(***********************************************************************) (* ocamlbuild *) (* *) (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *) open My_std open Format type file_kind = | FK_dir | FK_file | FK_link | FK_other type stats = { stat_file_kind : file_kind; stat_key : string } type implem = { mutable is_degraded : bool; mutable is_link : string -> bool; mutable run_and_open : 'a . string -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a; mutable readlink : string -> string; mutable execute_many : ?max_jobs:int -> ?ticker:(unit -> unit) -> ?period:float -> ?display:((out_channel -> unit) -> unit) -> ((string * (unit -> unit)) list list) -> (bool list * exn) option; mutable report_error : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit; mutable at_exit_once : (unit -> unit) -> unit; mutable gettimeofday : unit -> float; mutable stdout_isatty : unit -> bool; mutable stat : string -> stats; mutable lstat : string -> stats; } let is_degraded = true let stat f = { stat_key = f; stat_file_kind = try let _ = with_input_file f input_char in FK_file with | Sys_error "Is a directory" -> FK_dir | End_of_file -> FK_file } let run_and_open s kont = with_temp_file "ocamlbuild" "out" begin fun tmp -> let s = sprintf "%s > '%s'" s tmp in let st = sys_command s in if st <> 0 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Error while running: %s" s); with_input_file tmp kont end exception Not_a_link exception No_such_file exception Link_to_directories_not_supported let readlinkcmd = let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 in fun x -> try Hashtbl.find cache x with Not_found -> run_and_open (Printf.sprintf "readlink %s" (Filename.quote x)) begin fun ic -> let y = String.chomp (input_line ic) in Hashtbl.replace cache x y; y end let rec readlink x = if sys_file_exists x then try let y = readlinkcmd x in if (lstat y).stat_file_kind = FK_dir then raise Link_to_directories_not_supported else y with Failure(_) -> raise Not_a_link else raise No_such_file and is_link x = try ignore(readlink x); true with | No_such_file | Not_a_link -> false and lstat x = if is_link x then { stat_key = x; stat_file_kind = FK_link } else stat x let implem = { is_degraded = true; stat = stat; lstat = lstat; readlink = readlink; is_link = is_link; run_and_open = run_and_open; (* at_exit_once is at_exit in the degraded mode since fork is not accessible in this mode *) at_exit_once = at_exit; report_error = (fun _ -> raise); gettimeofday = (fun () -> assert false); stdout_isatty = (fun () -> false); execute_many = (fun ?max_jobs:(_) ?ticker:(_) ?period:(_) ?display:(_) _ -> assert false) } let is_degraded = lazy implem.is_degraded let stat x = implem.stat x let lstat x = implem.lstat x let readlink x = implem.readlink x let is_link x = implem.is_link x let run_and_open x = implem.run_and_open x let at_exit_once x = implem.at_exit_once x let report_error x = implem.report_error x let gettimeofday x = implem.gettimeofday x let stdout_isatty x = implem.stdout_isatty x let execute_many ?max_jobs = implem.execute_many ?max_jobs let run_and_read cmd = let bufsiz = 2048 in let buf = String.create bufsiz in let totalbuf = Buffer.create 4096 in implem.run_and_open cmd begin fun ic -> let rec loop pos = let len = input ic buf 0 bufsiz in if len > 0 then begin Buffer.add_substring totalbuf buf 0 len; loop (pos + len) end in loop 0; Buffer.contents totalbuf end