. - PR#4704: error in caml_modify_generational_global_root() - PR#4708: (ocamldoc) improved printing of infix identifiers such as "lor". - PR#4722: typo in configure script - PR#4729: documented the fact that PF_INET6 is not available on all platforms - PR#4730: incorrect typing involving abbreviation "type 'a t = 'a" - PR#4731: incorrect quoting of arguments passed to the assembler on x86-64 - PR#4735: Unix.LargeFile.fstat cannot report size over 32bits on Win32 - PR#4740: guard against possible processor error in {Int32,Int64,Nativeint}.{div,rem} - PR#4745: type inference wrongly produced non-generalizable type variables. - PR#4749: better pipe size for win32unix - PR#4756: printf: no error reported for wrong format '%_s' - PR#4758: scanf: handling of \ by format '%S' - PR#4766: incorrect simplification of some type abbreviations. - PR#4768: printf: %F does not respect width and precision specifications - PR#4769: Format.bprintf fails to flush - PR#4775: fatal error Ctype.Unify during module type-checking (temporary fix) - PR#4776: bad interaction between exceptions and classes - PR#4780: labltk build problem under Windows. - PR#4790: under Windows, map ERROR_NO_DATA Win32 error to EPIPE Unix error. - PR#4792: bug in Big_int.big_int_of_int64 on 32-bit platforms. - PR#4796: ocamlyacc: missing NUL termination of string - PR#4804: bug in Big_int.int64_of_big_int on 32-bit platforms. - PR#4805: improving compatibility with the clang C compiler - PR#4809: issue with Unix.create_process under Win32 - PR#4814: ocamlbrowser: crash when editing comments - PR#4816: module abbreviations remove 'private' type restrictions - PR#4817: Object type gives error "Unbound type parameter .." - Module Parsing: improved computation of locations when an ocamlyacc rule starts with an empty nonterminal - Type-checker: fixed wrong variance computation for private types - x86-32 code generator, MSVC port: wrong "fld" instruction generated. - ocamlbuild: incorrectly using the compile-time value of $OCAMLLIB - Makefile problem when configured with -no-shared-libs - ocamldoc: use dynamic loading in native code Other changes: - Improved wording of various error messages (contributed by Jonathan Davies, Citrix). - Support for 64-bit mode in Solaris/x86 (PR#4670). Objective Caml 3.11.0: ---------------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*" ) Language features: - Addition of lazy patterns: "lazy " matches suspensions whose values, after forcing, match the pattern . - Introduction of private abbreviation types "type t = private ", for abstracting the actual manifest type in type abbreviations. - Subtyping is now allowed between a private abbreviation and its definition, and between a polymorphic method and its monomorphic instance. Compilers: - The file name for a compilation unit should correspond to a valid identifier (Otherwise dynamic linking and other things can fail, and a warning is emitted.) * Revised -output-obj: the output name must now be provided; its extension must be one of .o/.obj, .so/.dll, or .c for the bytecode compiler. The compilers can now produce a shared library (with all the needed -ccopts/-ccobjs options) directly. - -dtypes renamed to -annot, records (in .annot files) which function calls are tail calls. - All compiler error messages now include a file name and location, for better interaction with Emacs' compilation mode. - Optimized compilation of "lazy e" when the argument "e" is already evaluated. - Optimized compilation of equality tests with a variant constant constructor. - The -dllib options recorded in libraries are no longer ignored when -use_runtime or -use_prims is used (unless -no_auto_link is explicitly used). - Check that at most one of -pack, -a, -shared, -c, -output-obj is given on the command line. - Optimized compilation of private types as regular manifest types (e.g. abbreviation to float, float array or record types with only float fields). Native-code compiler: - New port: Mac OS X / Intel in 64-bit mode (configure with -cc "gcc -m64"). - A new option "-shared" to produce a plugin that can be dynamically loaded with the native version of Dynlink. - A new option "-nodynlink" to enable optimizations valid only for code that is never dynlinked (no-op except for AMD64). - More aggressive unboxing of floats and boxed integers. - Can select which assembler and asm options to use at configuration time. Run-time system: - New implementation of the page table describing the heap (two-level array in 32 bits, sparse hashtable in 64 bits), fixes issues with address space randomization on 64-bit OS (PR#4448). - New "generational" API for registering global memory roots with the GC, enables faster scanning of global roots. (The functions are caml_*_generational_global_root in .) - New function "caml_raise_with_args" to raise an exception with several arguments from C. - Changes in implementation of dynamic linking of C code: under Win32, use Alain Frisch's flexdll implementation of the dlopen API; under MacOSX, use dlopen API instead of MacOSX bundle API. - Programs may now choose a first-fit allocation policy instead of the default next-fit. First-fit reduces fragmentation but is slightly slower in some cases. Standard library: - Parsing library: new function "set_trace" to programmatically turn on or off the printing of a trace during parsing. - Printexc library: new functions "print_backtrace" and "get_backtrace" to obtain a stack backtrace of the most recently raised exception. New function "record_backtrace" to turn the exception backtrace mechanism on or off from within a program. - Scanf library: fine-tuning of meta format implementation; fscanf behaviour revisited: only one input buffer is allocated for any given input channel; the %n conversion does not count a lookahead character as read. Other libraries: - Dynlink: on some platforms, the Dynlink library is now available in native code. The boolean Dynlink.is_native allows the program to know whether it has been compiled in bytecode or in native code. - Bigarrays: added "unsafe_get" and "unsafe_set" (non-bound-checking versions of "get" and "set"). - Bigarrays: removed limitation "array dimension < 2^31". - Labltk: added support for TK 8.5. - Num: added conversions between big_int and int32, nativeint, int64. More efficient implementation of Num.quo_num and Num.mod_num. - Threads: improved efficiency of mutex and condition variable operations; improved interaction with Unix.fork (PR#4577). - Unix: added getsockopt_error returning type Unix.error. Added support for TCP_NODELAY and IPV6_ONLY socket options. - Win32 Unix: "select" now supports all kinds of file descriptors. Improved emulation of "lockf" (PR#4609). Tools: - ocamldebug now supported under Windows (MSVC and Mingw ports), but without the replay feature. (Contributed by Dmitry Bely and Sylvain Le Gall at OCamlCore with support from Lexifi.) - ocamldoc: new option -no-module-constraint-filter to include functions hidden by signature constraint in documentation. - ocamlmklib and ocamldep.opt now available under Windows ports. - ocamlmklib no longer supports the -implib option. - ocamlnat: an experimental native toplevel (not built by default). Camlp4: * programs linked with camlp4lib.cma now also need dynlink.cma. Bug fixes: - Major GC and heap compaction: fixed bug involving lazy values and out-of-heap pointers. - PR#3915: updated most man pages. - PR#4261: type-checking of recursive modules - PR#4308: better stack backtraces for "spontaneous" exceptions such as Stack_overflow, Out_of_memory, etc. - PR#4338: Str.global_substitute, Str.global_replace and the Str.*split* functions are now tail-recursive. - PR#4503: fixed bug in classify_float on ARM. - PR#4512: type-checking of recursive modules - PR#4517: crash in ocamllex-generated lexers. - PR#4542: problem with return value of Unix.nice. - PR#4557: type-checking of recursive modules. - PR#4562: strange %n semantics in scanf. - PR#4564: add note "stack is not executable" to object files generated by ocamlopt (Linux/x86, Linux/AMD64). - PR#4566: bug in Ratio.approx_ratio_fix and Num.approx_num_fix. - PR#4582: clarified the documentation of functions in the String module. - PR#4583: stack overflow in "ocamlopt -g" during closure conversion pass. - PR#4585: ocamldoc and "val virtual" declarations. - PR#4587: ocamldoc and escaped @ characters. - PR#4605: Buffer.add_substitute was sometime wrong when target string had backslashes. - PR#4614: Inconsistent declaration of CamlCBCmd in LablTk library. Objective Caml 3.10.2: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - PR#1217 (partial) Typo in ocamldep man page - PR#3952 (partial) ocamlopt: allocation problems on ARM - PR#4339 (continued) ocamlopt: problems on HPPA - PR#4455 str.mli not installed under Windows - PR#4473 crash when accessing float array with polymorphic method - PR#4480 runtime would not compile without gcc extensions - PR#4481 wrong typing of exceptions with object arguments - PR#4490 typo in error message - Random crash on 32-bit when major_heap_increment >= 2^22 - Big performance bug in Weak hashtables - Small bugs in the make-package-macosx script - Bug in typing of polymorphic variants (reported on caml-list) Objective Caml 3.10.1: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - PR#3830 small bugs in docs - PR#4053 compilers: improved compilation time for large variant types - PR#4174 ocamlopt: fixed ocamlopt -nopervasives - PR#4199 otherlibs: documented a small problem in Unix.utimes - PR#4280 camlp4: parsing of identifier (^) - PR#4281 camlp4: parsing of type constraint - PR#4285 runtime: cannot compile under AIX - PR#4286 ocamlbuild: cannot compile under AIX and SunOS - PR#4288 compilers: including a functor application with side effects - PR#4295 camlp4 toplevel: synchronization after an error - PR#4300 ocamlopt: crash with backtrace and illegal array access - PR#4302 camlp4: list comprehension parsing problem - PR#4304 ocamlbuild: handle -I correctly - PR#4305 stdlib: alignment of Arg.Symbol - PR#4307 camlp4: assertion failure - PR#4312 camlp4: accept "let _ : int = 1" - PR#4313 ocamlbuild: -log and missing directories - PR#4315 camlp4: constraints in classes - PR#4316 compilers: crash with recursive modules and Lazy - PR#4318 ocamldoc: installation problem with Cygwin (tentative fix) - PR#4322 ocamlopt: stack overflow under Windows - PR#4325 compilers: wrong error message for unused var - PR#4326 otherlibs: marshal Big_int on win64 - PR#4327 ocamlbuild: make emacs look for .annot in _build directory - PR#4328 camlp4: stack overflow with nil nodes - PR#4331 camlp4: guards on fun expressions - PR#4332 camlp4: parsing of negative 32/64 bit numbers - PR#4336 compilers: unsafe recursive modules - PR#4337 (note) camlp4: invalid character escapes - PR#4339 ocamlopt: problems on HP-UX (tentative fix) - PR#4340 camlp4: wrong pretty-printing of optional arguments - PR#4348 ocamlopt: crash on Mac Intel - PR#4349 camlp4: bug in private type definitions - PR#4350 compilers: type errors with records and polymorphic variants - PR#4352 compilers: terminal recursion under Windows (tentative fix) - PR#4354 ocamlcp: mismatch with ocaml on polymorphic let - PR#4358 ocamlopt: float constants wrong on ARM - PR#4360 ocamldoc: string inside comment - PR#4365 toplevel: wrong pretty-printing of polymorphic variants - PR#4373 otherlibs: leaks in win32unix - PR#4374 otherlibs: threads module not initialized - PR#4375 configure: fails to build on bytecode-only architectures - PR#4377 runtime: finalisation of infix pointers - PR#4378 ocamlbuild: typo in plugin.ml - PR#4379 ocamlbuild: problem with plugins under Windows - PR#4382 compilers: typing of polymorphic record fields - PR#4383 compilers: including module with private type - PR#4385 stdlib: Int32/Int64.format are unsafe - PR#4386 otherlibs: wrong signal numbers with Unix.sigprocmask etc. - PR#4387 ocamlbuild: build directory not used properly - PR#4392 ocamldep: optional argument of class - PR#4394 otherlibs: infinite loops in Str - PR#4397 otherlibs: wrong size for flag arrays in win32unix - PR#4402 ocamldebug: doesn't work with -rectypes - PR#4410 ocamlbuild: problem with plugin and -build - PR#4411 otherlibs: crash with Unix.access under Windows - PR#4412 stdlib: marshalling broken on 64 bit architectures - PR#4413 ocamlopt: crash on AMD64 with out-of-bound access and reraise - PR#4417 camlp4: pretty-printing of unary minus - PR#4419 camlp4: problem with constraint in type class - PR#4426 compilers: problem with optional labels - PR#4427 camlp4: wrong pretty-printing of lists of functions - PR#4433 ocamlopt: fails to build