(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* David Nowak and Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Events *) type 'a basic_event = { poll: unit -> bool; (* If communication can take place immediately, return true. *) suspend: unit -> unit; (* Offer the communication on the channel and get ready to suspend current process. *) result: unit -> 'a } (* Return the result of the communication *) type 'a behavior = int ref -> Condition.t -> int -> 'a basic_event type 'a event = Communication of 'a behavior | Choose of 'a event list | WrapAbort of 'a event * (unit -> unit) | Guard of (unit -> 'a event) (* Communication channels *) type 'a channel = { mutable writes_pending: 'a communication Queue.t; (* All offers to write on it *) mutable reads_pending: 'a communication Queue.t } (* All offers to read from it *) (* Communication offered *) and 'a communication = { performed: int ref; (* -1 if not performed yet, set to the number *) (* of the matching communication after rendez-vous. *) condition: Condition.t; (* To restart the blocked thread. *) mutable data: 'a option; (* The data sent or received. *) event_number: int } (* Event number in select *) (* Create a channel *) let new_channel () = { writes_pending = Queue.create(); reads_pending = Queue.create() } (* Basic synchronization function *) let masterlock = Mutex.create() let do_aborts abort_env genev performed = if abort_env <> [] then begin if performed >= 0 then begin let ids_done = snd genev.(performed) in List.iter (fun (id,f) -> if not (List.mem id ids_done) then f ()) abort_env end else begin List.iter (fun (_,f) -> f ()) abort_env end end let basic_sync abort_env genev = let performed = ref (-1) in let condition = Condition.create() in let bev = Array.create (Array.length genev) (fst (genev.(0)) performed condition 0) in for i = 1 to Array.length genev - 1 do bev.(i) <- (fst genev.(i)) performed condition i done; (* See if any of the events is already activable *) let rec poll_events i = if i >= Array.length bev then false else bev.(i).poll() || poll_events (i+1) in Mutex.lock masterlock; if not (poll_events 0) then begin (* Suspend on all events *) for i = 0 to Array.length bev - 1 do bev.(i).suspend() done; (* Wait until the condition is signalled *) Condition.wait condition masterlock end; Mutex.unlock masterlock; (* Extract the result *) if abort_env = [] then (* Preserve tail recursion *) bev.(!performed).result() else begin let num = !performed in let result = bev.(num).result() in (* Handle the aborts and return the result *) do_aborts abort_env genev num; result end (* Apply a random permutation on an array *) let scramble_array a = let len = Array.length a in if len = 0 then invalid_arg "Event.choose"; for i = len - 1 downto 1 do let j = Random.int (i + 1) in let temp = a.(i) in a.(i) <- a.(j); a.(j) <- temp done; a (* Main synchronization function *) let gensym = let count = ref 0 in fun () -> incr count; !count let rec flatten_event (abort_list : int list) (accu : ('a behavior * int list) list) (accu_abort : (int * (unit -> unit)) list) ev = match ev with Communication bev -> ((bev,abort_list) :: accu) , accu_abort | WrapAbort (ev,fn) -> let id = gensym () in flatten_event (id :: abort_list) accu ((id,fn)::accu_abort) ev | Choose evl -> let rec flatten_list accu' accu_abort'= function ev :: l -> let (accu'',accu_abort'') = flatten_event abort_list accu' accu_abort' ev in flatten_list accu'' accu_abort'' l | [] -> (accu',accu_abort') in flatten_list accu accu_abort evl | Guard fn -> flatten_event abort_list accu accu_abort (fn ()) let sync ev = let (evl,abort_env) = flatten_event [] [] [] ev in basic_sync abort_env (scramble_array(Array.of_list evl)) (* Event polling -- like sync, but non-blocking *) let basic_poll abort_env genev = let performed = ref (-1) in let condition = Condition.create() in let bev = Array.create(Array.length genev) (fst genev.(0) performed condition 0) in for i = 1 to Array.length genev - 1 do bev.(i) <- fst genev.(i) performed condition i done; (* See if any of the events is already activable *) let rec poll_events i = if i >= Array.length bev then false else bev.(i).poll() || poll_events (i+1) in Mutex.lock masterlock; let ready = poll_events 0 in if ready then begin (* Extract the result *) Mutex.unlock masterlock; let result = Some(bev.(!performed).result()) in do_aborts abort_env genev !performed; result end else begin (* Cancel the communication offers *) performed := 0; Mutex.unlock masterlock; do_aborts abort_env genev (-1); None end let poll ev = let (evl,abort_env) = flatten_event [] [] [] ev in basic_poll abort_env (scramble_array(Array.of_list evl)) (* Remove all communication opportunities already synchronized *) let cleanup_queue q = let q' = Queue.create() in Queue.iter (fun c -> if !(c.performed) = -1 then Queue.add c q') q; q' (* Event construction *) let always data = Communication(fun performed condition evnum -> { poll = (fun () -> performed := evnum; true); suspend = (fun () -> ()); result = (fun () -> data) }) let send channel data = Communication(fun performed condition evnum -> let wcomm = { performed = performed; condition = condition; data = Some data; event_number = evnum } in { poll = (fun () -> let rec poll () = let rcomm = Queue.take channel.reads_pending in if !(rcomm.performed) >= 0 then poll () else begin rcomm.data <- wcomm.data; performed := evnum; rcomm.performed := rcomm.event_number; Condition.signal rcomm.condition end in try poll(); true with Queue.Empty -> false); suspend = (fun () -> channel.writes_pending <- cleanup_queue channel.writes_pending; Queue.add wcomm channel.writes_pending); result = (fun () -> ()) }) let receive channel = Communication(fun performed condition evnum -> let rcomm = { performed = performed; condition = condition; data = None; event_number = evnum } in { poll = (fun () -> let rec poll () = let wcomm = Queue.take channel.writes_pending in if !(wcomm.performed) >= 0 then poll () else begin rcomm.data <- wcomm.data; performed := evnum; wcomm.performed := wcomm.event_number; Condition.signal wcomm.condition end in try poll(); true with Queue.Empty -> false); suspend = (fun () -> channel.reads_pending <- cleanup_queue channel.reads_pending; Queue.add rcomm channel.reads_pending); result = (fun () -> match rcomm.data with None -> invalid_arg "Event.receive" | Some res -> res) }) let choose evl = Choose evl let wrap_abort ev fn = WrapAbort(ev,fn) let guard fn = Guard fn let rec wrap ev fn = match ev with Communication genev -> Communication(fun performed condition evnum -> let bev = genev performed condition evnum in { poll = bev.poll; suspend = bev.suspend; result = (fun () -> fn(bev.result())) }) | Choose evl -> Choose(List.map (fun ev -> wrap ev fn) evl) | WrapAbort (ev, f') -> WrapAbort (wrap ev fn, f') | Guard gu -> Guard(fun () -> wrap (gu()) fn) (* Convenience functions *) let select evl = sync(Choose evl)