(* TEST_BELOW (* Blank lines added here to preserve locations. *) *) let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true; let c = open_out "foo" in close_out c; try while true do open_in "foo" |> ignore done with Sys_error _ -> (* The message is platform-specific, so convert the exception to Exit *) let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in Printexc.raise_with_backtrace Exit bt (* TEST flags += "-g"; exit_status = "2"; { ocamlrunparam += ",b=0"; reference = "${test_source_directory}/pr2195-nolocs.byte.reference"; bytecode; }{ ocamlrunparam += ",b=1"; reference = "${test_source_directory}/pr2195-nolocs.byte.reference"; bytecode; }{ ocamlrunparam += ",b=2"; reference = "${test_source_directory}/pr2195-locs.byte.reference"; bytecode; }{ reference = "${test_source_directory}/pr2195.opt.reference"; compare_programs = "false"; native; } *)