/***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* OCaml */ /* */ /* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt */ /* */ /* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */ /* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */ /* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Based on public-domain code from Berkeley Yacc */ #include #include "defs.h" /* The line size must be a positive integer. One hundred was chosen */ /* because few lines in Yacc input grammars exceed 100 characters. */ /* Note that if a line exceeds LINESIZE characters, the line buffer */ /* will be expanded to accomodate it. */ #define LINESIZE 100 char *cache; int cinc, cache_size; int ntags, tagmax; char **tag_table; char saw_eof, unionized; char *cptr, *line; int linesize; bucket *goal; int prec; int gensym; char last_was_action; int maxitems; bucket **pitem; int maxrules; bucket **plhs; int name_pool_size; char *name_pool; char line_format[] = "# %d \"%s\"\n"; void start_rule (register bucket *bp, int s_lineno); void cachec(int c) { assert(cinc >= 0); if (cinc >= cache_size) { cache_size += 256; cache = REALLOC(cache, cache_size); if (cache == 0) no_space(); } cache[cinc] = c; ++cinc; } void get_line(void) { register FILE *f = input_file; register int c; register int i; if (saw_eof || (c = getc(f)) == EOF) { if (line) { FREE(line); line = 0; } cptr = 0; saw_eof = 1; return; } if (line == 0 || linesize != (LINESIZE + 1)) { if (line) FREE(line); linesize = LINESIZE + 1; line = MALLOC(linesize); if (line == 0) no_space(); } i = 0; ++lineno; for (;;) { line[i] = c; if (++i >= linesize) { linesize += LINESIZE; line = REALLOC(line, linesize); if (line == 0) no_space(); } if (c == '\n') { line[i] = '\0'; cptr = line; return; } c = getc(f); if (c == EOF) { saw_eof = 1; c = '\n'; } } } char * dup_line(void) { register char *p, *s, *t; if (line == 0) return (0); s = line; while (*s != '\n') ++s; p = MALLOC(s - line + 1); if (p == 0) no_space(); s = line; t = p; while ((*t++ = *s++) != '\n') continue; return (p); } void skip_comment(void) { register char *s; int st_lineno = lineno; char *st_line = dup_line(); char *st_cptr = st_line + (cptr - line); s = cptr + 2; for (;;) { if (*s == '*' && s[1] == '/') { cptr = s + 2; FREE(st_line); return; } if (*s == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_comment(st_lineno, st_line, st_cptr); s = cptr; } else ++s; } } char *substring (char *str, int start, int len) { int i; char *buf = MALLOC (len+1); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < len; i++){ buf[i] = str[start+i]; } buf[i] = '\0'; /* PR#4796 */ return buf; } void parse_line_directive (void) { int i = 0, j = 0; int line_number = 0; char *file_name = NULL; again: if (line == 0) return; if (line[i] != '#') return; ++ i; while (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') ++ i; if (line[i] < '0' || line[i] > '9') return; while (line[i] >= '0' && line[i] <= '9'){ line_number = line_number * 10 + line[i] - '0'; ++ i; } while (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') ++ i; if (line[i] == '"'){ ++ i; j = i; while (line[j] != '"' && line[j] != '\0') ++j; if (line[j] == '"'){ file_name = substring (line, i, j - i); if (file_name == NULL) no_space (); } } lineno = line_number - 1; if (file_name != NULL){ if (virtual_input_file_name != NULL) FREE (virtual_input_file_name); virtual_input_file_name = file_name; } get_line (); goto again; } int nextc(void) { register char *s; if (line == 0) { get_line(); parse_line_directive (); if (line == 0) return (EOF); } s = cptr; for (;;) { switch (*s) { case '\n': get_line(); parse_line_directive (); if (line == 0) return (EOF); s = cptr; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r': case '\v': case ',': case ';': ++s; break; case '\\': cptr = s; return ('%'); case '/': if (s[1] == '*') { cptr = s; skip_comment(); s = cptr; break; } else if (s[1] == '/') { get_line(); parse_line_directive (); if (line == 0) return (EOF); s = cptr; break; } /* fall through */ default: cptr = s; return (*s); } } } int keyword(void) { register int c; char *t_cptr = cptr; c = *++cptr; if (isalpha(c)) { cinc = 0; for (;;) { if (isalpha(c)) { if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c); cachec(c); } else if (isdigit(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$') cachec(c); else break; c = *++cptr; } cachec(NUL); if (strcmp(cache, "token") == 0 || strcmp(cache, "term") == 0) return (TOKEN); if (strcmp(cache, "type") == 0) return (TYPE); if (strcmp(cache, "left") == 0) return (LEFT); if (strcmp(cache, "right") == 0) return (RIGHT); if (strcmp(cache, "nonassoc") == 0 || strcmp(cache, "binary") == 0) return (NONASSOC); if (strcmp(cache, "start") == 0) return (START); if (strcmp(cache, "union") == 0) return (UNION); if (strcmp(cache, "ident") == 0) return (IDENT); } else { ++cptr; if (c == '{') return (TEXT); if (c == '%' || c == '\\') return (MARK); if (c == '<') return (LEFT); if (c == '>') return (RIGHT); if (c == '0') return (TOKEN); if (c == '2') return (NONASSOC); } syntax_error(lineno, line, t_cptr); /*NOTREACHED*/ return 0; } void copy_ident(void) { register int c; register FILE *f = output_file; c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); if (c != '"') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); ++outline; fprintf(f, "#ident \""); for (;;) { c = *++cptr; if (c == '\n') { fprintf(f, "\"\n"); return; } putc(c, f); if (c == '"') { putc('\n', f); ++cptr; return; } } } void copy_text(void) { register int c; int quote; register FILE *f = text_file; int need_newline = 0; int t_lineno = lineno; char *t_line = dup_line(); char *t_cptr = t_line + (cptr - line - 2); if (*cptr == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_text(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr); } fprintf(f, line_format, lineno, input_file_name); loop: c = *cptr++; switch (c) { case '\n': putc('\n', f); need_newline = 0; get_line(); if (line) goto loop; unterminated_text(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr); case '"': { int s_lineno = lineno; char *s_line = dup_line(); char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line - 1); quote = c; putc(c, f); for (;;) { c = *cptr++; putc(c, f); if (c == quote) { need_newline = 1; FREE(s_line); goto loop; } if (c == '\n') unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); if (c == '\\') { c = *cptr++; putc(c, f); if (c == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); } } } } case '\'': putc(c, f); if (cptr[0] != 0 && cptr[0] != '\\' && cptr[1] == '\'') { fwrite(cptr, 1, 2, f); cptr += 2; } else if (cptr[0] == '\\' && isdigit((unsigned char) cptr[1]) && isdigit((unsigned char) cptr[2]) && isdigit((unsigned char) cptr[3]) && cptr[4] == '\'') { fwrite(cptr, 1, 5, f); cptr += 5; } else if (cptr[0] == '\\' && cptr[2] == '\'') { fwrite(cptr, 1, 3, f); cptr += 3; } goto loop; case '(': putc(c, f); need_newline = 1; c = *cptr; if (c == '*') { int c_lineno = lineno; char *c_line = dup_line(); char *c_cptr = c_line + (cptr - line - 1); putc('*', f); ++cptr; for (;;) { c = *cptr++; putc(c, f); if (c == '*' && *cptr == ')') { putc(')', f); ++cptr; FREE(c_line); goto loop; } if (c == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_comment(c_lineno, c_line, c_cptr); } } } need_newline = 1; goto loop; case '%': case '\\': if (*cptr == '}') { if (need_newline) putc('\n', f); ++cptr; FREE(t_line); return; } /* fall through */ default: putc(c, f); need_newline = 1; goto loop; } } void copy_union(void) { register int c; int quote; int depth; int u_lineno = lineno; char *u_line = dup_line(); char *u_cptr = u_line + (cptr - line - 6); if (unionized) over_unionized(cptr - 6); unionized = 1; if (!lflag) fprintf(text_file, line_format, lineno, input_file_name); fprintf(text_file, "typedef union"); if (dflag) fprintf(union_file, "typedef union"); depth = 1; cptr++; loop: c = *cptr++; putc(c, text_file); if (dflag) putc(c, union_file); switch (c) { case '\n': get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_union(u_lineno, u_line, u_cptr); goto loop; case '{': ++depth; goto loop; case '}': --depth; if (c == '}' && depth == 0) { fprintf(text_file, " YYSTYPE;\n"); FREE(u_line); return; } goto loop; case '\'': case '"': { int s_lineno = lineno; char *s_line = dup_line(); char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line - 1); quote = c; for (;;) { c = *cptr++; putc(c, text_file); if (dflag) putc(c, union_file); if (c == quote) { FREE(s_line); goto loop; } if (c == '\n') unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); if (c == '\\') { c = *cptr++; putc(c, text_file); if (dflag) putc(c, union_file); if (c == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); } } } } case '(': c = *cptr; if (c == '*') { int c_lineno = lineno; char *c_line = dup_line(); char *c_cptr = c_line + (cptr - line - 1); putc('*', text_file); if (dflag) putc('*', union_file); ++cptr; for (;;) { c = *cptr++; putc(c, text_file); if (dflag) putc(c, union_file); if (c == '*' && *cptr == ')') { putc(')', text_file); if (dflag) putc(')', union_file); ++cptr; FREE(c_line); goto loop; } if (c == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_comment(c_lineno, c_line, c_cptr); } } } goto loop; default: goto loop; } } int hexval(int c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (c - '0'); if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return (c - 'A' + 10); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return (c - 'a' + 10); return (-1); } bucket * get_literal(void) { register int c, quote; register int i; register int n; register char *s; register bucket *bp; int s_lineno = lineno; char *s_line = dup_line(); char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line); quote = *cptr++; cinc = 0; for (;;) { c = *cptr++; if (c == quote) break; if (c == '\n') unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); if (c == '\\') { char *c_cptr = cptr - 1; c = *cptr++; switch (c) { case '\n': get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); continue; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': n = c - '0'; c = *cptr; if (IS_OCTAL(c)) { n = (n << 3) + (c - '0'); c = *++cptr; if (IS_OCTAL(c)) { n = (n << 3) + (c - '0'); ++cptr; } } if (n > MAXCHAR) illegal_character(c_cptr); c = n; break; case 'x': c = *cptr++; n = hexval(c); if (n < 0 || n >= 16) illegal_character(c_cptr); for (;;) { c = *cptr; i = hexval(c); if (i < 0 || i >= 16) break; ++cptr; n = (n << 4) + i; if (n > MAXCHAR) illegal_character(c_cptr); } c = n; break; case 'a': c = 7; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; } } cachec(c); } FREE(s_line); n = cinc; s = MALLOC(n); if (s == 0) no_space(); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) s[i] = cache[i]; cinc = 0; if (n == 1) cachec('\''); else cachec('"'); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { c = ((unsigned char *)s)[i]; if (c == '\\' || c == cache[0]) { cachec('\\'); cachec(c); } else if (isprint(c)) cachec(c); else { cachec('\\'); switch (c) { case 7: cachec('a'); break; case '\b': cachec('b'); break; case '\f': cachec('f'); break; case '\n': cachec('n'); break; case '\r': cachec('r'); break; case '\t': cachec('t'); break; case '\v': cachec('v'); break; default: cachec(((c >> 6) & 7) + '0'); cachec(((c >> 3) & 7) + '0'); cachec((c & 7) + '0'); break; } } } if (n == 1) cachec('\''); else cachec('"'); cachec(NUL); bp = lookup(cache); bp->class = TERM; if (n == 1 && bp->value == UNDEFINED) bp->value = *(unsigned char *)s; FREE(s); return (bp); } int is_reserved(char *name) { char *s; if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(name, "$accept") == 0 || strcmp(name, "$end") == 0) return (1); if (name[0] == '$' && name[1] == '$' && isdigit((unsigned char) name[2])) { s = name + 3; while (isdigit((unsigned char) *s)) ++s; if (*s == NUL) return (1); } return (0); } bucket * get_name(void) { register int c; cinc = 0; for (c = *cptr; IS_IDENT(c); c = *++cptr) cachec(c); cachec(NUL); if (is_reserved(cache)) used_reserved(cache); return (lookup(cache)); } int get_number(void) { register int c; register int n; n = 0; for (c = *cptr; isdigit(c); c = *++cptr) n = 10*n + (c - '0'); return (n); } char * get_tag(void) { register int c; register int i; register char *s; char *t_line = dup_line(); long bracket_depth; cinc = 0; bracket_depth = 0; while (1) { c = *++cptr; if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); if (c == '\n') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); if (c == '>' && 0 == bracket_depth && cptr[-1] != '-') break; if (c == '[') ++ bracket_depth; if (c == ']') -- bracket_depth; cachec(c); } ++cptr; cachec(NUL); for (i = 0; i < ntags; ++i) { if (strcmp(cache, tag_table[i]) == 0) return (tag_table[i]); } if (ntags >= tagmax) { tagmax += 16; tag_table = (char **) (tag_table ? REALLOC(tag_table, tagmax*sizeof(char *)) : MALLOC(tagmax*sizeof(char *))); if (tag_table == 0) no_space(); } s = MALLOC(cinc); if (s == 0) no_space(); strcpy(s, cache); tag_table[ntags] = s; ++ntags; FREE(t_line); return (s); } void declare_tokens(int assoc) { register int c; register bucket *bp; char *tag = 0; if (assoc != TOKEN) ++prec; c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); if (c == '<') { tag = get_tag(); c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); } for (;;) { if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$') bp = get_name(); else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') bp = get_literal(); else return; if (bp == goal) tokenized_start(bp->name); bp->class = TERM; if (tag) { if (bp->tag && tag != bp->tag) retyped_warning(bp->name); bp->tag = tag; } if (assoc == TOKEN) { bp->true_token = 1; } else { if (bp->prec && prec != bp->prec) reprec_warning(bp->name); bp->assoc = assoc; bp->prec = prec; } if (strcmp(bp->name, "EOF") == 0) bp->value = 0; c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); if (isdigit(c)) { int value = get_number(); if (bp->value != UNDEFINED && value != bp->value) revalued_warning(bp->name); bp->value = value; c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); } } } void declare_types(void) { register int c; register bucket *bp; char *tag; c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); if (c != '<') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); tag = get_tag(); for (;;) { c = nextc(); if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$') bp = get_name(); else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') bp = get_literal(); else return; if (bp->tag && tag != bp->tag) retyped_warning(bp->name); bp->tag = tag; } } void declare_start(void) { register int c; register bucket *bp; static int entry_counter = 0; for (;;) { c = nextc(); if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '.' && c != '$') return; bp = get_name(); if (bp->class == TERM) terminal_start(bp->name); bp->entry = ++entry_counter; if (entry_counter == 256) too_many_entries(); } } void read_declarations(void) { register int c, k; cache_size = 256; cache = MALLOC(cache_size); if (cache == 0) no_space(); for (;;) { c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); if (c != '%') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); switch (k = keyword()) { case MARK: return; case IDENT: copy_ident(); break; case TEXT: copy_text(); break; case UNION: copy_union(); break; case TOKEN: case LEFT: case RIGHT: case NONASSOC: declare_tokens(k); break; case TYPE: declare_types(); break; case START: declare_start(); break; } } } void output_token_type(void) { bucket * bp; int n; fprintf(interface_file, "type token =\n"); if (!rflag) ++outline; fprintf(output_file, "type token =\n"); n = 0; for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next) { if (bp->class == TERM && bp->true_token) { fprintf(interface_file, " | %s", bp->name); fprintf(output_file, " | %s", bp->name); if (bp->tag) { /* Print the type expression in parentheses