(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (** Representation and manipulation of modules and module types. *) let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline () module Name = Odoc_name (** To keep the order of elements in a module. *) type module_element = Element_module of t_module | Element_module_type of t_module_type | Element_included_module of included_module | Element_class of Odoc_class.t_class | Element_class_type of Odoc_class.t_class_type | Element_value of Odoc_value.t_value | Element_exception of Odoc_exception.t_exception | Element_type of Odoc_type.t_type | Element_module_comment of Odoc_types.text (** Used where we can reference t_module or t_module_type *) and mmt = | Mod of t_module | Modtype of t_module_type and included_module = { im_name : Name.t ; (** the name of the included module *) mutable im_module : mmt option ; (** the included module or module type *) mutable im_info : Odoc_types.info option ; (** comment associated to the includ directive *) } and module_alias = { ma_name : Name.t ; mutable ma_module : mmt option ; (** the real module or module type if we could associate it *) } and module_parameter = { mp_name : string ; (** the name *) mp_type : Types.module_type ; (** the type *) mp_type_code : string ; (** the original code *) mp_kind : module_type_kind ; (** the way the parameter was built *) } (** Different kinds of module. *) and module_kind = | Module_struct of module_element list | Module_alias of module_alias (** complete name and corresponding module if we found it *) | Module_functor of module_parameter * module_kind | Module_apply of module_kind * module_kind | Module_with of module_type_kind * string | Module_constraint of module_kind * module_type_kind | Module_typeof of string (** by now only the code of the module expression *) | Module_unpack of string * module_type_alias (** code of the expression and module type alias *) (** Representation of a module. *) and t_module = { m_name : Name.t ; mutable m_type : Types.module_type ; mutable m_info : Odoc_types.info option ; m_is_interface : bool ; (** true for modules read from interface files *) m_file : string ; (** the file the module is defined in. *) mutable m_kind : module_kind ; mutable m_loc : Odoc_types.location ; mutable m_top_deps : Name.t list ; (** The toplevels module names this module depends on. *) mutable m_code : string option ; (** The whole code of the module *) mutable m_code_intf : string option ; (** The whole code of the interface of the module *) m_text_only : bool ; (** [true] if the module comes from a text file *) } and module_type_alias = { mta_name : Name.t ; mutable mta_module : t_module_type option ; (** the real module type if we could associate it *) } (** Different kinds of module type. *) and module_type_kind = | Module_type_struct of module_element list | Module_type_functor of module_parameter * module_type_kind | Module_type_alias of module_type_alias (** complete name and corresponding module type if we found it *) | Module_type_with of module_type_kind * string (** the module type kind and the code of the with constraint *) | Module_type_typeof of string (** by now only the code of the module expression *) (** Representation of a module type. *) and t_module_type = { mt_name : Name.t ; mutable mt_info : Odoc_types.info option ; mutable mt_type : Types.module_type option ; (** [None] = abstract module type *) mt_is_interface : bool ; (** true for modules read from interface files *) mt_file : string ; (** the file the module type is defined in. *) mutable mt_kind : module_type_kind option ; (** [None] = abstract module type if mt_type = None ; Always [None] when the module type was extracted from the implementation file. *) mutable mt_loc : Odoc_types.location ; } (** {2 Functions} *) (** Returns the list of values from a list of module_element. *) let values l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_value v -> acc @ [v] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of types from a list of module_element. *) let types l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_type t -> acc @ [t] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of exceptions from a list of module_element. *) let exceptions l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_exception e -> acc @ [e] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of classes from a list of module_element. *) let classes l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_class c -> acc @ [c] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of class types from a list of module_element. *) let class_types l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_class_type ct -> acc @ [ct] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of modules from a list of module_element. *) let modules l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_module m -> acc @ [m] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of module types from a list of module_element. *) let mod_types l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_module_type mt -> acc @ [mt] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of module comment from a list of module_element. *) let comments l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_module_comment t -> acc @ [t] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of included modules from a list of module_element. *) let included_modules l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> match ele with Element_included_module m -> acc @ [m] | _ -> acc ) [] l (** Returns the list of elements of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let rec module_elements ?(trans=true) m = let rec iter_kind = function Module_struct l -> print_DEBUG "Odoc_module.module_element: Module_struct"; l | Module_alias ma -> print_DEBUG "Odoc_module.module_element: Module_alias"; if trans then match ma.ma_module with None -> [] | Some (Mod m) -> module_elements m | Some (Modtype mt) -> module_type_elements mt else [] | Module_functor (_, k) | Module_apply (k, _) -> print_DEBUG "Odoc_module.module_element: Module_functor ou Module_apply"; iter_kind k | Module_with (tk,_) -> print_DEBUG "Odoc_module.module_element: Module_with"; module_type_elements ~trans: trans { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ; mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ; mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc ; } | Module_constraint (k, tk) -> print_DEBUG "Odoc_module.module_element: Module_constraint"; (* A VOIR : utiliser k ou tk ? *) module_elements ~trans: trans { m_name = "" ; m_info = None ; m_type = Types.Mty_signature [] ; m_is_interface = false ; m_file = "" ; m_kind = k ; m_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc ; m_top_deps = [] ; m_code = None ; m_code_intf = None ; m_text_only = false ; } | Module_typeof _ -> [] | Module_unpack _ -> [] (* module_type_elements ~trans: trans { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ; mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ; mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc } *) in iter_kind m.m_kind (** Returns the list of elements of a module type. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) and module_type_elements ?(trans=true) mt = let rec iter_kind = function | None -> [] | Some (Module_type_struct l) -> l | Some (Module_type_functor (_, k)) -> iter_kind (Some k) | Some (Module_type_with (k, _)) -> if trans then iter_kind (Some k) else [] | Some (Module_type_alias mta) -> if trans then match mta.mta_module with None -> [] | Some mt -> module_type_elements mt else [] | Some (Module_type_typeof _) -> [] in iter_kind mt.mt_kind (** Returns the list of values of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_values ?