(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Generation of bytecode + relocation information *) open Config open Misc open Asttypes open Lambda open Instruct open Opcodes open Cmo_format (* Buffering of bytecode *) let out_buffer = ref(String.create 1024) and out_position = ref 0 let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 = let p = !out_position in if p >= String.length !out_buffer then begin let len = String.length !out_buffer in let new_buffer = String.create (2 * len) in String.blit !out_buffer 0 new_buffer 0 len; out_buffer := new_buffer end; String.unsafe_set !out_buffer p (Char.unsafe_chr b1); String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+1) (Char.unsafe_chr b2); String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+2) (Char.unsafe_chr b3); String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+3) (Char.unsafe_chr b4); out_position := p + 4 let out opcode = out_word opcode 0 0 0 exception AsInt let const_as_int = function | Const_base(Const_int i) -> i | Const_base(Const_char c) -> Char.code c | Const_pointer i -> i | _ -> raise AsInt let is_immed i = immed_min <= i && i <= immed_max let is_immed_const k = try is_immed (const_as_int k) with | AsInt -> false let out_int n = out_word n (n asr 8) (n asr 16) (n asr 24) let out_const c = try out_int (const_as_int c) with | AsInt -> Misc.fatal_error "Emitcode.const_as_int" (* Handling of local labels and backpatching *) type label_definition = Label_defined of int | Label_undefined of (int * int) list let label_table = ref ([| |] : label_definition array) let extend_label_table needed = let new_size = ref(Array.length !label_table) in while needed >= !new_size do new_size := 2 * !new_size done; let new_table = Array.create !new_size (Label_undefined []) in Array.blit !label_table 0 new_table 0 (Array.length !label_table); label_table := new_table let backpatch (pos, orig) = let displ = (!out_position - orig) asr 2 in !out_buffer.[pos] <- Char.unsafe_chr displ; !out_buffer.[pos+1] <- Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 8); !out_buffer.[pos+2] <- Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 16); !out_buffer.[pos+3] <- Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 24) let define_label lbl = if lbl >= Array.length !label_table then extend_label_table lbl; match (!label_table).(lbl) with Label_defined _ -> fatal_error "Emitcode.define_label" | Label_undefined patchlist -> List.iter backpatch patchlist; (!label_table).(lbl) <- Label_defined !out_position let out_label_with_orig orig lbl = if lbl >= Array.length !label_table then extend_label_table lbl; match (!label_table).(lbl) with Label_defined def -> out_int((def - orig) asr 2) | Label_undefined patchlist -> (!label_table).(lbl) <- Label_undefined((!out_position, orig) :: patchlist); out_int 0 let out_label l = out_label_with_orig !out_position l (* Relocation information *) let reloc_info = ref ([] : (reloc_info * int) list) let enter info = reloc_info := (info, !out_position) :: !reloc_info let slot_for_literal sc = enter (Reloc_literal sc); out_int 0 and slot_for_getglobal id = enter (Reloc_getglobal id); out_int 0 and slot_for_setglobal id = enter (Reloc_setglobal id); out_int 0 and slot_for_c_prim name = enter (Reloc_primitive name); out_int 0 (* Debugging events *) let events = ref ([] : debug_event list) let record_event ev = ev.ev_pos <- !out_position; events := ev :: !events (* Initialization *) let init () = out_position := 0; label_table := Array.create 16 (Label_undefined []); reloc_info := []; events := [] (* Emission of one instruction *) let emit_comp = function | Ceq -> out opEQ | Cneq -> out opNEQ | Clt -> out opLTINT | Cle -> out opLEINT | Cgt -> out opGTINT | Cge -> out opGEINT and emit_branch_comp = function | Ceq -> out opBEQ | Cneq -> out opBNEQ | Clt -> out opBLTINT | Cle -> out opBLEINT | Cgt -> out opBGTINT | Cge -> out opBGEINT let