to make sure that the constructor is unary */ fprintf(interface_file, " of (%s)", bp->tag); fprintf(output_file, " of (%s)", bp->tag); } fprintf(interface_file, "\n"); if (!rflag) ++outline; fprintf(output_file, "\n"); n++; } } fprintf(interface_file, "\n"); if (!rflag) ++outline; fprintf(output_file, "\n"); } void initialize_grammar(void) { nitems = 4; maxitems = 300; pitem = (bucket **) MALLOC(maxitems*sizeof(bucket *)); if (pitem == 0) no_space(); pitem[0] = 0; pitem[1] = 0; pitem[2] = 0; pitem[3] = 0; nrules = 3; maxrules = 100; plhs = (bucket **) MALLOC(maxrules*sizeof(bucket *)); if (plhs == 0) no_space(); plhs[0] = 0; plhs[1] = 0; plhs[2] = 0; rprec = (short *) MALLOC(maxrules*sizeof(short)); if (rprec == 0) no_space(); rprec[0] = 0; rprec[1] = 0; rprec[2] = 0; rassoc = (char *) MALLOC(maxrules*sizeof(char)); if (rassoc == 0) no_space(); rassoc[0] = TOKEN; rassoc[1] = TOKEN; rassoc[2] = TOKEN; } void expand_items(void) { maxitems += 300; pitem = (bucket **) REALLOC(pitem, maxitems*sizeof(bucket *)); if (pitem == 0) no_space(); } void expand_rules(void) { maxrules += 100; plhs = (bucket **) REALLOC(plhs, maxrules*sizeof(bucket *)); if (plhs == 0) no_space(); rprec = (short *) REALLOC(rprec, maxrules*sizeof(short)); if (rprec == 0) no_space(); rassoc = (char *) REALLOC(rassoc, maxrules*sizeof(char)); if (rassoc == 0) no_space(); } void advance_to_start(void) { register int c; register bucket *bp; char *s_cptr; int s_lineno; for (;;) { c = nextc(); if (c != '%') break; s_cptr = cptr; switch (keyword()) { case MARK: no_grammar(); case TEXT: copy_text(); break; case START: declare_start(); break; default: syntax_error(lineno, line, s_cptr); } } c = nextc(); if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '.' && c != '_') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); bp = get_name(); if (goal == 0) { if (bp->class == TERM) terminal_start(bp->name); goal = bp; } s_lineno = lineno; c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF(); if (c != ':') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); start_rule(bp, s_lineno); ++cptr; } int at_first; void start_rule(register bucket *bp, int s_lineno) { if (bp->class == TERM) terminal_lhs(s_lineno); bp->class = NONTERM; if (nrules >= maxrules) expand_rules(); plhs[nrules] = bp; rprec[nrules] = UNDEFINED; rassoc[nrules] = TOKEN; at_first = 1; } void end_rule(void) { if (!last_was_action) default_action_error(); last_was_action = 0; if (nitems >= maxitems) expand_items(); pitem[nitems] = 0; ++nitems; ++nrules; } void insert_empty_rule(void) { register bucket *bp, **bpp; assert(cache); sprintf(cache, "$$%d", ++gensym); bp = make_bucket(cache); last_symbol->next = bp; last_symbol = bp; bp->tag = plhs[nrules]->tag; bp->class = NONTERM; if ((nitems += 2) > maxitems) expand_items(); bpp = pitem + nitems - 1; *bpp-- = bp; while ((bpp[0] = bpp[-1])) --bpp; if (++nrules >= maxrules) expand_rules(); plhs[nrules] = plhs[nrules-1]; plhs[nrules-1] = bp; rprec[nrules] = rprec[nrules-1]; rprec[nrules-1] = 0; rassoc[nrules] = rassoc[nrules-1]; rassoc[nrules-1] = TOKEN; } void add_symbol(void) { register int c; register bucket *bp; int s_lineno = lineno; char *ecptr = cptr; c = *cptr; if (c == '\'' || c == '"') bp = get_literal(); else bp = get_name(); c = nextc(); if (c == ':') { end_rule(); start_rule(bp, s_lineno); ++cptr; return; } if (last_was_action) syntax_error (lineno, line, ecptr); last_was_action = 0; if (++nitems > maxitems) expand_items(); pitem[nitems-1] = bp; } void copy_action(void) { register int c; register int i, n; int depth; int quote; bucket *item; char *tagres; register FILE *f = action_file; int a_lineno = lineno; char *a_line = dup_line(); char *a_cptr = a_line + (cptr - line); if (last_was_action) syntax_error (lineno, line, cptr); last_was_action = 1; /* fprintf(f, "(* Rule %d, file %s, line %d *)\n", nrules-2, input_file_name, lineno); */ if (sflag) fprintf(f, "yyact.