on MacOSX 10.5 - PR#4435 compilers: crash with objects - PR#4439 fails to build on MacOSX 10.5 - PR#4441 crash when build on sparc64 linux - PR#4442 stdlib: crash with weak pointers - PR#4446 configure: fails to detect X11 on MacOSX 10.5 - PR#4448 runtime: huge page table on 64-bit architectures - PR#4450 compilers: stack overflow with recursive modules - PR#4470 compilers: type-checking of recursive modules too restrictive - PR#4472 configure: autodetection of libX11.so on Fedora x86_64 - printf: removed (partially implemented) positional specifications - polymorphic < and <= comparisons: some C compiler optimizations were causing incorrect results when arguments are incomparable New features: - made configure script work on PlayStation 3 - ARM port: brought up-to-date for Debian 4.0 (Etch) - many other small changes and bugfixes in camlp4, ocamlbuild, labltk, emacs files Objective Caml 3.10.0: ---------------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*" ) Language features: - Added virtual instance variables in classes "val virtual v : t" * Changed the behaviour of instance variable overriding; the new definition replaces the old one, rather than creating a new variable. New tools: - ocamlbuild: compilation manager for OCaml applications and libraries. See draft documentation at http://gallium.inria.fr/~pouillar/ * Camlp4: heavily revised implementation, new API. New ports: - MacOS X PowerPC 64 bits. - MS Windows 64 bits (x64) using the Microsoft PSDK toolchain. - MS Windows 32 bits using the Visual Studio 2005 toolchain. Compilers: - Faster type-checking of functor applications. - Referencing an interface compiled with -rectypes from a module not compiled with -rectypes is now an error. - Revised the "fragile matching" warning. Native-code compiler: - Print a stack backtrace on an uncaught exception. (Compile and link with ocamlopt -g; execute with OCAMLRUNPARAM=b.) Supported on Intel/AMD in 32 and 64 bits, PPC in 32 and 64 bits. - Stack overflow detection on MS Windows 32 bits (courtesy O. Andrieu). - Stack overflow detection on MacOS X PPC and Intel. - Intel/AMD 64 bits: generate position-independent code by default. - Fixed bug involving -for-pack and missing .cmx files (PR#4124). - Fixed bug causing duplication of literals (PR#4152). Run-time system: - C/Caml interface functions take "char const *" arguments instead of "char *" when appropriate. - Faster string comparisons (fast case if strings are ==). Standard library: - Refined typing of format strings (type format6). - Printf, Format: new function ifprintf that consumes its arguments and prints nothing (useful to print conditionally). - Scanf: new function format_from_string to convert a string to a format string; new %r conversion to accomodate user defined scanners. - Filename: improved Win32 implementation of Filename.quote. - List: List.nth now tail-recursive. - Sys: added Sys.is_directory. Some functions (e.g. Sys.command) that could incorrectly raise Sys_io_blocked now raise Sys_error as intended. - String and Char: the function ``escaped'' now escapes all the characters especially handled by the compiler's lexer (PR#4220). Other libraries: - Bigarray: mmap_file takes an optional argument specifying the start position of the data in the mapped file. - Dynlink: now defines only two modules, Dynlink and Dynlinkaux (internal), reducing risks of name conflicts with user modules. - Labltk under Win32: now uses Tcl/Tk 8.4 instead of 8.3 by default. - VM threads: improved performance of I/O operations (less polling). - Unix: new function Unix.isatty. - Unix emulation under Win32: fixed incorrect error reporting in several functions (PR#4097); better handling of channels opened on sockets (PR#4098); fixed GC bug in Unix.system (PR#4112). Documentation generator (OCamldoc): - correctly handle '?' in value names (PR#4215) - new option -hide-warnings not to print ocamldoc warnings Lexer generator (ocamllex): improved error reporting. License: fixed a typo in the "special exception" to the LGPL. Objective Caml 3.09.3: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - ocamldoc: -using modtype constraint to filter module elements displayed in doc PR#4016 - ocamldoc: error in merging of top dependencies of modules PR#4007 - ocamldoc: -dot-colors has no effect PR#3981 - ocamdloc: missing crossref in text from intro files PR#4066 - compilers: segfault with recursive modules PR#4008 - compilers: infinite loop when compiling objects PR#4018 - compilers: bad error message when signature mismatch PR#4001 - compilers: infinite loop with -rectypes PR#3999 - compilers: contravariance bug in private rows - compilers: unsafe cast with polymorphic exception PR#4002 - native compiler: bad assembly code generated for AMD64 PR#4067 - native compiler: stack alignment problems on MacOSX/i386 PR#4036 - stdlib: crash in marshalling PR#4030 - stdlib: crash when closing a channel twice PR#4039 - stdlib: memory leak in Sys.readdir PR#4093 - C interface: better definition of CAMLreturn PR#4068 - otherlibs/unix: crash in gethostbyname PR#3043 - tools: subtle problem with unset in makefile PR#4048 - camlp4: install pa_o_fast.o PR#3812 - camlp4: install more modules PR#3689 New features: - ocamldoc: name resolution in cross-referencing {!name}: if name is not found, then it is searched in the parent module/class, and in the parent of the parent, and so on until it is found. - ocamldoc: new option -short-functors to use a short form to display functors in html generator PR#4017 - ocamlprof: added "-version" option Objective Caml 3.09.2: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - Makefile: problem with "make world.opt" PR#3954 - compilers: problem compiling several modules with one command line PR#3979 - compilers,ocamldoc: error message that Emacs cannot parse - compilers: crash when printing type error PR#3968 - compilers: -dtypes wrong for monomorphic type variables PR#3894 - compilers: wrong warning on optional arguments PR#3980 - compilers: crash when wrong use of type constructor in let rec PR#3976 - compilers: better wording of "statement never returns" warning PR#3889 - runtime: inefficiency of signal handling PR#3990 - runtime: crashes with I/O in multithread programs PR#3906 - camlp4: empty file name in error messages PR#3886 - camlp4: stack overflow PR#3948 - otherlibs/labltk: ocamlbrowser ignores its command line options PR#3961 - otherlibs/unix: Unix.times wrong under Mac OS X PR#3960 - otherlibs/unix: wrong doc for execvp and execvpe PR#3973 - otherlibs/win32unix: random crash in Unix.stat PR#3998 - stdlib: update_mod not found under Windows PR#3847 - stdlib: Filename.dirname/basename wrong on Win32 PR#3933 - stdlib: incomplete documentation of Pervasives.abs PR#3967 - stdlib: Printf bugs PR#3902, PR#3955 - tools/checkstack.c: missing include - yacc: crash when given argument "-" PR#3956 New features: - ported to MacOS X on Intel PR#3985 - configure: added support for GNU Hurd PR#3991 Objective Caml 3.09.1: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - compilers: raise not_found with -principal PR#3855 - compilers: assert failure in typeclass.cml PR#3856 - compilers: assert failure in typing/ctype.ml PR#3909 - compilers: fatal error exception Ctype.Unify PR#3918 - compilers: spurious warning Y in objects PR#3868 - compilers: spurious warning Z on loop index PR#3907 - compilers: error message that emacs cannot parse - ocamlopt: problems with -for-pack/-pack PR#3825, PR#3826, PR#3919 - ocamlopt: can't produce shared libraries on x86_64 PR#3869, PR#3924 - ocamlopt: float alignment problem on SPARC PR#3944 - ocamlopt: can't compile on MIPS PR#3936 - runtime: missing dependence for ld.conf - runtime: missing dependence for .depend.nt PR#3880 - runtime: memory leak in caml_register_named_value PR#3940 - runtime: crash in Marshal.to_buffer PR#3879 - stdlib: Sys.time giving wrong results on Mac OS X PR#3850 - stdlib: Weak.get_copy causing random crashes in rare cases - stdlib, debugger, labltk: use TMPDIR if set PR#3895 - stdlib: scanf bug on int32 and nativeint PR#3932 - camlp4: mkcamlp4 option parsing problem PR#3941 - camlp4: bug in pretty-printing of lazy/assert/new - camlp4: update the unmaintained makefile for _loc name - ocamldoc: several fixes see ocamldoc/Changes.txt - otherlibs/str: bug in long sequences of alternatives PR#3783 - otherlibs/systhreads: deadlock in Windows PR#3910 - tools: update dumpobj to handle new event format PR#3873 - toplevel: activate warning Y in toplevel PR#3832 New features: - otherlibs/labltk: browser uses menu bars instead of menu buttons Objective Caml 3.09.0: ---------------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*" ) Language features: - Introduction of private row types, for abstracting the row in object and variant types. Type checking: - Polymorphic variants with at most one constructor [< `A of t] are no longer systematically promoted to the exact type [`A of t]. This was more confusing than useful, and created problems with private row types. Both compilers: - Added warnings 'Y' and 'Z' for local variables that are bound but never used. - Added warning for some uses non-returning functions (e.g. raise), when they are passed extra arguments, or followed by extra statements. - Pattern matching: more prudent compilation in case of guards; fixed PR#3780. - Compilation of classes: reduction in size of generated code. - Compilation of "module rec" definitions: fixed a bad interaction with structure coercion (to a more restrictive signature). Native-code compiler (ocamlopt): * Revised implementation of the -pack option (packing of several compilation units into one). The .cmx files that are to be packed with "ocamlopt -pack -o P.cmx" must be compiled with "ocamlopt -for-pack P". In exchange for this additional constraint, ocamlopt -pack is now available on all platforms (no need for binutils). * Fixed wrong evaluation order for arguments to certain inlined functions. - Modified code generation for "let rec ... and ..." to reduce compilation time (which was quadratic in the number of mutually-recursive functions). - x86 port: support tail-calls for functions with up to 21 arguments. - AMD64 port, Linux: recover from system stack overflow. - Sparc port: more portable handling of out-of-bound conditions on systems other than Solaris. Standard library: - Pervasives: faster implementation of close_in, close_out. set_binary_mode_{out,in} now working correctly under Cygwin. - Printf: better handling of partial applications of the printf functions. - Scanf: new function sscanf_format to read a format from a string. The type of the resulting format is dynamically checked and should be the type of the template format which is the second argument. - Scanf: no more spurious lookahead attempt when the end of file condition is set and a correct token has already been read and could be returned. Other libraries: - System threads library: added Thread.sigmask; fixed race condition in signal handling. - Bigarray library: fixed bug in Array3.of_array. - Unix library: use canonical signal numbers in results of Unix.wait*; hardened Unix.establish_server against EINTR errors. Run-time system: - Support platforms where sizeof(void *) = 8 and sizeof(long) = 4. - Improved and cleaned up implementation of signal handling. Replay debugger: - Improved handling of locations in source code. OCamldoc: - extensible {foo } syntax - user can give .txt files on the command line, containing ocamldoc formatted text, to be able to include bigger texts out of source files - -o option is now used by the html generator to indicate the prefix of generated index files (to avoid conflict when a Index module exists on case-insensitive file systems). Miscellaneous: - Configuration information is installed in `ocamlc -where`/Makefile.config and can be used by client Makefiles or shell scripts. Objective Caml 3.08.4: ---------------------- New features: - configure: find X11 config in some 64-bit Linux distribs - ocamldoc: (**/**) can be canceled with another (**/**) PR#3665 - graphics: added resize_window - graphics: check for invalid arguments to drawing primitives PR#3595 - ocamlbrowser: use windows subsystem on mingw Bug fixes: - ocamlopt: code generation problem on AMD64 PR#3640 - wrong code generated for some classes PR#3576 - fatal error when compiling some OO code PR#3745 - problem with comparison on constant constructors PR#3608 - camlp4: cryptic error message PR#3592 - camlp4: line numbers in multi-line antiquotations PR#3549 - camlp4: problem with make depend - camlp4: parse error with :> PR#3561 - camlp4: ident conversion problem with val/contents/contents__ - camlp4: several small parsing problems PR#3688 - ocamldebug: handling of spaces in executable file name PR#3736 - emacs-mode: problem when caml-types-buffer is deleted by user PR#3704 - ocamldoc: extra backslash in ocamldoc man page PR#3687 - ocamldoc: improvements to HTML display PR#3698 - ocamldoc: escaping of @ in info files - ocamldoc: escaping of . and \ in man pages PR#3686 - ocamldoc: better error reporting of misplaced comments - graphics: fixed .depend file PR#3558 - graphics: segfault with threads and graphics PR#3651 - nums: several bugs: PR#3718, PR#3719, others - nums: inline asm problems with gcc 4.0 PR#3604, PR#3637 - threads: problem with backtrace - unix: problem with getaddrinfo PR#3565 - stdlib: documentation of Int32.rem and Int64.rem PR#3573 - stdlib: documentation of List.rev_map2 PR#3685 - stdlib: wrong order in Map.fold PR#3607 - stdlib: documentation of maximum float array length PR#3714 - better detection of cycles when using -rectypes - missing case of module equality PR#3738 - better error messages for unbound type variables - stack overflow while printing type error message PR#3705 - assert failure when typing some classes PR#3638 - bug in type_approx - better error messages related to type variance checking - yacc: avoid name capture for idents of the Parsing module Objective Caml 3.08.3: ---------------------- New features: - support for ocamlopt -pack under Mac OS X (PR#2634, PR#3320) - ignore unknown warning options for forward and backward compatibility - runtime: export caml_compare_unordered (PR#3479) - camlp4: install argl.