(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Config open Clflags open Compenv module Backend = struct (* See backend_intf.mli. *) let symbol_for_global' = Compilenv.symbol_for_global' let closure_symbol = Compilenv.closure_symbol let really_import_approx = Import_approx.really_import_approx let import_symbol = Import_approx.import_symbol let size_int = Arch.size_int let big_endian = Arch.big_endian let max_sensible_number_of_arguments = (* The "-1" is to allow for a potential closure environment parameter. *) Proc.max_arguments_for_tailcalls - 1 end let backend = (module Backend : Backend_intf.S) let process_interface_file ppf name = let opref = output_prefix name in Optcompile.interface ppf name opref; if !make_package then objfiles := (opref ^ ".cmi") :: !objfiles let process_implementation_file ppf name = let opref = output_prefix name in Optcompile.implementation ppf name opref ~backend; objfiles := (opref ^ ".cmx") :: !objfiles let cmxa_present = ref false;; let process_file ppf name = if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml" || Filename.check_suffix name ".mlt" then process_implementation_file ppf name else if Filename.check_suffix name !Config.interface_suffix then process_interface_file ppf name else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmx" then objfiles := name :: !objfiles else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxa" then begin cmxa_present := true; objfiles := name :: !objfiles end else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmi" && !make_package then objfiles := name :: !objfiles else if Filename.check_suffix name ext_obj || Filename.check_suffix name ext_lib then ccobjs := name :: !ccobjs else if Filename.check_suffix name ".c" then begin Optcompile.c_file name; ccobjs := (Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename name) ".c" ^ ext_obj) :: !ccobjs end else raise(Arg.Bad("don't know what to do with " ^ name)) let usage = "Usage: ocamlopt \nOptions are:" let ppf = Format.err_formatter (* Error messages to standard error formatter *) let anonymous filename = readenv ppf (Before_compile filename); process_file ppf filename;; let impl filename = readenv ppf (Before_compile filename); process_implementation_file ppf filename;; let intf filename = readenv ppf (Before_compile filename); process_interface_file ppf filename;; let show_config () = Config.print_config stdout; exit 0; ;; module Options = Main_args.Make_optcomp_options (struct let set r () = r := true let clear r () = r := false let _a = set make_archive let _absname = set Location.absname let _annot = set annotations let _binannot = set binary_annotations let _c = set compile_only let _cc s = c_compiler := Some s let _cclib s = ccobjs := Misc.rev_split_words s @ !ccobjs let _ccopt s = first_ccopts := s :: !first_ccopts let _clambda_checks () = clambda_checks := true let _compact = clear optimize_for_speed let _config () = show_config () let _for_pack s = for_package := Some s let _g = set debug let _i () = print_types := true; compile_only := true let _I dir = include_dirs := dir :: !include_dirs let _impl = impl let _inline spec = Float_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_threshold ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline | =[,...]" let _inline_toplevel spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_toplevel_threshold ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-toplevel | =[,...]" let _inlining_report () = inlining_report := true let _dump_pass pass = set_dumped_pass pass true let _rounds n = simplify_rounds := Some n let _inline_max_unroll spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_max_unroll ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-max-unroll | =[,...]" let _classic_inlining () = classic_inlining := true let _inline_call_cost spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_call_cost ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-call-cost | =[,...]" let _inline_alloc_cost spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_alloc_cost ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-alloc-cost | =[,...]" let _inline_prim_cost spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_prim_cost ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-prim-cost | =[,...]" let _inline_branch_cost spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_branch_cost ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-branch-cost | =[,...]" let _inline_indirect_cost spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_indirect_cost ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-indirect-cost | =[,...]" let _inline_lifting_benefit spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_lifting_benefit ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-lifting-benefit | =[,...]" let _inline_branch_factor spec = Float_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_branch_factor ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-branch-factor | =[,...]" let _intf = intf let _intf_suffix s = Config.interface_suffix := s let _keep_docs = set keep_docs let _keep_locs = set keep_locs let _labels = clear classic let _linkall = set