(%d) <- (fun __caml_parser_env ->\n", nrules-2); else fprintf(f, "; (fun __caml_parser_env ->\n"); n = 0; for (i = nitems - 1; pitem[i]; --i) ++n; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { item = pitem[nitems + i - n - 1]; if (item->class == TERM && !item->tag) continue; fprintf(f, " let _%d = ", i); if (item->tag) fprintf(f, "(Parsing.peek_val __caml_parser_env %d : %s) in\n", n - i, item->tag); else if (sflag) fprintf(f, "Parsing.peek_val __caml_parser_env %d in\n", n - i); else fprintf(f, "(Parsing.peek_val __caml_parser_env %d : '%s) in\n", n - i, item->name); } fprintf(f, " Obj.repr(\n"); fprintf(f, line_format, lineno, input_file_name); for (i = 0; i < cptr - line; i++) fputc(' ', f); fputc ('(', f); depth = 1; cptr++; loop: c = *cptr; if (c == '$') { if (isdigit((unsigned char) cptr[1])) { ++cptr; i = get_number(); if (i <= 0 || i > n) unknown_rhs(i); item = pitem[nitems + i - n - 1]; if (item->class == TERM && !item->tag) illegal_token_ref(i, item->name); fprintf(f, "_%d", i); goto loop; } } if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '$') { do { putc(c, f); c = *++cptr; } while (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '$'); goto loop; } if (c == '}' && depth == 1) { fprintf(f, ")\n# 0\n "); cptr++; tagres = plhs[nrules]->tag; if (tagres) fprintf(f, " : %s))\n", tagres); else if (sflag) fprintf(f, "))\n"); else fprintf(f, " : '%s))\n", plhs[nrules]->name); if (sflag) fprintf(f, "\n"); FREE(a_line); return; } putc(c, f); ++cptr; switch (c) { case '\n': get_line(); if (line) goto loop; unterminated_action(a_lineno, a_line, a_cptr); case '{': ++depth; goto loop; case '}': --depth; goto loop; case '"': { int s_lineno = lineno; char *s_line = dup_line(); char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line - 1); quote = c; for (;;) { c = *cptr++; putc(c, f); if (c == quote) { FREE(s_line); goto loop; } if (c == '\n') unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); if (c == '\\') { c = *cptr++; putc(c, f); if (c == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr); } } } } case '\'': if (cptr[0] != 0 && cptr[0] != '\\' && cptr[1] == '\'') { fwrite(cptr, 1, 2, f); cptr += 2; } else if (cptr[0] == '\\' && isdigit((unsigned char) cptr[1]) && isdigit((unsigned char) cptr[2]) && isdigit((unsigned char) cptr[3]) && cptr[4] == '\'') { fwrite(cptr, 1, 5, f); cptr += 5; } else if (cptr[0] == '\\' && cptr[2] == '\'') { fwrite(cptr, 1, 3, f); cptr += 3; } goto loop; case '(': c = *cptr; if (c == '*') { int c_lineno = lineno; char *c_line = dup_line(); char *c_cptr = c_line + (cptr - line - 1); putc('*', f); ++cptr; for (;;) { c = *cptr++; putc(c, f); if (c == '*' && *cptr == ')') { putc(')', f); ++cptr; FREE(c_line); goto loop; } if (c == '\n') { get_line(); if (line == 0) unterminated_comment(c_lineno, c_line, c_cptr); } } } goto loop; default: goto loop; } } int mark_symbol(void) { register int c; register bucket *bp; c = cptr[1]; if (c == '%' || c == '\\') { cptr += 2; return (1); } if (c == '=') cptr += 2; else if ((c == 'p' || c == 'P') && ((c = cptr[2]) == 'r' || c == 'R') && ((c = cptr[3]) == 'e' || c == 'E') && ((c = cptr[4]) == 'c' || c == 'C') && ((c = cptr[5], !IS_IDENT(c)))) cptr += 5; else syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); c = nextc(); if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$') bp = get_name(); else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') bp = get_literal(); else { syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (rprec[nrules] != UNDEFINED && bp->prec != rprec[nrules]) prec_redeclared(); rprec[nrules] = bp->prec; rassoc[nrules] = bp->assoc; return (0); } void read_grammar(void) { register int c; initialize_grammar(); advance_to_start(); for (;;) { c = nextc(); if (c == '|' && at_first){ ++cptr; c = nextc(); } at_first = 0; if (c == EOF) break; if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$' || c == '\'' || c == '"') add_symbol(); else if (c == '{' || c == '=') copy_action(); else if (c == '|') { end_rule(); start_rule(plhs[nrules-1], 