* files (PR#3439) - ocamldoc: add -man-section option - labltk: add the "solid" relief option (PR#3343) Bug fixes: - typing: fix unsoundness in type declaration variance inference. Type parameters which are constrained must now have an explicit variant annotation, otherwise they are invariant. This is not backward compatible, so this might break code which either uses subtyping or uses the relaxed value restriction (i.e. was not typable before 3.07) - typing: erroneous partial match warning for polymorphic variants (PR#3424) - runtime: handle the case of an empty command line (PR#3409, PR#3444) - stdlib: make Sys.executable_name an absolute path in native code (PR#3303) - runtime: fix memory leak in finalise.c - runtime: auto-trigger compaction even if gc is called manually (PR#3392) - stdlib: fix segfault in Obj.dup on zero-sized values (PR#3406) - camlp4: correct parsing of the $ identifier (PR#3310, PR#3469) - windows (MS tools): use link /lib instead of lib (PR#3333) - windows (MS tools): change default install destination - autoconf: better checking of SSE2 instructions (PR#3329, PR#3330) - graphics: make close_graph close the X display as well as the window (PR#3312) - num: fix big_int_of_string (empty string) (PR#3483) - num: fix big bug on 64-bit architecture (PR#3299) - str: better documentation of string_match and string_partial_match (PR#3395) - unix: fix file descriptor leak in Unix.accept (PR#3423) - unix: miscellaneous clean-ups - unix: fix documentation of Unix.tm (PR#3341) - graphics: fix problem when allocating lots of images under Windows (PR#3433) - compiler: fix error message with -pack when .cmi is missing (PR#3028) - cygwin: fix problem with compilation of camlheader (PR#3485) - stdlib: Filename.basename doesn't return an empty string any more (PR#3451) - stdlib: better documentation of Open_excl flag (PR#3450) - ocamlcp: accept -thread option (PR#3511) - ocamldep: handle spaces in file names (PR#3370) - compiler: remove spurious warning in pattern-matching on variants (PR#3424) - windows: better handling of InterpreterPath registry entry (PR#3334, PR#3432) Objective Caml 3.08.2: ---------------------- Bug fixes: - runtime: memory leak when unmarshalling big data structures (PR#3247) - camlp4: incorrect line numbers in errors (PR#3188) - emacs: xemacs-specific code, wrong call to "sit-for" - ocamldoc: "Lexing: empty token" (PR#3173) - unix: problem with close_process_* (PR#3191) - unix: possible coredumps (PR#3252) - stdlib: wrong order in Set.fold (PR#3161) - ocamlcp: array out of bounds in profiled programs (PR#3267) - yacc: problem with polymorphic variant types for grammar entries (PR#3033) Misc: - export for caml_format_exception (PR#3080) - clean up caml_search_exe_in_path (maybe PR#3079) - camlp4: new function "make_lexer" for new-style locations - unix: added missing #includes (PR#3088) Objective Caml 3.08.1: ---------------------- Licence: - The emacs files are now under GPL - Slightly relaxed some conditions of the QPL Bug fixes: - ld.conf now generated at compile-time instead of install-time - fixed -pack on Windows XP (PR#2935) - fixed Obj.tag (PR#2946) - added support for multiple dlopen in Darwin - run ranlib when installing camlp4 libraries (PR#2944) - link camlp4opt with -linkall (PR#2949) - camlp4 parsing of patterns now conforms to normal parsing (PR#3015) - install camlp4 *.cmx files (PR#2955) - fixed handling of linefeed in string constants in camlp4 (PR#3074) - ocamldoc: fixed display of class parameters in HTML and LaTeX (PR#2994) - ocamldoc: fixed display of link to class page in html (PR#2994) - Windows toplevel GUI: assorted fixes (including PR#2932) Misc: - added -v option to ocamllex - ocamldoc: new -intf and -impl options supported (PR#3036) Objective Caml 3.08.0: ---------------------- (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*" ) Language features: - Support for immediate objects, i.e. objects defined without going through a class. (Syntax is "object end".) Type-checking: - When typing record construction and record patterns, can omit the module qualification on all labels except one. I.e. { M.l1 = ...; l2 = ... } is interpreted as { M.l1 = ...; M.l2 = ... } Both compilers: - More compact compilation of classes. - Much more efficient handling of class definitions inside functors or local modules. - Simpler representation for method tables. Objects can now be marshaled between identical programs with the flag Marshal.Closures. - Improved error messages for objects and variants. - Improved printing of inferred module signatures (toplevel and ocamlc -i). Recursion between type, class, class type and module definitions is now correctly printed. - The -pack option now accepts compiled interfaces (.cmi files) in addition to compiled implementations (.cmo or .cmx). * A compile-time error is signaled if an integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers. - Fixed code generation error for "module rec" definitions. - The combination of options -c -o sets the name of the generated .cmi / .cmo / .cmx files. Bytecode compiler: - Option -output-obj is now compatible with Dynlink and with embedded toplevels. Native-code compiler: - Division and modulus by zero correctly raise exception Division_by_zero (instead of causing a hardware trap). - Improved compilation time for the register allocation phase. - The float constant -0.0 was incorrectly treated as +0.0 on some processors. - AMD64: fixed bugs in asm glue code for GC invocation and exception raising from C. - IA64: fixed incorrect code generated for "expr mod 1". - PowerPC: minor performance tweaks for the G4 and G5 processors. Standard library: * Revised handling of NaN floats in polymorphic comparisons. The polymorphic boolean-valued comparisons (=, <, >, etc) now treat NaN as uncomparable, as specified by the IEEE standard. The 3-valued comparison (compare) treats NaN as equal to itself and smaller than all other floats. As a consequence, x == y no longer implies x = y but still implies compare x y = 0. * String-to-integer conversions now fail if the result overflows the range of integers representable in the result type. * All array and string access functions now raise Invalid_argument("index out of bounds") when a bounds check fails. In earlier releases, different exceptions were raised in bytecode and native-code. - Module Buffer: new functions Buffer.sub, Buffer.nth - Module Int32: new functions Int32.bits_of_float, Int32.float_of_bits. - Module Map: new functions is_empty, compare, equal. - Module Set: new function split. * Module Gc: in-order finalisation, new function finalise_release. Other libraries: - The Num library: complete reimplementation of the C/asm lowest layer to work around potential licensing problems. Improved speed on the PowerPC and AMD64 architectures. - The Graphics library: improved event handling under MS Windows. - The Str library: fixed bug in "split" functions with nullable regexps. - The Unix library: . Added Unix.single_write. . Added support for IPv6. . Bug fixes in Unix.closedir. . Allow thread switching on Unix.lockf. Runtime System: * Name space depollution: all global C identifiers are now prefixed with "caml" to avoid name clashes with other libraries. This includes the "external" primitives of the standard runtime. Ports: - Windows ports: many improvements in the OCamlWin toplevel application (history, save inputs to file, etc). Contributed by Christopher A. Watford. - Native-code compilation supported for HPPA/Linux. Contributed by Guy Martin. - Removed support for MacOS9. Mac OS 9 is obsolete and the port was not updated since 3.05. - Removed ocamlopt support for HPPA/Nextstep and Power/AIX. Ocamllex: - #line directives in the input file are now accepted. - Added character set concatenation operator "cset1 # cset2". Ocamlyacc: - #line directives in the input file are now accepted. Camlp4: * Support for new-style locations (line numbers, not just character numbers). - See camlp4/CHANGES and camlp4/ICHANGES for more info. Objective Caml 3.07: -------------------- Language features: - Experimental support for recursive module definitions module rec A : SIGA = StructA and B : SIGB = StructB and ... - Support for "private types", or more exactly concrete data types with private constructors or labels. These data types can be de-structured normally in pattern matchings, but values of these types cannot be constructed directly outside of their defining module. - Added integer literals of types int32, nativeint, int64 (written with an 'l', 'n' or 'L' suffix respectively). Type-checking: - Allow polymorphic generalization of covariant parts of expansive expressions. For instance, if f: unit -> 'a list, "let x = f ()" gives "x" the generalized type forall 'a. 'a list, instead of '_a list as before. - The typing of polymorphic variants in pattern matching has changed. It is intended to be more regular, sticking to the principle of "closing only the variants which would be otherwise incomplete". Two potential consequences: (1) some types may be left open which were closed before, and the resulting type might not match the interface anymore (expected to be rare); (2) in some cases an incomplete match may be generated. - Lots of bug fixes in the handling of polymorphism and recursion inside types. - Added a new "-dtypes" option to ocamlc/ocamlopt, and an emacs extension "emacs/caml-types.el". The compiler option saves inferred type information to file *.annot, and the emacs extension allows the user to look at the type of any subexpression in the source file. Works even in the case of a type error (all the types computed up to the error are available). This new feature is also supported by ocamlbrowser. - Disable "method is overridden" warning when the method was explicitly redefined as virtual beforehand (i.e. not through inheritance). Typing and semantics are unchanged. Both compilers: - Added option "-dtypes" to dump detailed type information to a file. - The "-i" option no longer generates compiled files, it only prints the inferred types. - The sources for the module named "Mod" can be placed either in Mod.ml or in mod.ml. - Compilation of "let rec" on non-functional values: tightened some checks, relaxed some other checks. - Fixed wrong code that was generated for "for i = a to max_int" or "for i = a downto min_int". - An explicit interface Mod.mli can now be provided for the module obtained by ocamlc -pack -o Mod.cmo ... or ocamlopt -pack -o Mod.cmx ... - Revised internal handling of source code locations, now handles preprocessed code better. - Pattern-matching bug on float literals fixed. - Minor improvements on pattern-matching over variants. - More efficient compilation of string comparisons and the "compare" function. - More compact code generated for arrays of constants. - Fixed GC bug with mutable record fields of type "exn". - Added warning "E" for "fragile patterns": pattern matchings that would not be flagged as partial if new constructors were added to the data type. Bytecode