(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Clflags module Backend = struct (* See backend_intf.mli. *) let symbol_for_global' = Compilenv.symbol_for_global' let closure_symbol = Compilenv.closure_symbol let really_import_approx = Import_approx.really_import_approx let import_symbol = Import_approx.import_symbol let size_int = Arch.size_int let big_endian = Arch.big_endian let max_sensible_number_of_arguments = (* The "-1" is to allow for a potential closure environment parameter. *) Proc.max_arguments_for_tailcalls - 1 end let backend = (module Backend : Backend_intf.S) module Options = Main_args.Make_optcomp_options (Main_args.Default.Optmain) let main argv ppf = native_code := true; let program = "ocamlopt" in match Compenv.readenv ppf Before_args; Clflags.add_arguments __LOC__ (Arch.command_line_options @ Options.list); Clflags.add_arguments __LOC__ ["-depend", Arg.Unit Makedepend.main_from_option, " Compute dependencies \ (use 'ocamlopt -depend -help' for details)"]; Compenv.parse_arguments (ref argv) Compenv.anonymous program; Compmisc.read_clflags_from_env (); if !Clflags.plugin then Compenv.fatal "-plugin is only supported up to OCaml 4.08.0"; begin try Compenv.process_deferred_actions (ppf, Optcompile.implementation ~backend, Optcompile.interface, ".cmx", ".cmxa"); with Arg.Bad msg -> begin prerr_endline msg; Clflags.print_arguments program; exit 2 end end; Compenv.readenv ppf Before_link; if List.length (List.filter (fun x -> !x) [make_package; make_archive; shared; Compenv.stop_early; output_c_object]) > 1 then begin let module P = Clflags.Compiler_pass in match !stop_after with | None -> Compenv.fatal "Please specify at most one of -pack, -a, -shared, -c, \ -output-obj"; | Some ((P.Parsing | P.Typing | P.Lambda | P.Scheduling | P.Emit) as p) -> assert (P.is_compilation_pass p); Printf.ksprintf Compenv.fatal "Options -i and -stop-after (%s) \ are incompatible with -pack, -a, -shared, -output-obj" (String.concat "|" (P.available_pass_names ~filter:(fun _ -> true) ~native:true)) end; if !make_archive then begin Compmisc.init_path (); let target = Compenv.extract_output !output_name in Asmlibrarian.create_archive (Compenv.get_objfiles ~with_ocamlparam:false) target; Warnings.check_fatal (); end else if !make_package then begin Compmisc.init_path (); let target = Compenv.extract_output !output_name in Compmisc.with_ppf_dump ~file_prefix:target (fun ppf_dump -> Asmpackager.package_files ~ppf_dump (Compmisc.initial_env ()) (Compenv.get_objfiles ~with_ocamlparam:false) target ~backend); Warnings.check_fatal (); end else if !shared then begin Compmisc.init_path (); let target = Compenv.extract_output !output_name in Compmisc.with_ppf_dump ~file_prefix:target (fun ppf_dump -> Asmlink.link_shared ~ppf_dump (Compenv.get_objfiles ~with_ocamlparam:false) target); Warnings.check_fatal (); end else if not !Compenv.stop_early && (!objfiles <> [] || !Compenv.has_linker_inputs) then begin let target = if !output_c_object then let s = Compenv.extract_output !output_name in if (Filename.check_suffix s Config.ext_obj || Filename.check_suffix s Config.ext_dll) then s else Compenv.fatal (Printf.sprintf "The extension of the output file must be %s or %s" Config.ext_obj Config.ext_dll ) else Compenv.default_output !output_name in Compmisc.init_path (); Compmisc.with_ppf_dump ~file_prefix:target (fun ppf_dump -> let objs = Compenv.get_objfiles ~with_ocamlparam:true in Asmlink.link ~ppf_dump objs target); Warnings.check_fatal (); end; with | exception (Compenv.Exit_with_status n) -> n | exception x -> Location.report_exception ppf x; 2 | () -> Compmisc.with_ppf_dump ~file_prefix:"profile" (fun ppf -> Profile.print ppf !Clflags.profile_columns); 0