(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Operations on internal representations of values. Not for the casual user. *) type t external repr : 'a -> t = "%identity" external obj : t -> 'a = "%identity" external magic : 'a -> 'b = "%identity" val [@inline always] is_block : t -> bool external is_int : t -> bool = "%obj_is_int" external tag : t -> int = "caml_obj_tag" external size : t -> int = "%obj_size" external reachable_words : t -> int = "caml_obj_reachable_words" (** Computes the total size (in words, including the headers) of all heap blocks accessible from the argument. Statically allocated blocks are excluded. @Since 4.04 *) external field : t -> int -> t = "%obj_field" (** When using flambda: [set_field] MUST NOT be called on immutable blocks. (Blocks allocated in C stubs, or with [new_block] below, are always considered mutable.) The same goes for [set_double_field] and [set_tag]. However, for [set_tag], in the case of immutable blocks where the middle-end optimizers never see code that discriminates on their tag (for example records), the operation should be safe. Such uses are nonetheless discouraged. For experts only: [set_field] et al can be made safe by first wrapping the block in {!Sys.opaque_identity}, so any information about its contents will not be propagated. *) external set_field : t -> int -> t -> unit = "%obj_set_field" external set_tag : t -> int -> unit = "caml_obj_set_tag" val [@inline always] double_field : t -> int -> float (* @since 3.11.2 *) val [@inline always] set_double_field : t -> int -> float -> unit (* @since 3.11.2 *) external new_block : int -> int -> t = "caml_obj_block" external dup : t -> t = "caml_obj_dup" external truncate : t -> int -> unit = "caml_obj_truncate" external add_offset : t -> Int32.t -> t = "caml_obj_add_offset" (* @since 3.12.0 *) val first_non_constant_constructor_tag : int val last_non_constant_constructor_tag : int val lazy_tag : int val closure_tag : int val object_tag : int val infix_tag : int val forward_tag : int val no_scan_tag : int val abstract_tag : int val string_tag : int (* both [string] and [bytes] *) val double_tag : int val double_array_tag : int val custom_tag : int val final_tag : int [@@ocaml.deprecated "Replaced by custom_tag."] val int_tag : int val out_of_heap_tag : int val unaligned_tag : int (* should never happen @since 3.11.0 *) val extension_constructor : 'a -> extension_constructor val [@inline always] extension_name : extension_constructor -> string val [@inline always] extension_id : extension_constructor -> int (** The following two functions are deprecated. Use module {!Marshal} instead. *) val marshal : t -> bytes [@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Marshal.to_bytes instead."] val unmarshal : bytes -> int -> t * int [@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Marshal.from_bytes and Marshal.total_size instead."] module Ephemeron: sig (** Ephemeron with arbitrary arity and untyped *) type obj_t = t (** alias for {!Obj.t} *) type t (** an ephemeron cf {!Ephemeron} *) val create: int -> t (** [create n] returns an ephemeron with [n] keys. All the keys and the data are initially empty *) val length: t -> int (** return the number of keys *) val get_key: t -> int -> obj_t option (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.get_key} *) val get_key_copy: t -> int -> obj_t option (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.get_key_copy} *) val set_key: t -> int -> obj_t -> unit (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.set_key} *) val unset_key: t -> int -> unit (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.unset_key} *) val check_key: t -> int -> bool (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.check_key} *) val blit_key : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.blit_key} *) val get_data: t -> obj_t option (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.get_data} *) val get_data_copy: t -> obj_t option (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.get_data_copy} *) val set_data: t -> obj_t -> unit (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.set_data} *) val unset_data: t -> unit (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.unset_data} *) val check_data: t -> bool (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.check_data} *) val blit_data : t -> t -> unit (** Same as {!Ephemeron.K1.blit_data} *) end