.TH ISCSI_GEN_INITIATORNAME 8 "Dec 2021" "" "Linux Administrator's Manual" .SH NAME iscsi-gen-initiatorname \- smart iSCSI initiator name generation tool .SH SYNOPSIS .BI iscsi-gen-initiatorname [OPTIONS] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .B iscsi-gen-initiatorname generates a unique iSCSI node name on every invocation. If iBFT is in use, the iBFT-registered initiator name will be used. .P If there is an existing initiator name, it will not be overwritten unless the \fB-f\fP option is supplied. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI [-h] Display a help message and exit. .TP .BI [-f] Force overwrite of existing initiator name, if present. .TP .BI [-p] \fIIQN-PREFIX\fP Use \fIIQN-PREFIX\fP as the prefix to the IQN generated, instead of the default of \fBiqn.1996-04.de.suse:01\fP. .SH FILES .TP /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi The file containing the initiator name. Do not edit manually. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR iscsi-iname (8) .SH AUTHORS Open-iSCSI project .br Hannes Reinecke .br Lee Duncan