(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt*) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* To print values *) open Misc open Format open Longident open Path open Types open Outcometree module type OBJ = sig type t val obj : t -> 'a val is_block : t -> bool val tag : t -> int val size : t -> int val field : t -> int -> t end module type EVALPATH = sig type valu val eval_path: Path.t -> valu exception Error val same_value: valu -> valu -> bool end module type S = sig type t val install_printer : Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> (formatter -> t -> unit) -> unit val remove_printer : Path.t -> unit val outval_of_untyped_exception : t -> Outcometree.out_value val outval_of_value : int -> int -> (int -> t -> Types.type_expr -> Outcometree.out_value option) -> Env.t -> t -> type_expr -> Outcometree.out_value end module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type valu = O.t) = struct type t = O.t (* Given an exception value, we cannot recover its type, hence we cannot print its arguments in general. Here, we do a feeble attempt to print integer, string and float arguments... *) let outval_of_untyped_exception_args obj start_offset = if O.size obj > start_offset then begin let list = ref [] in for i = start_offset to O.size obj - 1 do let arg = O.field obj i in if not (O.is_block arg) then list := Oval_int (O.obj arg : int) :: !list (* Note: this could be a char or a constant constructor... *) else if O.tag arg = Obj.string_tag then list := Oval_string (String.escaped (O.obj arg : string)) :: !list else if O.tag arg = Obj.double_tag then list := Oval_float (O.obj arg : float) :: !list else list := Oval_constr (Oide_ident "_", []) :: !list done; List.rev !list end else [] let outval_of_untyped_exception bucket = if O.tag bucket <> 0 then Oval_constr (Oide_ident (O.obj (O.field bucket 0) : string), []) else let name = (O.obj(O.field(O.field bucket 0) 0) : string) in let args = if (name = "Match_failure" || name = "Assert_failure" || name = "Undefined_recursive_module") && O.size bucket = 2 && O.tag(O.field bucket 1) = 0 then outval_of_untyped_exception_args (O.field bucket 1) 0 else outval_of_untyped_exception_args bucket 1 in Oval_constr (Oide_ident name, args) (* The user-defined printers. Also used for some builtin types. *) let printers = ref ([ Pident(Ident.create "print_int"), Predef.type_int, (fun x -> Oval_int (O.obj x : int)); Pident(Ident.create "print_float"), Predef.type_float, (fun x -> Oval_float (O.obj x : float)); Pident(Ident.create "print_char"), Predef.type_char, (fun x -> Oval_char (O.obj x : char)); Pident(Ident.create "print_string"), Predef.type_string, (fun x -> Oval_string (O.obj x : string)); Pident(Ident.create "print_int32"), Predef.type_int32, (fun x -> Oval_int32 (O.obj x : int32)); Pident(Ident.create "print_nativeint"), Predef.type_nativeint, (fun x -> Oval_nativeint (O.obj x : nativeint)); Pident(Ident.create "print_int64"), Predef.type_int64, (fun x -> Oval_int64 (O.obj x : int64)) ] : (Path.t * type_expr * (O.t -> Outcometree.out_value)) list) let install_printer path ty fn = let print_val ppf obj = try fn ppf obj with | exn -> fprintf ppf "" Printtyp.path path in let printer obj = Oval_printer (fun ppf -> print_val ppf obj) in printers := (path, ty, printer) :: !printers let remove_printer path = let rec remove = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (p, ty, fn as printer) :: rem -> if Path.same p path then rem else printer :: remove rem in printers := remove !printers let find_printer env ty = let rec find = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (name, sch, printer) :: remainder -> if Ctype.moregeneral env false sch ty then printer else find remainder in find !printers (* Print a constructor or label, giving it the same prefix as the type it comes from. Attempt to omit the prefix if the type comes from a module that has been opened. *) let tree_of_qualified lookup_fun env ty_path name = match ty_path with | Pident id -> Oide_ident name | Pdot(p, s, pos) -> if try match (lookup_fun (Lident name) env).desc with | Tconstr(ty_path', _, _) -> Path.same ty_path ty_path' | _ -> false with Not_found -> false then Oide_ident name else Oide_dot (Printtyp.tree_of_path p, name) | Papply(p1, p2) -> Printtyp.tree_of_path ty_path let tree_of_constr = tree_of_qualified (fun lid env -> (Env.lookup_constructor lid env).cstr_res) and tree_of_label = tree_of_qualified (fun lid env -> (Env.lookup_label lid env).lbl_res) (* An abstract type *) let abstract_type = Ctype.newty (Tconstr (Pident (Ident.create "abstract"), [], ref Mnil)) (* The main printing function *) let outval_of_value max_steps max_depth check_depth env obj ty = let printer_steps = ref max_steps in let rec tree_of_val depth obj ty = decr printer_steps; if !printer_steps < 0 || depth < 0 then Oval_ellipsis else begin try find_printer env ty obj with Not_found -> match (Ctype.repr ty).desc with | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> Oval_stuff "" | Tarrow(_, ty1, ty2, _) -> Oval_stuff "" | Ttuple(ty_list) -> Oval_tuple (tree_of_val_list 0 depth obj ty_list) | Tconstr(path, [], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_exn -> tree_of_exception depth obj | Tconstr(path, [ty_arg], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_list -> if O.is_block obj then match check_depth depth obj ty with Some x -> x | None -> let rec tree_of_conses tree_list obj = if !printer_steps < 0 || depth < 0 then Oval_ellipsis :: tree_list else if O.is_block obj then let tree = tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj 0) ty_arg in let next_obj = O.field obj 1 in tree_of_conses (tree :: tree_list) next_obj else tree_list in Oval_list (List.rev (tree_of_conses [] obj)) else Oval_list [] | Tconstr(path, [ty_arg], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_array -> let length = O.size obj in if length > 0 then match check_depth depth obj ty with Some x -> x | None -> let rec tree_of_items tree_list i = if !printer_steps < 0 || depth < 0 then Oval_ellipsis :: tree_list else if i < length then let tree = tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj i) ty_arg in tree_of_items (tree :: tree_list) (i + 1) else tree_list in Oval_array (List.rev (tree_of_items [] 0)) else Oval_array [] | Tconstr (path, [ty_arg], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_lazy_t -> if Lazy.lazy_is_val (O.obj obj) then let v = tree_of_val depth (Lazy.force (O.obj obj)) ty_arg in Oval_constr (Oide_ident "lazy", [v]) else Oval_stuff "" | Tconstr(path, ty_list, _) -> begin try let decl = Env.find_type path env in match decl with | {type_kind = Type_abstract; type_manifest = None} -> Oval_stuff "" | {type_kind = Type_abstract; type_manifest = Some body} -> tree_of_val depth obj (try Ctype.apply env decl.type_params body ty_list with Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type) | {type_kind = Type_variant constr_list} -> let tag = if O.is_block obj then Cstr_block(O.tag obj) else Cstr_constant(O.obj obj) in let {cd_id;cd_args;cd_res} = Datarepr.find_constr_by_tag tag constr_list in let type_params = match cd_res with Some t -> begin match (Ctype.repr t).desc with Tconstr (_,params,_) -> params | _ -> assert false end | None -> decl.type_params in let ty_args = List.map (function ty -> try Ctype.apply env type_params ty ty_list with Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type) cd_args in tree_of_constr_with_args (tree_of_constr env path) (Ident.name cd_id) 0 depth obj ty_args | {type_kind = Type_record(lbl_list, rep)} -> begin match check_depth depth obj ty with Some x -> x | None -> let rec tree_of_fields pos = function | [] -> [] | {ld_id; ld_type} :: remainder -> let ty_arg = try Ctype.apply env decl.type_params ld_type ty_list with Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type in let name = Ident.name ld_id in (* PR#5722: print full module path only for first record field *) let lid = if pos = 0 then tree_of_label env path name else Oide_ident name and v = tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj pos) ty_arg in (lid, v) :: tree_of_fields (pos + 1) remainder in Oval_record (tree_of_fields 0 lbl_list) end with Not_found -> (* raised by Env.find_type *) Oval_stuff "" | Datarepr.Constr_not_found -> (* raised by find_constr_by_tag *) Oval_stuff "" end | Tvariant row -> let row = Btype.row_repr row in if O.is_block obj then let tag : int = O.obj (O.field obj 0) in let rec find = function | (l, f) :: fields -> if Btype.hash_variant l = tag then match Btype.row_field_repr f with | Rpresent(Some ty) | Reither(_,[ty],_,_) -> let args = tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj 1) ty in Oval_variant (l, Some args) | _ -> find fields else find fields | [] -> Oval_stuff "" in find row.row_fields else let tag : int = O.obj obj in let rec find = function | (l, _) :: fields -> if Btype.hash_variant l = tag then Oval_variant (l, None) else find fields | [] -> Oval_stuff "" in find row.row_fields | Tobject (_, _) -> Oval_stuff "" | Tsubst ty -> tree_of_val (depth - 1) obj ty | Tfield(_, _, _, _) | Tnil | Tlink _ -> fatal_error "Printval.outval_of_value" | Tpoly (ty, _) -> tree_of_val (depth - 1) obj ty | Tpackage _ -> Oval_stuff "" end and tree_of_val_list start depth obj ty_list = let rec tree_list i = function | [] -> [] | ty :: ty_list -> let tree = tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj i) ty in tree :: tree_list (i + 1) ty_list in tree_list start ty_list and tree_of_constr_with_args tree_of_cstr cstr_name start depth obj ty_args = let lid = tree_of_cstr cstr_name in let args = tree_of_val_list start depth obj ty_args in Oval_constr (lid, args) and tree_of_exception depth bucket = let slot = if O.tag bucket <> 0 then bucket else O.field bucket 0 in let name = (O.obj(O.field slot 0) : string) in let lid = Longident.parse name in try (* Attempt to recover the constructor description for the exn from its name *) let cstr = Env.lookup_constructor lid env in let path = match cstr.cstr_tag with Cstr_exception (p, _) -> p | _ -> raise Not_found in (* Make sure this is the right exception and not an homonym, by evaluating the exception found and comparing with the identifier contained in the exception bucket *) if not (EVP.same_value slot (EVP.eval_path path)) then raise Not_found; tree_of_constr_with_args (fun x -> Oide_ident x) name 1 depth bucket cstr.cstr_args with Not_found | EVP.Error -> match check_depth depth bucket ty with Some x -> x | None -> outval_of_untyped_exception bucket in tree_of_val max_depth obj ty end