open Ocamlbuild_plugin open Command open Arch open Format module C = Myocamlbuild_config let windows = Sys.os_type = "Win32";; if windows then tag_any ["windows"];; let ccomptype = C.ccomptype let () = if ccomptype <> "cc" then eprintf "ccomptype: %s@." ccomptype;; let fp_cat oc f = with_input_file ~bin:true f (fun ic -> copy_chan ic oc) (* Improve using the command module in Myocamlbuild_config with the variant version (`S, `A...) *) let mkdll out files opts = let s = Command.string_of_command_spec in Cmd(Sh(Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s" C.mkdll out (s files) (s opts))) let mkexe out files opts = let s = Command.string_of_command_spec in Cmd(Sh(Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s" C.mkexe out (s files) (s opts))) let mklib out files opts = let s = Command.string_of_command_spec in Cmd(Sh(C.mklib out (s files) (s opts))) let syslib x = A(C.syslib x);; let syscamllib x = if ccomptype = "msvc" then A(Printf.sprintf "lib%s.lib" x) else A("-l"^x) let mkobj obj file opts = let obj = obj-.-C.o in if ccomptype = "msvc" then Seq[Cmd(S[Sh C.bytecc; Sh C.bytecccompopts; opts; A"-c"; Px file]); mv (Pathname.basename (Pathname.update_extension C.o file)) obj] else Cmd(S[Sh C.bytecc; Sh C.bytecccompopts; opts; A"-c"; P file; A"-o"; Px obj]) let mkdynobj obj file opts = let d_obj = obj-.-"d"-.-C.o in if ccomptype = "msvc" then Seq[Cmd(S[Sh C.bytecc; opts; Sh C.dllcccompopts; A"-c"; Px file]); mv (Pathname.basename (Pathname.update_extension C.o file)) d_obj] else Cmd(S[Sh C.bytecc; opts; Sh C.dllcccompopts; A"-c"; P file; A"-o"; Px d_obj]) let mknatobj obj file opts = let obj = obj-.-C.o in if ccomptype = "msvc" then Seq[Cmd(S[Sh C.nativecc; opts; A"-c"; Px file]); mv (Pathname.basename (Pathname.update_extension C.o file)) obj] else Cmd(S[Sh C.nativecc; A"-O"; opts; Sh C.nativecccompopts; A"-c"; P file; A"-o"; Px obj]) let add_exe a = if not windows || Pathname.check_extension a "exe" then a else a-.-"exe";; let add_exe_if_exists a = if not windows || Pathname.check_extension a "exe" then a else let exe = a-.-"exe" in if Pathname.exists exe then exe else a;; let convert_command_for_windows_shell spec = if not windows then spec else let rec self specs acc = match specs with | N :: specs -> self specs acc | S[] :: specs -> self specs acc | S[x] :: specs -> self (x :: specs) acc | S specs :: specs' -> self (specs @ specs') acc | (P(a) | A(a)) :: specs -> let dirname = Pathname.dirname a in let basename = Pathname.basename a in let p = if dirname = Pathname.current_dir_name then Sh(add_exe_if_exists basename) else Sh(add_exe_if_exists (dirname ^ "\\" ^ basename)) in if String.contains_string basename 0 "ocamlrun" = None then List.rev (p :: acc) @ specs else self specs (p :: acc) | [] | (Px _ | T _ | V _ | Sh _ | Quote _) :: _ -> invalid_arg "convert_command_for_windows_shell: invalid atom in head position" in S(self [spec] []) let convert_for_windows_shell solver () = convert_command_for_windows_shell (solver ()) let ocamlrun = A"boot/ocamlrun" let full_ocamlrun = P((Sys.getcwd ()) / "boot/ocamlrun") let boot_ocamlc = S[ocamlrun; A"boot/ocamlc"; A"-I"; A"boot"; A"-nostdlib"] let partial = bool_of_string (getenv ~default:"false" "OCAMLBUILD_PARTIAL");; let if_partial_dir dir = if partial then ".."/dir else dir;; let unix_dir = match Sys.os_type with | "Win32" -> if_partial_dir "otherlibs/win32unix" | _ -> if_partial_dir "otherlibs/unix";; let threads_dir = if_partial_dir "otherlibs/threads";; let systhreads_dir = if_partial_dir "otherlibs/systhreads";; let dynlink_dir = if_partial_dir "otherlibs/dynlink";; let str_dir = if_partial_dir "otherlibs/str";; let toplevel_dir = if_partial_dir "toplevel";; let ocamlc_solver = let native_deps = ["ocamlc.opt"; "stdlib/stdlib.cmxa"; "stdlib/std_exit.cmx"; "stdlib/std_exit"-.-C.o] in let byte_deps = ["ocamlc"; "stdlib/stdlib.cma"; "stdlib/std_exit.cmo"] in fun () -> if List.for_all Pathname.exists native_deps then S[A"./ocamlc.opt"; A"-nostdlib"] else if List.for_all Pathname.exists byte_deps then S[ocamlrun; A"./ocamlc"; A"-nostdlib"] else boot_ocamlc;; Command.setup_virtual_command_solver "OCAMLC" ocamlc_solver;; Command.setup_virtual_command_solver "OCAMLCWIN" (convert_for_windows_shell ocamlc_solver);; let ocamlopt_solver () = S[if Pathname.exists "ocamlopt.opt" && Pathname.exists ("stdlib/stdlib.cmxa") then A"./ocamlopt.opt" else S[ocamlrun; A"./ocamlopt"]; A"-nostdlib"];; Command.setup_virtual_command_solver "OCAMLOPT" ocamlopt_solver;; Command.setup_virtual_command_solver "OCAMLOPTWIN" (convert_for_windows_shell ocamlopt_solver);; let ocamlc = V"OCAMLC";; let ocamlopt = V"OCAMLOPT";; let ar = A"ar";; dispatch begin function | Before_hygiene -> if partial then let patt = String.concat "," ["asmcomp"; "bytecomp"; "debugger"; "driver"; "lex"; "ocamldoc"; "otherlibs"; "parsing"; "stdlib"; "tools"; "toplevel"; "typing"; "utils"] in Ocamlbuild_pack.Configuration.parse_string (sprintf "<{%s}/**>: not_hygienic, -traverse" patt) | After_options -> begin Options.ocamlrun := ocamlrun; Options.ocamllex := S[ocamlrun; P"boot/ocamllex"]; Options.ocamlyacc := if windows then P"./boot/ocamlyacc.exe" else P"boot/ocamlyacc"; Options.ocamlmklib := S[ocamlrun; P"tools/ocamlmklib.byte"; A"-ocamlc"; Quote (V"OCAMLCWIN"); A"-ocamlopt"; Quote (V"OCAMLOPTWIN")(* ; A"-v" *)]; Options.ocamldep := S[ocamlrun; P"boot/ocamldep"]; Options.ext_obj := C.o; Options.ext_lib := C.a; Options.ext_dll := String.after C.ext_dll 1; Options.nostdlib := true; Options.make_links := false; if !Options.just_plugin then Options.ocamlc := boot_ocamlc else begin Options.ocamlc := ocamlc; Options.plugin := false; Options.ocamlopt := ocamlopt; end; end | After_rules -> let module M = struct let hot_camlp4boot = "camlp4"/"boot"/"camlp4boot.byte";; let cold_camlp4boot = "camlp4boot" (* The installed version *);; flag ["ocaml"; "ocamlyacc"] (A"-v");; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "warn_Ale"] (S[A"-w";A"Ale"; A"-warn-error";A"Ale"]);; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "warn_Alezv"] (S[A"-w";A"Alezv"; A"-warn-error";A"Alezv"]);; non_dependency "otherlibs/threads/" "Unix";; non_dependency "otherlibs/threads/" "String";; let add_extensions extensions modules = List.fold_right begin fun x -> List.fold_right begin fun ext acc -> x-.-ext :: acc end extensions end modules [];; flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"] (convert_command_for_windows_shell (S[ocamlrun; P hot_camlp4boot]));; flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "native"] (S[A"-D"; A"OPT"]);; flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "pp:dep"] (S[A"-D"; A"OPT"]);; flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "pp:doc"] (S[A"-printer"; A"o"]);; let exn_tracer = Pathname.pwd/"camlp4"/"boot"/"Camlp4ExceptionTracer.cmo" in if Pathname.exists exn_tracer then flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "exntracer"] (P exn_tracer); use_lib "camlp4/mkcamlp4" "camlp4/camlp4lib";; use_lib "toplevel/topstart" "toplevel/toplevellib";; use_lib "otherlibs/dynlink/extract_crc" "otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink";; hide_package_contents "otherlibs/dynlink/dynlinkaux";; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "file:driver/main.native"; "native"] begin S[A"-ccopt"; A C.bytecclinkopts; A"-cclib"; A C.bytecclibs] end;; dep ["ocaml"; "link"; "file:driver/main.native"; "native"] ["asmrun/meta"-.-C.o; "asmrun/dynlink"-.-C.o];; dep ["ocaml"; "compile"; "native"] ["stdlib/libasmrun"-.-C.a];; flag ["ocaml"; "link"] (S[A"-I"; P "stdlib"]);; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "include_unix"] (S[A"-I"; P unix_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "include_str"] (S[A"-I"; P str_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "include_dynlink"] (S[A"-I"; P dynlink_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "include_toplevel"] (S[A"-I"; P toplevel_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "use_unix"] (S[A"-I"; P unix_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "use_dynlink"] (S[A"-I"; P dynlink_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "use_str"] (S[A"-I"; P str_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "use_toplevel"] (S[A"-I"; P toplevel_dir]);; let setup_arch arch = let annotated_arch = annotate arch in let (_include_dirs_table, _for_pack_table) = mk_tables annotated_arch in (* Format.eprintf "%a@." (Ocaml_arch.print_table (List.print pp_print_string)) include_dirs_table;; *) iter_info begin fun i -> Pathname.define_context i.current_path i.include_dirs end annotated_arch;; let camlp4_arch = dir "" [ dir "stdlib" []; dir "camlp4" [ dir "build" []; dir_pack "Camlp4" [ dir_pack "Struct" [ dir_pack "Grammar" []; ]; dir_pack "Printers" []; ]; dir_pack "Camlp4Top" []; ]; ];; setup_arch camlp4_arch;; Pathname.define_context "" ["stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "utils" [Pathname.current_dir_name; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "camlp4" ["camlp4"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "camlp4/boot" ["camlp4"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers" ["camlp4"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Printers" ["camlp4"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Filters" ["camlp4"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Top" ["camlp4"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "parsing" ["parsing"; "utils"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "typing" ["typing"; "parsing"; "utils"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "ocamldoc" ["typing"; "parsing"; "utils"; "tools"; "bytecomp"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "bytecomp" ["bytecomp"; "parsing"; "typing"; "utils"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "tools" ["tools"; (* "toplevel"; *) "parsing"; "utils"; "driver"; "bytecomp"; "asmcomp"; "typing"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "toplevel" ["toplevel"; "parsing"; "typing"; "bytecomp"; "utils"; "driver"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "driver" ["driver"; "asmcomp"; "bytecomp"; "typing"; "utils"; "parsing"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "debugger" ["bytecomp"; "utils"; "typing"; "parsing"; "toplevel"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/dynlink" ["otherlibs/dynlink"; "bytecomp"; "utils"; "typing"; "parsing"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/dynlink/nat" ["otherlibs/dynlink/nat"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "asmcomp" ["asmcomp"; "bytecomp"; "parsing"; "typing"; "utils"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "ocamlbuild" ["ocamlbuild"; "stdlib"; "."];; Pathname.define_context "lex" ["lex"; "stdlib"];; List.iter (fun x -> let x = "otherlibs"/x in Pathname.define_context x [x; "stdlib"]) ["bigarray"; "dbm"; "graph"; "num"; "str"; "systhreads"; "unix"; "win32graph"; "win32unix"];; (* The bootstrap standard library *) copy_rule "The bootstrap standard library" "stdlib/%" "boot/%";; (* About the standard library *) copy_rule "stdlib asmrun" ("asmrun/%"-.