emit_instr = function Klabel lbl -> define_label lbl | Kacc n -> if n < 8 then out(opACC0 + n) else (out opACC; out_int n) | Kenvacc n -> if n >= 1 && n <= 4 then out(opENVACC1 + n - 1) else (out opENVACC; out_int n) | Kpush -> out opPUSH | Kpop n -> out opPOP; out_int n | Kassign n -> out opASSIGN; out_int n | Kpush_retaddr lbl -> out opPUSH_RETADDR; out_label lbl | Kapply n -> if n < 4 then out(opAPPLY1 + n - 1) else (out opAPPLY; out_int n) | Kappterm(n, sz) -> if n < 4 then (out(opAPPTERM1 + n - 1); out_int sz) else (out opAPPTERM; out_int n; out_int sz) | Kreturn n -> out opRETURN; out_int n | Krestart -> out opRESTART | Kgrab n -> out opGRAB; out_int n | Kclosure(lbl, n) -> out opCLOSURE; out_int n; out_label lbl | Kclosurerec(lbls, n) -> out opCLOSUREREC; out_int (List.length lbls); out_int n; let org = !out_position in List.iter (out_label_with_orig org) lbls | Koffsetclosure ofs -> if ofs = -2 || ofs = 0 || ofs = 2 then out (opOFFSETCLOSURE0 + ofs / 2) else (out opOFFSETCLOSURE; out_int ofs) | Kgetglobal q -> out opGETGLOBAL; slot_for_getglobal q | Ksetglobal q -> out opSETGLOBAL; slot_for_setglobal q | Kconst sc -> begin match sc with Const_base(Const_int i) when is_immed i -> if i >= 0 && i <= 3 then out (opCONST0 + i) else (out opCONSTINT; out_int i) | Const_base(Const_char c) -> out opCONSTINT; out_int (Char.code c) | Const_pointer i -> if i >= 0 && i <= 3 then out (opCONST0 + i) else (out opCONSTINT; out_int i) | Const_block(t, []) -> if t = 0 then out opATOM0 else (out opATOM; out_int t) | _ -> out opGETGLOBAL; slot_for_literal sc end | Kmakeblock(n, t) -> if n = 0 then if t = 0 then out opATOM0 else (out opATOM; out_int t) else if n < 4 then (out(opMAKEBLOCK1 + n - 1); out_int t) else (out opMAKEBLOCK; out_int n; out_int t) | Kgetfield n -> if n < 4 then out(opGETFIELD0 + n) else (out opGETFIELD; out_int n) | Ksetfield n -> if n < 4 then out(opSETFIELD0 + n) else (out opSETFIELD; out_int n) | Kmakefloatblock(n) -> if n = 0 then out opATOM0 else (out opMAKEFLOATBLOCK; out_int n) | Kgetfloatfield n -> out opGETFLOATFIELD; out_int n | Ksetfloatfield n -> out opSETFLOATFIELD; out_int n | Kvectlength -> out opVECTLENGTH | Kgetvectitem -> out opGETVECTITEM | Ksetvectitem -> out opSETVECTITEM | Kgetstringchar -> out opGETSTRINGCHAR | Ksetstringchar -> out opSETSTRINGCHAR | Kbranch lbl -> out opBRANCH; out_label lbl | Kbranchif lbl -> out opBRANCHIF; out_label lbl | Kbranchifnot lbl -> out opBRANCHIFNOT; out_label lbl | Kstrictbranchif lbl -> out opBRANCHIF; out_label lbl | Kstrictbranchifnot lbl -> out opBRANCHIFNOT; out_label lbl | Kswitch(tbl_const, tbl_block) -> out opSWITCH; out_int (Array.length tbl_const + (Array.length tbl_block lsl 16)); let org = !out_position in Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) tbl_const; Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) tbl_block | Kboolnot -> out opBOOLNOT | Kpushtrap lbl -> out opPUSHTRAP; out_label lbl | Kpoptrap -> out opPOPTRAP | Kraise -> out opRAISE | Kcheck_signals -> out opCHECK_SIGNALS | Kccall(name, n) -> if n <= 5 then (out (opC_CALL1 + n - 1); slot_for_c_prim name) else (out opC_CALLN; out_int n; slot_for_c_prim name) | Knegint -> out opNEGINT | Kaddint -> out opADDINT | Ksubint -> out opSUBINT | Kmulint -> out opMULINT | Kdivint -> out opDIVINT | Kmodint -> out opMODINT | Kandint -> out opANDINT | Korint -> out opORINT | Kxorint -> out opXORINT | Klslint -> out opLSLINT | Klsrint -> out opLSRINT | Kasrint -> out opASRINT | Kintcomp c -> emit_comp c | Koffsetint n -> out opOFFSETINT; out_int n | Koffsetref n -> out opOFFSETREF; out_int n | Kisint -> out opISINT | Kisout -> out opULTINT | Kgetmethod -> out opGETMETHOD | Kgetpubmet tag -> out opGETPUBMET; out_int tag; out_int 0 | Kgetdynmet -> out opGETDYNMET | Kevent ev -> record_event ev | Kstop -> out opSTOP (* Emission of a list of instructions. Include some peephole optimization. *) let rec