(* TEST flags = " -w -a " * setup-ocamlc.byte-build-env ** ocamlc.byte *** check-ocamlc.byte-output *) (* PR 4557 *) module PR_4557 = struct module F ( X : Set.OrderedType ) = struct module rec Mod : sig module XSet : sig type elt = X.t type t = Set.Make( X ).t end module XMap : sig type key = X.t type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(X).t end type elt = X.t type t = XSet.t XMap.t val compare: t -> t -> int end = struct module XSet = Set.Make( X ) module XMap = Map.Make( X ) type elt = X.t type t = XSet.t XMap.t let compare = (fun x y -> 0) end and ModSet : Set.S with type elt = Mod.t = Set.Make( Mod ) end end