(trans=true) m = values (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of functional values of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_functions ?(trans=true) m = List.filter (fun v -> Odoc_value.is_function v) (values (module_elements ~trans m)) (** Returns the list of non-functional values of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_simple_values ?(trans=true) m = List.filter (fun v -> not (Odoc_value.is_function v)) (values (module_elements ~trans m)) (** Returns the list of types of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_types ?(trans=true) m = types (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of excptions of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_exceptions ?(trans=true) m = exceptions (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of classes of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_classes ?(trans=true) m = classes (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of class types of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_class_types ?(trans=true) m = class_types (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of modules of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_modules ?(trans=true) m = modules (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of module types of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_module_types ?(trans=true) m = mod_types (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of included module of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_included_modules ?(trans=true) m = included_modules (module_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of comments of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_comments ?(trans=true) m = comments (module_elements ~trans m) (** Access to the parameters, for a functor type. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let rec module_type_parameters ?(trans=true) mt = let rec iter k = match k with Some (Module_type_functor (p, k2)) -> let param = (* we create the couple (parameter, description opt), using the description of the parameter if we can find it in the comment.*) match mt.mt_info with None -> (p, None) | Some i -> try let d = List.assoc p.mp_name i.Odoc_types.i_params in (p, Some d) with Not_found -> (p, None) in param :: (iter (Some k2)) | Some (Module_type_alias mta) -> if trans then match mta.mta_module with None -> [] | Some mt2 -> module_type_parameters ~trans mt2 else [] | Some (Module_type_with (k, _)) -> if trans then iter (Some k) else [] | Some (Module_type_struct _) -> [] | Some (Module_type_typeof _) -> [] | None -> [] in iter mt.mt_kind (** Access to the parameters, for a functor. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) and module_parameters ?(trans=true) m = let rec iter = function Module_functor (p, k) -> let param = (* we create the couple (parameter, description opt), using the description of the parameter if we can find it in the comment.*) match m.m_info with None ->(p, None) | Some i -> try let d = List.assoc p.mp_name i.Odoc_types.i_params in (p, Some d) with Not_found -> (p, None) in param :: (iter k) | Module_alias ma -> if trans then match ma.ma_module with None -> [] | Some (Mod m) -> module_parameters ~trans m | Some (Modtype mt) -> module_type_parameters ~trans mt else [] | Module_constraint (k, tk) -> module_type_parameters ~trans: trans { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ; mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ; mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc } | Module_struct _ | Module_apply _ | Module_with _ | Module_typeof _ | Module_unpack _ -> [] in iter m.m_kind (** access to all submodules and sudmobules of submodules ... of the given module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let rec module_all_submodules ?(trans=true) m = let l = module_modules ~trans m in List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (module_all_submodules ~trans m)) l l (** The module type is a functor if is defined as a functor or if it is an alias for a functor. *) let rec module_type_is_functor mt = let rec iter k = match k with Some (Module_type_functor _) -> true | Some (Module_type_alias mta) -> ( match mta.mta_module with None -> false | Some mtyp -> module_type_is_functor mtyp ) | Some (Module_type_with (k, _)) -> iter (Some k) | Some (Module_type_struct _) | Some (Module_type_typeof _) | None -> false in iter mt.mt_kind (** The module is a functor if is defined as a functor or if it is an alias for a functor. *) let module_is_functor m = let rec iter = function Module_functor _ -> true | Module_alias ma -> ( match ma.ma_module with None -> false | Some (Mod mo) -> iter mo.m_kind | Some (Modtype mt) -> module_type_is_functor mt ) | Module_constraint (k, _) -> iter k | _ -> false in iter m.m_kind (** Returns the list of values of a module type. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_values ?(trans=true) m = values (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of types of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_types ?(trans=true) m = types (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of excptions of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_exceptions ?(trans=true) m = exceptions (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of classes of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_classes ?(trans=true) m = classes (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of class types of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_class_types ?(trans=true) m = class_types (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of modules of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_modules ?(trans=true) m = modules (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of module types of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_module_types ?(trans=true) m = mod_types (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of included module of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_included_modules ?(trans=true) m = included_modules (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of comments of a module. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_comments ?(trans=true) m = comments (module_type_elements ~trans m) (** Returns the list of functional values of a module type. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_functions ?(trans=true) mt = List.filter (fun v -> Odoc_value.is_function v) (values (module_type_elements ~trans mt)) (** Returns the list of non-functional values of a module type. @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let module_type_simple_values ?(trans=true) mt = List.filter (fun v -> not (Odoc_value.is_function v)) (values (module_type_elements ~trans mt)) (** {2 Functions for modules and module types} *) (** The list of classes defined in this module and all its modules, functors, .... @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) let rec module_all_classes ?(trans=true) m = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (module_all_classes ~trans m)) ( List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun mtyp -> acc @ (module_type_all_classes ~trans mtyp)) (module_classes ~trans m) (module_module_types ~trans m) ) (module_modules ~trans m) (** The list of classes defined in this module type and all its modules, functors, .... @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*) and module_type_all_classes ?(trans=true) mt = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (module_all_classes ~trans m)) ( List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun mtyp -> acc @ (module_type_all_classes ~trans mtyp)) (module_type_classes ~trans mt) (module_type_module_types ~trans mt) ) (module_type_modules ~trans mt)