0); ++cptr; } else if (c == '%') { if (mark_symbol()) break; } else syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr); } end_rule(); } void free_tags(void) { register int i; if (tag_table == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < ntags; ++i) { assert(tag_table[i]); FREE(tag_table[i]); } FREE(tag_table); } void pack_names(void) { register bucket *bp; register char *p, *s, *t; name_pool_size = 13; /* 13 == sizeof("$end") + sizeof("$accept") */ for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next) name_pool_size += strlen(bp->name) + 1; name_pool = MALLOC(name_pool_size); if (name_pool == 0) no_space(); strcpy(name_pool, "$accept"); strcpy(name_pool+8, "$end"); t = name_pool + 13; for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next) { p = t; s = bp->name; while ((*t++ = *s++)) continue; FREE(bp->name); bp->name = p; } } void check_symbols(void) { register bucket *bp; if (goal->class == UNKNOWN) undefined_goal(goal->name); for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next) { if (bp->class == UNKNOWN) { undefined_symbol(bp->name); bp->class = TERM; } } } void pack_symbols(void) { register bucket *bp; register bucket **v; register int i, j, k, n; nsyms = 2; ntokens = 1; for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next) { ++nsyms; if (bp->class == TERM) ++ntokens; } start_symbol = ntokens; nvars = nsyms - ntokens; symbol_name = (char **) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(char *)); if (symbol_name == 0) no_space(); symbol_value = (short *) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(short)); if (symbol_value == 0) no_space(); symbol_prec = (short *) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(short)); if (symbol_prec == 0) no_space(); symbol_assoc = MALLOC(nsyms); if (symbol_assoc == 0) no_space(); symbol_tag = (char **) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(char *)); if (symbol_tag == 0) no_space(); symbol_true_token = (char *) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(char)); if (symbol_true_token == 0) no_space(); v = (bucket **) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(bucket *)); if (v == 0) no_space(); v[0] = 0; v[start_symbol] = 0; i = 1; j = start_symbol + 1; for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next) { if (bp->class == TERM) v[i++] = bp; else v[j++] = bp; } assert(i == ntokens && j == nsyms); for (i = 1; i < ntokens; ++i) v[i]->index = i; goal->index = start_symbol + 1; k = start_symbol + 2; while (++i < nsyms) if (v[i] != goal) { v[i]->index = k; ++k; } goal->value = 0; k = 1; for (i = start_symbol + 1; i < nsyms; ++i) { if (v[i] != goal) { v[i]->value = k; ++k; } } k = 0; for (i = 1; i < ntokens; ++i) { n = v[i]->value; if (n > 256) { for (j = k++; j > 0 && symbol_value[j-1] > n; --j) symbol_value[j] = symbol_value[j-1]; symbol_value[j] = n; } } if (v[1]->value == UNDEFINED) v[1]->value = 256; j = 0; n = 257; for (i = 2; i < ntokens; ++i) { if (v[i]->value == UNDEFINED) { while (j < k && n == symbol_value[j]) { while (++j < k && n == symbol_value[j]) continue; ++n; } v[i]->value = n; ++n; } } symbol_name[0] = name_pool + 8; symbol_value[0] = 0; symbol_prec[0] = 0; symbol_assoc[0] = TOKEN; symbol_tag[0] = ""; symbol_true_token[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < ntokens; ++i) { symbol_name[i] = v[i]->name; symbol_value[i] = v[i]->value; symbol_prec[i] = v[i]->prec; symbol_assoc[i] = v[i]->assoc; symbol_tag[i] = v[i]->tag; symbol_true_token[i] = v[i]->true_token; } symbol_name[start_symbol] = name_pool; symbol_value[start_symbol] = -1; symbol_prec[start_symbol] = 0; symbol_assoc[start_symbol] = TOKEN; symbol_tag[start_symbol] = ""; symbol_true_token[start_symbol] = 0; for (++i; i < nsyms; ++i) { k = v[i]->index; symbol_name[k] = v[i]->name; symbol_value[k] = v[i]->value; symbol_prec[k] = v[i]->prec; symbol_assoc[k] = v[i]->assoc; symbol_tag[i] = v[i]->tag; symbol_true_token[i] = v[i]->true_token; } FREE(v); } static