(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* ocamlbuild *) (* *) (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *) open My_std open Format open Log open Outcome module Resources = Resource.Resources exception Exit_rule_error of string exception Failed type env = Pathname.t -> Pathname.t type builder = Pathname.t list list -> (Pathname.t, exn) Outcome.t list type action = env -> builder -> Command.t type digest_command = { digest : string; command : Command.t } type 'a gen_rule = { name : string; tags : Tags.t; deps : Pathname.t list; (* These pathnames must be normalized *) prods : 'a list; (* Note that prods also contains stamp *) stamp : 'a option; code : env -> builder -> digest_command } type rule = Pathname.t gen_rule type rule_scheme = Resource.resource_pattern gen_rule let name_of_rule r = r.name let deps_of_rule r = r.deps let prods_of_rule r = r.prods let stamp_of_rule r = r.stamp type 'a rule_printer = (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a gen_rule -> unit let compare _ _ = assert false let print_rule_name f r = pp_print_string f r.name let print_resource_list = List.print Resource.print let print_rule_contents ppelt f r = fprintf f "@[{@ @[<2>name =@ %S@];@ @[<2>tags =@ %a@];@ @[<2>deps =@ %a@];@ @[<2>prods = %a@];@ @[<2>code = @]@]@ }" r.name Tags.print r.tags print_resource_list r.deps (List.print ppelt) r.prods let pretty_print ppelt f r = fprintf f "@[rule@ %S@ ~deps:%a@ ~prods:%a@ @]" r.name print_resource_list r.deps (List.print ppelt) r.prods let print = print_rule_name let subst env rule = let subst_resources = List.map (Resource.subst env) in let subst_resource_patterns = List.map (Resource.subst_pattern env) in let finder next_finder p = next_finder (Resource.subst_any env p) in let stamp = match rule.stamp with None -> None | Some x -> Some (Resource.subst_pattern env x) in let prods = subst_resource_patterns rule.prods in { (rule) with name = sbprintf "%s (%a)" rule.name Resource.print_env env; prods = prods; deps = subst_resources rule.deps; (* The substition should preserve normalization of pathnames *) stamp = stamp; code = (fun env -> rule.code (finder env)) } exception Can_produce of rule let can_produce target rule = try List.iter begin fun resource -> match Resource.matchit resource target with | Some env -> raise (Can_produce (subst env rule)) | None -> () end rule.prods; None with Can_produce r -> Some r (* let tags_matches tags r = if Tags.does_match tags r.tags then Some r else None *) let digest_prods r = List.fold_right begin fun p acc -> let f = Pathname.to_string (Resource.in_build_dir p) in if sys_file_exists f then (f, Digest.file f) :: acc else acc end r.prods [] let digest_deps r dyndeps = let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in let add_resource r = Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.to_hex (Resource.digest r)) in Buffer.add_string buf "deps:"; List.iter add_resource r.deps; Buffer.add_string buf "dyndeps:"; Resources.iter add_resource dyndeps; Digest.to_hex (Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf)) let digest_rule r dyndeps action = let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in Buffer.add_string buf action.digest; let add_resource r = Buffer.add_string buf (Resource.digest r) in Buffer.add_string buf "prods:"; List.iter add_resource r.prods; Buffer.add_string buf "deps:"; List.iter add_resource r.deps; Buffer.add_string buf "dyndeps:"; Resources.iter add_resource dyndeps; Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf) let cached_digest r = try Some (Digest_cache.get ("Rule: " ^ r.name)) with Not_found -> None let store_digest r digest = Digest_cache.put ("Rule: " ^ r.name) digest let print_digest f x = pp_print_string f (Digest.to_hex x) let exists2 find p rs = try Some (find p rs) with Not_found -> None let build_deps_of_tags builder tags = match Command.deps_of_tags tags with | [] -> [] | deps -> List.map Outcome.good (builder (List.map (fun x -> [x]) deps)) let build_deps_of_tags_on_cmd builder = Command.iter_tags begin fun tags -> match Command.deps_of_tags tags with | [] -> () | deps -> List.iter ignore_good (builder (List.map (fun x -> [x]) deps)) end let call builder r = let dyndeps = ref Resources.empty in let builder rs = let results = builder rs in List.map begin fun res -> match res with | Good res' -> let () = dprintf 10 "new dyndep for %S(%a): %S" r.name print_resource_list r.prods res' in dyndeps := Resources.add res' !dyndeps; List.iter (fun x -> Resource.Cache.add_dependency x res') r.prods; res | Bad _ -> res end results in let () = dprintf 5 "start rule %a" print r in let action = r.code (fun x -> x) builder in build_deps_of_tags_on_cmd builder action.command; let dyndeps = !dyndeps in let () = dprintf 10 "dyndeps: %a" Resources.print dyndeps in let (reason, cached) = match exists2 List.find (fun r -> not (Resource.exists_in_build_dir r)) r.prods with | Some r -> (`cache_miss_missing_prod r, false) | _ -> begin match exists2 List.find Resource.Cache.resource_has_changed r.deps with | Some r -> (`cache_miss_changed_dep r, false) | _ -> begin match exists2 Resources.find_elt Resource.Cache.resource_has_changed dyndeps with | Some r -> (`cache_miss_changed_dyn_dep r, false) | _ -> begin match cached_digest r with | None -> (`cache_miss_no_digest, false) | Some d -> let rule_digest = digest_rule r dyndeps action in if d = rule_digest then (`cache_hit, true) else (`cache_miss_digest_changed(d, rule_digest), false) end end end in let explain_reason l = raw_dprintf (l+1) "mid rule %a: " print r; match reason with | `cache_miss_missing_prod r -> dprintf l "cache miss: a product is not in build dir (%a)" Resource.print r | `cache_miss_changed_dep r -> dprintf l "cache miss: a dependency has changed (%a)" Resource.print r | `cache_miss_changed_dyn_dep r -> dprintf l "cache miss: a dynamic dependency has changed (%a)" Resource.print r | `cache_miss_no_digest -> dprintf l "cache miss: no digest found for %S (the command, a dependency, or a product)" r.name | `cache_hit -> dprintf (l+1) "cache hit" | `cache_miss_digest_changed(old_d, new_d) -> dprintf l "cache miss: the digest has changed for %S (the command, a dependency, or a product: %a <> %a)" r.name print_digest old_d print_digest new_d in let prod_digests = digest_prods r in (if not cached then List.iter Resource.clean r.prods); (if !Options.nothing_should_be_rebuilt && not cached then (explain_reason (-1); let msg = sbprintf "Need to rebuild %a through the rule `%a'" print_resource_list r.prods print r in raise (Exit_rule_error msg))); explain_reason 3; let thunk () = try if cached then Command.execute ~pretend:true action.command else begin match r.stamp with | Some stamp -> reset_filesys_cache (); let digest_deps = digest_deps r dyndeps in with_output_file stamp (fun oc -> output_string oc digest_deps) | None -> () end; List.iter (fun r -> Resource.Cache.resource_built r) r.prods; (if not cached then let new_rule_digest = digest_rule r dyndeps action in let new_prod_digests = digest_prods r in let () = store_digest r new_rule_digest in List.iter begin fun p -> let f = Pathname.to_string (Resource.in_build_dir p) in (try let digest = List.assoc f prod_digests in let new_digest = List.assoc f new_prod_digests in if digest <> new_digest then raise Not_found with Not_found -> Resource.Cache.resource_changed p) end r.prods); dprintf 5 "end rule %a" print r with exn -> (List.iter Resource.clean r.prods; raise exn) in if cached then thunk () else List.iter (fun x -> Resource.Cache.suspend_resource x action.command thunk r.prods) r.prods let (get_rules, add_rule, clear_rules) = let rules = ref [] in (fun () -> !rules), begin fun pos r -> try let _ = List.find (fun x -> x.name = r.name) !rules in raise (Exit_rule_error (sbprintf "Rule.add_rule: already exists: (%a)" print r)) with Not_found -> match pos with | `bottom -> rules := !rules @ [r] | `top -> rules := r :: !rules | `after s -> rules := List.fold_right begin fun x acc -> if x.name = s then x :: r :: acc else x :: acc end !rules [] | `before s -> rules := List.fold_right begin fun x acc -> if x.name = s then r :: x :: acc else x :: acc end !rules [] end, (fun () -> rules := []) let rule name ?(tags=[]) ?(prods=[]) ?(deps=[]) ?prod ?dep ?stamp ?(insert = `bottom) code = let res_add import xs xopt = let init = match xopt with | None -> [] | Some r -> [import r] in List.fold_right begin fun x acc -> let r = import x in if List.mem r acc then failwith (sprintf "in rule %s, multiple occurences of the resource %s" name x) else r :: acc end xs init in if prods = [] && prod = None && stamp = None then raise (Exit_rule_error "Can't make a rule that produce nothing"); let stamp, prods = match stamp with | None -> None, prods | Some stamp -> Some (Resource.import_pattern stamp), stamp :: prods in let prods = res_add Resource.import_pattern prods prod in let code env build = let cmd = code env build in { digest = Command.digest cmd ; command = cmd } in add_rule insert { name = name; tags = List.fold_right Tags.add tags Tags.empty; deps = res_add Resource.import (* should normalize *) deps dep; stamp = stamp; prods = prods; code = code } module Common_commands = struct open Command let mv src dest = Cmd (S [A"mv"; P src; Px dest]) let cp src dest = Cmd (S [A"cp"; P src; Px dest]) let cp_p src dest = Cmd (S [A"cp"; A"-p"; P src; Px dest]) let ln_f pointed pointer = Cmd (S [A"ln"; A"-f"; P pointed; Px pointer]) let ln_s pointed pointer = Cmd (S[A"ln"; A"-s"; P pointed; Px pointer]) let rm_f x = Cmd (S [A"rm"; A"-f"; Px x]) let chmod opts file = Cmd (S[A"chmod"; opts; Px file]) let cmp a b = Cmd (S[A"cmp"; P a; Px b]) end open Common_commands let copy_rule name ?insert src dest = rule name ?insert ~prod:dest ~dep:src begin fun env _ -> let src = env src and dest = env dest in Shell.mkdir_p (Pathname.dirname dest); cp_p src dest end