compiler: - Added option -vmthread to select the threads library with VM-level scheduling. The -thread option now selects the system threads library. Native-code compiler: - New port: AMD64 (Opteron). - Fixed instruction selection bug on expressions of the kind (raise Exn)(arg). - Several bug fixes in ocamlopt -pack (tracking of imported modules, command line too long). - Signal handling bug fixed. - x86 port: Added -ffast-math option to use inline trigo and log functions. Small performance tweaks for the Pentium 4. Fixed illegal "imul" instruction generated by reloading phase. - Sparc port: Enhanced code generation for Sparc V8 (option -march=v8) and Sparc V9 (option -march=v9). Profiling support added for Solaris. - PowerPC port: Keep stack 16-aligned for compatibility with C calling conventions. Toplevel interactive system: - Tightened interface consistency checks between .cmi files, .cm[oa] files loaded by #load, and the running toplevel. - #trace on mutually-recursive functions was broken, works again. - Look for .ocamlinit file in home directory in addition to the current dir. Standard library: - Match_failure and Assert_failure exceptions now report (file, line, column), instead of (file, starting char, ending char). - float_of_string, int_of_string: some ill-formed input strings were not rejected. - Added format concatenation, string_of_format, format_of_string. - Module Arg: added new option handlers Set_string, Set_int, Set_float, Symbol, Tuple. - Module Format: tag handling is now turned off by default, use [Format.set_tags true] to activate. - Modules Lexing and Parsing: added better handling of positions in source file. Added function Lexing.flush_input. - Module Scanf: %n and %N formats to count characters / items read so far; assorted bug fixes, %! to match end of input. New ``_'' special flag to skip reresulting value. - Module Format: tags are not activated by default. - Modules Set and Map: fixed bugs causing trees to become unbalanced. - Module Printf: less restrictive typing of kprintf. - Module Random: better seeding; functions to generate random int32, int64, nativeint; added support for explicit state management. - Module Sys: added Sys.readdir for reading the contents of a directory. Runtime system: - output_value/input_value: fixed bug with large blocks (>= 4 Mwords) produced on a 64-bit platform and incorrectly read back on a 32-bit platform. - Fixed memory compaction bug involving input_value. - Added MacOS X support for dynamic linking of C libraries. - Improved stack backtraces on uncaught exceptions. - Fixed float alignment problem on Sparc V9 with gcc 3.2. Other libraries: - Dynlink: By default, dynamically-loaded code now has access to all modules defined by the program; new functions Dynlink.allow_only and Dynlink.prohibit implement access control. Fixed Dynlink problem with files generated with ocamlc -pack. Protect against references to modules not yet fully initialized. - LablTK/CamlTK: added support for TCL/TK 8.4. - Str: reimplemented regexp matching engine, now less buggy, faster, and LGPL instead of GPL. - Graphics: fixed draw_rect and fill_rect bug under X11. - System threads and bytecode threads libraries can be both installed. - System threads: better implementation of Thread.exit. - Bytecode threads: fixed two library initialization bugs. - Unix: make Unix.openfile blocking to account for named pipes; GC bug in Unix.*stat fixed; fixed problem with Unix.dup2 on Windows. Ocamllex: - Can name parts of the matched input text, e.g. "0" (['0'-'7']+ as s) { ... s ... } Ocamldebug: - Handle programs that run for more than 2^30 steps. Emacs mode: - Added file caml-types.el to interactively display the type information saved by option -dtypes. Win32 ports: - Cygwin port: recognize \ as directory separator in addition to / - MSVC port: ocamlopt -pack works provided GNU binutils are installed. - Graphics library: fixed bug in Graphics.blit_image; improved event handling. OCamldoc: - new ty_code field for types, to keep code of a type (with option -keep-code) - new ex_code field for types, to keep code of an exception (with option -keep-code) - some fixes in html generation - don't overwrite existing style.css file when generating HTML - create the ocamldoc.sty file when generating LaTeX (if nonexistent) - man pages are now installed in man/man3 rather than man/mano - fix: empty [] in generated HTML indexes Objective Caml 3.06: -------------------- Type-checking: - Apply value restriction to polymorphic record fields. Run-time system: - Fixed GC bug affecting lazy values. Both compilers: - Added option "-version" to print just the version number. - Fixed wrong dependencies in .cmi generated with the -pack option. Native-code compiler: - Fixed wrong return value for inline bigarray assignments. Libraries: - Unix.getsockopt: make sure result is a valid boolean. Tools: - ocamlbrowser: improved error reporting; small Win32 fixes. Windows ports: - Fixed two problems with the Mingw port under Cygwin 1.3. Objective Caml 3.05: -------------------- Language features: - Support for polymorphic methods and record fields. - Allows _ separators in integer and float literals, e.g. 1_000_000. Type-checker: - New flag -principal to enforce principality of type inference. - Fixed subtle typing bug with higher-order functors. - Fixed several complexity problems; changed (again) the behaviour of simple coercions. - Fixed various bugs with objects and polymorphic variants. - Improved some error messages. Both compilers: - Added option "-pack" to assemble several compilation units as one unit having the given units as sub-modules. - More precise detection of unused sub-patterns in "or" patterns. - Warnings for ill-formed \ escapes in string and character literals. - Protect against spaces and other special characters in directory names. - Added interface consistency check when building a .cma or .cmxa library. - Minor reduction in code size for class initialization code. - Added option "-nostdlib" to ignore standard library entirely. Bytecode compiler: - Fixed issue with ocamlc.opt and dynamic linking. Native-code compiler: - Added link-time check for multiply-defined module names. - Fixed GC bug related to constant constructors of polymorphic variant types. - Fixed compilation bug for top-level "include" statements. - PowerPC port: work around limited range for relative branches, thus removing assembler failures on large functions. - IA64 port: fixed code generation bug for 3-way constructor matching. Toplevel interactive system: - Can load object files given on command line before starting up. - ocamlmktop: minimized possibility of name clashes with user-provided modules. Run-time system: - Minor garbage collector no longer recursive. - Better support for lazy data in the garbage collector. - Fixed issues with the heap compactor. - Fixed issues with finalized Caml values. - The type "int64" is now supported on all platforms: we use software emulation if the C compiler doesn't support 64-bit integers. - Support for float formats that are neither big-endian nor little-endian (one known example: the ARM). - Fixed bug in callback*_exn functions in the exception-catching case. - Work around gcc 2.96 bug on RedHat 7.2 and Mandrake 8.0, 8.1 among others. - Stub DLLs now installed in subdir stublibs/ of standard library dir. Standard library: - Protect against integer overflow in sub-string and sub-array bound checks. - New module Complex implementing arithmetic over complex numbers. - New module Scanf implementing format-based scanning a la scanf() in C. - Module Arg: added alternate entry point Arg.parse_argv. - Modules Char, Int32, Int64, Nativeint, String: added type "t" and function "compare" so that these modules can be used directly with e.g. Set.Make. - Module Digest: fixed issue with Digest.file on large files (>= 1Gb); added Digest.to_hex. - Module Filename: added Filename.open_temp_file to atomically create and open the temp file; improved security of Filename.temp_file. - Module Genlex: allow _ as first character of an identifier. - Module Lazy: more efficient implementation. - Module Lexing: improved performances for very large tokens. - Module List: faster implementation of sorting functions. - Module Printf: added %S and %C formats (quoted, escaped strings and characters); added kprintf (calls user-specified continuation on formatted string). - Module Queue: faster implementation (courtesy of Francois Pottier). - Module Random: added Random.bool. - Module Stack: added Stack.is_empty. - Module Pervasives: added sub-module LargeFile to support files larger than 1Gb (file offsets are int64 rather than int); opening in "append" mode automatically sets "write" mode; files are now opened in close-on-exec mode; string_of_float distinguishes its output from a plain integer; faster implementation of input_line for long lines. - Module Sys: added Sys.ocaml_version containing the OCaml version number; added Sys.executable_name containing the (exact) path of the file being executable; Sys.argv.(0) is now unchanged w.r.t. what was provided as 0-th argument by the shell. - Module Weak: added weak hash tables. Other libraries: - Bigarray: support for bigarrays of complex numbers; added functions Genarray.dims, {Genarray,Array1,Array2,Array3}.{kind,layout}. - Dynlink: fixed bug with loading of mixed-mode Caml/C libraries. - LablTK: now supports also the CamlTK API (no labels); support for Activate and Deactivate events; support for virtual events; added UTF conversion; export the tcl interpreter as caml value, to avoid DLL dependencies. - Unix: added sub-module LargeFile to support files larger than 1Gb (file offsets are int64 rather than int); added POSIX opening flags (O_NOCTTY, O_*SYNC); use reentrant functions for gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr when available; fixed bug in Unix.close_process and Unix.close_process_full; removed some overhead in Unix.select. Tools: - ocamldoc (the documentation generator) is now part of the distribution. - Debugger: now supports the option -I +dir. - ocamllex: supports the same identifiers as ocamlc; warns for bad \ escapes in strings and characters. - ocamlbrowser: recenter the module boxes when showing a cross-reference; include the current directory in the ocaml path. Windows port: - Can now compile with Mingw (the GNU compilers without the Cygwin runtime library) in addition to MSVC. - Toplevel GUI: wrong filenames were given to #use and #load commands; read_line() was buggy for short lines (2 characters or less). - OCamlBrowser: now fully functional. - Graphics library: fixed several bugs in event handling. - Threads library: fixed preemption bug. - Unix library: better handling of the underlying differences between sockets and regular file descriptors; added Unix.lockf and a better Unix.rename (thanks to Tracy Camp). - LablTk library: fixed a bug in Fileinput Objective Caml 3.04: -------------------- Type-checker: - Allowed coercing self to the type of the current class, avoiding an obscure error message about "Self type cannot be unified..." Both compilers: - Use OCAMLLIB environment variable to find standard library, falls back on CAMLLIB if not defined. - Report out-of-range ASCII escapes in character or string literals such as "\256". Byte-code compiler: - The -use-runtime and -make-runtime flags are back by popular demand (same behavior as in 3.02). - Dynamic loading (of the C part of mixed Caml/C libraries): arrange that linking in -custom mode uses the static libraries for the C parts, not the shared libraries, for maximal robustness and compatibility with 3.02. Native-code compiler: - Fixed bug in link-time consistency checking. Tools: - ocamlyacc: added parser debugging support (set OCAMLRUNPARAM=p to get a trace of the pushdown automaton actions). - ocamlcp: was broken in 3.03 (Sys_error), fixed. Run-time system: - More work on dynamic loading of the C part of mixed Caml/C libraries. - On uncaught exception, flush output channels before printing exception message and backtrace. - Corrected several errors in exception backtraces. Standard library: - Pervasives: integer division and modulus are now fully specified on negative arguments (with round-towards-zero semantics). - Pervasives.float_of_string: now raises Failure on ill-formed input. - Pervasives: added useful float constants max_float, min_float, epsilon_float. - printf functions in Printf and Format: added % formats for int32, nativeint, int64; "*" in width and precision specifications now supported (contributed by Thorsten Ohl). - Added Hashtbl.copy, Stack.copy. - Hashtbl: revised resizing