.TH ISCSID 8 "July 2005" "" "Linux Administrator's Manual" .SH NAME iscsid \- Open-iSCSI daemon .SH SYNOPSIS .BI iscsid [OPTION] .SH "DESCRIPTION" The .B iscsid implements the control path of iSCSI protocol, plus some management facilities. For example, the daemon could be configured to automatically re-start discovery at startup, based on the contents of persistent iSCSI database. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI [-c|--config=]\fIconfig\-file\fP Read configuration from \fIconfig\-file\fR rather than the default \fI/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf\fR file. .TP .BI [-i|--initiatorname=]\fIiname\-file\fP Read initiator name from \fIiname\-file\fR rather than the default \fI/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi\fR file. .TP .BI [-f|--foreground] run .B iscsid in the foreground. .TP .BI [-d|--debug=]\fIdebug_level\fP print debugging information. Valid values for debug_level are 0 to 8. .TP .BI [-u|--uid=]\fIuid\fP run under user ID \fIuid\fR (default is the current user ID) .TP .BI [-g|--gid=]\fIgid\fP run under user group ID \fIgid\fR (default is the current user group ID). .TP .BI [-p|--pid=]\fIpid\-file\fP write process ID to \fIpid\-file\fR rather than the default \fI/var/run/iscsid.pid\fR .TP .BI [-h|--help] display this help and exit .TP .BI [-v|--version] display version and exit. .SH FILES .TP /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf The configuration file read by .B iscsid and .B iscsiadm on startup. .TP /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi The file containing the iSCSI initiatorname and initiatoralias read by .B iscsid and .B iscsiadm on startup. .TP /etc/iscsi/nodes Open-iSCSI persistent configuration database .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR iscsiadm (8) .SH AUTHORS Open-iSCSI project .br Alex Aizman .br Dmitry Yusupov