(**** file testinterp/t301-object.ml suggested by Jacques Garrigue to Basile Starynkevitch compilable with ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib \ ../../stdlib/pervasives.cmo ../../stdlib/camlinternalOO.cmo \ t301-object.ml -o t301-object.byte ***) (* $Id$ *) class c = object (self) method pubmet = 1 method privmet = self#pubmet + 1 val o = object method a = 3 method m = 4 end method dynmet = o#m end;; let f () = let c = new c in (c#pubmet, c#privmet, c#dynmet);; let (x,y,z) = f () in if x <> 1 then raise Not_found; if y <> 2 then raise Not_found; if z <> 4 then raise Not_found;; (**** eof $Id$ *)