(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and INRIA Paris *) (* *) (* Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Semaphores *) type sem = { mut: Mutex.t; (* protects [v] *) mutable v: int; (* the current value *) nonzero: Condition.t (* signaled when [v > 0] *) } module Counting = struct type t = sem let make v = if v < 0 then invalid_arg "Semaphore.Counting.init: wrong initial value"; { mut = Mutex.create(); v; nonzero = Condition.create() } let release s = Mutex.lock s.mut; if s.v < max_int then begin s.v <- s.v + 1; Condition.signal s.nonzero; Mutex.unlock s.mut end else begin Mutex.unlock s.mut; raise (Sys_error "Semaphore.Counting.release: overflow") end let acquire s = Mutex.lock s.mut; while s.v = 0 do Condition.wait s.nonzero s.mut done; s.v <- s.v - 1; Mutex.unlock s.mut let try_acquire s = Mutex.lock s.mut; let ret = if s.v = 0 then false else (s.v <- s.v - 1; true) in Mutex.unlock s.mut; ret let get_value s = s.v end module Binary = struct type t = sem let make b = { mut = Mutex.create(); v = if b then 1 else 0; nonzero = Condition.create() } let release s = Mutex.lock s.mut; s.v <- 1; Condition.signal s.nonzero; Mutex.unlock s.mut let acquire s = Mutex.lock s.mut; while s.v = 0 do Condition.wait s.nonzero s.mut done; s.v <- 0; Mutex.unlock s.mut let try_acquire s = Mutex.lock s.mut; let ret = if s.v = 0 then false else (s.v <- 0; true) in Mutex.unlock s.mut; ret end