-C.a) ("stdlib/%"-.-C.a);; copy_rule "stdlib byterun" ("byterun/%"-.-C.a) ("stdlib/%"-.-C.a);; (* The thread specific standard library *) copy_rule "The thread specific standard library (mllib)" ~insert:`bottom "stdlib/%.mllib" "otherlibs/threads/%.mllib";; copy_rule "The thread specific standard library (cmo)" ~insert:`bottom "stdlib/%.cmo" "otherlibs/threads/%.cmo";; copy_rule "The thread specific standard library (cmi)" ~insert:`top "stdlib/%.cmi" "otherlibs/threads/%.cmi";; copy_rule "The thread specific standard library (mli)" ~insert:`bottom "stdlib/%.mli" "otherlibs/threads/%.mli";; copy_rule "The thread specific unix library (mli)" ~insert:`bottom "otherlibs/unix/%.mli" "otherlibs/threads/%.mli";; copy_rule "The thread specific unix library (ml)" ~insert:`bottom "otherlibs/unix/" "otherlibs/threads/";; copy_rule "The thread specific unix library (mllib)" ~insert:`bottom "otherlibs/unix/%.mllib" "otherlibs/threads/%.mllib";; (* Temporary rule, waiting for a full usage of ocamlbuild *) copy_rule "Temporary rule, waiting for a full usage of ocamlbuild" "%.mlbuild" "";; if windows then copy_rule " ->" "otherlibs/systhreads/" "otherlibs/systhreads/" else copy_rule " ->" "otherlibs/systhreads/" "otherlibs/systhreads/";; copy_rule "graph/ -> win32graph/" "otherlibs/graph/" "otherlibs/win32graph/";; copy_rule "graph/graphics.mli -> win32graph/graphics.mli" "otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli" "otherlibs/win32graph/graphics.mli";; rule "the ocaml toplevel" ~prod:"ocaml" ~deps:["stdlib/stdlib.mllib"; "toplevel/topstart.byte"; "toplevel/expunge.byte"] begin fun _ _ -> let modules = string_list_of_file "stdlib/stdlib.mllib" in Cmd(S[ocamlrun; A"toplevel/expunge.byte"; A"toplevel/topstart.byte"; Px"ocaml"; A"outcometree"; A"topdirs"; A"toploop"; atomize modules]) end;; let copy_rule' ?insert src dst = copy_rule (sprintf "%s -> %s" src dst) ?insert src dst;; copy_rule' "driver/main.byte" "ocamlc";; copy_rule' "driver/main.native" "ocamlc.opt";; copy_rule' "driver/optmain.byte" "ocamlopt";; copy_rule' "driver/optmain.native" "ocamlopt.opt";; copy_rule' "lex/main.byte" "lex/ocamllex";; copy_rule' "lex/main.native" "lex/ocamllex.opt";; copy_rule' "debugger/main.byte" "debugger/ocamldebug";; copy_rule' "ocamldoc/odoc.byte" "ocamldoc/ocamldoc";; copy_rule' "ocamldoc/odoc_opt.native" "ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt";; copy_rule' "tools/ocamlmklib.byte" "tools/ocamlmklib";; copy_rule' "otherlibs/dynlink/extract_crc.byte" "otherlibs/dynlink/extract_crc";; copy_rule' ~insert:`bottom "%" "%.exe";; ocaml_lib "stdlib/stdlib";; let stdlib_mllib_contents = lazy (string_list_of_file "stdlib/stdlib.mllib");; let import_stdlib_contents build exts = let l = List.fold_right begin fun x -> List.fold_right begin fun ext acc -> ["stdlib"/(String.uncapitalize x)-.-ext] :: acc end exts end !*stdlib_mllib_contents [] in let res = build l in List.iter Outcome.ignore_good res ;; rule "byte stdlib in partial mode" ~stamp:"byte_stdlib_partial_mode" ~deps:["stdlib/stdlib.mllib"; "stdlib/stdlib.cma"; "stdlib/std_exit.cmo"; "stdlib/libcamlrun"-.-C.a; "stdlib/camlheader"; "stdlib/camlheader_ur"] begin fun env build -> let (_ : Command.t) = Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_compiler.byte_library_link_mllib "stdlib/stdlib.mllib" "stdlib/stdlib.cma" env build in import_stdlib_contents build ["cmi"]; Nop end;; rule "native stdlib in partial mode" ~stamp:"native_stdlib_partial_mode" ~deps:["stdlib/stdlib.mllib"; "stdlib/stdlib.cmxa"; "stdlib/stdlib"-.-C.a; "stdlib/std_exit.cmx"; "stdlib/std_exit"-.-C.o; "stdlib/libasmrun"-.-C.a; "stdlib/camlheader"; "stdlib/camlheader_ur"] begin fun env build -> let (_ : Command.t) = Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_compiler.native_library_link_mllib "stdlib/stdlib.mllib" "stdlib/stdlib.cmxa" env build in import_stdlib_contents build ["cmi"]; Nop end;; copy_rule' ~insert:`top "otherlibs/dynlink/" "otherlibs/dynlink/nat/";; copy_rule' ~insert:`top "otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink.mli" "otherlibs/dynlink/nat/dynlink.mli";; copy_rule' ~insert:`top "otherlibs/dynlink/nat/dynlink.cmx" "otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink.cmx";; copy_rule' ~insert:`top "otherlibs/dynlink/nat/dynlink.cmxa" "otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink.cmxa";; copy_rule' ~insert:`top ("otherlibs/dynlink/nat/dynlink"-.-C.a) ("otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink"-.-C.a);; dep ["ocaml"; "compile"; "native"; "file:otherlibs/dynlink/nat/dynlink.cmx"] ["otherlibs/dynlink/nat/dynlink.cmi"];; rule "C files" ~prod:("%"-.-C.o) ~dep:"%.c" ~insert:(`before "ocaml C stubs: c -> o") begin fun env _ -> let c = env "%.c" in mkobj (env "%") c (T(tags_of_pathname c++"c"++"compile"++ccomptype)) end;; rule "C files for windows dynamic libraries" ~prod:("%.d"-.