(* TEST setup-ocamlc.byte-build-env; { ocamlc_byte_exit_status = "0"; ocamlc.byte; }{ check-ocamlc.byte-output; } *) module Make_sure_val : sig val x : int end = struct let x = 3 open struct let x = 'c' end end type t = A open struct type t = B end type ext = .. module Make_sure_ec : sig type ext += C of int end = struct type ext += C of int open struct type ext += D of char end end module M = struct type t = int end open struct module M = struct type u = char end end module type S = sig type t = int end open struct module type S = sig type u = char end end class c = object method x = 3 end open struct class c = object method y = 'c' end end class type ct = object method x : int end open struct class type ct = object method y : int end end