(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Damien Doligez, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2014 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* String operations, based on byte sequence operations *) (* WARNING: Some functions in this file are duplicated in bytes.ml for efficiency reasons. When you modify the one in this file you need to modify its duplicate in bytes.ml. These functions have a "duplicated" comment above their definition. *) external length : string -> int = "%string_length" external get : string -> int -> char = "%string_safe_get" external set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_safe_set" external create : int -> bytes = "caml_create_string" external unsafe_get : string -> int -> char = "%string_unsafe_get" external unsafe_set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_unsafe_set" external unsafe_blit : string -> int -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit = "caml_blit_string" [@@noalloc] external unsafe_fill : bytes -> int -> int -> char -> unit = "caml_fill_string" [@@noalloc] module B = Bytes let bts = B.unsafe_to_string let bos = B.unsafe_of_string let make n c = B.make n c |> bts let init n f = B.init n f |> bts let copy s = B.copy (bos s) |> bts let sub s ofs len = B.sub (bos s) ofs len |> bts let fill = B.fill let blit = B.blit_string let ensure_ge (x:int) y = if x >= y then x else invalid_arg "String.concat" let rec sum_lengths acc seplen = function | [] -> acc | hd :: [] -> length hd + acc | hd :: tl -> sum_lengths (ensure_ge (length hd + seplen + acc) acc) seplen tl let rec unsafe_blits dst pos sep seplen = function [] -> dst | hd :: [] -> unsafe_blit hd 0 dst pos (length hd); dst | hd :: tl -> unsafe_blit hd 0 dst pos (length hd); unsafe_blit sep 0 dst (pos + length hd) seplen; unsafe_blits dst (pos + length hd + seplen) sep seplen tl let concat sep = function [] -> "" | l -> let seplen = length sep in bts @@ unsafe_blits (B.create (sum_lengths 0 seplen l)) 0 sep seplen l (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let iter f s = for i = 0 to length s - 1 do f (unsafe_get s i) done (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let iteri f s = for i = 0 to length s - 1 do f i (unsafe_get s i) done let map f s = B.map f (bos s) |> bts let mapi f s = B.mapi f (bos s) |> bts (* Beware: we cannot use B.trim or B.escape because they always make a copy, but String.mli spells out some cases where we are not allowed to make a copy. *) let is_space = function | ' ' | '\012' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false let trim s = if s = "" then s else if is_space (unsafe_get s 0) || is_space (unsafe_get s (length s - 1)) then bts (B.trim (bos s)) else s let escaped s = let rec escape_if_needed s n i = if i >= n then s else match unsafe_get s i with | '\"' | '\\' | '\000'..'\031' | '\127'.. '\255' -> bts (B.escaped (bos s)) | _ -> escape_if_needed s n (i+1) in escape_if_needed s (length s) 0 (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rec index_rec s lim i c = if i >= lim then raise Not_found else if unsafe_get s i = c then i else index_rec s lim (i + 1) c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let index s c = index_rec s (length s) 0 c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rec index_rec_opt s lim i c = if i >= lim then None else if unsafe_get s i = c then Some i else index_rec_opt s lim (i + 1) c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let index_opt s c = index_rec_opt s (length s) 0 c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let index_from s i c = let l = length s in if i < 0 || i > l then invalid_arg "String.index_from / Bytes.index_from" else index_rec s l i c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let index_from_opt s i c = let l = length s in if i < 0 || i > l then invalid_arg "String.index_from_opt / Bytes.index_from_opt" else index_rec_opt s l i c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rec rindex_rec s i c = if i < 0 then raise Not_found else if unsafe_get s i = c then i else rindex_rec s (i - 1) c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rindex s c = rindex_rec s (length s - 1) c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rindex_from s i c = if i < -1 || i >= length s then invalid_arg "String.rindex_from / Bytes.rindex_from" else rindex_rec s i c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rec rindex_rec_opt s i c = if i < 0 then None else if unsafe_get s i = c then Some i else rindex_rec_opt s (i - 1) c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rindex_opt s c = rindex_rec_opt s (length s - 1) c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rindex_from_opt s i c = if i < -1 || i >= length s then invalid_arg "String.rindex_from_opt / Bytes.rindex_from_opt" else rindex_rec_opt s i c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let contains_from s i c = let l = length s in if i < 0 || i > l then invalid_arg "String.contains_from / Bytes.contains_from" else try ignore (index_rec s l i c); true with Not_found -> false (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let contains s c = contains_from s 0 c (* duplicated in bytes.ml *) let rcontains_from s i c = if i < 0 || i >= length s then invalid_arg "String.rcontains_from / Bytes.rcontains_from" else try ignore (rindex_rec s i c); true with Not_found -> false let uppercase_ascii s = B.uppercase_ascii (bos s) |> bts let lowercase_ascii s = B.lowercase_ascii (bos s) |> bts let capitalize_ascii s = B.capitalize_ascii (bos s) |> bts let uncapitalize_ascii s = B.uncapitalize_ascii (bos s) |> bts type t = string let compare (x: t) (y: t) = Stdlib.compare x y external equal : string -> string -> bool = "caml_string_equal" [@@noalloc] let split_on_char sep s = let r = ref [] in let j = ref (length s) in for i = length s - 1 downto 0 do if unsafe_get s i = sep then begin r := sub s (i + 1) (!j - i - 1) :: !r; j := i end done; sub s 0 !j :: !r (* Deprecated functions implemented via other deprecated functions *) [@@@ocaml.warning "-3"] let uppercase s = B.uppercase (bos s) |> bts let lowercase s = B.lowercase (bos s) |> bts let capitalize s = B.capitalize (bos s) |> bts let uncapitalize s = B.uncapitalize (bos s) |> bts (** {1 Iterators} *) let to_seq s = bos s |> B.to_seq let to_seqi s = bos s |> B.to_seqi let of_seq g = B.of_seq g |> bts let starts_with ~prefix s = let len_s = length s and len_pre = length prefix in let rec aux i = if i = len_pre then true else if unsafe_get s i <> unsafe_get prefix i then false else aux (i + 1) in len_s >= len_pre && aux 0 let ends_with ~suffix s = let len_s = length s and len_suf = length suffix in let diff = len_s - len_suf in let rec aux i = if i = len_suf then true else if unsafe_get s (diff + i) <> unsafe_get suffix i then false else aux (i + 1) in diff >= 0 && aux 0