-C.o) ~dep:"%.c" ~insert:(`before "C files") begin fun env _ -> let c = env "%.c" in mkdynobj (env "%") c (T(tags_of_pathname c++"c"++"compile"++"dll"++ccomptype)) end;; (* ../ is because .h files are not dependencies so they are not imported in build dir *) flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_bigarray"] (S[A"-I"; P"../otherlibs/bigarray"]);; flag [(* "ocaml" or "c"; *) "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_graph"] (S[Sh C.x11_link]);; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_graph"] (S[Sh C.x11_includes; A"-I../otherlibs/graph"]);; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_win32graph"] (A"-I../otherlibs/win32graph");; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_dbm"] (Sh C.dbm_includes);; flag [(* "ocaml" oc "c"; *) "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_dbm"] (S[A"-oc"; A"otherlibs/dbm/mldbm"; Sh C.dbm_link]);; flag ["ocaml"; "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_threads"] (S[A"-oc"; A"otherlibs/threads/vmthreads"]);; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_num"] begin S[A("-DBNG_ARCH_"^C.bng_arch); A("-DBNG_ASM_LEVEL="^C.bng_asm_level); A"-I"; P"../otherlibs/num"] end;; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_win32unix"] (A"-I../otherlibs/win32unix");; flag [(* "ocaml" or "c"; *) "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_win32unix"] (S[A"-cclib"; Quote (syslib "wsock32")]);; flag ["c"; "link"; "dll"; "otherlibs_win32unix"] (syslib "wsock32");; let flags = S[syslib "kernel32"; syslib "gdi32"; syslib "user32"] in flag ["c"; "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_win32graph"] (S[A"-cclib"; Quote flags]); flag ["c"; "link"; "dll"; "otherlibs_win32graph"] flags;; if windows then flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_bigarray"] (A"-DIN_OCAML_BIGARRAY");; if windows then flag ["ocamlmklib"] (A"-custom");; flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "ocamldoc_sources"] begin if windows then S[A"grep"; A"-v"; A"DEBUG"] else A"../ocamldoc/remove_DEBUG" end;; let ocamldoc = P"./ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt" in let stdlib_mlis = List.fold_right (fun x acc -> "stdlib"/(String.uncapitalize x)-.-"mli" :: acc) (string_list_of_file "stdlib/stdlib.mllib") ["otherlibs/unix/unix.mli"; "otherlibs/str/str.mli"; "otherlibs/bigarray/bigarray.mli"; "otherlibs/num/num.mli"] in rule "Standard library manual" ~prod:"ocamldoc/stdlib_man/Pervasives.3o" ~stamp:"ocamldoc/stdlib_man.stamp" (* Depend on this file if you want to depends on all files of stdlib_man/* *) ~deps:stdlib_mlis begin fun _ _ -> Seq[Cmd(S[A"mkdir"; A"-p"; P"ocamldoc/stdlib_man"]); Cmd(S[ocamldoc; A"-man"; A"-d"; P"ocamldoc/stdlib_man"; A"-I"; P "stdlib"; A"-I"; P"otherlibs/unix"; A"-I"; P"otherlibs/num"; A"-t"; A"Ocaml library"; A"-man-mini"; atomize stdlib_mlis])] end;; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "bootstrap_thread"] (S[A"-I"; P systhreads_dir; A"-I"; P threads_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "bootstrap_thread"] (S[A"-I"; P systhreads_dir; A"-I"; P threads_dir]);; flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "otherlibs_labltk"] (S[A"-I"; P unix_dir]);; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_labltk"] (S[A"-Ibyterun"; Sh C.tk_defs; Sh C.sharedcccompopts]);; (* Sys threads *) rule "posix native systhreads" ~prod:"otherlibs/systhreads/posix_n.o" ~dep:"otherlibs/systhreads/posix.c" ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[Sh C.nativecc; A"-O"; A"-I../asmrun"; A"-I../byterun"; Sh C.nativecccompopts; Sh C.sharedcccompopts; A"-DNATIVE_CODE"; A("-DTARGET_"^C.arch); A("-DSYS_"^C.system); A"-c"; A"otherlibs/systhreads/posix.c"; A"-o"; Px"otherlibs/systhreads/posix_n.o"]) end;; rule "posix bytecode systhreads" ~prod:"otherlibs/systhreads/posix_b.o" ~dep:"otherlibs/systhreads/posix.c" ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[Sh C.bytecc; A"-O"; A"-I../byterun"; Sh C.bytecccompopts; Sh C.sharedcccompopts; A"-c"; A"otherlibs/systhreads/posix.c"; A"-o"; Px"otherlibs/systhreads/posix_b.o"]) end;; rule "windows native systhreads" ~prod:("otherlibs/systhreads/win32_n"-.-C.o) ~dep:"otherlibs/systhreads/win32.c" ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> mknatobj "otherlibs/systhreads/win32_n" "otherlibs/systhreads/win32.c" (S[A"-I../asmrun"; A"-I../byterun"; A"-DNATIVE_CODE"]) end;; rule "windows bytecode static systhreads" ~prod:("otherlibs/systhreads/win32_b"-.-C.o) ~dep:"otherlibs/systhreads/win32.c" ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> mkobj "otherlibs/systhreads/win32_b" "otherlibs/systhreads/win32.c" ((*A"-O"; why ? *) A"-I../byterun") end;; rule "windows bytecode dynamic systhreads" ~prod:("otherlibs/systhreads/win32_b.d"-.-C.o) ~dep:"otherlibs/systhreads/win32.c" ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> mkdynobj "otherlibs/systhreads/win32_b" "otherlibs/systhreads/win32.c" ((*A"-O"; why ? *) A"-I../byterun") end;; if windows then begin rule "windows libthreadsnat.a" ~prod:("otherlibs/systhreads/libthreadsnat"-.-C.a) ~dep:("otherlibs/systhreads/win32_n"-.-C.o) ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> mklib ("otherlibs/systhreads/libthreadsnat"-.-C.a) (P("otherlibs/systhreads/win32_n"-.