unsigned char caml_ident_start[32] = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\376\377\377\207\376\377\377\007\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\377\177\377\377\377\177\377"; static unsigned char caml_ident_body[32] = "\000\000\000\000\200\000\377\003\376\377\377\207\376\377\377\007\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\377\177\377\377\377\177\377"; #define In_bitmap(bm,c) (bm[(unsigned char)(c) >> 3] & (1 << ((c) & 7))) static int is_polymorphic(char * s) { while (*s != 0) { char c = *s++; if (c == '\'' || c == '#') return 1; if (c == '[') { c = *s; while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') c = *++s; if (c == '<' || c == '>') return 1; } if (In_bitmap(caml_ident_start, c)) { while (In_bitmap(caml_ident_body, *s)) s++; } } return 0; } void make_goal(void) { static char name[7] = "'\\xxx'"; bucket * bp; bucket * bc; goal = lookup("%entry%"); ntotalrules = nrules - 2; for(bp = first_symbol; bp != 0; bp = bp->next) { if (bp->entry) { start_rule(goal, 0); if (nitems + 2> maxitems) expand_items(); name[2] = '0' + ((bp->entry >> 6) & 7); name[3] = '0' + ((bp->entry >> 3) & 7); name[4] = '0' + (bp->entry & 7); bc = lookup(name); bc->class = TERM; bc->value = (unsigned char) bp->entry; pitem[nitems++] = bc; pitem[nitems++] = bp; if (bp->tag == NULL) entry_without_type(bp->name); if (is_polymorphic(bp->tag)) polymorphic_entry_point(bp->name); fprintf(entry_file, "let %s (lexfun : Lexing.lexbuf -> token) (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf) =\n (Parsing.yyparse yytables %d lexfun lexbuf : %s)\n", bp->name, bp->entry, bp->tag); fprintf(interface_file, "val %s :\n (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> %s\n", bp->name, bp->tag); fprintf(action_file, "(* Entry %s *)\n", bp->name); if (sflag) fprintf(action_file, "yyact.(%d) <- (fun __caml_parser_env -> raise " "(Parsing.YYexit (Parsing.peek_val __caml_parser_env 0)))\n", ntotalrules); else fprintf(action_file, "; (fun __caml_parser_env -> raise " "(Parsing.YYexit (Parsing.peek_val __caml_parser_env 0)))\n"); ntotalrules++; last_was_action = 1; end_rule(); } } } void pack_grammar(void) { register int i, j; int assoc, prec; ritem = (short *) MALLOC(nitems*sizeof(short)); if (ritem == 0) no_space(); rlhs = (short *) MALLOC(nrules*sizeof(short)); if (rlhs == 0) no_space(); rrhs = (short *) MALLOC((nrules+1)*sizeof(short)); if (rrhs == 0) no_space(); rprec = (short *) REALLOC(rprec, nrules*sizeof(short)); if (rprec == 0) no_space(); rassoc = REALLOC(rassoc, nrules); if (rassoc == 0) no_space(); ritem[0] = -1; ritem[1] = goal->index; ritem[2] = 0; ritem[3] = -2; rlhs[0] = 0; rlhs[1] = 0; rlhs[2] = start_symbol; rrhs[0] = 0; rrhs[1] = 0; rrhs[2] = 1; j = 4; for (i = 3; i < nrules; ++i) { rlhs[i] = plhs[i]->index; rrhs[i] = j; assoc = TOKEN; prec = 0; while (pitem[j]) { ritem[j] = pitem[j]->index; if (pitem[j]->class == TERM) { prec = pitem[j]->prec; assoc = pitem[j]->assoc; } ++j; } ritem[j] = -i; ++j; if (rprec[i] == UNDEFINED) { rprec[i] = prec; rassoc[i] = assoc; } } rrhs[i] = j; FREE(plhs); FREE(pitem); } void print_grammar(void) { register int i, j, k; int spacing = 0; register FILE *f = verbose_file; if (!vflag) return; k = 1; for (i = 2; i < nrules; ++i) { if (rlhs[i] != rlhs[i-1]) { if (i != 2) fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "%4d %s :", i - 2, symbol_name[rlhs[i]]); spacing = strlen(symbol_name[rlhs[i]]) + 1; } else { fprintf(f, "%4d ", i - 2); j = spacing; while (--j >= 0) putc(' ', f); putc('|', f); } while (ritem[k] >= 0) { fprintf(f, " %s", symbol_name[ritem[k]]); ++k; } ++k; putc('\n', f); } } void reader(void) { virtual_input_file_name = substring (input_file_name, 0, strlen (input_file_name)); create_symbol_table(); read_declarations(); output_token_type(); read_grammar(); make_goal(); free_symbol_table(); free_tags(); pack_names(); check_symbols(); pack_symbols(); pack_grammar(); free_symbols(); print_grammar(); }