(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Operations on internal representations of values *) type t type raw_data = nativeint external repr : 'a -> t = "%identity" external obj : t -> 'a = "%identity" external magic : 'a -> 'b = "%identity" external is_int : t -> bool = "%obj_is_int" let [@inline always] is_block a = not (is_int a) external tag : t -> int = "caml_obj_tag" [@@noalloc] external size : t -> int = "%obj_size" external reachable_words : t -> int = "caml_obj_reachable_words" external field : t -> int -> t = "%obj_field" external set_field : t -> int -> t -> unit = "%obj_set_field" external floatarray_get : floatarray -> int -> float = "caml_floatarray_get" external floatarray_set : floatarray -> int -> float -> unit = "caml_floatarray_set" let [@inline always] double_field x i = floatarray_get (obj x : floatarray) i let [@inline always] set_double_field x i v = floatarray_set (obj x : floatarray) i v external raw_field : t -> int -> raw_data = "caml_obj_raw_field" external set_raw_field : t -> int -> raw_data -> unit = "caml_obj_set_raw_field" external new_block : int -> int -> t = "caml_obj_block" external dup : t -> t = "caml_obj_dup" external add_offset : t -> Int32.t -> t = "caml_obj_add_offset" external with_tag : int -> t -> t = "caml_obj_with_tag" let first_non_constant_constructor_tag = 0 let last_non_constant_constructor_tag = 243 let forcing_tag = 244 let cont_tag = 245 let lazy_tag = 246 let closure_tag = 247 let object_tag = 248 let infix_tag = 249 let forward_tag = 250 let no_scan_tag = 251 let abstract_tag = 251 let string_tag = 252 let double_tag = 253 let double_array_tag = 254 let custom_tag = 255 let int_tag = 1000 let out_of_heap_tag = 1001 let unaligned_tag = 1002 module Closure = struct type info = { arity: int; start_env: int; } let info_of_raw (info : nativeint) = let open Nativeint in let arity = (* signed: negative for tupled functions *) if Sys.word_size = 64 then to_int (shift_right info 56) else to_int (shift_right info 24) in let start_env = (* start_env is unsigned, but we know it can always fit an OCaml integer so we use [to_int] instead of [unsigned_to_int]. *) to_int (shift_right_logical (shift_left info 8) 9) in { arity; start_env } (* note: we expect a closure, not an infix pointer *) let info (obj : t) = assert (tag obj = closure_tag); info_of_raw (raw_field obj 1) end module Extension_constructor = struct type t = extension_constructor let of_val x = let x = repr x in let slot = if (is_block x) && (tag x) <> object_tag && (size x) >= 1 then field x 0 else x in let name = if (is_block slot) && (tag slot) = object_tag then field slot 0 else invalid_arg "Obj.extension_constructor" in if (tag name) = string_tag then (obj slot : t) else invalid_arg "Obj.extension_constructor" let [@inline always] name (slot : t) = (obj (field (repr slot) 0) : string) let [@inline always] id (slot : t) = (obj (field (repr slot) 1) : int) end module Ephemeron = struct type obj_t = t type t (** ephemeron *) (** To change in sync with weak.h *) let additional_values = 2 let max_ephe_length = Sys.max_array_length - additional_values external create : int -> t = "caml_ephe_create" let create l = if not (0 <= l && l <= max_ephe_length) then invalid_arg "Obj.Ephemeron.create"; create l let length x = size(repr x) - additional_values let raise_if_invalid_offset e o msg = if not (0 <= o && o < length e) then invalid_arg msg external get_key: t -> int -> obj_t option = "caml_ephe_get_key" let get_key e o = raise_if_invalid_offset e o "Obj.Ephemeron.get_key"; get_key e o external get_key_copy: t -> int -> obj_t option = "caml_ephe_get_key_copy" let get_key_copy e o = raise_if_invalid_offset e o "Obj.Ephemeron.get_key_copy"; get_key_copy e o external set_key: t -> int -> obj_t -> unit = "caml_ephe_set_key" let set_key e o x = raise_if_invalid_offset e o "Obj.Ephemeron.set_key"; set_key e o x external unset_key: t -> int -> unit = "caml_ephe_unset_key" let unset_key e o = raise_if_invalid_offset e o "Obj.Ephemeron.unset_key"; unset_key e o external check_key: t -> int -> bool = "caml_ephe_check_key" let check_key e o = raise_if_invalid_offset e o "Obj.Ephemeron.check_key"; check_key e o external blit_key : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit = "caml_ephe_blit_key" let blit_key e1 o1 e2 o2 l = if l < 0 || o1 < 0 || o1 > length e1 - l || o2 < 0 || o2 > length e2 - l then invalid_arg "Obj.Ephemeron.blit_key" else if l <> 0 then blit_key e1 o1 e2 o2 l external get_data: t -> obj_t option = "caml_ephe_get_data" external get_data_copy: t -> obj_t option = "caml_ephe_get_data_copy" external set_data: t -> obj_t -> unit = "caml_ephe_set_data" external unset_data: t -> unit = "caml_ephe_unset_data" external check_data: t -> bool = "caml_ephe_check_data" external blit_data : t -> t -> unit = "caml_ephe_blit_data" end