strategy to avoid quadratic behavior on Hashtbl.add. - New module MoreLabels providing labelized versions of modules Hashtbl, Map and Set. - Pervasives.output_value and Marshal.to_* : improved hashing strategy for internal data structures, avoid excessive slowness on quasi-linearly-allocated inputs. Other libraries: - Num: fixed bug in big integer exponentiation (Big_int.power_*). Windows port: - New GUI for interactive toplevel (Jacob Navia). - The Graphics library is now available for stand-alone executables (Jacob Navia). - Unix library: improved reporting of system error codes. - Fixed error in "globbing" of * and ? patterns on command line. Emacs mode: small fixes; special color highlighting for ocamldoc comments. License: added special exception to the LGPL'ed code (libraries and runtime system) allowing unrestricted linking, whether static or dynamic. Objective Caml 3.03 ALPHA: -------------------------- Language: - Removed built-in syntactic sugar for streams and stream patterns [< ... >], now supported via CamlP4, which is now included in the distribution. - Switched the default behaviour to labels mode (labels are compulsory), but allows omitting labels when a function application is complete. -nolabels mode is available but deprecated for programming. (See also scrapelabels and addlabels tools below.) - Removed all labels in the standard libraries, except labltk. Labelized versions are kept for ArrayLabels, ListLabels, StringLabels and UnixLabels. "open StdLabels" gives access to the first three. - Extended polymorphic variant type syntax, allowing union types and row abbreviations for both sub- and super-types. #t deprecated in types. - See the Upgrading file for how to adapt to all the changes above. Type-checker: - Fixed obscure bug in module typing causing the type-checker to loop on signatures of the form module type M module A: sig module type T = sig module T: M end end module B: A.T - Improved efficiency of module type-checking via lazy computation of certain signature summary information. - An empty polymorphic variant type is now an error. Both compilers: - Fixed wrong code generated for "struct include M ... end" when M contains one or several "external" declarations. Byte-code compiler: - Protect against VM stack overflow caused by module initialization code with many local variables. - Support for dynamic loading of the C part of mixed Caml/C libraries. - Removed the -use-runtime and -make-runtime flags, obsoleted by dynamic loading of C libraries. Native-code compiler: - Attempt to recover gracefully from system stack overflow. Currently works on x86 under Linux and BSD. - Alpha: work around "as" bug in Tru64 5.1. Toplevel environment: - Revised printing of inferred types and evaluation results so that an external printer (e.g. Camlp4's) can be hooked in. Tools: - The CamlP4 pre-processor-pretty-printer is now included in the standard distribution. - New tool ocamlmklib to help build mixed Caml/C libraries. - New tool scrapelabels and addlabels, to either remove (non-optional) labels in interfaces, or automatically add them in the definitions. They provide easy transition from classic mode ocaml 3.02 sources, depending on whether you want to keep labels or not. - ocamldep: added -pp option to handle preprocessed source files. Run-time system: - Support for dynamic loading of the C part of mixed Caml/C libraries. Currently works under Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, Tru64, Solaris and Irix. - Implemented registration of global C roots with a skip list, runs much faster when there are many global C roots. - Autoconfiguration script: fixed wrong detection of Mac OS X; problem with the Sparc, gcc 3.0, and float alignment fixed. Standard library: - Added Pervasives.flush_all to flush all opened output channels. Other libraries: - All libraries revised to allow dynamic loading of the C part. - Graphics under X Windows: revised event handling, should no longer lose mouse events between two calls to wait_next_event(); wait_next_event() now interruptible by signals. - Bigarrays: fixed bug in marshaling of big arrays. Windows port: - Fixed broken Unix.{get,set}sockopt* Objective Caml 3.02: -------------------- Both compilers: - Fixed embarrassing bug in pattern-matching compilation (affected or-patterns containing variable bindings). - More optimizations in pattern-matching compilation. Byte-code compiler: - Protect against VM stack overflow caused by functions with many local variables. Native-code compiler: - Removed re-sharing of string literals, causes too many surprises with in-place string modifications. - Corrected wrong compilation of toplevel "include" statements. - Fixed bug in runtime function "callbackN_exn". - Signal handlers receive the conventional signal number as argument instead of the system signal number (same behavior as with the bytecode compiler). - ARM port: fixed issue with immediate operand overflow in large functions. Toplevel environment: - User-definer printers (for #install_printer) now receive as first argument the pretty-printer formatter where to print their second argument. Old printers (with only one argument) still supported for backward compatibility. Standard library: - Module Hashtbl: added Hashtbl.fold. Other libraries: - Dynlink: better error reporting in add_interfaces for missing .cmi files. - Graphics: added more drawing functions (multiple points, polygons, multiple lines, splines). - Bytecode threads: the module Unix is now thread-safe, ThreadUnix is deprecated. Unix.exec* now resets standard descriptors to blocking mode. - Native threads: fixed a context-switch-during-GC problem causing certain C runtime functions to fail, most notably input_value. - Unix.inet_addr_of_string: call inet_aton() when available so as to handle correctly the address - Unix: added more getsockopt and setsockopt functions to get/set options that have values other than booleans. - Num: added documentation for the Big_int module. Tools: - ocamldep: fixed wrong dependency issue with nested modules. Run-time system: - Removed floating-point error at start-up on some non-IEEE platforms (e.g. FreeBSD prior to 4.0R). - Stack backtrace mechanism now works for threads that terminate on an uncaught exception. Auto-configuration: - Updated config.guess and config.sub scripts, should recognize a greater number of recent platform. Windows port: - Fixed broken Unix.waitpid. Unix.file_descr can now be compared or hashed. - Toplevel application: issue with spaces in name of stdlib directory fixed. MacOS 9 port: - Removed the last traces of support for 68k Objective Caml 3.01: -------------------- New language features: - Variables are allowed in "or" patterns, e.g. match l with [t] | [_;t] -> ... t ... - "include " to re-export all components of a structure inside another structure. - Variance annotation on parameters of type declarations, e.g. type (+'a,-'b,'c) t (covariant in 'a, contravariant in 'b, invariant in 'c) New ports: - Intel IA64/Itanium under Linux (including the native-code compiler). - Cygwin under MS Windows. This port is an alternative to the earlier Windows port of OCaml, which relied on MS compilers; the Cygwin Windows port does not need MS Visual C++ nor MASM, runs faster in bytecode, and has a better implementation of the Unix library, but currently lacks threads and COM component support. Type-checking: - Relaxed "monomorphic restriction" on type constructors in a mutually-recursive type definition, e.g. the following is again allowed type u = C of int t | D of string t and 'a t = ... - Fixed name-capture bug in "include SIG" and "SIG with ..." constructs. - Improved implicit subtypes built by (... :> ty), closer to intuition. - Several bug fixes in type-checking of variants. - Typing of polymorphic variants is more restrictive: do not allow conjunctive types inside the same pattern matching. a type has either an upper bound, or all its tags are in the lower bound. This may break some programs (this breaks lablgl-0.94). Both compilers: - Revised compilation of pattern matching. - Option -I + to search a subdirectory of the standard library directory (i.e. write "ocamlc -I +labltk" instead of "ocamlc -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/labltk"). - Option -warn-error to turn warnings into errors. - Option -where to print the location of the standard library directory. - Assertions are now type-checked even if the -noassert option is given, thus -noassert can no longe change the types of modules. Bytecode compiler and bytecode interpreter: - Print stack backtrace when a program aborts due to an uncaught exception (requires compilation with -g and running with ocamlrun -b or OCAMLRUNPARAM="b=1"). Native-code compiler: - Better unboxing optimizations on the int32, int64, and nativeint types. - Tail recursion preserved for functions having more parameters than available registers (but tail calls to other functions are still turned off if parameters do not fit entirely in registers). - Fixed name-capture bug in function inlining. - Improved spilling/reloading strategy for conditionals. - IA32, Alpha: better alignment of branch targets. - Removed spurious dependency on the -lcurses library. Toplevel environment: - Revised handling of top-level value definitions, allows reclaimation of definitions that are shadowed by later definitions with the same names. (E.g. "let x = ;; let x = 1;;" allows to be reclaimed.) - Revised the tracing facility so that for standard library functions, only calls from user code are traced, not calls from the system. - Added a "*" prompt when within a comment. Runtime system: - Fixed portability issue on bcopy() vs memmove(), affecting Linux RedHat 7.0 in particular. - Structural comparisons (=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, compare) reimplemented so as to avoid overflowing the C stack. - Input/output functions: arrange so that reads and writes on closed in_channel or out_channel raise Sys_error immediately. Standard library: - Module Gc: changed some counters to float in order to avoid overflow; added alarms - Module Hashtbl: added Hashtbl.replace. - Module Int64: added bits_of_float, float_of_bits (access to IEEE 754 representation of floats). - Module List: List.partition now tail-rec; improved memory behavior of List.stable_sort. - Module Nativeint: added Nativeint.size (number of bits in a nativeint). - Module Obj: fixed incorrect resizing of float arrays in Obj.resize. - Module Pervasives: added float constants "infinity", "neg_infinity", "nan"; added a "classify_float" function to test a float for NaN, infinity, etc. - Pervasives.input_value: fixed bug affecting shared custom objects. - Pervasives.output_value: fixed size bug affecting "int64" values. - Pervasives.int_of_string, {Int32,Int64,Nativeint}.of_string: fixed bug causing bad digits to be accepted without error. - Module Random: added get_state and set_state to checkpoint the generator. - Module Sys: signal handling functions are passed the system-independent signal number rather than the raw system signal number whenever possible. - Module Weak: added Weak.get_copy. Other libraries: - Bigarray: added Bigarray.reshape to take a view of the elements of a bigarray with different dimensions or number of dimensions; fixed bug causing "get" operations to be unavailable in custom toplevels including Bigarray. - Dynlink: raise an error instead of crashing when the loaded module refers to the not-yet-initialized module performing a dynlink operation. - Bytecode threads: added a thread-safe version of the Marshal module; fixed a rare GC bug in the thread scheduler. - POSIX threads: fixed compilation problem with threads.cmxa. - Both thread libraries: better tail-recursion in Event.sync. - Num library: fixed bug in square roots (Nat.sqrt_nat, Big_int.sqrt_big_int). Tools: - ocamldep: fixed missing dependencies on labels of record patterns and record construction operations Win32 port: - Unix.waitpid now implements the WNOHANG option. Mac OS ports: - Mac OS X public beta is supported. - Int64.format works on Mac OS 8/9. Objective Caml 3.00: -------------------- Language: - OCaml/OLabl merger: * Support for labeled and optional arguments for functions and classes. * Support for variant types (sum types compared by structure). See tutorial (chapter 2 of the OCaml manual) for more information. - Syntactic change: "?" in stream error handlers changed to "??". - Added exception renaming in structures (exception E = F). - (OCaml 2.99/OLabl users only) Label syntax changed to preserve backward compatibility with 2.0x (labeled function application