(* Specific operations for the Mips processor *) open Misc open Format (* Addressing modes *) type addressing_mode = Ibased of string * int (* symbol + displ *) | Iindexed of int (* reg + displ *) (* Specific operations *) type specific_operation = unit (* none *) (* Sizes, endianness *) let big_endian = false let size_addr = 4 let size_int = 4 let size_float = 8 (* Operations on addressing modes *) let identity_addressing = Iindexed 0 let offset_addressing addr delta = match addr with Ibased(s, n) -> Ibased(s, n + delta) | Iindexed n -> Iindexed(n + delta) let num_args_addressing = function Ibased(s, n) -> 0 | Iindexed n -> 1 (* Printing operations and addressing modes *) let print_addressing printreg addr arg = match addr with Ibased(s, n) -> print_string "\""; print_string s; print_string "\""; if n <> 0 then begin print_string " + "; print_int n end | Iindexed n -> printreg arg.(0); if n <> 0 then begin print_string " + "; print_int n end let print_specific_operation printreg op arg = fatal_error "Arch_mips.print_specific_operation"