(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** The functions to get a string from different kinds of elements (types, modules, ...). *) module Name = Odoc_name let string_of_variance t (co,cn) = if ( t.Odoc_type.ty_kind = Odoc_type.Type_abstract || t.Odoc_type.ty_kind = Odoc_type.Type_open ) && t.Odoc_type.ty_manifest = None then match (co, cn) with (true, false) -> "+" | (false, true) -> "-" | _ -> "" else "" let rec is_arrow_type t = match t.Types.desc with Types.Tarrow _ -> true | Types.Tlink t2 | Types.Tsubst t2 -> is_arrow_type t2 | Types.Ttuple _ | Types.Tconstr _ | Types.Tvar _ | Types.Tunivar _ | Types.Tobject _ | Types.Tpoly _ | Types.Tfield _ | Types.Tnil | Types.Tvariant _ | Types.Tpackage _ -> false let raw_string_of_type_list sep type_list = let buf = Buffer.create 256 in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in let rec need_parent t = match t.Types.desc with Types.Tarrow _ | Types.Ttuple _ -> true | Types.Tlink t2 | Types.Tsubst t2 -> need_parent t2 | Types.Tconstr _ -> false | Types.Tvar _ | Types.Tunivar _ | Types.Tobject _ | Types.Tpoly _ | Types.Tfield _ | Types.Tnil | Types.Tvariant _ | Types.Tpackage _ -> false in let print_one_type variance t = Printtyp.mark_loops t; if need_parent t then ( Format.fprintf fmt "(%s" variance; Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false fmt t; Format.fprintf fmt ")" ) else ( Format.fprintf fmt "%s" variance; Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false fmt t ) in begin match type_list with [] -> () | [(variance, ty)] -> print_one_type variance ty | (variance, ty) :: tyl -> Format.fprintf fmt "@["; print_one_type variance ty; List.iter (fun (variance, t) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@,%s" sep; print_one_type variance t ) tyl; Format.fprintf fmt "@]" end; Format.pp_print_flush fmt (); Buffer.contents buf let string_of_type_list ?par sep type_list = let par = match par with | Some b -> b | None -> match type_list with [] | [_] -> false | _ -> true in Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s" (if par then "(" else "") (raw_string_of_type_list sep (List.map (fun t -> ("", t)) type_list)) (if par then ")" else "") let string_of_type_param_list t = let par = match t.Odoc_type.ty_parameters with [] | [_] -> false | _ -> true in Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s" (if par then "(" else "") (raw_string_of_type_list ", " (List.map (fun (typ, co, cn) -> (string_of_variance t (co, cn), typ)) t.Odoc_type.ty_parameters ) ) (if par then ")" else "") let string_of_type_extension_param_list te = let par = match te.Odoc_extension.te_type_parameters with [] | [_] -> false | _ -> true in Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s" (if par then "(" else "") (raw_string_of_type_list ", " (List.map (fun typ -> ("", typ)) te.Odoc_extension.te_type_parameters ) ) (if par then ")" else "") let string_of_class_type_param_list l = let par = match l with [] | [_] -> false | _ -> true in Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s" (if par then "[" else "") (raw_string_of_type_list ", " (List.map (fun typ -> ("", typ)) l ) ) (if par then "]" else "") let string_of_class_params c = let b = Buffer.create 256 in let rec iter = function Types.Cty_arrow (label, t, ctype) -> let parent = is_arrow_type t in Printf.bprintf b "%s%s%s%s -> " ( match label with Asttypes.Nolabel -> "" | s -> Printtyp.string_of_label s ^":" ) (if parent then "(" else "") (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr (if Odoc_misc.is_optional label then Odoc_misc.remove_option t else t ) ) (if parent then ")" else ""); iter ctype | Types.Cty_signature _ | Types.Cty_constr _ -> () in iter c.Odoc_class.cl_type; Buffer.contents b let bool_of_private = function | Asttypes.Private -> true | _ -> false let field_doc_str = function | None -> "" | Some t -> Printf.sprintf "(* %s *)" (Odoc_misc.string_of_info t) let string_of_record l = let module M = Odoc_type in let module P = Printf in P.sprintf "{\n%s\n}" ( String.concat "\n" ( List.map (fun field -> P.sprintf " %s%s : %s;%s" (if field.M.rf_mutable then "mutable " else "") field.M.rf_name (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr field.M.rf_type) (field_doc_str field.M.rf_text) ) l ) ) let string_of_type t = let module M = Odoc_type in let module P = Printf in let priv = bool_of_private t.M.ty_private in let parameters_str = String.concat " " ( List.map (fun (p, co, cn) -> (string_of_variance t (co, cn)) ^ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr p) ) t.M.ty_parameters ) in let manifest_str = match t.M.ty_manifest with | None -> "" | Some (M.Object_type fields) -> P.sprintf "= %s<\n%s\n>\n" (if priv then "private " else "") ( String.concat "\n" ( List.map (fun field -> P.sprintf " %s : %s;%s" field.M.of_name (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr field.M.of_type) (field_doc_str field.M.of_text) ) fields ) ) | Some (M.Other typ) -> "= " ^ (if priv then "private " else "" ) ^ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr typ) ^ " " in let type_kind_str = match t.M.ty_kind with | M.Type_abstract -> "" | M.Type_variant l -> P.sprintf "=%s\n%s\n" (if priv then " private" else "") ( String.concat "\n" ( List.map (fun cons -> let comment = match cons.M.vc_text with | None -> "" | Some t -> P.sprintf "(* %s *)" (Odoc_misc.string_of_info t) in let string_of_parameters = function | M.Cstr_tuple l -> String.concat " * " ( List.map (fun t -> "("^Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t^")") l ) | M.Cstr_record l -> string_of_record l in P.sprintf " | %s%s%s" cons.M.vc_name ( match cons.M.vc_args, cons.M.vc_ret with | M.Cstr_tuple [], None -> "" | li, None -> " of " ^ (string_of_parameters li) | M.Cstr_tuple [], Some r -> " : " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r | li, Some r -> P.sprintf " : %s -> %s" (string_of_parameters li) (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r) ) comment ) l ) ) | M.Type_open -> "= .." (* FIXME MG: when introducing new constuctors next time, thanks to setup a minimal correct output *) | M.Type_record l -> P.sprintf "= %s{\n%s\n}\n" (if priv then "private " else "") (string_of_record l) in P.sprintf "type %s %s %s%s%s" parameters_str (Name.simple t.M.ty_name) manifest_str type_kind_str (match t.M.ty_info with | None -> "" | Some info -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info info) let string_of_type_extension te = let module M = Odoc_extension in let module T = Odoc_type in "type " ^(String.concat "" (List.map (fun p -> (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr p)^" ") te.M.te_type_parameters )) ^te.M.te_type_name ^" += " ^(if (bool_of_private te.M.te_private) then "private " else "") ^"\n" ^(String.concat "" (List.map (fun x -> " | " ^(Name.simple x.M.xt_name) ^(match x.M.xt_args, x.M.xt_ret with | T.Cstr_tuple [], None -> "" | T.Cstr_tuple l, None -> " of " ^ (String.concat " * " (List.map (fun t -> "("^Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t^")") l)) | T.Cstr_tuple [], Some r -> " : " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r | T.Cstr_tuple l, Some r -> " : " ^ (String.concat " * " (List.map (fun t -> "("^Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t^")") l)) ^ " -> " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r | T.Cstr_record _, _ -> assert false ) ^(match x.M.xt_alias with None -> "" | Some xa -> " = "^ (match xa.M.xa_xt with None -> xa.M.xa_name | Some x2 -> x2.M.xt_name ) ) ^(match x.M.xt_text with None -> "" | Some t -> "(* "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_info t)^" *)" )^"\n" ) te.M.te_constructors)) ^(match te.M.te_info with None -> "" | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i ) let string_of_exception e = let module T = Odoc_type in let module M = Odoc_exception in "exception "^(Name.simple e.M.ex_name)^ (match e.M.ex_args, e.M.ex_ret with T.Cstr_tuple [], None -> "" | T.Cstr_tuple l,None -> " of "^ (String.concat " * " (List.map (fun t -> "("^(Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t)^")") l)) | T.Cstr_tuple [],Some r -> " : "^ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r) | T.Cstr_tuple l,Some r -> " : "^ (String.concat " * " (List.map (fun t -> "("^(Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t)^")") l))^ " -> "^ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r) | T.Cstr_record _, _ -> assert false )^ (match e.M.ex_alias with None -> "" | Some ea -> " = "^ (match ea.M.ea_ex with None -> ea.M.ea_name | Some e2 -> e2.M.ex_name ) )^"\n"^ (match e.M.ex_info with None -> "" | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i) let string_of_value v = let module M = Odoc_value in "val "^(Name.simple v.M.val_name)^" : "^ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr v.M.val_type)^"\n"^ (match v.M.val_info with None -> "" | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i) let string_of_attribute a = let module M = Odoc_value in "val "^ (if a.M.att_virtual then "virtual " else "")^ (if a.M.att_mutable then Odoc_messages.mutab^" " else "")^ (Name.simple a.M.att_value.M.val_name)^" : "^ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr a.M.att_value.M.val_type)^"\n"^ (match a.M.att_value.M.val_info with None -> "" | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i) let string_of_method m = let module M = Odoc_value in "method "^ (if m.M.met_private then Odoc_messages.privat^" " else "")^ (Name.simple m.M.met_value.M.val_name)^" : "^ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr m.M.met_value.M.val_type)^"\n"^ (match m.M.met_value.M.val_info with None -> "" | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i)