(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Sebastien Hinderer, projet Gallium, INRIA Paris *) (* *) (* Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Interface for ocamltest's configuration module *) val arch : string (** Architecture for the native compiler *) val afl_instrument : bool (** Whether AFL support has been enabled in the compiler *) val asm : string (** Path to the assembler *) val cc : string (** Path to the C compiler *) val cflags : string (** Flags to pass to the C compiler *) val ccomptype : string (** Type of C compiler (msvc, cc, etc.) *) val diff : string (** Path to the diff tool *) val diff_flags : string (** Flags to pass to the diff tool *) val shared_libraries : bool (** [true] if shared libraries are supported, [false] otherwise *) val libunix : bool option (** [Some true] for unix, [Some false] for win32unix, or [None] if neither is built. *) val systhreads : bool (** Indicates whether systhreads is available. *) val str : bool (** Indicates whether str is available. *) val objext : string (** Extension of object files *) val libext : string (** Extension of library files *) val asmext : string (** Extension of assembly files *) val system : string (** The content of the SYSTEM Make variable *) val c_preprocessor : string (** Command to use to invoke the C preprocessor *) val ocamlc_default_flags : string (** Flags passed by default to ocamlc.byte and ocamlc.opt *) val ocamlopt_default_flags : string (** Flags passed by default to ocamlopt.byte and ocamlopt.opt *) val ocamlsrcdir : string (** The absolute path of the directory containing the sources of OCaml *) val flambda : bool (** Whether flambda has been enabled at configure time *) val flat_float_array : bool (* Whether the compiler was configured with --enable-flat-float-array *) val ocamldoc : bool (** Whether ocamldoc has been enabled at configure time *) val ocamldebug : bool (** Whether ocamldebug has been enabled at configure time *) val native_compiler : bool (** Whether the native compiler has been enabled at configure time *) val native_dynlink : bool (** Whether support for native dynlink is available or not *) val shared_library_cflags : string (** Flags to use when compiling a C object for a shared library *) val sharedobjext : string (** Extension of shared object files *) val csc : string (** Path of the CSharp compiler, empty if not available *) val csc_flags : string (** Flags for the CSharp compiler *) val exe : string (** Extension of executable files *) val mkdll : string val mkexe : string val bytecc_libs : string val nativecc_libs : string val windows_unicode : bool val function_sections : bool (** Whether the compiler was configured to generate each function in a separate section *) val instrumented_runtime : bool (** Whether the instrumented runtime is available *) val frame_pointers : bool (** Whether frame-pointers have been enabled at configure time *)