is f ~lbl:arg instead of f lbl:arg). A tool is provided to help convert labelized programs to OCaml 3.00. Both compilers: - Option -labels to select commuting label mode (labels are mandatory, but labeled arguments can be passed in a different order than in the definition of the function; in default mode, labels may be omitted, but argument reordering is only allowed for optional arguments). - Libraries (.cma and .cmxa files) now "remember" C libraries given at library construction time, and add them back at link time. Allows linking with e.g. just unix.cma instead of unix.cma -custom -cclib -lunix - Revised printing of error messages, now use Format.fprintf; no visible difference for users, but could facilitate internationalization later. - Fixed bug in unboxing of records containing only floats. - Fixed typing bug involving applicative functors as components of modules. - Better error message for inconsistencies between compiled interfaces. Bytecode compiler: - New "modular" format for bytecode executables; no visible differences for users, but will facilitate further extensions later. - Fixed problems in signal handling. Native-code compiler: - Profiling support on x86 under FreeBSD - Open-coding and unboxing optimizations for the new integer types int32, int64, nativeint, and for bigarrays. - Fixed instruction selection bug with "raise" appearing in arguments of strict operators, e.g. "1 + raise E". - Better error message when linking incomplete/incorrectly ordered set of .cmx files. - Optimized scanning of global roots during GC, can reduce total running time by up to 8% on GC-intensive programs. Interactive toplevel: - Better printing of exceptions, including arguments, when possible. - Fixed rare GC bug occurring during interpretation of scripts. - Added consistency checks between interfaces and implementations during #load. Run-time system: - Added support for "custom" heap blocks (heap blocks carrying C functions for finalization, comparison, hashing, serialization and deserialization). - Support for finalisation functions written in Caml. Standard library: - New modules Int32, Int64, Nativeint for 32-bit, 64-bit and platform-native integers - Module Array: added Array.sort, Array.stable_sort. - Module Gc: added Gc.finalise to attach Caml finalisation functions to arbitrary heap-allocated data. - Module Hashtbl: do not bomb when resizing very large table. - Module Lazy: raise Lazy.Undefined when a lazy evaluation needs itself. - Module List: added List.sort, List.stable_sort; fixed bug in List.rev_map2. - Module Map: added mapi (iteration with key and data). - Module Set: added iterators for_all, exists, filter, partition. - Module Sort: still here but deprecated in favor of new sorting functions in Array and List. - Module Stack: added Stack.top - Module String: fixed boundary condition on String.rindex_from - Added labels on function arguments where appropriate. New libraries and tools: - ocamlbrowser: graphical browser for OCaml sources and compiled interfaces, supports cross-referencing, editing, running the toplevel. - LablTK: GUI toolkit based on TK, using labeled and optional arguments, easier to use than CamlTK. - Bigarray: large, multi-dimensional numerical arrays, facilitate interfacing with C/Fortran numerical code, efficient support for advanced array operations such as slicing and memory-mapping of files. Other libraries: - Bytecode threads: timer-based preemption was broken, works back again; fixed bug in Pervasives.input_line; exported Thread.yield. - System threads: several GC / reentrancy bugs fixed in buffered I/O and Unix I/O; revised Thread.join implementation for strict POSIX conformance; exported Thread.yield. - Graphics: added support for double buffering; added, current_x, current_y, rmoveto, rlineto, and draw_rect. - Num: fixed bug in Num.float_of_num. - Str: worked around potential symbol conflicts with C standard library. - Dbm: fixed bug with Dbm.iter on empty database. New or updated ports: - Alpha/Digital Unix: lifted 256M limitation on total memory space induced by -taso - Port to AIX 4.3 on PowerPC - Port to HPUX 10 on HPPA - Deprecated 680x0 / SunOS port Macintosh port: - Implemented the Unix and Thread libraries. - The toplevel application does not work on 68k Macintoshes; maybe later if there's a demand. - Added a new tool, ocamlmkappli, to build an application from a program written in O'Caml. Objective Caml 2.04: -------------------- - C interface: corrected inconsistent change in the CAMLparam* macros. - Fixed internal error in ocamlc -g. - Fixed type-checking of "S with ...", where S is a module type name abbreviating another module type name. - ocamldep: fixed stdout/stderr mismatch after failing on one file. - Random.self_init more random. - Windows port: - Toplevel application: fixed spurious crash on exit. - Native-code compiler: fixed bug in assembling certain floating-point constants (masm doesn't grok 2e5, wants 2.0e5). Objective Caml 2.03: -------------------- New ports: - Ported to BeOS / Intel x86 (bytecode and native-code). - BSD / Intel x86 port now supports both a.out and ELF binary formats. - Added support for {Net,Open}BSD / Alpha. - Revamped Rhapsody port, now works on MacOS X server. Syntax: - Warning for "(*)" and "*)" outside comment. - Removed "#line LINENO", too ambiguous with a method invocation; the equivalent "# LINENO" is still supported. Typing: - When an incomplete pattern-matching is detected, report also a value or value template that is not covered by the cases of the pattern-matching. - Several bugs in class type matching and in type error reporting fixed. - Added an option -rectypes to support general recursive types, not just those involving object types. Bytecode compiler: - Minor cleanups in the bytecode emitter. - Do not remove "let x = y" bindings in -g mode; makes it easier to debug the code. Native-code compiler: - Fixed bug in grouping of allocations performed in the same basic block. - Fixed bug in constant propagation involving expressions containing side-effects. - Fixed incorrect code generation for "for" loops whose upper bound is a reference assigned inside the loop. - MIPS code generator: work around a bug in the IRIX 6 assembler. Toplevel: - Fixed incorrect redirection of standard formatter to stderr while executing toplevel scripts. Standard library: - Added List.rev_map, List.rev_map2. - Documentation of List functions now says which functions are tail-rec, and how much stack space is needed for non-tailrec functions. - Wrong type for Printf.bprintf fixed. - Fixed weird behavior of Printf.sprintf and Printf.bprintf in case of partial applications. - Added Random.self_init, which initializes the PRNG from the system date. - Sort.array: serious bugs fixed. - Stream.count: fixed incorrect behavior with ocamlopt. Run-time system and external interface: - Fixed weird behavior of signal handlers w.r.t. signal masks and exceptions raised from the signal handler. - Fixed bug in the callback*_exn() functions. Debugger: - Fixed wrong printing of float record fields and elements of float arrays. - Supports identifiers starting with '_'. Profiler: - Handles .mli files, so ocamlcp can be used to replace ocamlc (e.g. in a makefile). - Now works on programs that use stream expressions and stream parsers. Other libraries: - Graphics: under X11, treat all mouse buttons equally; fixed problem with current font reverting to the default font when the graphics window is resized. - Str: fixed reentrancy bugs in Str.replace and Str.full_split. - Bytecode threads: set standard I/O descriptors to non-blocking mode. - OS threads: revised implementation of Thread.wait_signal. - All threads: added Event.wrap_abort, Event.choose []. - Unix.localtime, Unix.gmtime: check for errors. - Unix.create_process: now supports arbitrary redirections of std descriptors. - Added Unix.open_process_full. - Implemented Unix.chmod under Windows. - Big_int.square_big_int now gives the proper sign to its result. Others: - ocamldep: don't stop at first error, skip to next file. - Emacs mode: updated with Garrigue and Zimmerman's snapshot of 1999/10/18. - configure script: added -prefix option. - Windows toplevel application: fixed problem with graphics library not loading properly. Objective Caml 2.02: -------------------- * Type system: - Check that all components of a signature have unique names. - Fixed bug in signature matching involving a type component and a module component, both sharing an abstract type. - Bug involving recursive classes constrained by a class type fixed. - Fixed bugs in printing class types and in printing unification errors. * Compilation: - Changed compilation scheme for "{r with lbl = e}" when r has many fields so as to avoid code size explosion. * Native-code compiler: - Better constant propagation in boolean expressions and in conditionals. - Removal of unused arguments during function inlining. - Eliminated redundant tagging/untagging in bit shifts. - Static allocation of closures for functions without free variables, reduces the size of initialization code. - Revised compilation scheme for definitions at top level of compilation units, so that top level functions have no free variables. - Coalesced multiple allocations of heap blocks inside one expression (e.g. x :: y :: z allocates the two conses in one step). - Ix86: better handling of large integer constants in instruction selection. - MIPS: fixed wrong asm generated for String.length "literal". * Standard library: - Added the "ignore" primitive function, which just throws away its argument and returns "()". It allows to write "ignore(f x); y" if "f x" doesn't have type unit and you don't want the warning caused by "f x; y". - Added the "Buffer" module (extensible string buffers). - Module Format: added formatting to buffers and to strings. - Added "mem" functions (membership test) to Hashtbl and Map. - Module List: added find, filter, partition. Renamed remove and removeq to remove_assoc and remove_assq. - Module Marshal: fixed bug in marshaling functions when passed functional values defined by mutual recursion with other functions. - Module Printf: added Printf.bprintf (print to extensible buffer); added %i format as synonymous for %d (as per the docs). - Module Sort: added Sort.array (Quicksort). * Runtime system: - New callback functions for callbacks with arbitrary many arguments and for catching Caml exceptions escaping from a callback. * The ocamldep dependency generator: now performs full parsing of the sources, taking into account the scope of module bindings. * The ocamlyacc parser generator: fixed sentinel error causing wrong tables to be generated in some cases. * The str library: - Added split_delim, full_split as variants of split that control more precisely what happens to delimiters. - Added replace_matched for separate matching and replacement operations. * The graphics library: - Bypass color lookup for 16 bpp and 32 bpp direct-color displays. - Larger color cache. * The thread library: - Bytecode threads: more clever use of non-blocking I/O, makes I/O operations faster. - POSIX threads: gcc-ism removed, should now compile on any ANSI C compiler. - Both: avoid memory leak in the Event module when a communication offer is never selected. * The Unix library: - Fixed inversion of ctime and mtime in Unix.stat, Unix.fstat, Unix.lstat. - Unix.establish_connection: properly reclaim socket if connect fails. * The DBM library: no longer crashes when calling Dbm.close twice. * Emacs mode: - Updated with Garrigue and Zimmerman's latest version. - Now include an "ocamltags" script for using etags on OCaml sources. * Win32 port: - Fixed end-of-line bug in ocamlcp causing problems with generated sources. Objective Caml 2.01: -------------------- * Typing: - Added warning for expressions of the form "a; b" where a does not have type "unit"; catches silly mistake such as "record.lbl = newval; ..." instead of "record.lbl <- newval; ...". - Typing bug in "let module" fixed. * Compilation: - Fixed bug in compilation of recursive and mutually recursive classes. - Option -w to turn specific warnings on/off. - Option -cc to choose the C compiler used with ocamlc -custom and ocamlopt. * Bytecode compiler and bytecode interpreter: - Intel x86: removed asm declaration causing "fixed or forbidden register spilled" error with egcs and gcc 2.8 (but not with gcc 2.7, go figure). - Revised handling of debugging information, allows faster linking with -g. * Native-code compiler: - Fixed bugs in integer constant propagation. - Out-of-bound accesses in array and strings now raise an Invalid_argument