libogg documentation

libogg release 1.3.0 - 20110804

General Functions

Libogg contains several functions which are generally useful when using Ogg streaming, whether encoding or decoding.

All the libogg specific functions are declared in "ogg/ogg.h".

These functions can be used to manipulate some of the basic elements of Ogg - streams and pages. Streams and pages are important during both the encode and decode process.
function purpose
ogg_stream_init Initializes an Ogg bitstream.
ogg_stream_clear Clears the storage within the Ogg stream, but does not free the stream itself.
ogg_stream_reset Resets the stream status to its initial position.
ogg_stream_destroy Frees the entire Ogg stream.
ogg_stream_check Check for asyncronous errors.
ogg_stream_eos Indicates whether we are at the end of the stream.
ogg_page_version Returns the version of ogg_page that this stream/page uses
ogg_page_continued Indicates if the current page contains a continued packet from the last page.
ogg_page_packets Indicates the number of packets contained in a page.
ogg_page_bos Indicates if the current page is the beginning of the stream.
ogg_page_eos Indicates if the current page is the end of the stream.
ogg_page_granulepos Returns the precise playback location of this page.
ogg_page_serialno Returns the unique serial number of the logical bitstream associated with this page.
ogg_page_pageno Returns the sequential page number for this page.
ogg_packet_clear Clears the ogg_packet structure.
ogg_page_checksum_set Checksums an ogg_page.

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Ogg Container Format

libogg documentation

libogg release 1.3.0 - 20110804