/* The PDA automaton for parsers generated by camlyacc */ #include #include "config.h" #include "mlvalues.h" #include "memory.h" #include "alloc.h" struct parser_tables { /* Mirrors parse_tables in ../stdlib/parsing.mli */ value actions; value transl_const; value transl_block; char * lhs; char * len; char * defred; char * dgoto; char * sindex; char * rindex; char * gindex; value tablesize; char * table; char * check; }; struct parser_env { /* Mirrors parser_env in ../stdlib/parsing.ml */ value s_stack; value v_stack; value symb_start_stack; value symb_end_stack; value stacksize; value curr_char; value lval; value symb_start; value symb_end; value asp; value rule_len; value rule_number; value sp; value state; }; #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN #define Short(tbl,n) \ (*((unsigned char *)((tbl) + (n) * sizeof(short))) + \ (*((schar *)((tbl) + (n) * sizeof(short) + 1)) << 8)) #else #define Short(tbl,n) (((short *)(tbl))[n]) #endif #ifdef DEBUG int parser_trace = 0; #define Trace(act) if(parser_trace) act #else #define Trace(act) #endif /* Input codes */ /* Mirrors parser_input in ../stdlib/parsing.ml */ #define START 0 #define TOKEN_READ 1 #define STACKS_GROWN_1 2 #define STACKS_GROWN_2 3 #define SEMANTIC_ACTION_COMPUTED 4 /* Output codes */ /* Mirrors parser_output in ../stdlib/parsing.ml */ #define READ_TOKEN Val_int(0) #define RAISE_PARSE_ERROR Val_int(1) #define GROW_STACKS_1 Val_int(2) #define GROW_STACKS_2 Val_int(3) #define COMPUTE_SEMANTIC_ACTION Val_int(4) /* The pushdown automata */ value parse_engine(tables, env, cmd, arg) /* ML */ struct parser_tables * tables; struct parser_env * env; value cmd; value arg; { int state; mlsize_t sp; int n, n1, n2, m, state1; switch(Int_val(cmd)) { case START: state = 0; sp = Int_val(env->sp); loop: Trace(printf("Loop %d\n", state)); n = Short(tables->defred, state); if (n != 0) goto reduce; if (Int_val(env->curr_char) >= 0) goto testshift; env->sp = Val_int(sp); env->state = Val_int(state); return READ_TOKEN; /* The ML code calls the lexer and updates */ /* symb_start and symb_end */ case TOKEN_READ: sp = Int_val(env->sp); state = Int_val(env->state); if (Is_block(arg)) { env->curr_char = Field(tables->transl_block, Tag_val(arg)); modify(&env->lval, Field(arg, 0)); } else { env->curr_char = Field(tables->transl_const, Int_val(arg)); env->lval = Val_long(0); } Trace(printf("Token %d (0x%lx)\n", Int_val(env->curr_char), env->lval)); testshift: n1 = Short(tables->sindex, state); n2 = n1 + Int_val(env->curr_char); if (n1 != 0 && n2 >= 0 && n2 <= Int_val(tables->tablesize) && Short(tables->check, n2) == Int_val(env->curr_char)) goto shift; n1 = Short(tables->rindex, state); n2 = n1 + Int_val(env->curr_char); if (n1 != 0 && n2 >= 0 && n2 <= Int_val(tables->tablesize) && Short(tables->check, n2) == Int_val(env->curr_char)) { n = Short(tables->table, n2); goto reduce; } env->sp = Val_int(sp); env->state = Val_int(state); return RAISE_PARSE_ERROR; /* The ML code raises the Parse_error exn */ shift: state = Short(tables->table, n2); Trace(printf("Shift %d\n", state)); sp++; if (sp < Long_val(env->stacksize)) goto push; env->sp = Val_int(sp); env->state = Val_int(state); return GROW_STACKS_1; /* The ML code resizes the stacks */ case STACKS_GROWN_1: sp = Int_val(env->sp); state = Int_val(env->state); push: Field(env->s_stack, sp) = Val_int(state); modify(&Field(env->v_stack, sp), env->lval); Field(env->symb_start_stack, sp) = env->symb_start; Field(env->symb_end_stack, sp) = env->symb_end; env->curr_char = Val_int(-1); goto loop; reduce: Trace(printf("Reduce %d\n", n)); m = Short(tables->len, n); env->asp = Val_int(sp); env->rule_number = Val_int(n); env->rule_len = Val_int(m); sp = sp - m + 1; m = Short(tables->lhs, n); state1 = Int_val(Field(env->s_stack, sp - 1)); n1 = Short(tables->gindex, m); n2 = n1 + state1; if (n1 != 0 && n2 >= 0 && n2 <= Int_val(tables->tablesize) && Short(tables->check, n2) == state1) { state = Short(tables->table, n2); } else { state = Short(tables->dgoto, m); } if (sp < Long_val(env->stacksize)) goto semantic_action; env->sp = Val_int(sp); env->state = Val_int(state); return GROW_STACKS_2; /* The ML code resizes the stacks */ case STACKS_GROWN_2: sp = Int_val(env->sp); state = Int_val(env->state); semantic_action: env->sp = Val_int(sp); env->state = Val_int(state); return COMPUTE_SEMANTIC_ACTION; /* The ML code calls the semantic action */ case SEMANTIC_ACTION_COMPUTED: sp = Int_val(env->sp); state = Int_val(env->state); Field(env->s_stack, sp) = Val_int(state); modify(&Field(env->v_stack, sp), arg); Field(env->symb_end_stack, sp) = Field(env->symb_end_stack, Int_val(env->asp)); goto loop; } }