#************************************************************************** #* * #* OCaml * #* * #* Damien Doligez, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt * #* * #* Copyright 2013 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et * #* en Automatique. * #* * #* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of * #* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the * #* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. * #* * #************************************************************************** function check() { if (!in_test){ printf("error at line %d: found test result without test start\n", NR); errored = 1; } } function clear() { curfile = ""; in_test = 0; } function record_pass() { check(); if (!(key in RESULTS)) ++nresults; RESULTS[key] = "p"; delete SKIPPED[curdir]; clear(); } function record_skip() { check(); if (!(key in RESULTS)) ++nresults; RESULTS[key] = "s"; if (curdir in SKIPPED) SKIPPED[curdir] = 1; clear(); } function record_na() { check(); if (!(key in RESULTS)) ++nresults; RESULTS[key] = "n"; if (curdir in SKIPPED) SKIPPED[curdir] = 1; clear(); } function record_fail() { check(); if (!(key in RESULTS)) ++nresults; RESULTS[key] = "f"; delete SKIPPED[curdir]; clear(); } function record_unexp() { if (!(key in RESULTS) || RESULTS[key] == "s"){ if (!(key in RESULTS)) ++nresults; RESULTS[key] = "e"; } delete SKIPPED[curdir]; clear(); } /^> / { next; } /Running tests from '[^']*'/ { if (in_test) record_unexp(); match($0, /Running tests from '[^']*'/); curdir = substr($0, RSTART+20, RLENGTH - 21); # Use SKIPPED[curdir] as a sentinel to detect no output SKIPPED[curdir] = 0; key = curdir; DIRS[key] = key; curfile = ""; } / ... testing.* ... testing/ { printf("error at line %d: found two test results on the same line\n", NR); errored = 1; } /^ ... testing '[^']*'/ { if (in_test) record_unexp(); match($0, /... testing '[^']*'/); curfile = substr($0, RSTART+13, RLENGTH-14); if (match($0, /... testing '[^']*' with [^:=]*/)){ curfile = substr($0, RSTART+12, RLENGTH-12); } key = sprintf ("%s/%s", curdir, curfile); DIRS[key] = curdir; in_test = 1; } /^ ... testing (with|[^'])/ { if (in_test) record_unexp(); key = curdir; DIRS[key] = curdir; in_test = 1; } /^Wall clock:/ { match($0, /: .* took /); curfile = substr($0, RSTART+2, RLENGTH-8); match($0, / took .*s/); duration = substr($0, RSTART+6, RLENGTH-7); if (duration + 0.0 > 10.0) slow[slowcount++] = sprintf("%s: %s", curfile, duration); } /=> passed/ { record_pass(); } /=> skipped/ { record_skip(); } /=> n\/a/ { record_na(); } /=> failed/ { record_fail(); } /=> unexpected error/ { record_unexp(); } END { if (in_test) record_unexp(); if (errored){ printf ("\n#### Some fatal error occurred during testing.\n\n"); exit (3); }else{ for (key in SKIPPED){ if (!SKIPPED[key]){ ++ empty; blanks[emptyidx++] = key; delete SKIPPED[key]; } } for (key in RESULTS){ r = RESULTS[key]; if (r == "p"){ ++ passed; }else if (r == "f"){ ++ failed; fail[failidx++] = key; }else if (r == "e"){ ++ unexped; unexp[unexpidx++] = key; }else if (r == "s"){ ++ skipped; curdir = DIRS[key]; if (curdir in SKIPPED){ if (SKIPPED[curdir]){ SKIPPED[curdir] = 0; skips[skipidx++] = curdir; } }else{ skips[skipidx++] = key; } }else if (r == "n"){ ++ ignored; } } printf("\n"); if (skipped != 0){ printf("\nList of skipped tests:\n"); for (i=0; i < skipidx; i++) printf(" %s\n", skips[i]); } if (empty != 0){ printf("\nList of directories returning no results:\n"); for (i=0; i < empty; i++) printf(" %s\n", blanks[i]); } if (failed != 0){ printf("\nList of failed tests:\n"); for (i=0; i < failed; i++) printf(" %s\n", fail[i]); } if (unexped != 0){ printf("\nList of unexpected errors:\n"); for (i=0; i < unexped; i++) printf(" %s\n", unexp[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("Summary:\n"); printf(" %3d tests passed\n", passed); printf(" %3d tests skipped\n", skipped); printf(" %3d tests failed\n", failed); printf(" %3d tests not started (parent test skipped or failed)\n", ignored); printf(" %3d unexpected errors\n", unexped); printf(" %3d tests considered", nresults); if (nresults != passed + skipped + ignored + failed + unexped){ printf (" (totals don't add up??)"); } if (slowcount != 0){ printf("\n\nTests taking longer than 10s:\n"); for (i=0; i < slowcount; i++) printf(" %s\n", slow[i]); } printf ("\n"); if (failed || unexped){ printf("#### Something failed. Exiting with error status.\n\n"); exit 4; } } }