(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Analysis of comments. *) open Odoc_types let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ();; (** This variable contains the regular expression representing a blank but not a '\n'.*) let simple_blank = "[ \013\009\012]" module type Texter = sig (** Return a text structure from a string. *) val text_of_string : string -> text end module Info_retriever = functor (MyTexter : Texter) -> struct let create_see _file s = try let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in let (see_ref, s) = Odoc_parser.see_info Odoc_see_lexer.main lexbuf in (see_ref, MyTexter.text_of_string s) with | Odoc_text.Text_syntax (l, c, s) -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.text_parse_error l c s)) | _ -> raise (Failure ("Unknown error while parsing @see tag: "^s)) let retrieve_info fun_lex file (s : string) = try Odoc_comments_global.init (); Odoc_lexer.comments_level := 0; let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in match Odoc_parser.main fun_lex lexbuf with None -> (0, None) | Some (desc, remain_opt) -> let mem_nb_chars = !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars in begin match remain_opt with None -> () | Some s -> (*DEBUG*)print_string ("remain: "^s); print_newline(); let lexbuf2 = Lexing.from_string s in Odoc_parser.info_part2 Odoc_lexer.elements lexbuf2 end; (mem_nb_chars, Some { i_desc = (match desc with "" -> None | _ -> Some (MyTexter.text_of_string desc)); i_authors = !Odoc_comments_global.authors; i_version = !Odoc_comments_global.version; i_sees = (List.map (create_see file) !Odoc_comments_global.sees) ; i_since = !Odoc_comments_global.since; i_before = Odoc_merge.merge_before_tags (List.map (fun (n, s) -> (n, MyTexter.text_of_string s)) !Odoc_comments_global.before) ; i_deprecated = (match !Odoc_comments_global.deprecated with None -> None | Some s -> Some (MyTexter.text_of_string s)); i_params = (List.map (fun (n, s) -> (n, MyTexter.text_of_string s)) !Odoc_comments_global.params); i_raised_exceptions = (List.map (fun (n, s) -> (n, MyTexter.text_of_string s)) !Odoc_comments_global.raised_exceptions); i_return_value = (match !Odoc_comments_global.return_value with None -> None | Some s -> Some (MyTexter.text_of_string s)) ; i_custom = (List.map (fun (tag, s) -> (tag, MyTexter.text_of_string s)) !Odoc_comments_global.customs) } ) with e -> let (l, c, message) = match e with | Failure s -> (!Odoc_lexer.line_number + 1, 0, s) | Odoc_text.Text_syntax (l, c, s) -> (l, c, Odoc_messages.text_parse_error l c s) | _other -> (0, 0, Odoc_messages.parse_error) in begin incr Odoc_global.errors; prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.error_location file l c ^ message); (0, None) end (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line. *) let blank_line s = try let _ = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp ("['\n']"^simple_blank^"*['\n']")) s 0 in (* a blank line was before the comment *) true with Not_found -> false let retrieve_info_special file (s : string) = retrieve_info Odoc_lexer.main file s let retrieve_info_simple _file (s : string) = Odoc_comments_global.init (); Odoc_lexer.comments_level := 0; let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in match Odoc_parser.main Odoc_lexer.simple lexbuf with None -> (0, None) | Some _ -> (!Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars, Some Odoc_types.dummy_info) (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line outside a simple comment. *) let blank_line_outside_simple file s = let rec iter s2 = match retrieve_info_simple file s2 with (_, None) -> blank_line s2 | (len, Some _) -> try let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string "(*") s2 0 in let s_before = String.sub s2 0 pos in let s_after = String.sub s2 len ((String.length s2) - len) in (blank_line s_before) || (iter s_after) with Not_found -> (* we shouldn't get here *) false in iter s let all_special file s = print_DEBUG ("all_special: "^s); let rec iter acc n s2 = match retrieve_info_special file s2 with (_, None) -> (n, acc) | (n2, Some i) -> print_DEBUG ("all_special: avant String.sub new_s="^s2); print_DEBUG ("n2="^(Int.to_string n2)) ; print_DEBUG ("len(s2)="^(Int.to_string (String.length s2))) ; let new_s = String.sub s2 n2 ((String.length s2) - n2) in print_DEBUG ("all_special: apres String.sub new_s="^new_s); iter (acc @ [i]) (n + n2) new_s in let res = iter [] 0 s in print_DEBUG ("all_special: end"); res let just_after_special file s = print_DEBUG ("just_after_special: "^s); let res = match retrieve_info_special file s with (_, None) -> (0, None) | (len, Some d) -> (* we must not have a simple comment or a blank line before. *) match retrieve_info_simple file (String.sub s 0 len) with (_, None) -> ( try (* if the special comment is the stop comment (**/**), then we must not associate it. *) let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string "(**") s 0 in if blank_line (String.sub s 0 pos) || d.Odoc_types.i_desc = Some [Odoc_types.Raw "/*"] then (0, None) else (len, Some d) with Not_found -> (* should not occur *) (0, None) ) | (_, Some _) -> (0, None) in print_DEBUG ("just_after_special:end"); res let first_special file s = retrieve_info_special file s let get_comments f_create_ele file s = let (assoc_com, ele_coms) = (* get the comments *) let (len, special_coms) = all_special file s in (* if there is no blank line after the special comments, and if the last special comment is not the stop special comment, then the last special comments must be associated to the element. *) match List.rev special_coms with [] -> (None, []) | h :: q -> if (blank_line_outside_simple file (String.sub s len ((String.length s) - len)) ) || h.Odoc_types.i_desc = Some [Odoc_types.Raw "/*"] then (None, special_coms) else (Some h, List.rev q) in let ele_comments = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun sc -> match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with None -> acc | Some t -> acc @ [f_create_ele t]) [] ele_coms in (assoc_com, ele_comments) end module Basic_info_retriever = Info_retriever (Odoc_text.Texter) let info_of_string s = let dummy = { i_desc = None ; i_authors = [] ; i_version = None ; i_sees = [] ; i_since = None ; i_before = [] ; i_deprecated = None ; i_params = [] ; i_raised_exceptions = [] ; i_return_value = None ; i_custom = [] ; } in let s2 = Printf.sprintf "(** %s *)" s in let (_, i_opt) = Basic_info_retriever.first_special "-" s2 in match i_opt with None -> dummy | Some i -> i let info_of_comment_file modlist f = try let s = Odoc_misc.input_file_as_string f in let i = info_of_string s in Odoc_cross.assoc_comments_info "" modlist i with Sys_error s -> failwith s