(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) let generic_quote quotequote s = let l = String.length s in let b = Buffer.create (l + 20) in Buffer.add_char b '\''; for i = 0 to l - 1 do if s.[i] = '\'' then Buffer.add_string b quotequote else Buffer.add_char b s.[i] done; Buffer.add_char b '\''; Buffer.contents b (* This function implements the Open Group specification found here: [[1]] http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/basename.html In step 1 of [[1]], we choose to return "." for empty input. (for compatibility with previous versions of OCaml) In step 2, we choose to process "//" normally. Step 6 is not implemented: we consider that the [suffix] operand is always absent. Suffixes are handled by [chop_suffix] and [chop_extension]. *) let generic_basename is_dir_sep current_dir_name name = let rec find_end n = if n < 0 then String.sub name 0 1 else if is_dir_sep name n then find_end (n - 1) else find_beg n (n + 1) and find_beg n p = if n < 0 then String.sub name 0 p else if is_dir_sep name n then String.sub name (n + 1) (p - n - 1) else find_beg (n - 1) p in if name = "" then current_dir_name else find_end (String.length name - 1) (* This function implements the Open Group specification found here: [[2]] http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/dirname.html In step 6 of [[2]], we choose to process "//" normally. *) let generic_dirname is_dir_sep current_dir_name name = let rec trailing_sep n = if n < 0 then String.sub name 0 1 else if is_dir_sep name n then trailing_sep (n - 1) else base n and base n = if n < 0 then current_dir_name else if is_dir_sep name n then intermediate_sep n else base (n - 1) and intermediate_sep n = if n < 0 then String.sub name 0 1 else if is_dir_sep name n then intermediate_sep (n - 1) else String.sub name 0 (n + 1) in if name = "" then current_dir_name else trailing_sep (String.length name - 1) module Unix = struct let current_dir_name = "." let parent_dir_name = ".." let dir_sep = "/" let is_dir_sep s i = s.[i] = '/' let is_relative n = String.length n < 1 || n.[0] <> '/';; let is_implicit n = is_relative n && (String.length n < 2 || String.sub n 0 2 <> "./") && (String.length n < 3 || String.sub n 0 3 <> "../") let check_suffix name suff = String.length name >= String.length suff && String.sub name (String.length name - String.length suff) (String.length suff) = suff let temp_dir_name = try Sys.getenv "TMPDIR" with Not_found -> "/tmp" let quote = generic_quote "'\\''" let basename = generic_basename is_dir_sep current_dir_name let dirname = generic_dirname is_dir_sep current_dir_name end module Win32 = struct let current_dir_name = "." let parent_dir_name = ".." let dir_sep = "\\" let is_dir_sep s i = let c = s.[i] in c = '/' || c = '\\' || c = ':' let is_relative n = (String.length n < 1 || n.[0] <> '/') && (String.length n < 1 || n.[0] <> '\\') && (String.length n < 2 || n.[1] <> ':') let is_implicit n = is_relative n && (String.length n < 2 || String.sub n 0 2 <> "./") && (String.length n < 2 || String.sub n 0 2 <> ".\\") && (String.length n < 3 || String.sub n 0 3 <> "../") && (String.length n < 3 || String.sub n 0 3 <> "..\\") let check_suffix name suff = String.length name >= String.length suff && (let s = String.sub name (String.length name - String.length suff) (String.length suff) in String.lowercase s = String.lowercase suff) let temp_dir_name = try Sys.getenv "TEMP" with Not_found -> "." let quote s = let l = String.length s in let b = Buffer.create (l + 20) in Buffer.add_char b '\"'; let rec loop i = if i = l then Buffer.add_char b '\"' else match s.[i] with | '\"' -> loop_bs 0 i; | '\\' -> loop_bs 0 i; | c -> Buffer.add_char b c; loop (i+1); and loop_bs n i = if i = l then begin Buffer.add_char b '\"'; add_bs n; end else begin match s.