-C.o)) N end end else begin (* Dynamic linking with -lpthread is risky on many platforms, so do not create a shared object for libthreadsnat. *) rule "libthreadsnat.a" ~prod:"otherlibs/systhreads/libthreadsnat.a" ~dep:"otherlibs/systhreads/posix_n.o" ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> mklib "otherlibs/systhreads/libthreadsnat.a" (A"otherlibs/systhreads/posix_n.o") N end; (* See remark above: force static linking of libthreadsnat.a *) flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "library"; "otherlibs_systhreads"; "native"] begin S[A"-cclib"; syscamllib "threadsnat"; (* A"-cclib"; syscamllib "unix"; seems to be useless and can be dangerous during bootstrap *) Sh C.pthread_link] end; end;; if windows then copy_rule "systhreads/libthreads.clib is diffrent on windows" ~insert:`top ("otherlibs/systhreads/libthreadswin32"-.-C.a) ("otherlibs/systhreads/libthreads"-.-C.a);; flag ["ocaml"; "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_systhreads"] (S[(* A"-cclib"; syscamllib "unix";; seems to be useless and can be dangerous during bootstrap *) Sh C.pthread_link]);; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs"] begin S[A"-I"; P"../byterun"; A"-I"; P(".."/unix_dir); Sh C.bytecccompopts; Sh C.sharedcccompopts] end;; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs"; "cc"] (A"-O");; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs"; "mingw"] (A"-O");; (* The numeric opcodes *) rule "The numeric opcodes" ~prod:"bytecomp/" ~dep:"byterun/instruct.h" ~insert:`top begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(Sh "sed -n -e '/^enum/p' -e 's/,//g' -e '/^ /p' byterun/instruct.h | \ awk -f ../tools/make-opcodes > bytecomp/") end;; rule "tools/" ~prod:"tools/" ~dep:"byterun/instruct.h" begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(Sh"unset LC_ALL || : ; \ unset LC_CTYPE || : ; \ unset LC_COLLATE LANG || : ; \ sed -e '/\\/\\*/d' \ -e '/^#/d' \ -e 's/enum \\(.*\\) {/let names_of_\\1 = [|/' \ -e 's/};$/ |]/' \ -e 's/\\([A-Z][A-Z_0-9a-z]*\\)/\"\\1\"/g' \ -e 's/,/;/g' \ byterun/instruct.h > tools/") end;; (* The version number *) rule "stdlib/" ~prod:"stdlib/" ~deps:["stdlib/sys.mlp"; "VERSION"] begin fun _ _ -> let version = with_input_file "VERSION" input_line in Seq [rm_f "stdlib/"; Cmd (S[A"sed"; A"-e"; A(sprintf "s,%%%%VERSION%%%%,%s," version); Sh"<"; P"stdlib/sys.mlp"; Sh">"; Px"stdlib/"]); chmod (A"-w") "stdlib/"] end;; (* The predefined exceptions and primitives *) rule "camlheader" ~prods:["stdlib/camlheader"; "stdlib/camlheader_ur"] ~deps:["stdlib/header.c"; "stdlib/headernt.c"] begin fun _ _ -> if C.sharpbangscripts then Cmd(Sh("echo '#!"^C.bindir^"/ocamlrun' > stdlib/camlheader && \ echo '#!' | tr -d '\\012' > stdlib/camlheader_ur")) else if windows then Seq[mkexe "tmpheader.exe" (P"stdlib/headernt.c") (S[A"-I../byterun"; Sh C.extralibs]); rm_f "camlheader.exe"; mv "tmpheader.exe" "stdlib/camlheader"; cp "stdlib/camlheader" "stdlib/camlheader_ur"] else let tmpheader = "tmpheader"^C.exe in Cmd(S[Sh C.bytecc; Sh C.bytecccompopts; Sh C.bytecclinkopts; A"-I"; A"../stdlib"; A("-DRUNTIME_NAME='\""^C.bindir^"/ocamlrun\"'"); A"stdlib/header.c"; A"-o"; Px tmpheader; Sh"&&"; A"strip"; P tmpheader; Sh"&&"; A"mv"; P tmpheader; A"stdlib/camlheader"; Sh"&&"; A"cp"; A"stdlib/camlheader"; A"stdlib/camlheader_ur"]) end;; rule "ocaml C stubs on windows: dlib & d.o* -> dll" ~prod:"%.dll" ~deps:["%.dlib"(*; "byterun/ocamlrun"-.-C.a*)] ~insert:`top begin fun env build -> let dlib = env "%.dlib" in let dll = env "%.dll" in let objs = string_list_of_file dlib in let include_dirs = Pathname.include_dirs_of (Pathname.dirname dll) in let resluts = build begin begin fun d_o -> (fun dir -> dir / (Pathname.update_extension C.o d_o)) include_dirs end objs end in let objs = begin function | Outcome.Good d_o -> d_o | Outcome.Bad exn -> raise exn end resluts in mkdll dll (S[atomize objs; P("byterun/ocamlrun"-.-C.a)]) (T(tags_of_pathname dll++"dll"++"link"++"c")) end;; copy_rule "win32unix use some unix files" "otherlibs/unix/%" "otherlibs/win32unix/%";; (* Temporary rule *) rule "tools/" ~prod:"tools/" ~dep:"tools/ocamlmklib.mlp" (fun _ _ -> cp "tools/ocamlmklib.mlp" "tools/");; rule "bytecomp/" ~prod:"bytecomp/" ~deps:["byterun/primitives"; "byterun/fail.h"] begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[A"../build/";Sh">"; Px"bytecomp/"]) end;; (* Choose the right machine-dependent files *) let mk_arch_rule ~src ~dst = let prod = "asmcomp"/dst in let dep = "asmcomp"/C.arch/src in rule (sprintf "arch specific files %S%%" dst) ~prod ~dep begin if windows then fun env _ -> cp (env dep) (env prod) else fun env _ -> ln_s (env (C.arch/src)) (env prod) end;; mk_arch_rule ~src:(if ccomptype = "msvc" then "" else "") ~dst:"";; List.iter (fun x -> mk_arch_rule ~src:x ~dst:x) [""; ""; ""; ""];; let emit_mlp = "asmcomp"/C.arch/(if ccomptype = "msvc" then "emit_nt.mlp" else "emit.mlp") in rule "emit.mlp" ~prod:"asmcomp/" ~deps:[emit_mlp; "tools/cvt_emit.byte"] begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[ocamlrun; P"tools/cvt_emit.byte"; Sh "<"; P emit_mlp; Sh">"; Px"asmcomp/"]) end;; let p4 = Pathname.concat "camlp4" let pa = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Parsers") let pr = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Printers") let fi = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Filters") let top = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Top") let pa_r = pa "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser" let pa_o = pa "Camlp4OCamlParser" let pa_q = pa "Camlp4QuotationExpander" let pa_qc = pa "Camlp4QuotationCommon" let pa_rq = pa "Camlp4OCamlRevisedQuotationExpander" let pa_oq = pa "Camlp4OCamlOriginalQuotationExpander" let pa_rp = pa "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParserParser" let pa_op = pa "Camlp4OCamlParserParser" let pa_g = pa "Camlp4GrammarParser" let pa_l = pa "Camlp4ListComprehension" let pa_macro = pa "Camlp4MacroParser" let pa_debug = pa "Camlp4DebugParser" let pr_dump = pr "Camlp4OCamlAstDumper" let pr_r = pr "Camlp4OCamlRevisedPrinter" let pr_o = pr "Camlp4OCamlPrinter" let pr_a = pr "Camlp4AutoPrinter" let fi_exc = fi "Camlp4ExceptionTracer" let fi_tracer = fi "Camlp4Tracer" let fi_meta = fi "MetaGenerator" let camlp4_bin = p4 "Camlp4Bin" let top_rprint = top "Rprint" let top_top = top "Top" let camlp4Profiler = p4 "Camlp4Profiler" let camlp4lib_cma = p4 "camlp4lib.cma" let camlp4lib_cmxa = p4 "camlp4lib.cmxa" let camlp4lib_lib = p4 ("camlp4lib"-.