(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Damien Doligez and Francois Rouaix, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Ported to Caml Special Light by John Malecki *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Printf open Location open Parsetree (* User programs must not use identifiers that start with these prefixes. *) let idprefix = "__ocaml_prof_";; let modprefix = "OCAML__prof_";; (* Errors specific to the profiler *) exception Profiler of string (* Modes *) let instr_fun = ref false and instr_match = ref false and instr_if = ref false and instr_loops = ref false and instr_try = ref false let cur_point = ref 0 and inchan = ref stdin and outchan = ref stdout (* To copy source fragments *) let copy_buffer = String.create 256 let copy_chars_unix nchars = let n = ref nchars in while !n > 0 do let m = input !inchan copy_buffer 0 (min !n 256) in if m = 0 then raise End_of_file; output !outchan copy_buffer 0 m; n := !n - m done let copy_chars_win32 nchars = for _i = 1 to nchars do let c = input_char !inchan in if c <> '\r' then output_char !outchan c done let copy_chars = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> copy_chars_win32 | _ -> copy_chars_unix let copy next = assert (next >= !cur_point); seek_in !inchan !cur_point; copy_chars (next - !cur_point); cur_point := next; ;; let prof_counter = ref 0;; let instr_mode = ref false type insert = Open | Close;; let to_insert = ref ([] : (insert * int) list);; let insert_action st en = to_insert := (Open, st) :: (Close, en) :: !to_insert ;; (* Producing instrumented code *) let add_incr_counter modul (kind,pos) = copy pos; match kind with | Open -> fprintf !outchan "(%sProfiling.incr %s%s_cnt %d; " modprefix idprefix modul !prof_counter; incr prof_counter; | Close -> fprintf !outchan ")"; ;; let counters = ref (Array.create 0 0) (* User defined marker *) let special_id = ref "" (* Producing results of profile run *) let add_val_counter (kind,pos) = if kind = Open then begin copy pos; fprintf !outchan "(* %s%d *) " !special_id !counters.(!prof_counter); incr prof_counter; end ;; (* ************* rewrite ************* *) let insert_profile rw_exp ex = let st = ex.pexp_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum and en = ex.pexp_loc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum and gh = ex.pexp_loc.loc_ghost in if gh || st = en then rw_exp true ex else begin insert_action st en; rw_exp false ex; end ;; let pos_len = ref 0 let init_rewrite modes mod_name = cur_point := 0; if !instr_mode then begin fprintf !outchan "module %sProfiling = Profiling;; " modprefix; fprintf !outchan "let %s%s_cnt = Array.create 000000000" idprefix mod_name; pos_len := pos_out !outchan; fprintf !outchan " 0;; Profiling.counters := \ (\"%s\", (\"%s\", %s%s_cnt)) :: !Profiling.counters;; " mod_name modes idprefix mod_name; end let final_rewrite add_function = to_insert := Sort.list (fun x y -> snd x < snd y) !to_insert; prof_counter := 0; List.iter add_function !to_insert; copy (in_channel_length !inchan); if !instr_mode then begin let len = string_of_int !prof_counter in if String.length len > 9 then raise (Profiler "too many counters"); seek_out !outchan (!pos_len - String.length len); output_string !outchan len end; (* Cannot close because outchan is stdout and Format doesn't like a closed stdout. close_out !outchan; *) ;; let rec rewrite_patexp_list iflag l = rewrite_exp_list iflag (List.map snd l) and rewrite_patlexp_list iflag l = rewrite_exp_list iflag (List.map snd l) and rewrite_labelexp_list iflag l = rewrite_exp_list iflag (List.map snd l) and rewrite_exp_list iflag l = List.iter (rewrite_exp iflag) l and rewrite_exp iflag sexp = if iflag then insert_profile rw_exp sexp else rw_exp false sexp and rw_exp iflag sexp = match sexp.pexp_desc with Pexp_ident lid -> () | Pexp_constant cst -> () | Pexp_let(_, spat_sexp_list, sbody) -> rewrite_patexp_list iflag spat_sexp_list; rewrite_exp iflag sbody | Pexp_function (_, _, caselist) -> if !instr_fun then rewrite_function iflag caselist else rewrite_patlexp_list iflag caselist | Pexp_match(sarg, caselist) -> rewrite_exp iflag sarg; if !instr_match && not sexp.pexp_loc.loc_ghost then rewrite_funmatching caselist else rewrite_patlexp_list iflag caselist | Pexp_try(sbody, caselist) -> rewrite_exp