(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (**************************** Time travel ******************************) open Instruct open Events open Debugcom open Primitives open Checkpoints open Breakpoints open Trap_barrier open Input_handling open Debugger_config open Program_loading exception Current_checkpoint_lost let remove_1st key list = let rec remove = function [] -> [] | a::l -> if a == key then l else a::(remove l) in remove list (*** Debugging. ***) let debug_time_travel = ref false (*** Internal utilities. ***) (* Insert a checkpoint in the checkpoint list. * Raise `Exit' if there is already a checkpoint at the same time. *) let insert_checkpoint ({c_time = time} as checkpoint) = let rec traverse = function [] -> [checkpoint] | (({c_time = t} as a)::l) as l' -> if t > time then a::(traverse l) else if t = time then raise Exit else checkpoint::l' in checkpoints := traverse !checkpoints (* Remove a checkpoint from the checkpoint list. * --- No error if not found. *) let remove_checkpoint checkpoint = checkpoints := remove_1st checkpoint !checkpoints (* Wait for the process used by `checkpoint' to connect. * --- Usually not called (the process is already connected). *) let wait_for_connection checkpoint = try Exec.unprotect (function () -> let old_controller = Input_handling.current_controller !connection in execute_with_other_controller (function fd -> old_controller fd; if checkpoint.c_valid = true then exit_main_loop ()) !connection main_loop) with Sys.Break -> checkpoint.c_parent <- root; remove_checkpoint checkpoint; checkpoint.c_pid <- -1; raise Sys.Break (* Select a checkpoint as current. *) let set_current_checkpoint checkpoint = if !debug_time_travel then prerr_endline ("Select : " ^ (string_of_int checkpoint.c_pid)); if not checkpoint.c_valid then wait_for_connection checkpoint; current_checkpoint := checkpoint; set_current_connection checkpoint.c_fd (* Kill `checkpoint'. *) let kill_checkpoint checkpoint = if !debug_time_travel then prerr_endline ("Kill : " ^ (string_of_int checkpoint.c_pid)); if checkpoint.c_pid > 0 then (* Ghosts don't have to be killed ! *) (if not checkpoint.c_valid then wait_for_connection checkpoint; stop checkpoint.c_fd; if checkpoint.c_parent.c_pid > 0 then wait_child checkpoint.c_parent.c_fd; checkpoint.c_parent <- root; close_io checkpoint.c_fd; remove_file checkpoint.c_fd; remove_checkpoint checkpoint); checkpoint.c_pid <- -1 (* Don't exist anymore *) (*** Cleaning the checkpoint list. ***) (* Separe checkpoints before (<=) and after (>) `t'. *) (* ### t checkpoints -> (after, before) *) let cut t = let rec cut_t = function [] -> ([], []) | ({c_time = t'} as a::l) as l' -> if t' <= t then ([], l') else let (b, e) = cut_t l in (a::b, e) in cut_t (* Partition the checkpoints list. *) let cut2 t0 t l = let rec cut2_t0 t = function [] -> [] | l -> let (after, before) = cut (t0 - t - 1) l in let l = cut2_t0 (2 * t) before in after::l in let (after, before) = cut (t0 - 1) l in after::(cut2_t0 t before) (* Separe first elements and last element of a list of checkpoint. *) let chk_merge2 cont = let rec chk_merge2_cont = function [] -> cont | [a] -> let (accepted, rejected) = cont in (a::accepted, rejected) | a::l -> let (accepted, rejected) = chk_merge2_cont l in (accepted, a::rejected) in chk_merge2_cont (* Separe the checkpoint list. *) (* ### list -> accepted * rejected *) let rec chk_merge = function [] -> ([], []) | l::tail -> chk_merge2 (chk_merge tail) l let new_checkpoint_list checkpoint_count accepted rejected = if List.length accepted >= checkpoint_count then let (k, l) = list_truncate2 checkpoint_count accepted in (k, l @ rejected) else let (k, l) = list_truncate2 (checkpoint_count - List.length accepted) rejected in (Sort.merge (fun {c_time = t1} {c_time = t2} -> t1 > t2) accepted k, l) (* Clean the checkpoint list. *) (* Reference time is `time'. *) let clean_checkpoints time checkpoint_count = let (after, before) = cut time !checkpoints in let (accepted, rejected) = chk_merge (cut2 time !checkpoint_small_step before) in let (kept, lost) = new_checkpoint_list checkpoint_count accepted after in List.iter kill_checkpoint (lost @ rejected); checkpoints := kept (*** Internal functions for moving. ***) (* Find the first checkpoint before (or at) `time'. * Ask for reloading the program if necessary. *) let find_checkpoint_before time = let rec find = function [] -> print_string "Can't go that far in the past !"; print_newline (); if yes_or_no "Reload program" then begin load_program (); find !checkpoints end else raise Toplevel | { c_time = t } as a::l -> if t > time then find l else a in find !checkpoints (* Make a copy of the current checkpoint and clean the checkpoint list. *) (* --- The new checkpoint in not put in the list. *) let duplicate_current_checkpoint () = let checkpoint = !current_checkpoint in if not checkpoint.c_valid then wait_for_connection checkpoint; let new_checkpoint = (* Ghost *) {c_time = checkpoint.c_time; c_pid = 0; c_fd = checkpoint.c_fd; c_valid = false; c_report = checkpoint.c_report; c_state = C_stopped; c_parent = checkpoint; c_breakpoint_version = checkpoint.c_breakpoint_version; c_breakpoints = checkpoint.c_breakpoints; c_trap_barrier = checkpoint.c_trap_barrier} in checkpoints := list_replace checkpoint new_checkpoint !checkpoints; set_current_checkpoint checkpoint; clean_checkpoints (checkpoint.c_time + 1) (!checkpoint_max_count - 1); if new_checkpoint.c_pid = 0 then (* The ghost has not been killed *) (match do_checkpoint () with (* Duplicate checkpoint *) Checkpoint_done pid -> (new_checkpoint.c_pid <- pid; if !debug_time_travel then prerr_endline ("Waiting for connection : " ^ (string_of_int pid))) | Checkpoint_failed -> prerr_endline "A fork failed. Reducing maximum number of checkpoints."; checkpoint_max_count := List.length !checkpoints - 1; remove_checkpoint new_checkpoint) (* Was the movement interrupted ? *) (* --- An exception could have been used instead, *) (* --- but it is not clear where it should be caught. *) (* --- For instance, it should not be caught in `step' *) (* --- (as `step' is used in `next_1'). *) (* --- On the other side, other modules does not need to know *) (* --- about this exception. *) let interrupted = ref false (* Informations about last breakpoint encountered *) let last_breakpoint = ref None (* Ensure we stop on an event. *) let rec stop_on_event report = match report with {rep_type = Breakpoint; rep_program_pointer = pc; rep_stack_pointer = sp} -> last_breakpoint := Some (pc, sp); update_current_event (); begin match !current_event with None -> find_event () | Some _ -> () end | {rep_type = Trap_barrier; rep_stack_pointer = trap_frame} -> (* No event at current position. *) find_event () | _ -> () and find_event () = if !debug_time_travel then begin print_string "Searching next event..."; print_newline () end; let report = do_go 1 in !current_checkpoint.c_report <- Some report; stop_on_event report (* Internal function for running debugged program. * Requires `duration > 0'. *) let internal_step duration = match current_report () with Some {rep_type = Exited | Uncaught_exc} -> () | _ -> Exec.protect (function () -> if !make_checkpoints then duplicate_current_checkpoint () else remove_checkpoint !current_checkpoint; update_breakpoints (); update_trap_barrier (); !current_checkpoint.c_state <- C_running duration; let report = do_go duration in !current_checkpoint.c_report <- Some report; !current_checkpoint.c_state <- C_stopped; if report.rep_type = Event then begin !current_checkpoint.c_time <- !current_checkpoint.c_time + duration; interrupted := false; last_breakpoint := None end else begin !current_checkpoint.c_time <- !current_checkpoint.c_time + duration - report.rep_event_count + 1; interrupted := true; last_breakpoint := None; stop_on_event report end; (try insert_checkpoint !current_checkpoint with Exit -> kill_checkpoint !current_checkpoint; set_current_checkpoint (find_checkpoint_before (current_time ())))); if !debug_time_travel then