[i] with | '\"' -> add_bs (2*n+1); Buffer.add_char b '\"'; loop (i+1); | '\\' -> loop_bs (n+1) (i+1); | c -> add_bs n; loop i end and add_bs n = for _j = 1 to n do Buffer.add_char b '\\'; done in loop 0; Buffer.contents b let has_drive s = let is_letter = function | 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' -> true | _ -> false in String.length s >= 2 && is_letter s.[0] && s.[1] = ':' let drive_and_path s = if has_drive s then (String.sub s 0 2, String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2)) else ("", s) let dirname s = let (drive, path) = drive_and_path s in let dir = generic_dirname is_dir_sep current_dir_name path in drive ^ dir let basename s = let (drive, path) = drive_and_path s in generic_basename is_dir_sep current_dir_name path end module Cygwin = struct let current_dir_name = "." let parent_dir_name = ".." let dir_sep = "/" let is_dir_sep = Win32.is_dir_sep let is_relative = Win32.is_relative let is_implicit = Win32.is_implicit let check_suffix = Win32.check_suffix let temp_dir_name = Unix.temp_dir_name let quote = Unix.quote let basename = generic_basename is_dir_sep current_dir_name let dirname = generic_dirname is_dir_sep current_dir_name end let (current_dir_name, parent_dir_name, dir_sep, is_dir_sep, is_relative, is_implicit, check_suffix, temp_dir_name, quote, basename, dirname) = match Sys.os_type with "Unix" -> (Unix.current_dir_name, Unix.parent_dir_name, Unix.dir_sep, Unix.is_dir_sep, Unix.is_relative, Unix.is_implicit, Unix.check_suffix, Unix.temp_dir_name, Unix.quote, Unix.basename, Unix.dirname) | "Win32" -> (Win32.current_dir_name, Win32.parent_dir_name, Win32.dir_sep, Win32.is_dir_sep, Win32.is_relative, Win32.is_implicit, Win32.check_suffix, Win32.temp_dir_name, Win32.quote, Win32.basename, Win32.dirname) | "Cygwin" -> (Cygwin.current_dir_name, Cygwin.parent_dir_name, Cygwin.dir_sep, Cygwin.is_dir_sep, Cygwin.is_relative, Cygwin.is_implicit, Cygwin.check_suffix, Cygwin.temp_dir_name, Cygwin.quote, Cygwin.basename, Cygwin.dirname) | _ -> assert false let concat dirname filename = let l = String.length dirname in if l = 0 || is_dir_sep dirname (l-1) then dirname ^ filename else dirname ^ dir_sep ^ filename let chop_suffix name suff = let n = String.length name - String.length suff in if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Filename.chop_suffix" else String.sub name 0 n let chop_extension name = let rec search_dot i = if i < 0 || is_dir_sep name i then invalid_arg "Filename.chop_extension" else if name.[i] = '.' then String.sub name 0 i else search_dot (i - 1) in search_dot (String.length name - 1) external open_desc: string -> open_flag list -> int -> int = "caml_sys_open" external close_desc: int -> unit = "caml_sys_close" let prng = lazy(Random.State.make_self_init ());; let temp_file_name temp_dir prefix suffix = let rnd = (Random.State.bits (Lazy.force prng)) land 0xFFFFFF in concat temp_dir (Printf.sprintf "%s%06x%s" prefix rnd suffix) ;; let current_temp_dir_name = ref temp_dir_name let set_temp_dir_name s = current_temp_dir_name := s let get_temp_dir_name () = !current_temp_dir_name let temp_file ?(temp_dir = !current_temp_dir_name) prefix suffix = let rec try_name counter = let name = temp_file_name temp_dir prefix suffix in try close_desc(open_desc name [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_excl] 0o600); name with Sys_error _ as e -> if counter >= 1000 then raise e else try_name (counter + 1) in try_name 0 let open_temp_file ?(mode = [Open_text]) ?(temp_dir = !current_temp_dir_name) prefix suffix = let rec try_name counter = let name = temp_file_name temp_dir prefix suffix in try (name, open_out_gen (Open_wronly::Open_creat::Open_excl::mode) 0o600 name) with Sys_error _ as e -> if counter >= 1000 then raise e else try_name (counter + 1) in try_name 0