-C.a) let special_modules = if Sys.file_exists "./boot/Profiler.cmo" then [camlp4Profiler] else [] ;; let camlp4_import_list = ["utils/"; "utils/"; "parsing/"; "utils/"; "parsing/"; "parsing/"; "parsing/asttypes.mli"; "parsing/parsetree.mli"; "typing/outcometree.mli"; ""; "utils/config.mlbuild"] ;; rule "camlp4/" ~deps:camlp4_import_list ~prod:"camlp4/" begin fun _ _ -> Echo begin List.fold_right begin fun path acc -> let modname = module_name_of_pathname path in "module " :: modname :: " = struct\n" :: path :: "\nend;;\n" :: acc end camlp4_import_list [], "camlp4/" end end;; let mk_camlp4_top_lib name modules = let name = "camlp4"/name in let cma = name-.-"cma" in let deps = special_modules @ modules @ [top_top] in let cmos = add_extensions ["cmo"] deps in rule cma ~deps:(camlp4lib_cma::cmos) ~prods:[cma] ~insert:(`before "ocaml: mllib & cmo* -> cma") begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[ocamlc; A"-a"; T(tags_of_pathname cma++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte"); P camlp4lib_cma; A"-linkall"; atomize cmos; A"-o"; Px cma]) end;; let mk_camlp4_bin name ?unix:(link_unix=true) modules = let name = "camlp4"/name in let byte = name-.-"byte" in let native = name-.-"native" in let unix_cma, unix_cmxa, include_unix = if link_unix then A"unix.cma", A"unix.cmxa", S[A"-I"; P unix_dir] else N,N,N in let dep_unix_byte, dep_unix_native = if link_unix && not partial then [unix_dir/"unix.cma"], [unix_dir/"unix.cmxa"; unix_dir/"unix"-.-C.a] else [],[] in let deps = special_modules @ modules @ [camlp4_bin] in let cmos = add_extensions ["cmo"] deps in let cmxs = add_extensions ["cmx"] deps in let objs = add_extensions [C.o] deps in let dep_dynlink_native = if partial then [] else [dynlink_dir/"dynlink.cmxa"; dynlink_dir/"dynlink"-.-C.a] in rule byte ~deps:(camlp4lib_cma::cmos @ dep_unix_byte) ~prod:(add_exe byte) ~insert:(`before "ocaml: cmo* -> byte") begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[ocamlc; include_unix; unix_cma; T(tags_of_pathname byte++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte"); P camlp4lib_cma; A"-linkall"; atomize cmos; A"-o"; Px (add_exe byte)]) end; rule native ~deps:(camlp4lib_cmxa :: camlp4lib_lib :: (cmxs @ objs @ dep_unix_native @ dep_dynlink_native)) ~prod:(add_exe native) ~insert:(`before "ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native") begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[ocamlopt; A"-I"; P dynlink_dir; A "dynlink.cmxa"; include_unix; unix_cmxa; T(tags_of_pathname native++"ocaml"++"link"++"native"); P camlp4lib_cmxa; A"-linkall"; atomize cmxs; A"-o"; Px (add_exe native)]) end;; let mk_camlp4 name ?unix modules bin_mods top_mods = mk_camlp4_bin name ?unix (modules @ bin_mods); mk_camlp4_top_lib name (modules @ top_mods);; copy_rule "camlp4: boot/ -> Camlp4/Struct/" ~insert:`top "camlp4/boot/" "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/";; rule "camlp4: Camlp4/Struct/ -> boot/" ~prod:"camlp4/boot/" ~dep:"camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/" begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[P"camlp4o"; P"camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; A"-printer"; A"r"; A"-o"; Px"camlp4/boot/"]) end;; module Camlp4deps = struct let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["INCLUDE"; ";"; "="; ":"];; let rec parse strm = match Stream.peek strm with | None -> [] | Some(Genlex.Kwd "INCLUDE") -> Stream.junk strm; begin match Stream.peek strm with | Some(Genlex.String s) -> Stream.junk strm; s :: parse strm | _ -> invalid_arg "Camlp4deps parse failure" end | Some _ -> Stream.junk strm; parse strm let parse_file file = with_input_file file begin fun ic -> let strm = Stream.of_channel ic in parse (lexer strm) end let build_deps build file = let includes = parse_file file in List.iter Outcome.ignore_good (build ( (fun i -> [i]) includes)); end;; dep ["ocaml"; "file:camlp4/Camlp4/"] ["camlp4/Camlp4/"];; rule "camlp4: ml4 -> ml" ~prod:"" ~dep:"%.ml4" begin fun env build -> let ml4 = env "%.ml4" and ml = env "" in Camlp4deps.build_deps build ml4; Cmd(S[P cold_camlp4boot; A"-impl"; P ml4; A"-printer"; A"o"; A"-D"; A"OPT"; A"-o"; Px ml]) end;; rule "camlp4: mlast -> ml" ~prod:"" ~deps:["%.mlast"; "camlp4/Camlp4/"] begin fun env _ -> let mlast = env "%.mlast" and ml = env "" in (* Camlp4deps.build_deps build mlast; too hard to lex *) Cmd(S[P cold_camlp4boot; A"-printer"; A"r"; A"-filter"; A"map"; A"-filter"; A"fold"; A"-filter"; A"meta"; A"-filter"; A"trash"; A"-impl"; P mlast; A"-o"; Px ml]) end;; dep ["ocaml"; "compile"; "file:camlp4/Camlp4/"] ["camlp4/Camlp4/"];; mk_camlp4_bin "camlp4" [];; mk_camlp4 "camlp4boot" ~unix:false [pa_r; pa_qc; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_debug; pa_l] [pr_dump] [top_rprint];; mk_camlp4 "camlp4r" [pa_r; pa_rp] [pr_a] [top_rprint];; mk_camlp4 "camlp4rf" [pa_r; pa_qc; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] [top_rprint];; mk_camlp4 "camlp4o" [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op] [pr_a] [];; mk_camlp4 "camlp4of" [pa_r; pa_qc; pa_q; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] [];; mk_camlp4 "camlp4oof" [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_qc; pa_oq; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] [];; mk_camlp4 "camlp4orf" [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_qc; pa_rq; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] [];; (* Labltk *) Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/support" ["otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/compiler" ["otherlibs/labltk/compiler"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/labltk" ["otherlibs/labltk/labltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/camltk" ["otherlibs/labltk/camltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/lib" ["otherlibs/labltk/labltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/camltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/jpf" ["otherlibs/labltk/jpf"; "otherlibs/labltk/labltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/frx" ["otherlibs/labltk/frx"; "otherlibs/labltk/camltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/tkanim" ["otherlibs/labltk/tkanim"; "otherlibs/labltk/camltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "stdlib"];; Pathname.define_context "otherlibs/labltk/browser" ["otherlibs/labltk/browser"; "otherlibs/labltk/labltk"; "otherlibs/labltk/support"; "parsing"; "utils"; "typing"; "stdlib"];; rule "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/copyright" ~dep:"otherlibs/labltk/compiler/copyright" ~prod:"otherlibs/labltk/compiler/" begin fun _ _ -> Echo(["let copyright = \""; "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/copyright"; "\";;\nlet write ~w = w copyright;;"], "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/") end;; copy_rule "labltk tkcompiler" "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/maincompile.byte" "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/tkcompiler";; copy_rule "labltk pp" "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/pp.byte" "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/pp";; copy_rule "labltk ocamlbrowser" "otherlibs/labltk/browser/main.byte" "otherlibs/labltk/browser/ocamlbrowser";; let builtins = let dir = "otherlibs/labltk/builtin" in List.filter (fun f -> not (Pathname.is_directory f)) ( (fun f -> dir/f) (Array.to_list (Pathname.readdir dir)));; let labltk_support = ["support"; "rawwidget"; "widget"; "protocol"; "textvariable"; "timer"; "fileevent"; "camltkwrap"];; let labltk_generated_modules = ["place"; "wm"; "imagephoto"; "canvas"; "button"; "text"; "label"; "scrollbar"; "image"; "encoding"; "pixmap"; "palette"; "font"; "message"; "menu"; "entry"; "listbox"; "focus"; "menubutton"; "pack"; "option"; "toplevel"; "frame"; "dialog"; "imagebitmap"; "clipboard"; "radiobutton"; "tkwait"; "grab"; "selection"; "scale"; "optionmenu"; "winfo"; "grid"; "checkbutton"; "bell"; "tkvars"];; let labltk_generated_files = let dir = "otherlibs/labltk/labltk" in List.fold_right (fun x acc -> dir/x-.-"ml" :: dir/x-.-"mli" :: acc) labltk_generated_modules [] in rule "labltk/" ~deps:(["otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src"; "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/tkcompiler"] @ builtins) ~prods:("otherlibs/labltk/labltk/" :: "otherlibs/labltk/labltk/" :: labltk_generated_files) begin fun env _ -> Cmd(S[A"cd"; A"otherlibs/labltk"; Sh"&&"; full_ocamlrun; A"compiler/tkcompiler"; A"-outdir"; Px"labltk"]) end;; let camltk_generated_modules = ["cPlace"; "cResource"; "cWm"; "cImagephoto"; "cCanvas"; "cButton"; "cText"; "cLabel"; "cScrollbar"; "cImage"; "cEncoding"; "cPixmap"; "cPalette"; "cFont"; "cMessage"; "cMenu"; "cEntry"; "cListbox"; "cFocus"; "cMenubutton"; "cPack"; "cOption"; "cToplevel"; "cFrame"; "cDialog"; "cImagebitmap"; "cClipboard"; "cRadiobutton"; "cTkwait"; "cGrab"; "cSelection"; "cScale"; "cOptionmenu"; "cWinfo"; "cGrid"; "cCheckbutton"; "cBell"; "cTkvars"];; let camltk_generated_files = let dir = "otherlibs/labltk/camltk" in List.fold_right (fun x acc -> dir/x-.-"ml" :: dir/x-.-"mli" :: acc) camltk_generated_modules [] in rule "camltk/" ~deps:(["otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src"; "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/tkcompiler"] @ builtins) ~prods:("otherlibs/labltk/camltk/" :: "otherlibs/labltk/camltk/" :: camltk_generated_files) begin fun env _ -> Cmd(S[A"cd"; A"otherlibs/labltk"; Sh"&&"; full_ocamlrun; A"compiler/tkcompiler"; A"-camltk"; A"-outdir"; Px"camltk"]) end;; rule "" ~prod:"otherlibs/labltk/labltk/" ~deps:(["otherlibs/labltk/labltk/"; "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/pp.byte"] @ builtins) begin fun _ _ -> Seq[Cmd(Sh"\ (echo 'open StdLabels'; \ echo 'open Widget'; \ echo 'open Protocol'; \ echo 'open Support'; \ echo 'open Textvariable'; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/builtin_*.ml; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/labltk/; \ echo ; \ echo ; \ echo 'module Tkintf = struct'; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/builtini_*.ml; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/labltk/; \ echo 'end (* module Tkintf *)'; \ echo ; \ echo ; \ echo 'open Tkintf' ;\ echo ; \ echo ; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/builtinf_*.ml; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/labltk/; \ echo ; \ ) > otherlibs/labltk/labltk/"); Cmd(S[ocamlrun; P"otherlibs/labltk/compiler/pp.byte"; Sh"<"; P"otherlibs/labltk/labltk/"; Sh">"; Px"otherlibs/labltk/labltk/"]); rm_f "otherlibs/labltk/labltk/"] end;; rule "" ~prod:"otherlibs/labltk/camltk/" ~deps:(["otherlibs/labltk/camltk/"; "otherlibs/labltk/compiler/pp.byte"] @ builtins) begin fun _ _ -> Seq[Cmd(Sh"\ (echo '##define CAMLTK'; \ echo 'include Camltkwrap'; \ echo 'open Widget'; \ echo 'open Protocol'; \ echo 'open Textvariable'; \ echo ; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/; \ echo ; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/builtin_*.ml; \ echo ; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/camltk/; \ echo ; \ echo ; \ echo 'module Tkintf = struct'; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/builtini_*.ml; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/camltk/; \ echo 'end (* module Tkintf *)'; \ echo ; \ echo ; \ echo 'open Tkintf' ;\ echo ; \ echo ; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/builtin/builtinf_*.ml; \ cat otherlibs/labltk/camltk/; \ echo ; \ ) > otherlibs/labltk/camltk/"); Cmd(S[ocamlrun; P"otherlibs/labltk/compiler/pp.byte"; Sh"<"; P"otherlibs/labltk/camltk/"; Sh">"; Px"otherlibs/labltk/camltk/"]); rm_f "otherlibs/labltk/camltk/"] end;; let labltk_lib_contents = labltk_support @ "tk" :: labltk_generated_modules @ "cTk" :: camltk_generated_modules;; let labltk_contents obj_ext = (fun x -> "otherlibs/labltk/support"/x-.-obj_ext) labltk_support @ "otherlibs/labltk/labltk/tk"-.-obj_ext :: (fun x -> "otherlibs/labltk/labltk"/x-.-obj_ext) labltk_generated_modules @ "otherlibs/labltk/camltk/cTk"-.-obj_ext :: (fun x -> "otherlibs/labltk/camltk"/x-.-obj_ext) camltk_generated_modules;; let labltk_cma_contents = labltk_contents "cmo" in rule "labltk.cma" ~prod:"otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk.cma" ~deps:labltk_cma_contents (Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_compiler.byte_library_link_modules labltk_lib_contents "otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk.cma");; let labltk_cmxa_contents = labltk_contents "cmx" in rule "labltk.cmxa" ~prod:"otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk.cmxa" ~deps:labltk_cmxa_contents (Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_compiler.native_library_link_modules labltk_lib_contents "otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk.cmxa");; rule "labltktop" ~prod:(add_exe "otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltktop") ~deps:["toplevel/toplevellib.cma"; "toplevel/topstart.cmo"; "otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk.cma"; "otherlibs/labltk/support/liblabltk"-.-C.a] begin fun _ _ -> Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlc; A"-verbose"; A"-linkall"; A"-o"; Px(add_exe "otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltktop"); A"-I"; P"otherlibs/labltk/support"; A"-I"; P"toplevel"; P"toplevellib.cma"; A"-I"; P"otherlibs/labltk/labltk"; A"-I"; P"otherlibs/labltk/camltk"; A"-I"; P"otherlibs/labltk/lib"; P"labltk.cma"; A"-I"; P unix_dir; P"unix.cma"; A"-I"; P"otherlibs/str"; A"-I"; P "stdlib"; P"str.cma"; P"topstart.cmo"]) end;; let labltk_installdir = C.libdir/"labltk" in rule "labltk" ~prod:"otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk" begin fun _ _ -> Echo(["#!/bin/sh\n"; Printf.sprintf "exec %s -I %s $*\n" (labltk_installdir/"labltktop") labltk_installdir], "otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk") end;; use_lib "otherlibs/labltk/browser/main" "toplevel/toplevellib";; use_lib "otherlibs/labltk/browser/main" "otherlibs/labltk/browser/jglib";; use_lib "otherlibs/labltk/browser/main" "otherlibs/labltk/lib/labltk";; if windows then begin dep ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"; "ocamlbrowser"] ["otherlibs/labltk/browser/winmain"-.-C.o]; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"; "ocamlbrowser"] (S[A"-custom"; A"threads.cma"]); match ccomptype with | "cc" -> flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"; "ocamlbrowser"] (S[A"-ccopt"; A"-Wl,--subsystem,windows"]) | "msvc" -> flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"; "ocamlbrowser"] (S[A"-ccopt"; A"/link /subsystem:windows"]) | _ -> assert false end;; let space_sep_strings s = Ocamlbuild_pack.Lexers.space_sep_strings (Lexing.from_string s);; flag [(* "ocaml" or "c"; *) "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_labltk"] (if windows then begin S(List.fold_right (fun s acc -> A"-cclib" :: A s :: acc) (space_sep_strings C.tk_link) []) end else Sh C.tk_link);; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"; "otherlibs_labltk"] (S[A"-I"; A"otherlibs/labltk/support"]);; flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_labltk"] (A"-Iotherlibs/labltk/support");; copy_rule "ocamlbrowser dummy module" ("otherlibs/labltk/browser"/(if windows then "dummyWin.mli" else "dummyUnix.mli")) "otherlibs/labltk/browser/dummy.mli";; end in () | _ -> () end