link_everything let _inline_max_depth spec = Int_arg_helper.parse spec ~update:inline_max_depth ~help_text:"Syntax: -inline-max-depth | =[,...]" let _no_alias_deps = set transparent_modules let _no_app_funct = clear applicative_functors let _no_float_const_prop = clear float_const_prop let _noassert = set noassert let _noautolink = set no_auto_link let _nodynlink = clear dlcode let _nolabels = set classic let _nostdlib = set no_std_include let _no_unbox_free_vars_of_closures = clear unbox_free_vars_of_closures let _no_unbox_specialised_args = clear unbox_specialised_args let _o s = output_name := Some s (* CR mshinwell: should stop e.g. -O2 -classic-inlining lgesbert: could be done in main() below, like for -pack and -c, but that would prevent overriding using OCAMLPARAM. *) let _o2 () = default_simplify_rounds := 2; use_inlining_arguments_set o2_arguments; use_inlining_arguments_set ~round:0 o1_arguments let _o3 () = default_simplify_rounds := 3; use_inlining_arguments_set o3_arguments; use_inlining_arguments_set ~round:1 o2_arguments; use_inlining_arguments_set ~round:0 o1_arguments let _open s = open_modules := s :: !open_modules let _output_obj = set output_c_object let _output_complete_obj () = set output_c_object (); set output_complete_object () let _p = set gprofile let _pack = set make_package let _pp s = preprocessor := Some s let _ppx s = first_ppx := s :: !first_ppx let _principal = set principal let _rectypes = set recursive_types let _remove_unused_arguments = set remove_unused_arguments let _runtime_variant s = runtime_variant := s let _safe_string = clear unsafe_string let _short_paths = clear real_paths let _strict_sequence = set strict_sequence let _strict_formats = set strict_formats let _shared () = shared := true; dlcode := true let _S = set keep_asm_file let _thread = set use_threads let _unbox_closures = set unbox_closures let _unsafe = set fast let _unsafe_string = set unsafe_string let _v () = print_version_and_library "native-code compiler" let _version () = print_version_string () let _vnum () = print_version_string () let _verbose = set verbose let _w s = Warnings.parse_options false s let _warn_error s = Warnings.parse_options true s let _warn_help = Warnings.help_warnings let _color option = begin match Clflags.parse_color_setting option with | None -> () | Some setting -> Clflags.color := setting end let _where () = print_standard_library () let _nopervasives = set nopervasives let _dsource = set dump_source let _dparsetree = set dump_parsetree let _dtypedtree = set dump_typedtree let _drawlambda = set dump_rawlambda let _dlambda = set dump_lambda let _drawclambda = set dump_rawclambda let _dclambda = set dump_clambda let _drawflambda = set dump_rawflambda let _dflambda = set dump_flambda let _dflambda_let stamp = dump_flambda_let := Some stamp let _dflambda_verbose () = set dump_flambda (); set dump_flambda_verbose () let _dflambda_no_invariants = clear flambda_invariant_checks let _dcmm = set dump_cmm let _dsel = set dump_selection let _dcombine = set dump_combine let _dcse = set dump_cse let _dlive () = dump_live := true; Printmach.print_live := true let _dspill = set dump_spill let _dsplit = set dump_split let _dinterf = set dump_interf let _dprefer = set dump_prefer let _dalloc = set dump_regalloc let _dreload = set dump_reload let _dscheduling = set dump_scheduling let _dlinear = set dump_linear let _dstartup = set keep_startup_file let _dtimings = set print_timings let _opaque = set opaque let anonymous = anonymous end);; let main () = native_code := true; let ppf = Format.err_formatter in try readenv ppf Before_args; Arg.parse (Arch.command_line_options @ Options.list) anonymous usage; readenv ppf Before_link; if List.length (List.filter (fun x -> !x) [make_package; make_archive; shared; compile_only; output_c_object]) > 1 then fatal "Please specify at most one of -pack, -a, -shared, -c, -output-obj"; if !make_archive then begin if !cmxa_present then fatal "Option -a cannot be used with .cmxa input files."; Compmisc.init_path true; let target = extract_output !output_name in Asmlibrarian.create_archive (get_objfiles ()) target; Warnings.check_fatal (); end else if !make_package then begin Compmisc.init_path true; let target = extract_output !output_name in Asmpackager.package_files ppf (Compmisc.initial_env ()) (get_objfiles ()) target ~backend; Warnings.check_fatal (); end else if !shared then begin Compmisc.init_path true; let target = extract_output !output_name in Asmlink.link_shared ppf (get_objfiles ()) target; Warnings.check_fatal (); end else if not !compile_only && !objfiles <> [] then begin let target = if !output_c_object then let s = extract_output !output_name in if (Filename.check_suffix s Config.ext_obj || Filename.check_suffix s Config.ext_dll) then s else fatal (Printf.sprintf "The extension of the output file must be %s or %s" Config.ext_obj Config.ext_dll ) else default_output !output_name in Compmisc.init_path true; Asmlink.link ppf (get_objfiles ()) target; Warnings.check_fatal (); end; with x -> Location.report_exception ppf x; exit 2 let _ = Timings.(time All) main (); if !Clflags.print_timings then Timings.print Format.std_formatter; exit 0