(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* A variant of the "lambda" code with direct / indirect calls explicit and closures explicit too *) open Asttypes open Lambda type function_label = string type ulambda = Uvar of Ident.t | Uconst of structured_constant * string option | Udirect_apply of function_label * ulambda list * Debuginfo.t | Ugeneric_apply of ulambda * ulambda list * Debuginfo.t | Uclosure of ufunction list * ulambda list | Uoffset of ulambda * int | Ulet of Ident.t * ulambda * ulambda | Uletrec of (Ident.t * ulambda) list * ulambda | Uprim of primitive * ulambda list * Debuginfo.t | Uswitch of ulambda * ulambda_switch | Ustaticfail of int * ulambda list | Ucatch of int * Ident.t list * ulambda * ulambda | Utrywith of ulambda * Ident.t * ulambda | Uifthenelse of ulambda * ulambda * ulambda | Usequence of ulambda * ulambda | Uwhile of ulambda * ulambda | Ufor of Ident.t * ulambda * ulambda * direction_flag * ulambda | Uassign of Ident.t * ulambda | Usend of meth_kind * ulambda * ulambda * ulambda list * Debuginfo.t and ufunction = { label : function_label; arity : int; params : Ident.t list; body : ulambda; dbg : Debuginfo.t } and ulambda_switch = { us_index_consts: int array; us_actions_consts : ulambda array; us_index_blocks: int array; us_actions_blocks: ulambda array} (* Description of known functions *) type function_description = { fun_label: function_label; (* Label of direct entry point *) fun_arity: int; (* Number of arguments *) mutable fun_closed: bool; (* True if environment not used *) mutable fun_inline: (Ident.t list * ulambda) option } (* Approximation of values *) type value_approximation = Value_closure of function_description * value_approximation | Value_tuple of value_approximation array | Value_unknown | Value_integer of int | Value_constptr of int