exception (like the bytecode system) instead of stopping the program. - Corrected scheduling of bound checks. - Port to the StrongARM under Linux (e.g. Corel Netwinder). - I386: fixed bug in profiled code (ocamlopt -p). - Mips: switched to -n32 model under IRIX; dropped the Ultrix port. - Sparc: simplified the addressing modes, allows for better scheduling. - Fixed calling convention bug for Pervasives.modf. * Toplevel: - #trace works again. - ocamlmktop: use matching ocamlc, not any ocamlc from the search path. * Memory management: - Fixed bug in heap expansion that could cause the GC to loop. * C interface: - New macros CAMLparam... and CAMLlocal... to simplify the handling of local roots in C code. - Simplified procedure for allocating and filling Caml blocks from C. - Declaration of string_length in . * Standard library: - Module Format: added {get,set}_all_formatter_output_functions, formatter_of_out_channel, and the control sequence @ in printf. - Module List: added mem_assoc, mem_assq, remove, removeq. - Module Pervasives: added float_of_int (synonymous for float), int_of_float (truncate), int_of_char (Char.code), char_of_int (Char.chr), bool_of_string. - Module String: added contains, contains_from, rcontains_from. * Unix library: - Unix.lockf: added F_RLOCK, F_TRLOCK; use POSIX locks whenever available. - Unix.tc{get,set}attr: added non-standard speeds 57600, 115200, 230400. - Unix.chroot: added. * Threads: - Bytecode threads: improved speed of I/O scheduling. - Native threads: fixed a bug involving signals and exceptions generated from C. * The "str" library: - Added Str.string_partial_match. - Bumped size of internal stack. * ocamlyacc: emit correct '# lineno' directive for prelude part of .mly file. * Emacs editing mode: updated with Jacques Garrigue's newest code. * Windows port: - Added support for the "-cclib -lfoo" option (instead of -cclib /full/path/libfoo.lib as before). - Threads: fixed a bug at initialization time. * Macintosh port: source code for Macintosh application merged in. Objective Caml 2.00: -------------------- * Language: - New class language. See http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/refman/ for a tutorial (chapter 2) and for the reference manual (section 4.9). - Local module definitions "let module X = in ". - Record copying with update "{r with lbl1 = expr1; ...}". - Array patterns "[|pat1; ...;patN|]" in pattern-matchings. - New reserved keywords: "object", "initializer". - No longer reserved: "closed", "protected". * Bytecode compiler: - Use the same compact memory representations for float arrays, float records and recursive closures as the native-code compiler. - More type-dependent optimizations. - Added the -use_runtime and -make_runtime flags to build separately and reuse afterwards custom runtime systems (inspired by Fabrice Le Fessant's patch). * Native-code compiler: - Cross-module constant propagation of integer constants. - More type-dependent optimizations. - More compact code generated for "let rec" over data structures. - Better code generated for "for" loops (test at bottom of code). - More aggressive scheduling of stores. - Added -p option for time profiling with gprof (fully supported on Intel x86/Linux and Alpha/Digital Unix only) (inspired by Aleksey Nogin's patch). - A case of bad spilling with high register pressure fixed. - Fixed GC bug when GC called from C without active Caml code. - Alpha: $gp handling revised to follow Alpha's standard conventions, allow running "atom" and "pixie" on ocamlopt-generated binaries. - Intel x86: use movzbl and movsbl systematically to load 8-bit and 16-bit quantities, no more hacks with partial registers (better for the Pentium Pro, worse for the Pentium). - PowerPC: more aggressive scheduling of return address reloading. - Sparc: scheduling bug related to register pairs fixed. * Runtime system: - Better printing of uncaught exceptions (print a fully qualified name whenever possible). * New ports: - Cray T3E (bytecode only) (in collaboration with CEA). - PowerMac under Rhapsody. - SparcStations under Linux. * Standard library: - Added set_binary_mode_in and set_binary_mode_out in Pervasives to toggle open channels between text and binary modes. - output_value and input_value check that the given channel is in binary mode. - input_value no longer fails on very large marshalled data (> 16 Mbytes). - Module Arg: added option Rest. - Module Filename: temp_file no longer loops if temp dir doesn't exist. - Module List: added rev_append (tail-rec alternative to @). - Module Set: tell the truth about "elements" returning a sorted list; added min_elt, max_elt, singleton. - Module Sys: added Sys.time for simple measuring of CPU time. * ocamllex: - Check for overflow when generating the tables for the automaton. - Error messages in generated .ml file now point to .mll source. - Added "let = " to name regular expressions (inspired by Christian Lindig's patch). * ocamlyacc: - Better error recovery in presence of EOF tokens. - Error messages in generated .ml file now point to .mly source. - Generated .ml file now type-safe even without the generated .mli file. * The Unix library: - Use float instead of int to represent Unix times (number of seconds from the epoch). This fixes a year 2005 problem on 32-bit platforms. Functions affected: stat, lstat, fstat, time, gmtime, localtime, mktime, utimes. - Added putenv. - Better handling of "unknown" error codes (EUNKNOWNERR). - Fixed endianness bug in getservbyport. - win32unix (the Win32 implementation of the Unix library) now has the same interface as the unix implementation, this allows exchange of compiled .cmo and .cmi files between Unix and Win32. * The thread libraries: - Bytecode threads: bug with escaping exceptions fixed. - System threads (POSIX, Win32): malloc/free bug fixed; signal bug fixed. - Both: added Thread.wait_signal to wait synchronously for signals. * The graph library: bigger color cache. * The str library: added Str.quote, Str.regexp_string, Str.regexp_string_case_fold. * Emacs mode: - Fixed bug with paragraph fill. - Fixed bug with next-error under Emacs 20. Objective Caml 1.07: -------------------- * Native-code compiler: - Revised interface between generated code and GC, fixes serious GC problems with signals and native threads. - Added "-thread" option for compatibility with ocamlc. * Debugger: correctly print instance variables of objects. * Run-time system: ported to OpenBSD. * Standard library: fixed wrong interface for Marshal.to_buffer and Obj.unmarshal. * Num library: added Intel x86 optimized asm code (courtesy of Bernard Serpette). * Thread libraries: - Native threads: fixed GC bugs and installation procedure. - Bytecode threads: fixed problem with "Marshal" module. - Both: added Event.always. * MS Windows port: better handling of long command lines in Sys.command Objective Caml 1.06: -------------------- * Language: - Added two new keywords: "assert" (check assertion) and "lazy" (delay evaluation). - Allow identifiers to start with "_" (such identifiers are treated as lowercase idents). * Objects: - Added "protected" methods (visible only from subclasses, can be hidden in class type declared in module signature). - Objects can be compared using generic comparison functions. - Fixed compilation of partial application of object constructors. * Type system: - Occur-check now more strict (all recursions must traverse an object). - A few bugs fixed. * Run-time system: - A heap compactor was implemented, so long-running programs can now fight fragmentation. - The meaning of the "space_overhead" parameter has changed. - The macros Push_roots and Pop_roots are superseded by Begin_roots* and End_roots. - Bytecode executable includes list of primitives used, avoids crashes on version mismatch. - Reduced startup overhead for marshalling, much faster marshalling of small objects. - New exception Stack_overflow distinct from Out_of_memory. - Maximum stack size configurable. - I/O revised for compatibility with compactor and with native threads. - All C code ANSIfied (new-style function declarations, etc). - Threaded code work on all 64-bit processors, not just Alpha/Digital Unix. - Better printing of uncaught exceptions. * Both compilers: - Parsing: more detailed reporting of syntax errors (e.g. shows unmatched opening parenthesis on missing closing parenthesis). - Check consistency between interfaces (.cmi). - Revised rules for determining dependencies between modules. - Options "-verbose" for printing calls to C compiler, "-noassert" for turning assertion checks off. * Native-code compiler: - Machine-dependent parts rewritten using inheritance instead of parameterized modules. - GC bug in value let rec fixed. - Port to Linux/Alpha. - Sparc: cleaned up use of %g registers, now compatible with Solaris threads. * Top-level interactive system: - Can execute Caml script files given on command line. - Reads commands from ./.ocamlinit on startup. - Now thread-compatible. * Standard library: - New library module: Lazy (delayed computations). - New library module: Marshal. Allows marshalling to strings and transmission of closures between identical programs (SPMD parallelism). - Filename: "is_absolute" is superseded by "is_implicit" and "is_relative". To adapt old programs, change "is_absolute x" to "not (is_implicit x)" (but the new "is_relative" is NOT the opposite of the old "is_absolute"). - Array, Hashtbl, List, Map, Queue, Set, Stack, Stream: the "iter" functions now take as argument a unit-returning function. - Format: added "printf" interface to the formatter (see the documentation). Revised behaviour of simple boxes: no more than one new line is output when consecutive break hints should lead to multiple line breaks. - Stream: revised implementation, renamed Parse_failure to Failure and Parse_error to Error (don't you love gratuitous changes?). - String: added index, rindex, index_from, rindex_from. - Array: added mapi, iteri, fold_left, fold_right, init. - Added Map.map, Set.subset, Printexc.to_string. * ocamllex: lexers generated by ocamllex can now handle all characters, including '\000'. * ocamlyacc: fixed bug with function closures returned by parser rules. * Debugger: - Revised generation of events. - Break on function entrance. - New commands start/previous. - The command loadprinter now try to recursively load required modules. - Numerous small fixes. * External libraries: - systhreads: can now use POSIX threads; POSIX and Win32 threads are now supported by the native-code compiler. - dbm and graph: work in native code. - num: fixed bug in Nat.nat_of_string. - str: fixed deallocation bug with case folding. - win32unix: use Win32 handles instead of (buggy) VC++ emulation of Unix file handles; added gettimeofday. * Emacs editing mode and debugger interface updated to July '97 version. Objective Caml 1.05: -------------------- * Typing: fixed several bugs causing spurious type errors. * Native-code compiler: fixed instruction selection bug causing GC to see ill-formed pointers; fixed callbacks to support invocation from a main program in C. * Standard library: fixed String.lowercase; Weak now resists integers. * Toplevel: multiple phrases without intermediate ";;" now really supported; fixed value printing problems where the wrong printer was selected. * Debugger: fixed printing problem with local references; revised handling of checkpoints; various other small fixes. * Macintosh port: fixed signed division problem in bytecomp/emitcode.ml Objective Caml 1.04: -------------------- * Replay debugger ported from Caml Light; added debugger support in compiler (option -g) and runtime system. Debugger is alpha-quality and needs testing. * Parsing: - Support for "# linenum" directives. - At toplevel, allow several phrases without intermediate ";;". * Typing: - Allow constraints on datatype parameters, e.g. type 'a foo = ... constraint 'a = 'b * 'c. - Fixed bug in signature matching in presence of free type variables '_a. - Extensive cleanup of internals of type inference. * Native-code compilation: - Inlining of small functions at point of call (fairly conservative). - MIPS code generator ported to SGI IRIX 6. - Better code generated for large integer constants. - Check for urgent GC when allocating large objects in major heap. - PowerPC port: better scheduling, reduced TOC consumption. - HPPA port: handle long conditional branches gracefully, several span-dependent bugs fixed. * Standard library: - More floating-point functions (all ANSI C float functions now available). - Hashtbl: added functorial interface (allow providing own equality and hash functions); rehash