(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Typechecking of type expressions for the core language *) open Misc open Parsetree open Types open Ctype exception Already_bound type error = Unbound_type_variable of string | Unbound_type_constructor of Longident.t | Type_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int | Bound_type_variable of string | Recursive_type | Unbound_class of Longident.t | Unbound_row_variable of Longident.t | Type_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list | Alias_type_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list exception Error of Location.t * error (* Translation of type expressions *) let type_variables = ref (Tbl.empty : (string, type_expr) Tbl.t) let aliases = ref (Tbl.empty : (string, type_expr) Tbl.t) let saved_type_variables = ref ([] : (string, type_expr) Tbl.t list) let used_variables = ref (Tbl.empty : (string, type_expr) Tbl.t) let bindings = ref ([] : (Location.t * type_expr * type_expr) list) (* These two variables are used for the "delayed" policy. *) let reset_type_variables () = reset_global_level (); type_variables := Tbl.empty; saved_type_variables := [] let narrow () = increase_global_level (); saved_type_variables := !type_variables :: !saved_type_variables let widen () = restore_global_level (); match !saved_type_variables with tv :: rem -> type_variables := tv; saved_type_variables := rem | [] -> assert false let enter_type_variable strict name = try let v = Tbl.find name !type_variables in if strict then raise Already_bound; v with Not_found -> let v = new_global_var() in type_variables := Tbl.add name v !type_variables; v let type_variable loc name = try Tbl.find name !type_variables with Not_found -> raise(Error(loc, Unbound_type_variable ("'" ^ name))) type policy = Fixed | Extensible | Delayed let rec transl_type env policy styp = match styp.ptyp_desc with Ptyp_any -> new_global_var() | Ptyp_var name -> begin try Tbl.find name !aliases with Not_found -> match policy with Fixed -> begin try Tbl.find name !type_variables with Not_found -> raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_type_variable ("'" ^ name))) end | Extensible -> begin try Tbl.find name !type_variables with Not_found -> let v = new_global_var () in type_variables := Tbl.add name v !type_variables; v end | Delayed -> begin try Tbl.find name !used_variables with Not_found -> try let v1 = Tbl.find name !type_variables in let v2 = new_global_var () in used_variables := Tbl.add name v2 !used_variables; bindings := (styp.ptyp_loc, v1, v2)::!bindings; v2 with Not_found -> let v = new_global_var () in type_variables := Tbl.add name v !type_variables; used_variables := Tbl.add name v !used_variables; v end end | Ptyp_arrow(st1, st2) -> let ty1 = transl_type env policy st1 in let ty2 = transl_type env policy st2 in newty (Tarrow(ty1, ty2)) | Ptyp_tuple stl -> newty (Ttuple(List.map (transl_type env policy) stl)) | Ptyp_constr(lid, stl) -> let (path, decl) = try Env.lookup_type lid env with Not_found -> raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_type_constructor lid)) in if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_arity_mismatch(lid, decl.type_arity, List.length stl))); let args = List.map (transl_type env policy) stl in let params = List.map (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar ()) args in let cstr = newty (Tconstr(path, params, ref Mnil)) in begin try Ctype.enforce_constraints env cstr with Unify trace -> raise (Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch trace)) end; List.iter2 (fun (sty, ty) ty' -> try unify env ty ty' with Unify trace -> raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch trace))) (List.combine stl args) params; cstr | Ptyp_object fields -> newobj (transl_fields env policy fields) | Ptyp_class(lid, stl) -> if policy = Fixed then raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_row_variable lid)); let lid2 = match lid with Longident.Lident s -> Longident.Lident ("#" ^ s) | Longident.Ldot(r, s) -> Longident.Ldot (r, "#" ^ s) | Longident.Lapply(_, _) -> fatal_error "Typetexp.transl_type" in let (path, decl) = try Env.lookup_type lid2 env with Not_found -> raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_class lid)) in if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_arity_mismatch(lid, decl.type_arity, List.length stl))); let args = List.map (transl_type env policy) stl in let ty = try Ctype.expand_head env (newty (Tconstr(path, args, ref Mnil))) with Unify trace -> raise (Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch trace)) in let params = Ctype.instance_list decl.type_params in List.iter2 (fun (sty, ty') ty -> try unify env ty ty' with Unify trace -> raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch trace))) (List.combine stl args) params; ty | Ptyp_alias(st, alias) -> if Tbl.mem alias !type_variables || Tbl.mem alias !aliases then raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias)) else let ty' = newvar () in aliases := Tbl.add alias ty' !aliases; let ty = transl_type env policy st in begin try unify env ty ty' with Unify trace -> raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace)) end; ty and transl_fields env policy = function [] -> newty Tnil | {pfield_desc = Pfield_var} as field::_ -> if policy = Fixed then raise(Error(field.pfield_loc, Unbound_type_variable "..")); newvar () | {pfield_desc = Pfield(s, e)}::l -> let ty1 = transl_type env policy e in let ty2 = transl_fields env policy l in newty (Tfield (s, Fpresent, ty1, ty2)) let transl_simple_type env fixed styp = aliases := Tbl.empty; let typ = transl_type env (if fixed then Fixed else Extensible) styp in aliases := Tbl.empty; typ let transl_simple_type_delayed env styp = aliases := Tbl.empty; used_variables := Tbl.empty; bindings := []; let typ = transl_type env Delayed styp in let b = !bindings in aliases := Tbl.empty; used_variables := Tbl.empty; bindings := []; (typ, function () -> List.iter (function (loc, t1, t2) -> try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace -> raise (Error(loc, Type_mismatch trace))) b) let transl_type_scheme env styp = reset_type_variables(); begin_def(); let typ = transl_simple_type env false styp in end_def(); generalize typ; typ (* Error report *) open Formatmsg open Printtyp let report_error = function Unbound_type_variable name -> print_string "Unbound type parameter "; print_string name | Unbound_type_constructor lid -> print_string "Unbound type constructor "; longident lid | Type_arity_mismatch(lid, expected, provided) -> open_box 0; print_string "The type constructor "; longident lid; print_space(); print_string "expects "; print_int expected; print_string " argument(s),"; print_space(); print_string "but is here applied to "; print_int provided; print_string " argument(s)"; close_box() | Bound_type_variable name -> print_string "Already bound type parameter "; print_string name | Recursive_type -> print_string "This type is recursive" | Unbound_class lid -> print_string "Unbound class "; longident lid | Unbound_row_variable lid -> print_string "Unbound row variable in #"; longident lid | Type_mismatch trace -> Printtyp.unification_error true trace (function () -> print_string "This type") (function () -> print_string "should be an instance of type") | Alias_type_mismatch trace -> Printtyp.unification_error true trace (function () -> print_string "This alias is bound to type") (function () -> print_string "but is used as an instance of type")