/* Trace the instructions executed */ #ifdef DEBUG #include #include "instruct.h" #include "misc.h" #include "mlvalues.h" #include "opnames.h" extern code_t start_code; extern char * names_of_cprim[]; long icount = 0; void stop_here () {} int trace_flag = 0; void disasm_instr(pc) code_t pc; { int instr = *pc; printf("%6d %s", pc - start_code, instr < 0 || instr > STOP ? "???" : names_of_instructions[instr]); pc++; switch(instr) { /* Instructions with one integer operand */ case PUSHACC: case ACC: case POP: case ASSIGN: case PUSHENVACC: case ENVACC: case PUSH_RETADDR: case APPLY: case APPTERM1: case APPTERM2: case APPTERM3: case RETURN: case GRAB: case PUSHGETGLOBAL: case GETGLOBAL: case SETGLOBAL: case PUSHATOM: case ATOM: case MAKEBLOCK1: case MAKEBLOCK2: case MAKEBLOCK3: case GETFIELD: case SETFIELD: case DUMMY: case BRANCH: case BRANCHIF: case BRANCHIFNOT: case PUSHTRAP: case CONSTINT: case PUSHCONSTINT: case OFFSETINT: case OFFSETREF: printf(" %d\n", pc[0]); break; /* Instructions with two operands */ case APPTERM: case CLOSURE: case CLOSUREREC: case PUSHGETGLOBALFIELD: case GETGLOBALFIELD: case MAKEBLOCK: printf(" %d, %d\n", pc[0], pc[1]); break; /* Instructions with a C primitive as operand */ case C_CALL1: case C_CALL2: case C_CALL3: case C_CALL4: printf(" %s\n", names_of_cprim[pc[0]]); break; case C_CALLN: printf(" %d, %s\n", pc[0], names_of_cprim[pc[1]]); break; default: printf("\n"); } } #endif