emit = function [] -> () (* Peephole optimizations *) (* optimization of integer tests *) | Kpush::Kconst k::Kintcomp c::Kbranchif lbl::rem when is_immed_const k -> emit_branch_comp c ; out_const k ; out_label lbl ; emit rem | Kpush::Kconst k::Kintcomp c::Kbranchifnot lbl::rem when is_immed_const k -> emit_branch_comp (negate_comparison c) ; out_const k ; out_label lbl ; emit rem (* same for range tests *) | Kpush::Kconst k::Kisout::Kbranchif lbl::rem when is_immed_const k -> out opBULTINT ; out_const k ; out_label lbl ; emit rem | Kpush::Kconst k::Kisout::Kbranchifnot lbl::rem when is_immed_const k -> out opBUGEINT ; out_const k ; out_label lbl ; emit rem (* Some special case of push ; i ; ret generated by the match compiler *) | Kpush :: Kacc 0 :: Kreturn m :: c -> emit (Kreturn (m-1) :: c) (* General push then access scheme *) | Kpush :: Kacc n :: c -> if n < 8 then out(opPUSHACC0 + n) else (out opPUSHACC; out_int n); emit c | Kpush :: Kenvacc n :: c -> if n >= 1 && n < 4 then out(opPUSHENVACC1 + n - 1) else (out opPUSHENVACC; out_int n); emit c | Kpush :: Koffsetclosure ofs :: c -> if ofs = -2 || ofs = 0 || ofs = 2 then out(opPUSHOFFSETCLOSURE0 + ofs / 2) else (out opPUSHOFFSETCLOSURE; out_int ofs); emit c | Kpush :: Kgetglobal id :: Kgetfield n :: c -> out opPUSHGETGLOBALFIELD; slot_for_getglobal id; out_int n; emit c | Kpush :: Kgetglobal id :: c -> out opPUSHGETGLOBAL; slot_for_getglobal id; emit c | Kpush :: Kconst sc :: c -> begin match sc with Const_base(Const_int i) when is_immed i -> if i >= 0 && i <= 3 then out (opPUSHCONST0 + i) else (out opPUSHCONSTINT; out_int i) | Const_base(Const_char c) -> out opPUSHCONSTINT; out_int(Char.code c) | Const_pointer i -> if i >= 0 && i <= 3 then out (opPUSHCONST0 + i) else (out opPUSHCONSTINT; out_int i) | Const_block(t, []) -> if t = 0 then out opPUSHATOM0 else (out opPUSHATOM; out_int t) | _ -> out opPUSHGETGLOBAL; slot_for_literal sc end; emit c | Kpush :: (Kevent {ev_kind = Event_before} as ev) :: (Kgetglobal _ as instr1) :: (Kgetfield _ as instr2) :: c -> emit (Kpush :: instr1 :: instr2 :: ev :: c) | Kpush :: (Kevent {ev_kind = Event_before} as ev) :: (Kacc _ | Kenvacc _ | Koffsetclosure _ | Kgetglobal _ | Kconst _ as instr) :: c -> emit (Kpush :: instr :: ev :: c) | Kgetglobal id :: Kgetfield n :: c -> out opGETGLOBALFIELD; slot_for_getglobal id; out_int n; emit c (* Default case *) | instr :: c -> emit_instr instr; emit c (* Emission to a file *) let to_file outchan unit_name code = init(); output_string outchan cmo_magic_number; let pos_depl = pos_out outchan in output_binary_int outchan 0; let pos_code = pos_out outchan in emit code; output outchan !out_buffer 0 !out_position; let (pos_debug, size_debug) = if !Clflags.debug then begin let p = pos_out outchan in output_value outchan !events; (p, pos_out outchan - p) end else (0, 0) in let compunit = { cu_name = unit_name; cu_pos = pos_code; cu_codesize = !out_position; cu_reloc = List.rev !reloc_info; cu_imports = Env.imported_units(); cu_primitives = List.map Primitive.byte_name !Translmod.primitive_declarations; cu_force_link = false; cu_debug = pos_debug; cu_debugsize = size_debug } in init(); (* Free out_buffer and reloc_info *) Btype.cleanup_abbrev (); (* Remove any cached abbreviation expansion before saving *) let pos_compunit = pos_out outchan in output_value outchan compunit; seek_out outchan pos_depl; output_binary_int outchan pos_compunit (* Emission to a memory block *) let to_memory init_code fun_code = init(); emit init_code; emit fun_code; let code = Meta.static_alloc !out_position in String.unsafe_blit !out_buffer 0 code 0 !out_position; let reloc = List.rev !reloc_info and code_size = !out_position in init(); (code, code_size, reloc) (* Emission to a file for a packed library *) let to_packed_file outchan code = init(); emit code; output outchan !out_buffer 0 !out_position; let reloc = !reloc_info in init(); reloc