begin print_string "Checkpoints : pid(time)"; print_newline (); List.iter (function {c_time = time; c_pid = pid; c_valid = valid} -> print_int pid; print_string "("; print_int time; print_string ")"; if not valid then print_string "(invalid)"; print_string " ") !checkpoints; print_newline () end (*** Miscellaneous functions (exported). ***) (* Create a checkpoint at time 0 (new program). *) let new_checkpoint pid fd = let new_checkpoint = {c_time = 0; c_pid = pid; c_fd = fd; c_valid = true; c_report = None; c_state = C_stopped; c_parent = root; c_breakpoint_version = 0; c_breakpoints = []; c_trap_barrier = 0} in insert_checkpoint new_checkpoint (* Set the file descriptor of a checkpoint *) (* (a new process has connected with the debugger). *) (* --- Return `true' on success (close the connection otherwise). *) let set_file_descriptor pid fd = let rec find = function [] -> prerr_endline "Unexpected connection"; close_io fd; false | ({c_pid = pid'} as checkpoint)::l -> if pid <> pid' then find l else (checkpoint.c_fd <- fd; checkpoint.c_valid <- true; true) in if !debug_time_travel then prerr_endline ("New connection : " ^(string_of_int pid)); find (!current_checkpoint::!checkpoints) (* Kill all the checkpoints. *) let kill_all_checkpoints () = List.iter kill_checkpoint (!current_checkpoint::!checkpoints) (* Kill a checkpoint without killing the process. *) (* (used when connection with the process is lost). *) (* --- Assume that the checkpoint is valid. *) let forget_process fd pid = let checkpoint = find (function c -> c.c_pid = pid) (!current_checkpoint::!checkpoints) in prerr_string "Lost connection with process "; prerr_int pid; if checkpoint = !current_checkpoint then begin prerr_endline " (active process)"; match !current_checkpoint.c_state with C_stopped -> prerr_string "at time "; prerr_int !current_checkpoint.c_time | C_running duration -> prerr_string "between time "; prerr_int !current_checkpoint.c_time; prerr_string " and time "; prerr_int (!current_checkpoint.c_time + duration) end; prerr_endline ""; Input_handling.remove_file fd; close_io checkpoint.c_fd; remove_file checkpoint.c_fd; remove_checkpoint checkpoint; checkpoint.c_pid <- -1; (* Don't exist anymore *) if checkpoint.c_parent.c_pid > 0 then wait_child checkpoint.c_parent.c_fd; if checkpoint = !current_checkpoint then raise Current_checkpoint_lost (* Try to recover when the current checkpoint is lost. *) let recover () = set_current_checkpoint (find_checkpoint_before (current_time ())) (*** Simple movements. ***) (* Forward stepping. Requires `duration >= 0'. *) let rec step_forward duration = if duration > !checkpoint_small_step then begin let first_step = if duration > !checkpoint_big_step then !checkpoint_big_step else !checkpoint_small_step in internal_step first_step; if not !interrupted then step_forward (duration - first_step) end else if duration != 0 then internal_step duration (* Go to time `time' from current checkpoint (internal). *) let internal_go_to time = let duration = time - current_time () in if duration > 0 then execute_without_breakpoints (function () -> step_forward duration) (* Move to a given time. *) let go_to time = let checkpoint = find_checkpoint_before time in set_current_checkpoint checkpoint; internal_go_to time (* Return the time of the last breakpoint *) (* between current time and `max_time'. *) let rec find_last_breakpoint max_time = let rec find break = let time = current_time () in step_forward (max_time - time); match !last_breakpoint, !temporary_breakpoint_position with (Some _, _) when current_time () < max_time -> find !last_breakpoint | (Some (pc, _), Some pc') when pc = pc' -> (max_time, !last_breakpoint) | _ -> (time, break) in find (match current_pc_sp () with (Some (pc, _)) as state when breakpoint_at_pc pc -> state | _ -> None) (* Run from `time_max' back to `time'. *) (* --- Assume 0 <= time < time_max *) let rec back_to time time_max = let {c_time = t} as checkpoint = find_checkpoint_before (time_max - 1) in go_to (max time t); let (new_time, break) = find_last_breakpoint time_max in if break <> None or (new_time <= time) then begin go_to new_time; interrupted := break <> None; last_breakpoint := break end else back_to time new_time (* Backward stepping. *) (* --- Assume duration > 1 *) let step_backward duration = let time = current_time () in if time > 0 then back_to (max 0 (time - duration)) time (* Run the program from current time. *) (* Stop at the first breakpoint, or at the end of the program. *) let rec run () = internal_step !checkpoint_big_step; if not !interrupted then run () (* Run backward the program form current time. *) (* Stop at the first breakpoint, or at the beginning of the program. *) let back_run () = if current_time () > 0 then back_to 0 (current_time ()) (* Step in any direction. *) (* Stop at the first brakpoint, or after `duration' steps. *) let step duration = if duration >= 0 then step_forward duration else step_backward (-duration) (*** Next, finish. ***) (* Finish current function. *) let finish () = update_current_event (); match !current_event with None -> prerr_endline "`finish' not meaningful in outermost frame."; raise Toplevel | Some curr_event -> set_initial_frame(); let (frame, pc) = up_frame curr_event.ev_stacksize in if frame < 0 then begin prerr_endline "`finish' not meaningful in outermost frame."; raise Toplevel end; begin try ignore(Symbols.any_event_at_pc pc) with Not_found -> prerr_endline "Calling function has no debugging information."; raise Toplevel end; exec_with_trap_barrier frame (fun () -> exec_with_temporary_breakpoint pc (fun () -> while run (); match !last_breakpoint with Some (pc', frame') when pc = pc' -> interrupted := false; frame <> frame' | _ -> false do () done)) let next_1 () = update_current_event (); match !current_event with None -> (* Beginning of the program. *) step 1 | Some event1 -> let (frame1, pc1) = initial_frame() in step 1; if not !interrupted then begin update_current_event (); match !current_event with None -> () | Some event2 -> let (frame2, pc2) = initial_frame() in (* Call `finish' if we've entered a function. *) if frame1 >= 0 && frame2 >= 0 && frame2 - event2.ev_stacksize > frame1 - event1.ev_stacksize then finish() end (* Same as `step' (forward) but skip over function calls. *) let rec next = function 0 -> () | n -> next_1 (); if not !interrupted then next (n - 1) (* Run backward until just before current function. *) let start () = update_current_event (); match !current_event with None -> prerr_endline "`start not meaningful in outermost frame."; raise Toplevel | Some curr_event -> let (frame, _) = initial_frame() in let (frame', pc) = up_frame curr_event.ev_stacksize in if frame' < 0 then begin prerr_endline "`start not meaningful in outermost frame."; raise Toplevel end; let nargs = match try Symbols.any_event_at_pc pc with Not_found -> prerr_endline "Calling function has no debugging information."; raise Toplevel with {ev_info = Event_return nargs} -> nargs | _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Time_travel.start" in let offset = if nargs < 4 then 1 else 2 in let pc = pc - 4 * offset in while exec_with_temporary_breakpoint pc back_run; match !last_breakpoint with Some (pc', frame') when pc = pc' -> step (-1); (not !interrupted) && (frame' - nargs > frame - curr_event.ev_stacksize) | _ -> false do () done let previous_1 () = update_current_event (); match !current_event with None -> (* End of the program. *) step (-1) | Some event1 -> let (frame1, pc1) = initial_frame() in step (-1); if not !interrupted then begin update_current_event (); match !current_event with None -> () | Some event2 -> let (frame2, pc2) = initial_frame() in (* Call `start' if we've entered a function. *) if frame1 >= 0 && frame2 >= 0 && frame2 - event2.ev_stacksize > frame1 - event1.ev_stacksize then start() end (* Same as `step' (backward) but skip over function calls. *) let rec previous = function 0 -> () | n -> previous_1 (); if not !interrupted then previous (n - 1)