documentclass :beamer, :t, :compress, :red usepackage :inputenc, :utf8 title "ocamlbuild, a tool for automatic compilation of OCaml projects" authors "Berke Durak", "Nicolas Pouillard" institute do > hfill > end usetheme :JuanLesPins usefonttheme :serif beamer_header '\setbeamercolor*{titlelike}{parent=structure}' at_begin_subsection do slide "Outline" do tableofcontents 'sectionstyle=show/hide', 'subsectionstyle=show/shaded/hide' end end beamer_footline words "**OCaml**" words "??ocamlbuild??" maketitle slide "Why such a tool?" do * To make our OCaml life easier. * A Makefile is so painful. end slide "What does ocamlbuild handle?" do box "Regular OCaml projects of arbitrary size" do > Trivially handled using the command line options. end box "Mostly regular OCaml projects with common exceptions" do > Requires writing one _tag_ file that declares those exceptions. end box "Almost any project" do > Accomplished by writing an ocamlbuild plugin. end end slide "What kind of services for a project?" do * Compilation of the whole project. * Minimal re-compilation after a change. * Other builds like the documentation. * Different build directories at a same time. * Cleaning of what's built. * Keeping an hygienic source directory. * Saving time! end slide "What's a regular OCaml project?" do * OCaml compilation units (ml and mli files). * OCaml parsers and lexers specifications (mly and mll files). * Internal packages and libraries (mlpack, mllib). * Use of external libraries. * One main OCaml unit that represents the starting point. end slide "How difficult are regular projects?" do * end slide "What's an exception?" do box "Some flags can be different for some files" do * Enable/disable some warning flags. * Debugging (-g), profiling (-p), type annotations flags, recursive types, -linkall, -thread, -custom. end * Have to link this binary with that library. * Include or exclude that directory. * Some dependencies. end slide "??Make?? and exceptions" do * The ??make?? tool can handle rules but not exceptions. * With ??make?? exceptions are encoded as specific rules. * This generally makes rules and exceptions tightly bound by variables. * This way totally doesn't scale, and is not *modular*. end slide "The tags, our way to specify exceptions" do box "Rules produce commands with *tagged holes*" do : let tagged_hole = tags_for(ml)++"ocaml"++"compile"++"byte" in Cmd(S[A"ocamlc"; A"-c"; T(tagged_hole); P ml; A"-o"; Px cmo]) end box "These holes can be filled by some command pieces (flags)" do : flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "byte"; "rectypes"] (A"-rectypes") end box "Files can also be tagged and make things happen" do : "foo/": rectypes end end slide "The tags file (_tags)" do * Each line is a pattern and a set of tags. * The pattern is a boolean tree (*and*, *or*, *not*). * Leafs are either constant strings or glob patterns. * In the set of tags, they can appear positively or negatively. end slide "" do end slide "A big thanks to" do * Alain, Xavier, Michel... end