when resizing, avoid memory leak on Hashtbl.remove. - Added Char.uppercase, Char.lowercase, String.uppercase, String.lowercase, String.capitalize, String.uncapitalize. - New module Weak for manipulating weak pointers. - New module Callback for registering closures and exceptions to be used from C. * Foreign interface: - Better support for callbacks (C calling Caml), exception raising from C, and main() in C. Added function to remove a global root. - Option -output-obj to package Caml code as a C library. * Thread library: fixed bug in timed_read and timed_write operations; Lexing.from_function and Lexing.from_channel now reentrant. * Unix interface: renamed EACCESS to EACCES (the POSIX name); added setsid; fixed bug in inet_addr_of_string for 64-bit platforms. * Ocamlyacc: default error function no longer prevents error recovery. * Ocamllex: fixed reentrancy problem w.r.t. exceptions during refill; fixed output problem (\r\r\n) under Win32. * Macintosh port: - The makefiles are provided for compiling and installing O'Caml on a Macintosh with MPW 3.4.1. - An application with the toplevel in a window is forthcoming. * Windows NT/95 port: updated toplevel GUI to that of Caml Light 0.73. * Emacs editing mode and debugger interface included in distribution. Objective Caml 1.03: -------------------- * Typing: - bug with type names escaping their scope via unification with non-generalized type variables '_a completely fixed; - fixed bug in occur check : it was too restrictive; - fixed bug of coercion operators; - check that no two types of the same name are generated in a module (there was no check for classes); - "#install_printer" works again; - fixed bug in printing of subtyping errors; - in class interfaces, construct "method m" (without type) change the status of method m from abstract to concrete; - in a recursive definition of class interfaces, a class can now inherit from a previous class; - typing of a method make use of an eventual previously given type of this method, yielding clearer type errors. * Compilation (ocamlc and ocamlopt): - fixed bug in compilation of classes. * Native-code compilation: - optimization of functions taking tuples of arguments; - code emitter for the Motorola 680x0 processors (retrocomputing week); - Alpha/OSF1: generate frame descriptors, avoids crashes when e.g. exp() or log() cause a domain error; fixed bug with String.length "literal"; - Sparc, Mips, HPPA: removed marking of scanned stack frames (benefits do not outweight cost). * Standard library: - Arg.parse now prints documentation for command-line options; - I/O buffers (types in_channel and out_channel) now heap-allocated, avoids crashing when closing a channel several times; - Overflow bug in compare() fixed; - GC bug in raising Sys_error from I/O functions fixed; - Parsing.symbol_start works even for epsilon productions. * Foreign interface: main() in C now working, fixed bug in library order at link time. * Thread library: guard against calling thread functions before Thread.create. * Unix library: fixed getsockopt, setsockopt, open_process_{in,out}. * Perl-free, cpp-free, cholesterol-free installation procedure. Objective Caml 1.02: -------------------- * Typing: - fixed bug with type names escaping their scope via unification with non-generalized type variables '_a; - keep #class abbreviations longer; - faster checking of well-formed abbreviation definitions; - stricter checking of "with" constraints over signatures (arity mismatch, overriding of an already manifest type). * Compilation (ocamlc and ocamlopt): - fixed bug in compilation of recursive classes; - [|...|] and let...rec... allowed inside definitions of recursive data structures; * Bytecode compilation: fixed overflow in linker for programs with more than 65535 globals and constants. * Native-code compilation: - ocamlopt ported to HPPA under HP/UX, Intel x86 under Solaris 2, PowerMacintosh under MkLinux; - fixed two bugs related to floating-point arrays (one with "t array" where t is an abstract type implemented as float, one with comparison between two float arrays on 32 bit platforms); - fixed reloading/spilling problem causing non-termination of register allocation; - fixed bugs in handling of () causing loss of tail recursion; - fixed reloading bug in indirect calls. * Windows NT/95 port: - complete port of the threads library (Pascal Cuoq); - partial port of the Unix library (Pascal Cuoq); - expansion of *, ? and @ on the command line. * Standard library: - bug in in List.exists2 fixed; - bug in "Random.int n" for very large n on 64-bit machines fixed; - module Format: added a "general purpose" type of box (open_box); can output on several formatters at the same time. * The "threads" library: - implementation on top of native threads available for Win32 and POSIX 1003.1c; - added -thread option to select a thread-safe version of the standard library, the ThreadIO module is no longer needed. * The "graph" library: avoid invalid pixmaps when doing open_graph/close_graph several times. * The "dynlink" library: support for "private" (no re-export) dynamic loading. * ocamlyacc: skip '...' character literals correctly. * C interface: C code linked with O'Caml code can provide its own main() and call caml_main() later. Objective Caml 1.01: -------------------- * Typing: better report of type incompatibilities; non-generalizable type variables in a struct...end no longer flagged immediately as an error; name clashes during "open" avoided. * Fixed bug in output_value where identical data structures could have different external representations; this bug caused wrong "inconsistent assumptions" errors when checking compatibility of interfaces at link-time. * Standard library: fixed bug in Array.blit on overlapping array sections * Unmarshaling from strings now working. * ocamlc, ocamlopt: new flags -intf and -impl to force compilation as an implementation/an interface, regardless of file extension; overflow bug on wide-range integer pattern-matchings fixed. * ocamlc: fixed bytecode generation bug causing problems with compilation units defining more than 256 values * ocamlopt, all platforms: fixed GC bug in "let rec" over data structures; link startup file first, fixes "undefined symbol" errors with some libraries. * ocamlopt, Intel x86: more efficient calling sequence for calling C functions; floating-point wars, chapter 5: don't use float stack for holding float pseudo-registers, stack-allocating them is just as efficient. * ocamlopt, Alpha and Intel x86: more compact calling sequence for garbage collection. * ocamllex: generated automata no longer use callbacks for refilling the input buffer (works better with threads); character literals correctly skipped inside actions. * ocamldep: "-I" directories now searched in the right order * Thread library: incompatibilities with callbacks, signals, and dynamic linking removed; scheduling bug with Thread.wait fixed. * New "dbm" library, interfaces with NDBM. * Object-oriented extensions: instance variables can now be omitted in class types; some error messages have been made clearer; several bugs fixes. Objective Caml 1.00: -------------------- * Merge of Jerome Vouillon and Didier Remy's object-oriented extensions. * All libraries: all "new" functions renamed to "create" because "new" is now a reserved keyword. * Compilation of "or" patterns (pat1 | pat2) completely revised to avoid code size explosion. * Compiler support for preprocessing source files (-pp flag). * Library construction: flag -linkall to force linking of all units in a library. * Native-code compiler: port to the Sparc under NetBSD. * Toplevel: fixed bug when tracing several times the same function under different names. * New format for marshaling arbitrary data structures, allows marshaling to/from strings. * Standard library: new module Genlex (configurable lexer for streams) * Thread library: much better support for I/O and blocking system calls. * Graphics library: faster reclaimation of unused pixmaps. * Unix library: new functions {set,clear}_nonblock, {set,clear}_close_on_exec, {set,get}itimer, inet_addr_any, {get,set}sockopt. * Dynlink library: added support for linking libraries (.cma files). Caml Special Light 1.15: ------------------------ * Caml Special Light now runs under Windows NT and 95. Many thanks to Kevin Gallo (Microsoft Research) who contributed his initial port. * csllex now generates tables for a table-driven automaton. The resulting lexers are smaller and run faster. * Completely automatic configuration script. * Typing: more stringent checking of module type definitions against manifest module type specifications. * Toplevel: recursive definitions of values now working. * Native-code compiler, all platforms: toplevel "let"s with refutable patterns now working; fixed bug in assignment to float record fields; direct support for floating-point negation and absolute value. * Native-code compiler, x86: fixed bug with tail calls (with more than 4 arguments) from a function with a one-word stack frame. * Native-code compiler, Sparc: problem with -compact fixed. * Thread library: support for non-blocking writes; scheduler revised. * Unix library: bug in gethostbyaddr fixed; bounds checking for read, write, etc. Caml Special Light 1.14: ------------------------ * cslopt ported to the PowerPC/RS6000 architecture. Better support for AIX in the bytecode system as well. * cslopt, all platforms: fixed bug in live range splitting around catch/exit. * cslopt for the Intel (floating-point wars, chapter 4): implemented Ershov's algorithm to minimize floating-point stack usage; out-of-order pops fixed. * Several bug fixes in callbacks and signals. Caml Special Light 1.13: ------------------------ * Pattern-matching compilation revised to factor out accesses inside matched structures. * Callbacks and signals now supported in cslopt. Signals are only detected at allocation points, though. Added callback functions with 2 and 3 arguments. * More explicit error messages when a native-code program aborts due to array or string bound violations. * In patterns, "C _" allowed even if the constructor C has several arguments. * && and || allowed as alternate syntax for & and or. * cslopt for the Intel: code generation for floating-point operations entirely redone for the third time (a pox on whomever at Intel decided to organize the floating-point registers as a stack). * cslopt for the Sparc: don't use Sparc V8 smul and sdiv instructions, emulation on V7 processors is abysmal. Caml Special Light 1.12: ------------------------ * Fixed an embarrassing bug with references to floats. Caml Special Light 1.11: ------------------------ * Streams and stream parsers a la Caml Light are back (thanks to Daniel de Rauglaudre). * User-level concurrent threads, with low-level shared memory primitives (locks and conditions) as well as channel-based communication primitives with first-class synchronous events, in the style of Reppy's CML. * The native-code compiler has been ported to the HP PA-RISC processor running under NextStep (sorry, no HPUX, its linker keeps dumping core on me). * References not captured in a function are optimized into variables. * Fixed several bugs related to exceptions. * Floats behave a little more as specified in the IEEE standard (believe it or not, but x < y is not the negation of x >= y). * Lower memory consumption for the native-code compiler. Caml Special Light 1.10: ------------------------ * Many bug fixes (too many to list here). * Module language: introduction of a "with module" notation over signatures for concise sharing of all type components of a signature; better support for concrete types in signatures. * Native-code compiler: the Intel 386 version has been ported to NextStep and FreeBSD, and generates better code (especially for floats) * Tools and libraries: the Caml Light profiler and library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic have been ported (thanks to John Malecki and Victor Manuel Gulias Fernandez); better docs for the Unix and regexp libraries. Caml Special Light 1.07: ------------------------ * Syntax: optional ;; allowed in compilation units and structures (back by popular demand) * cslopt: generic handling of float arrays fixed direct function application when the function expr is not a path fixed compilation of "let rec" over values fixed multiple definitions of a value name in a module correctly handled no calls to ranlib in Solaris * csltop: #trace now working * Standard library: added List.memq; documentation of Array fixed. Caml Special Light 1.06: ------------------------ * First public release.