iflag sbody; if !instr_try && not sexp.pexp_loc.loc_ghost then rewrite_trymatching caselist else rewrite_patexp_list iflag caselist | Pexp_apply(sfunct, sargs) -> rewrite_exp iflag sfunct; rewrite_exp_list iflag (List.map snd sargs) | Pexp_tuple sexpl -> rewrite_exp_list iflag sexpl | Pexp_construct(_, None, _) -> () | Pexp_construct(_, Some sarg, _) -> rewrite_exp iflag sarg | Pexp_variant(_, None) -> () | Pexp_variant(_, Some sarg) -> rewrite_exp iflag sarg | Pexp_record(lid_sexp_list, None) -> rewrite_labelexp_list iflag lid_sexp_list | Pexp_record(lid_sexp_list, Some sexp) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp; rewrite_labelexp_list iflag lid_sexp_list | Pexp_field(sarg, _) -> rewrite_exp iflag sarg | Pexp_setfield(srecord, _, snewval) -> rewrite_exp iflag srecord; rewrite_exp iflag snewval | Pexp_array(sargl) -> rewrite_exp_list iflag sargl | Pexp_ifthenelse(scond, sifso, None) -> rewrite_exp iflag scond; rewrite_ifbody iflag sexp.pexp_loc.loc_ghost sifso | Pexp_ifthenelse(scond, sifso, Some sifnot) -> rewrite_exp iflag scond; rewrite_ifbody iflag sexp.pexp_loc.loc_ghost sifso; rewrite_ifbody iflag sexp.pexp_loc.loc_ghost sifnot | Pexp_sequence(sexp1, sexp2) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp1; rewrite_exp iflag sexp2 | Pexp_while(scond, sbody) -> rewrite_exp iflag scond; if !instr_loops && not sexp.pexp_loc.loc_ghost then insert_profile rw_exp sbody else rewrite_exp iflag sbody | Pexp_for(_, slow, shigh, _, sbody) -> rewrite_exp iflag slow; rewrite_exp iflag shigh; if !instr_loops && not sexp.pexp_loc.loc_ghost then insert_profile rw_exp sbody else rewrite_exp iflag sbody | Pexp_constraint(sarg, _, _) -> rewrite_exp iflag sarg | Pexp_when(scond, sbody) -> rewrite_exp iflag scond; rewrite_exp iflag sbody | Pexp_send (sobj, _) -> rewrite_exp iflag sobj | Pexp_new _ -> () | Pexp_setinstvar (_, sarg) -> rewrite_exp iflag sarg | Pexp_override l -> List.iter (fun (_, sexp) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp) l | Pexp_letmodule (_, smod, sexp) -> rewrite_mod iflag smod; rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pexp_assert (cond) -> rewrite_exp iflag cond | Pexp_assertfalse -> () | Pexp_lazy (expr) -> rewrite_exp iflag expr | Pexp_poly (sexp, _) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pexp_object cl -> List.iter (rewrite_class_field iflag) cl.pcstr_fields | Pexp_newtype (_, sexp) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pexp_open (_, e) -> rewrite_exp iflag e | Pexp_pack (smod) -> rewrite_mod iflag smod | Pexp_extension _ -> () and rewrite_ifbody iflag ghost sifbody = if !instr_if && not ghost then insert_profile rw_exp sifbody else rewrite_exp iflag sifbody (* called only when !instr_fun *) and rewrite_annotate_exp_list l = List.iter (function | {pexp_desc = Pexp_when(scond, sbody)} -> insert_profile rw_exp scond; insert_profile rw_exp sbody; | {pexp_desc = Pexp_constraint(sbody, _, _)} (* let f x : t = e *) -> insert_profile rw_exp sbody | sexp -> insert_profile rw_exp sexp) l and rewrite_function iflag = function | [spat, ({pexp_desc = Pexp_function _} as sexp)] -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp | l -> rewrite_funmatching l and rewrite_funmatching l = rewrite_annotate_exp_list (List.map snd l) and rewrite_trymatching l = rewrite_annotate_exp_list (List.map snd l) (* Rewrite a class definition *) and rewrite_class_field iflag cf = match cf.pcf_desc with Pcf_inher (_, cexpr, _) -> rewrite_class_expr iflag cexpr | Pcf_val (_, _, _, sexp) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pcf_meth (_, _, _, ({pexp_desc = Pexp_function _} as sexp)) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pcf_meth (_, _, _, sexp) -> let loc = cf.pcf_loc in if !instr_fun && not loc.loc_ghost then insert_profile rw_exp sexp else rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pcf_init sexp -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pcf_valvirt _ | Pcf_virt _ | Pcf_constr _ -> () and rewrite_class_expr iflag cexpr = match cexpr.pcl_desc with Pcl_constr _ -> () | Pcl_structure st -> List.iter (rewrite_class_field iflag) st.pcstr_fields | Pcl_fun (_, _, _, cexpr) -> rewrite_class_expr iflag cexpr | Pcl_apply (cexpr, exprs) -> rewrite_class_expr iflag cexpr; List.iter (rewrite_exp iflag) (List.map snd exprs) | Pcl_let (_, spat_sexp_list, cexpr) -> rewrite_patexp_list iflag spat_sexp_list; rewrite_class_expr iflag cexpr | Pcl_constraint (cexpr, _) -> rewrite_class_expr iflag cexpr and rewrite_class_declaration iflag cl = rewrite_class_expr iflag cl.pci_expr (* Rewrite a module expression or structure expression *) and rewrite_mod iflag smod = match smod.pmod_desc with Pmod_ident lid -> () | Pmod_structure sstr -> List.iter (rewrite_str_item iflag) sstr | Pmod_functor(param, smty, sbody) -> rewrite_mod iflag sbody | Pmod_apply(smod1, smod2) -> rewrite_mod iflag smod1; rewrite_mod iflag smod2 | Pmod_constraint(smod, smty) -> rewrite_mod iflag smod | Pmod_unpack(sexp) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp | Pmod_extension _ -> () and rewrite_str_item iflag item = match item.pstr_desc with Pstr_eval exp -> rewrite_exp iflag exp | Pstr_value(_, exps) -> List.iter (function (_,exp) -> rewrite_exp iflag exp) exps | Pstr_module x -> rewrite_mod iflag x.pmb_expr (* todo: Pstr_recmodule?? *) | Pstr_class classes -> List.iter (rewrite_class_declaration iflag) classes | _ -> () (* Rewrite a .ml file *) let rewrite_file srcfile add_function = inchan := open_in_bin srcfile; let lb = Lexing.from_channel !inchan in Location.input_name := srcfile; Location.init lb srcfile; List.iter (rewrite_str_item false) (Parse.implementation lb); final_rewrite add_function; close_in !inchan (* Copy a non-.ml file without change *) let null_rewrite srcfile = inchan := open_in_bin srcfile; copy (in_channel_length !inchan); close_in !inchan ;; (* Setting flags from saved config *) let set_flags s = for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do match String.get s i with 'f' -> instr_fun := true | 'm' -> instr_match := true | 'i' -> instr_if := true | 'l' -> instr_loops := true | 't' -> instr_try := true | 'a' -> instr_fun := true; instr_match := true; instr_if := true; instr_loops := true; instr_try := true | _ -> () done (* Command-line options *) let modes = ref "fm" let dumpfile = ref "ocamlprof.dump" (* Process a file *) let process_intf_file filename = null_rewrite filename;; let process_impl_file filename = let modname = Filename.basename(Filename.chop_extension filename) in (* FIXME should let modname = String.capitalize modname *) if !instr_mode then begin (* Instrumentation mode *) set_flags !modes; init_rewrite !modes modname; rewrite_file filename (add_incr_counter modname); end else begin (* Results mode *) let ic = open_in_bin !dumpfile in let allcounters = (input_value ic : (string * (string * int array)) list) in close_in ic; let (modes, cv) = try List.assoc modname allcounters with Not_found -> raise(Profiler("Module " ^ modname ^ " not used in this profile.")) in counters := cv; set_flags modes; init_rewrite modes modname; rewrite_file filename add_val_counter; end ;; let process_anon_file filename = if Filename.check_suffix filename ".ml" then process_impl_file filename else process_intf_file filename ;; (* Main function *) open Format let usage = "Usage: ocamlprof \noptions are:" let print_version () = printf "ocamlprof, version %s@." Sys.ocaml_version; exit 0; ;; let print_version_num () = printf "%s@." Sys.ocaml_version; exit 0; ;; let main () = try Warnings.parse_options false "a"; Arg.parse [ "-f", Arg.String (fun s -> dumpfile := s), " Use as dump file (default ocamlprof.dump)"; "-F", Arg.String (fun s -> special_id := s), " Insert string with the counts"; "-impl", Arg.String process_impl_file, " Process as a .ml file"; "-instrument", Arg.Set instr_mode, " (undocumented)"; "-intf", Arg.String process_intf_file, " Process as a .mli file"; "-m", Arg.String (fun s -> modes := s), " (undocumented)"; "-version", Arg.Unit print_version, " Print version and exit"; "-vnum", Arg.Unit print_version_num, " Print version number and exit"; ] process_anon_file usage; exit 0 with x -> let report_error ppf = function | Lexer.Error(err, range) -> fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]@." Location.print_error range Lexer.report_error err | Syntaxerr.Error err -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@." Syntaxerr.report_error err | Profiler msg -> fprintf ppf "@[%s@]@." msg | Sys_error msg -> fprintf ppf "@[I/O error:@ %s@]@." msg | x -> raise x in report_error Format.err_formatter x; exit 2 let _ = main ()